Скачать презентацию STOMACH RESECTION Position of the stomach in Скачать презентацию STOMACH RESECTION Position of the stomach in

7.Stomach (Eng).ppt

  • Количество слайдов: 52


Position of the stomach in the abdominal cavity. 1 — lig. hepatogastricum; 2 — Position of the stomach in the abdominal cavity. 1 — lig. hepatogastricum; 2 — lien; 3 — ventriculus; 4 — lig. gastrocolicum; 5 — duodenum; 6 —lig. hepatorenale; 7 — foramen epiploicum (Winslovi); 8 — lig. hepatoduodenale; 9 — vesica fellea; 10 — hepar; 11 — lig. teres hepatis.

Anatomic division of the stomach: 1. Cardia (pars cardiaca); 2. Fundus gastricus (fornix) – Anatomic division of the stomach: 1. Cardia (pars cardiaca); 2. Fundus gastricus (fornix) – fundus of stomach; 3. Corpus gasricum – body of stomach; 4. Pars pylorica – pyloric part of stomach; - antrum pyloricum – pyloric antrum; - canalis pyloricum – pyloric canal; 5. Pylorus.

 • Paries anterior; • Paries posterior; • Curvatura minor – lesser curvature of • Paries anterior; • Paries posterior; • Curvatura minor – lesser curvature of stomach; • Curvatura mayor – greater curvature of stomach; • Incisura cardialis; • Incisura angularis;

Anatomic division of stomach. 1 — fundus ventriculi; 2 — pars cardiaca; 3 — Anatomic division of stomach. 1 — fundus ventriculi; 2 — pars cardiaca; 3 — curvatura ventriculi major; 4 — corpus ventriculi; 5 — pars pylorica; 6 — antrum pylori; 7 — ostium pyloricum; 8 — curvatura ventriculi minor; 9 — ostium cardiacum.

Roentgenologic division of the stomach : 1. Saccus digestorius - Fundus gastricus (fornix); - Roentgenologic division of the stomach : 1. Saccus digestorius - Fundus gastricus (fornix); - Corpus gasricum; - Sinus ventriculi; 2. Canalis egestorius - Antrum pyloricum; - Pylorus.

Roentgenologic division of the stomach. 1 — polus cranialis; 2 — formix; 3 — Roentgenologic division of the stomach. 1 — polus cranialis; 2 — formix; 3 — pars cardiaca; 4 — corpus; 5 — sinus; 6 — polus caudalis; 7 — antrum pylori; 8 — pylorus: 9 — bulbus duodeni; 10 — angulus; 11 — cardia; 12 — oesophagus.

Ligaments of the stomach. А — anterior surface; B — posterior surface. 1 — Ligaments of the stomach. А — anterior surface; B — posterior surface. 1 — gastropancreatic ligament; 2 — pyloropancreatic ligament; 3 — gastrophrenic ligament; 4 — gastrosplenic ligament; 5 — gastrocolic ligament; 6 — hepatoduodenal ligament; 7 — hepatogastric ligament. = lesser omentum

Висцеральные ветви брюшной части аорты: 1 – pars abdominalis aortae; 2 – truncus coeliacus; Висцеральные ветви брюшной части аорты: 1 – pars abdominalis aortae; 2 – truncus coeliacus; 3 – a. gastrica sinistra; 4 – a. lienalis; 5 – a. hepatica communis; 6 – a. hepatica propria; 7 – r. dexter a. hepaticae propriae; 8 – r. sinister a. hepaticae propriae; 9 – a. cystica; 10 – a. gastrica dextra; 11 – a. gastroduodenalis; 12 – a. gastroepiploica dextra; 13 – a. gastroepiploica sinistra; 14 – a. pancreaticoduodenalis superior; 15 – a. mesenterica superior; 16 – a. colica media; 17 – a. colica dextra; 18 – a. ileocolica; 19 – a. appendicularis; 20 – arcus Riolani; 21 – a. mesenterica inferior; 22 - a. colica sinistra; 23 – a. sigmoidea; 24 – a. rectalis superior; 25 – a. iliaca communis; 26 – a. iliaca externa; 27 – a. iliaca interna.

Система воротной вены: 1 – vena portae hepatis; 2 – v. cystica; 3 – Система воротной вены: 1 – vena portae hepatis; 2 – v. cystica; 3 – v. gastrica sinistra; 4 - v. gastrica dextra; 5 - v. praepylorica; 6 - v. mesenterica superior; 7 - v. splenica; 8 - vv. jejunales; 9 - vv. ileales; 10 - v. gastro-omentalis (epiploica) dextra; 11 - vv. pancreaticae; 12 – vv. раncreaticoduodenales; 13 - v. ileocolica; 14 - v. appendicularis; 15 - v. colica dextra; 16 - v. colica media (intermedia); 17 – vv. pancreaticae; 18 - vv. gastricae breves; 19 - v. gastroomentalis (epiploica) sinistra; 20 - v. mesenterica inferior; 21 - v. colica sinistra; 22 - vv. sigmoideae; 23 - v. rectalis superior; 24 - v. iliaса communis; 25 - v. sacralis mediana; 26 - v. iliolumbalis.

Blood supply of the stomach. Lesser omentum and parietal peritoneum of the omental bursa Blood supply of the stomach. Lesser omentum and parietal peritoneum of the omental bursa are partly dissected. 1 — lien; 2 — aa. et vv. gastricae breves; 3 — a. et v. gastrica sinistra; 4 — truncus coeliacus; 5 — a. lienalis; 6 — a. hepatica communis; 7 — a. et v. gastro-epiploica sinistra; 8 — ventriculus; 9 — omentum majus; 10 — a. et v. gastro-epiploica dextra; 11 — duodenum; 12 — a. et v. gastrica dextra; 13 — a. et v. gastroduodenalis; 14 — ductus choledochus; 15 — v. cava inferior; 16 — v. portae; 17 — a. hepatica propria; 18 — hepar; 19 — vesica fellea.

1 - lig. coronarium hepatis; 2 - lig. hepatogastricum; 3 — foramen epiploicum; 4 1 - lig. coronarium hepatis; 2 - lig. hepatogastricum; 3 — foramen epiploicum; 4 -pancreas; 5 - spatium retroperitoneale; 6 - duodenum; 7 - radix mesenterii; 8 - jejunum ; 9 - mesocolon sigmoideum; 10 -rectum; 11 - excavatio rectovesicale; 12 - vesica urinaria; 13 -ileum ; 14 - omentum majus; 15 - peritoneum parietale; 16 - cavum peritonei; 17 - colon transversum; 18 - mesocolon transversum; 19 - bursa omentalis; 20 - ventriculus; 21 - hepar; 22 - diaphragma.

Types of approaches 1 – right transrectal incision (approach); 2 – upper middle incision; Types of approaches 1 – right transrectal incision (approach); 2 – upper middle incision; 3 – transversal incision; 4 – combined upper middle incision; 5 – combined transversal incision

1 — 1/2 of stomach; 2— 2/3 of stomach (in ulcers) border – transversal 1 — 1/2 of stomach; 2— 2/3 of stomach (in ulcers) border – transversal branch of left gastric artery that must be kept ; 3 — 3/4 of stomach (border passes from cardia to the splen’s lower pole) ; 4 — 4/5 of stomach; 5 —total. 3, 4, 5 – in cancers

Theodor Billroth (1829 - 1894) 29/01/1881 – 1 st stomach resection Theodor Billroth (1829 - 1894) 29/01/1881 – 1 st stomach resection

Billroth I Billroth I

Roux Roux

Billroth II Billroth II

Billroth II 1 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of thr greater curvature of stomach. Billroth II 1 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of thr greater curvature of stomach.

2 Mobilization of the stomach: partial dissection of lig. gastrocolicum, dissection of a. et 2 Mobilization of the stomach: partial dissection of lig. gastrocolicum, dissection of a. et v. gastro-epiploica sinistra.

3 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of a. et v. gastroepiploica dextra. 1 — 3 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of a. et v. gastroepiploica dextra. 1 — a. et v. gastroepiploica sinistra; 2 — lig. gastro-colicum; 3 — pancreas; 4 — a. et v. gastroepiploica dextra; 5 — ventriculus.

4 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the branches of a. et v. gastroduodenalis. 4 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the branches of a. et v. gastroduodenalis. 1 — ventriculus; 2 — pancreas; 3 — a. et v. gastroduodenalis; 4 — a. et v. gastroepiploica dextra.

5 Mobilization of the stomach: Forming an opening in the lesser omentum. 5 Mobilization of the stomach: Forming an opening in the lesser omentum.

6 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the lesser omentum between the forcepses. 6 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the lesser omentum between the forcepses.

7 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the а. et v. gastrica sinistra. 1 7 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the а. et v. gastrica sinistra. 1 — stomach; 2 — a. et v. gastrica sinistra; 3 — omentum minus; 4 — a. et v. gastriсa dextra.

8 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the a. et v. gastrica dextra. 1 8 Mobilization of the stomach: dissection of the a. et v. gastrica dextra. 1 — stomach; 2 — a. et v. gastrica dextra; 3 — omentum minus.

9 One loop of the jejunum is taken through opening in the mesentery transverse 9 One loop of the jejunum is taken through opening in the mesentery transverse colon.

10 Dissection of the duodenum between two forcepses. 10 Dissection of the duodenum between two forcepses.

11 Handling of the duodenal stump. 11 Handling of the duodenal stump.

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15

Handling of the duodenal stump using device “УКЛ-60”. Handling of the duodenal stump using device “УКЛ-60”.

16 Removing of the stomach (part of the stomach) 16 Removing of the stomach (part of the stomach)

17 17

18 18

19 19

20 20

21 21

22 22

23 23

24 Suturing the anastomosis with the edges of the opening in the mesentery transverse 24 Suturing the anastomosis with the edges of the opening in the mesentery transverse colon.

Vagotomy Vagotomy

These are the most common epithelial polyps of the stomach. These are the most common epithelial polyps of the stomach.

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