Скачать презентацию Steve Edlefsen Chair Audrey C Di Fiore Скачать презентацию Steve Edlefsen Chair Audrey C Di Fiore


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Steve Edlefsen, Chair Audrey C. Di. Fiore Steve Edlefsen, Chair Audrey C. Di. Fiore

Agenda • • • Chair Introduction IEEE Organization Chapter Organization RCICC Scope RCICC Vision Agenda • • • Chair Introduction IEEE Organization Chapter Organization RCICC Scope RCICC Vision

Chair Introduction • • • '79 B. S. Computer Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Chair Introduction • • • '79 B. S. Computer Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign '79 - '82 Hughes Aircraft Digital Signal Processing Department and VHSIC project. '82 - present TRW/Northrop Grumman Currently a staff engineer in the Digital Products Center of the Space and Technology Sector. Main technical interests: Digital signal processing, specifically, wavelets, neural nets and fuzzy logic. Also interested in communications, computer architecture, Perl and Java programming and computer graphics. Current position: FPGA/ASIC design for our satellite digital communication payloads. IEEE positions: CLAS Vice-Chair, Student Activities Chair, RCICC Chair IEEE societies: Signal Processing, Communications, Computational Intelligence Personal: Grew up in Champaign, Illinois. My father was a music professor at the U. of I. Actually saw John Bardeen once. Married in '82. Wife: Jo-Ann who also works at Northrop Grumman, in the same building in fact, so I must behave myself. Three kids: Kirsten (24), Alexander (21) and (Na)Tasha, 15. Four dogs: Pixel, Chimere, Gizmo and Topaz all shelties. Was president of the local residents association for 10 years. Served on the General Plan Advisory Committee and the Senior Housing Board. Formed the high school wrestling booster club. Other interests: Music, weightlifting, movies. Family home page: www. sprangle. com steve@sprangle. com edlefsen@ieee. org

Chair Introduction • • Inspiration – Don Meyer, Mike Briggs, et al of CLAS Chair Introduction • • Inspiration – Don Meyer, Mike Briggs, et al of CLAS – Tony Laviano, CLANN – Greg Shreve, Jim Anderson, TRW – Bart Kosko Chapters can provide closer contact with section members. Interest in R, CI and C, especially CI. R, CI and C – P. V. High School DARPA Challenge – Dana Middle School underwater robotics – FIRST Robotics – IEEE CLAS student branches: UCLA, CSULB, LMU, Devry – Cal. Tech • Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering – USC • USC Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA • Bart Kosko – TRW/NGC unmanned vehicles • Terrahawk • Global Hawk • Broad Area Maritime Surveilance (BAMS) • Fire Scout • Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS)

IEEE Organization The IEEE has*: » more than 370, 000 members, including more than IEEE Organization The IEEE has*: » more than 370, 000 members, including more than 80, 000 students, in over 160 countries. » 319 sections in ten geographic regions worldwide. » 1676 chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests. » more than 1, 526 student branches at colleges and universities in 80 countries. » 39 societies and 5 technical councils representing the wide range of technical interests. » 132 transactions, journals and magazines. » more than 450 IEEE sponsored or cosponsored conferences worldwide each year. » over 900 active IEEE standards and more than 400 in development.

IEEE Organization: Societies • • • Aerospace and Electronic Systems Antennas and Propagation Broadcast IEEE Organization: Societies • • • Aerospace and Electronic Systems Antennas and Propagation Broadcast Technology Circuits and Systems Communications Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology • Computational Intelligence • • • • • • • Computer Consumer Electronics Control Systems Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Education Electromagnetic Compatibility Electron Devices Engineering Management Engineering in Medicine and Biology Geoscience & Remote Sensing Industrial Electronics Industry Applications Information Theory Intelligent Transportation Systems Instrumentation and Measurement Lasers & Electro-Optics Magnetics Microwave Theory and Techniques Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Oceanic Engineering Power Electronics Power Engineering Product Safety Engineering Professional Communication Reliability • Robotics & Automation • • • Signal Processing Society on Social Implications of Technology Solid-State Circuits • Systems, Man, and Cybernetics • • Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Vehicular Technology

IEEE Organization IEEE Organization

Chapter Organization: Officers, Reporting • • Officers – Chair – Treasurer Reporting Requirements – Chapter Organization: Officers, Reporting • • Officers – Chair – Treasurer Reporting Requirements – Chapters are required to report meeting activity, financial activity and current officers. – Meeting reports should be submitted using the form L 31 ( www. ieee. org/L 31). There is a field available to additional email addresses so a copy can be provided to the Section Secretary. This form should be completed after each meeting. Two technical meetings per year are required. – A list of current officers , or change of officers during the year, should be submitted to the Section Secretary as soon as that information is available. – Financial information (income and expenses) should be submitted to the Section Treasurer at the end of each year. If your Chapter has a bank account, then bank account information and a copy of the year end bank statement should be included. In addition, you should be familiar with the bank signature card requirements (see B. 3) – Additional reporting may be required from the Society. For more information, see Chapter Reporting Requirements.

Chapter Organization: Financial, Operations, Bylaws • Financial – separate bank account – CLAS funds Chapter Organization: Financial, Operations, Bylaws • Financial – separate bank account – CLAS funds – Society rebates • Operations, Bylaws – elections – officers duties – executive committee meetings – committees • Chapter Meetings – proprietary information

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation • • • Designing and implementing intelligent machines and RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation • • • Designing and implementing intelligent machines and systems which can do work too dirty, too dangerous, too precise or too tedious for humans. – space exploration – human services and industries – manufacturing – medicine – defense – space and underwater exploration – service industries – disaster relief – manufacturing and assembly – entertainment – etc. Automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications, for example, factory, office, home, laboratory automation, or transportation systems to improve performance and productivity. Pushes the boundary on the level of intelligence and capability for many forms of autonomous, semi-autonomous and teleoperated machines.

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • One of the first robots was the RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • One of the first robots was the clepsydra or water clock, which was made in 250 B. C. It was created by Ctesibius of Alexandria, a Greek physicist and inventor. • The automata of Ancient Greece were intended as toys or tools for demonstrating basic scientific principles, including those built by Hero of Alexandria (sometimes known as Heron). When his writings on hydraulics, pneumatics, and mechanics were translated into Latin in the sixteenth century, Hero’s readers initiated reconstruction of his machines, which included siphons, a fire engine, a water organ, and various steam-powered devices.

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • Al-Jazari is credited for the first recorded RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • Al-Jazari is credited for the first recorded designs of a programmable automaton in the 13 th century as well as a set of humanoid automata. [2] • Villard de Honnecourt, in his 1230 s sketchbook, show plans for animal automata and an angel that perpetually turns to face the sun. • Leonardo da Vinci sketched a more complex automaton around the year 1495. • The Renaissance witnessed a considerable revival of interest in automata. • Descartes when he suggested that the bodies of animals are nothing more than complex machines • Seventeenth-century France was the birthplace of those ingenious mechanical toys that were to become prototypes for the engines of the industrial revolution. • The period 1860 to 1910 is known as "The Golden Age of Automata". During this period many small family based companies of Automata makers thrived in Paris.

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • The earliest remote control vehicles were built RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • The earliest remote control vehicles were built by Nikola Tesla in the 1890's. Tesla is best known as the inventor of AC electric power, radio (before Marconi), induction motors, Tesla coils, and other electrical devices. • Other early robots (1940's - 50's) were Grey Walter's "Elsie the tortoise" ("Machina speculatrix") and the Johns Hopkins "beast. “

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • "Shakey" was a small unstable box on wheels that used memory and logical reasoning to solve problems and navigate in its environment. It was developed by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Palo Alto, California in the 1960 s.

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • The General Electric Walking Truck was a RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • The General Electric Walking Truck was a large (3, 000 pounds) four legged robot that could walk up to four miles a hour. The walking truck was the first legged vehicle with a computer-brain, developed by Ralph Moser at General Electric Corp. in the 1960 s.

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • The first modern industrial robots were probably RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation: History • The first modern industrial robots were probably the "Unimates", created by George Devol and Joe Engleberger in the 1950's and 60's. Engleberger started the first robotics company, called "Unimation", and has been called the "father of robotics. "

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation • Chris von Alt, developer of Jason, the underwater RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation • Chris von Alt, developer of Jason, the underwater robot that gave the world the first peek inside the Titanic

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation • NGC Global Hawk RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation • NGC Global Hawk

RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation RCICC Scope: Robotics And Automation

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence • Developing theory, design, application, and development of biologically and RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence • Developing theory, design, application, and development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms emphasizing – neural networks – connectionist systems – genetic algorithms – evolutionary programming – fuzzy systems – hybrid intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained.

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence: History The Antikythera mechanismis believed by many to be an RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence: History The Antikythera mechanismis believed by many to be an ancient mechanical analog computer (as opposed to most computers today which are digital computers) designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was discovered in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, and has been dated to about 150 -100 BC.

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence: History • • Possibly the first person in the history RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence: History • • Possibly the first person in the history of formal logic to use a mechanical device to generate (so-called) logical proofs was the Spanish theologian Ramon Lull (1274) William of Ockham (1285 -1349) discovered the foundations for what were to become known as De. Morgan Transformations, which were described by Augustus De. Morgan some 500 years later. The first mechanical calculator may have been conceived by Leonardo da Vinci almost one hundred and fifty years earlier than Pascal's machine (1500) The first real logic machine, called the Stanhope Demonstrator, was invented in the early 1800 s by the British scientist and statesman Charles Stanhope (third Earl of Stanhope). In 1822, Babbage proposed building a machine called the Difference Engine to automatically calculate mathematical tables. 1937 AD Alan Turing invents the Turing Machine 1938 AD Claude Shannon's master's Thesis Lotfi Zadeh publishes his seminal work on fuzzy sets in 1965 in which he detailed the mathematics of fuzzy set theory

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence: History • • 1949 Hebb The Organization of Behavior – RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence: History • • 1949 Hebb The Organization of Behavior – Psychological learning. 1958 Roseblatt, the perceptron convergence theorum. 1963 Widrow and Hoff, LMS algorithm 1982 Hopfield energy function, statistical model and information storage in dynamically state neural networks. • 1982 Kohonen, self-organizing maps • 1986 Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams, the back-propagation algorithm • Rumelhart and Mc. Clelland, Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition.

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence Deep Blue RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence Deep Blue

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence M-5 Computer The M-5 makes it impossible for it to RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence M-5 Computer The M-5 makes it impossible for it to be disconnected. It becomes increasingly erratic, a result of Dr. Daystrom's impressing his brain engrams onto the computer. It attacks four other Federation starships. Kirk convinces it that it has committed the sin of murder and while the M-5 tries to commit suicide, they are able to disconnect the M-5 unit.

RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence “I feel much better now, Dave”. RCICC Scope: Computational Intelligence “I feel much better now, Dave”.

RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics • Promoting and advancing theory, practice, and interdisciplinary RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics • Promoting and advancing theory, practice, and interdisciplinary aspects of systems science and engineering, human-machine systems, and cybernetics. It is accomplished through conferences, publications, and other activities that contribute to the professional needs of its members. • Development of systems engineering technology including problem definition methods, modeling, and simulation, methods of system experimentation, human factors engineering, data and methods, systems design techniques and test and evaluation methods. • Integration of theories of communication, control, cybernetics, stochastics, optimization, and system structure towards the formulation of a general theory of systems. • Application at hardware and software levels to the analysis and design of biological, ecological, socio-economic, social service, computer information, and operational man-machine systems.

RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics Dr. David Gow, of the Prosthetics Research and RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics Dr. David Gow, of the Prosthetics Research and Development Team at Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital, made the first bionic arm called the Edinburgh Modular Arm System (EMAS) in 1998.

RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics Imagine a prosthetic knee system so smart that RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics Imagine a prosthetic knee system so smart that it automatically adapts to an individual's walking style and environment, learning continuously and optimizing control over time. The RHEO KNEE® is the world's first microprocessor swing and stance knee system to utilize the power of artificial intelligence. Capable of independent thought, it learns how the user walks, recognizing and responding immediately to changes in speed, load and terrain. http: //www. flexfoot. com/pages/2734

RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics The PROPRIO FOOT thinks for itself, responding beautifully RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics The PROPRIO FOOT thinks for itself, responding beautifully to changing terrain and transforming the approach to stairs and slopes, as well as level-ground walking. Angling itself appropriately, it also helps amputees to sit and stand up easily and more naturally. The PROPRIO FOOT™ also has a calibrated alignment control feature. Overall, the effect is a feeling of improved proprioception with a more balanced, symmetric and confident gait with reduced wear and tear on the back, hips and knees.

RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics: History • 1700 James Watt's steam engine was RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics: History • 1700 James Watt's steam engine was equipped with a governor, a centrifugal feedback valve for controlling the speed of the engine. • Norbert Wiener used the term “cybernetics” to denote the study of "teleological mechanisms" popularized by his book Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and Machine (1948). • The Biological Computer Lab at the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, under the direction of Heinz von Foerster, was a major center of cybernetic research for almost 20 years, beginning in 1958.

RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics RCICC Scope: [Systems, Man And] Cybernetics

RCICC Vision, Goals • • • Chapter meetings/symposiums, etc. – Technical – Moral implications RCICC Vision, Goals • • • Chapter meetings/symposiums, etc. – Technical – Moral implications – Effects on society Fundraising Working with corporations New membership Educational outreach programs – pre-collage – NGC – collage and post-grad RCICC network – forming a coalition of robotics, ci and cybernetics groups – CLANN http: //nanoworldusa. com/ Promotional ideas – t-shirts – videos and other media Newsletter Websites – http: //www. sprangle. com/steve/rcicc. htm – http: //www. ewh. ieee. org/r 6/coastal_la Weblogs/webforums

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology • • • CLANN http: //nanoworldusa. com/ – Dr. Tony RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology • • • CLANN http: //nanoworldusa. com/ – Dr. Tony Laviano – The Nanotechnology Center at LMU The latest “hot area” in technology Nanotechnology permits scientists to rearrange atoms and to build matter from the ground up – substance are rearranged with atomic precision. – any chemical structure that is not disallowed by the laws of physics can be rebuilt. – new building blocks can be created that produce materials with the exactly the desired properties, which are generally smaller, stronger and lighter than current technologies. Has fostered many small start-up companies that are seeking funding to pursue their business plans. Now used in digital electronics, communications systems, et al. – MEMS – nanoscopic mechanical mirrors used in packet switching Other examples: – nano tweezers that can pick up a molecule – tiny nano machines that can be injected into the blood stream via syringe to fight viruses

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotubes, minuscule cylinders of carbon atoms just a few RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotubes, minuscule cylinders of carbon atoms just a few nanometers across, are lightweight and stronger than steel, and they can conduct electricity. Sheets of nanotubes can now be easily manufactured.

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotubes nanotube cable elevator car GEO 35, 786 km RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotubes nanotube cable elevator car GEO 35, 786 km = 22, 236 miles earth

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes (the RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes (the "pea pod" in this illustration) can be used to make television displays that have higher resolution, better image quality, and more efficient operation than the best liquidcrystal displays or plasma screens on the market today.

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Nanoscale Machines Nanoscale machines, such as the simple pump that RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Nanoscale Machines Nanoscale machines, such as the simple pump that can be used to deliver chemicals or drugs shown in this model from the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, in Los Altos, Calif. , USA, would be built atom by atom. The design target was an effective, selective pump for neon.

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) An electrically-driven motor smaller than the diameter RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) An electrically-driven motor smaller than the diameter of a human hair Ratchet Drive

RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Optical Mirror RCICC Vision, Goals: Nanotechnology: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Optical Mirror

In Conclusion In Conclusion