Steven Paul Jobs Steve Jobs was

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Описание презентации Steven Paul Jobs Steve Jobs was по слайдам

Steven Paul Jobs Steven Paul Jobs

 Steve Jobs was born Feb. 24, 1955.  Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs was born Feb. 24, 1955. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011.

 Steven Jobs - American entrepreneur,  designer and inventor, has been widely recognized as a Steven Jobs — American entrepreneur, designer and inventor, has been widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of a revolution in the field of personal computers. Co-founder, chairman and CEO of the corporation Apple.

 Steve Jobs invented the world's first computer, he called his mac - sour apple. Then Steve Jobs invented the world’s first computer, he called his mac — sour apple. Then he invented the i. Pad, i. Phone, i. Pod.

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