- Количество слайдов: 58
Стилистические приемы и выразительные средства
1. Фонетические выразительные средства и стилистически е приемы • • - аллитерация (ассонанс) -ономатопея -рифма -ритм
Ономатопея • Стилистический прием, основанный на сочетании звуков речи, направленное на имитацию звуков, производимых природными объектами, неодушевленными предметами, людьми или животными
Прямая ономатопея • ding-dong, buzz, bang, cuckoo, tintinabulation, mew, pingpong, roar…
Переносное значение ономатопоэтических слов • ding-dong: 1) noisy, 2) strenuously contested. a ding-dong struggle, a ding-dong go at something. headline: DING-DONG ROW OPENS ON BILL
Непрямая ономатопея • Комбинация звуков, которая направлена на имитацию определенных звуков в тексте: • 'And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain‘ (E. A. Poe)
Аллитерация • Фонетический стилистический прием, направленный на создание мелодического эффекта • The possessive instinct never stands still. Through florescence and feud, frosts and fires it follows the laws of progression. (Galsworthy)
• Tit for tat; blind as a bat, • betwixt and between; It is neck or nothing; • to rob Peter to pay Paul; • "Sense and Sensibility" ; "Pride and Prejudice" (Jane Austin); • "The School for Scandal" (Sheridan); • "A Book of Phrase and Fable" (Brewer).
Рифма: гласные и согласные • flesh—fresh—press • worth—forth; tale—tool—Treble—trouble; flung—long. • upon her honour—won her; bottom— forgot'em—shot him • love—prove, flood—brood, have-grave
aa …And gentle winds and waters near, Make music to the lonely ear. Each flower the dews have lightly wet, And in the sky the stars are met. (Byron)
abab I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils
abba We stood by a pond that winter day, And the Sun was white, as though chidden of God, And a few leaves lay on the starving sod; They had fallen from an ash and were gray
Внутренняя рифма • "I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers. " (Shelley) • "Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary. " (Рое)
Ритм • Стилистический прием, заключающийся в повторении определенной ритмической схемы: • ямб, • хорей, • дактиль, • амфибрахий, • анапест
Лексические стилистические приемы • Намеренное соположение слов с разными стилистическими значениями: бафос "Sooner shall heaven kiss earth—(here he fell sicker) Oh, Julia! what is every other woe? — (For God's sake let me have a glass of liquor; Pedro, Battista, help me down below) Julia, my love! — (you rascal, Pedro, quicker) — Oh, Julia! — (this curst vessel pitches so) — Beloved Julia, hear me still beseeching!" (Here he grew inarticulate with retching. )
• But oh? ambrosial cash! Ah! who would lose thee? When we no more can use, or even abuse thee! ("Don Juan") • "But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country's done for. "
"They grieved for those who perished with the cutter And also for the biscuit-casks and butter. "
• "heaviness of heart or rather stomach; " • "There's nought, no doubt, so much the spirit calms As rum and true religion" • ". . . his tutor and his spaniel" • "who loved philosophy and a good dinner" • "I cried upon my first wife's dying day And also when my second ran away. "
• "Will you oblige me by keeping your trap shut, darling? '
Взаимодействие прямого и контекстуального значения • Метафора • Метонимия • Ирония
Метафора • "Dear Nature is the kindest Mother still" • pearly teeth, voiceless sounds • "In the slanting beams that streamed through the open window the dust danced and was golden. " • "The leaves fell sorrowfully. "
«мертвые» (языковые) метафоры • • • 'a ray of hope', 'floods of tears', 'a storm of indignation', 'a flight of fancy', 'a gleam of mirth', 'a shadow of a smile'
Продленная метафора • "Mr. Pickwick bottled up his vengeance and corked it down. « to bottle up - 'to keep in check'; 'to conceal, to restrain, repress'.
• "Mr. Dombey's cup of satisfaction was so full at this moment, however, that he felt he could afford a drop or two of its contents, even to sprinkle on the dust in the by-path of his little daughter. "
Метонимия • the press = the personnel connected with a printing or publishing establishment', or for 'the newspaper and periodical literature which is printed by the printing press'. • The bench = 'magistrates and justices'. • A hand = a worker • the cradle = infancy, earliest stages, origin • the grave = death.
1. конкретная вещь вместо абстрактного понятия • "The camp, the pulpit and the law For rich men's sons are free. " (Shelley)
2. Контейнер вместо содержимого • The hall applauded.
3. Выражает отношения близости • "The round game table was boisterous and happy. "
4. Материал вместо изделия • "The marble spoke. "
5. Инструмент вместо действия • "As the sword is the worst argument that can be used, so should it be the last. "
Ирония Стилистический прием, реализующий одновременно оба значения: словарное и контекстуальное • "It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one's pocket. "
• "Never mind, " said the stranger, cutting the address very short, "said enough—no more; smart chap that cabman —handled his fives well; but if I'd been your friend in the green jemmy—damn me—punch his head—, Cod I would—pig's whisper—pieman too, —no gammon. " • "This coherent speech was interrupted by the entrance of the Rochester coachman, to announce that. . . "
Приемы основанные на взаимодействии прямого и производного логического значения – зевгма и каламбур
Зевгма • Использование слова в одном грамматическом отношении и в разных семантических с соседними словами • "Dora, plunging at once into privileged intimacy and into the middle of the room. " (B. Shaw)
• ". . . Whether the Nymph Shall stain her Honour or her new Brocade Or lose her Heart or necklace at a Ball. "
• ". . . And May's mother always stood on her gentility; and Dot's mother never stood on anything but her active little feet. "
Каламбур • Стилистический прием, основанный на взаимодействии нескольких хорошо известных значений слова или фразы • «The Importance of Being Earnest»
• "'Bow to the board, " said Bumble. Oliver brushed away two or three tears that were lingering in his eyes; and seeing no board but the table, fortunately bowed to that. ' (Dickens)
• What is the difference between a schoolmaster and an engine-driver? (One trains the mind and the other minds the train. )
Взаимодействие денотативного аспекта и эмотивного компонента значения • Междометие • Эпитет • Оксюморон
Междометия • Bah! Pooh! Gosh! Hush! Alas! • terrible!, awful!, great!, wonderful!, splendid!, fine!, man!, boy!
Эпитет • Атрибутивное слово или словосочетание (оборот), характеризующееся образностью • • 'formidable waves', 'heart-burning smile‘ 'destructive charms', 'glorious sight'
Эпитеты со стертой образностью • • • 'bright face', 'valuable connections', 'sweet smile', 'unearthly beauty', 'pitch darkness', 'thirsty deserts', 'deep feeling', 'classic example', 'powerful influence', 'sweet perfume'
«Живые» эпитеты • ". . . curly-headed good-for-nothing, аnd mischief-making monkey from his birth. " (Byron) • "It is this do-it-yourself, go-it-alone attitude that has thus far held back real development of the Middle East's river resources. "
• "the shadow of a smile"; • "a devil of a job" • ". . . he smiled brightly, neatly, efficiently, a military abbreviation of a smile « • "A devil of a sea rolls in that bay" • "A little Flying Dutchman of a cab" • ". . . a dog of a fellow" "her brute of a brother" • ". . . a long nightshirt of a mackintosh. . . "
Оксюморон • Сочетания двух слов с противоположными значениями • 'low skyscraper', 'sweet sorrow', • 'nice rascal', 'pleasantly ugly face', • 'horribly beautiful', ' a deafening silence'.
• 'awfully nice', • 'awfully glad', • 'terribly sorry'
Прием, основанный на взаимодействии логического и буквального значения • Антономазия • hooligan, boycott • "I say this to our American friends. Mr. Facing. Both-Ways does not get very far in this word. " (The Times) • I suspect that the Noes and Don't Knows would far outnumber the Yesses. " (The Spectator)
• Dunkirk = 'the evacuation of troops under heavy bombardment before it is too late'. • Sedan = ' a complete defeat', • Coventry — 'the destruction of a city by air raids'
Приемы, основанные на интенсификации определенной черты предмета или явления • • Сближение Парафраза Эвфемизм Гипербола
Сближение • 'The boy seems to be as clever as his mother‘ • "Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by glare" (Byron) • Формальные элементы структуры сближения: like, as, such as, as if, seem
• Emily Barton was very pink, very Dresdenchina-shepherdess-like. • "The Liberals have plunged for entry without considering its effects, while the Labour leaders like cautious bathers have put a timorous toe into the water and promptly withdrawn it. "
• treacherous as a snake, sly as a fox, busy as a bee, industrious as an ant, blind as a bat, faithful as a dog, to work like a horse, to be led like a sheep, to fly like a bird, to swim like a duck, stubborn as a mule, hungry as a bear, thirsty as a camel, to act like a puppy, playful as a kitten, vain (proud) as a peacock, slow as a tortoise
Парафраза • Более длинная формулировка вместо более короткого и точного выражения the cap and gown (student body); a gentleman of the long robe (a lawyer); the fair sex (women); my better half (my wife)
• "Improved financial support and less onerous work loads. " • Translation (by Clifton Daniel): "High pay and less work. "
Эвфемизм – слово или фраза, заменяющая другую более грубую или прямолинейную (противоположен вульгаризмам) • To die = 'to pass away, to expire, to be no more, to depart, to join the majority, to be gone, • (to kick the bucket, to give up the ghost, to go west - вульгаризмы).
«Политкорректные» эвфемизмы • Undernourishment of children in India = 'starvation‘ • A woman of a certain type = a prostitute, a whore • A confirmed bachelor = gay • You are being economical with truth = you are lying
Гипербола – намеренное преувеличение, доведенное до абсурда • 'A thousand pardons'; 'scared to death', 'immensely obliged; ' 'I'd give the world to see him. ' • Byron says: "When people say "I've told you fifty times" They mean to scold, and very often do. "