Скачать презентацию Steps to Healthier Homes n Keep It Dry Скачать презентацию Steps to Healthier Homes n Keep It Dry


  • Количество слайдов: 42

Steps to Healthier Homes n Keep It: Dry Pest-Free Safe Maintained Clean Ventilated Contaminant-Free Steps to Healthier Homes n Keep It: Dry Pest-Free Safe Maintained Clean Ventilated Contaminant-Free 1

IOM Report Mold & Moisture Related Health Effects § § § Upper respiratory tract IOM Report Mold & Moisture Related Health Effects § § § Upper respiratory tract symptoms Coughing Wheezing Asthma symptoms Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 2

IOM Report Mold & Moisture Related Health Effects § § § Upper respiratory tract IOM Report Mold & Moisture Related Health Effects § § § Upper respiratory tract symptoms Coughing Wheezing Asthma symptoms Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 3

Dampness and Asthma Health Outcome Estimated % Increase in Damp Homes Upper respiratory tract Dampness and Asthma Health Outcome Estimated % Increase in Damp Homes Upper respiratory tract symptoms 52% Cough Wheeze Current asthma Ever-diagnosed asthma 50% 44% 50% 33%

Asthma Triggers Asthma Triggers

Adult Asthma Prevalence 2007 Source CDC 6 Adult Asthma Prevalence 2007 Source CDC 6

Moisture Sources § Poorly managed rainwater/groundwater — Poor roof, wall, window and foundation drainage Moisture Sources § Poorly managed rainwater/groundwater — Poor roof, wall, window and foundation drainage — Defects in rain barriers § § Plumbing leaks Household sources & condensation — Surfaces chilled by mechanical equipment, earth contact, outdoor air contact — Unvented space heaters — Showers, cooking, breathing § Air transported moisture § § Crawl space moisture or exterior humid air Construction moisture 7

Moisture Moves… n WET n n WET TO DRY WINTER TO DRY n WET Moisture Moves… n WET n n WET TO DRY WINTER TO DRY n WET TO DRY n SUMMER Source: Advanced Energy

Moisture Moves… n HOT n n TO HOT TO COLD WINTER COLD n HOT Moisture Moves… n HOT n n TO HOT TO COLD WINTER COLD n HOT TO COLD n SUMMER Source: Advanced Energy

How Water Enters a Building Leaks (liquid) Cooking, Bathing, Watering Plants, Breathing, Washing (water How Water Enters a Building Leaks (liquid) Cooking, Bathing, Watering Plants, Breathing, Washing (water vapor) Outside Air Holes, Windows Surfacewater (liquid) Air From Soil (water vapor) Groundwater (liquid) 10

11 11

Retrofit rainwater protection 12 Retrofit rainwater protection 12

Windows leak? 13 Windows leak? 13

Plumbing Leaks 14 Plumbing Leaks 14

Drain pan in the event of heater leak 15 Drain pan in the event of heater leak 15

16 16

ASTM 62. 2 Bathroom Exhaust 20 cfm continuous n 80 cfm intermittent controlled by: ASTM 62. 2 Bathroom Exhaust 20 cfm continuous n 80 cfm intermittent controlled by: switch, motion sensor, humidistat, etc n

Ducted ok? Damper work? Version 2. 2 19 Ducted ok? Damper work? Version 2. 2 19

Unsealable recessed light allows warm, moist air into the unheated attic. 20 Unsealable recessed light allows warm, moist air into the unheated attic. 20

Failed drainage systems. 21 Failed drainage systems. 21

Mold in the air conditioner? 22 Mold in the air conditioner? 22

Bad Crawlspaces may contain mold, pests, pesticides, asbestos, lead paint and sewer gas. An Bad Crawlspaces may contain mold, pests, pesticides, asbestos, lead paint and sewer gas. An apparently dry crawlspace can add excessive water vapor to a house. 23

Floor Above Crawl Space 24 Floor Above Crawl Space 24

Good Sealed Crawlspace 25 Good Sealed Crawlspace 25

Moisture meters are useful in determining whether a material is wet or not and Moisture meters are useful in determining whether a material is wet or not and tracing the source of problem water. 26

Address Interior Moisture First Moisture where you don’t want to insulate – attic sheathing Address Interior Moisture First Moisture where you don’t want to insulate – attic sheathing n Wet walls n Etc n 27

If humidity levels are greater than 95% for three to six weeks… Vacuum bag If humidity levels are greater than 95% for three to six weeks… Vacuum bag with mold 28

Ventilate Chimneys Bath and kitchen exhaust vents Combustion vents Fresh air inlet/outlet Ventilation intake Ventilate Chimneys Bath and kitchen exhaust vents Combustion vents Fresh air inlet/outlet Ventilation intake and exhaust Dryers Central vacuum outlet Version 2. 2 29

Whole House Ventilation -Run exhaust continuously -Provide fan powered outdoor air Local exhaust Furnace Whole House Ventilation -Run exhaust continuously -Provide fan powered outdoor air Local exhaust Furnace -Dryer -Bathroom -Kitchen Source: Camroden Associates

Ventilate Combustion Version 2. 2 31 Ventilate Combustion Version 2. 2 31

Is there an exhaust in the bathroom? Does it work? Version 2. 2 32 Is there an exhaust in the bathroom? Does it work? Version 2. 2 32

Testing Exhaust Fan: The Charmin Method Version 2. 2 33 Testing Exhaust Fan: The Charmin Method Version 2. 2 33

Energy Star Fans & Timers Energy Star Fans & Timers

n Fog never forms n Fog never forms

Version 2. 2 36 Version 2. 2 36

Filter Cooled or Heated Air Poorly sealed filter access panel Version 2. 2 37 Filter Cooled or Heated Air Poorly sealed filter access panel Version 2. 2 37

MERV Minimum Efficiency Rating Value (MERV) ASHRAE Standard 52. 2 – Efficiency in collecting MERV Minimum Efficiency Rating Value (MERV) ASHRAE Standard 52. 2 – Efficiency in collecting very small particles Version 2. 2 38

MERV Ratings MERV 1– 4 PARTICLE SIZE ( m) >10. 0 5– 8 3. MERV Ratings MERV 1– 4 PARTICLE SIZE ( m) >10. 0 5– 8 3. 0 – 10. 0 9 – 12 1. 0 – 3. 0 13 – 16 0. 3 – 1. 0 17 - 20 0. 3 TYPICAL CONTROLLED CONTAMINANT Pollen, sanding dust, textile and carpet fibers Mold, spores, hair spray, cement dust Legionella, lead dust, welding fumes Bacteria, most tobacco smoke, insecticide dust, copier toner Virus, combustion particles, radon progeny Version 2. 2 39

Moisture Assessment Wet spots/water – inside and outside n Mold/stains/rot – inside & outside Moisture Assessment Wet spots/water – inside and outside n Mold/stains/rot – inside & outside n Condensation/humidity – attic, living space, windows, basement/crawl space n — n Warning Signs: greater than 65% Rh in when AC on or greater 55% Rh inside when temp <45 degrees Always ask: what’s the moisture source and likely fix 40

Ventilation Assessment n Is existing ventilation working: — Bath fans exterior exhaust? Flow rates? Ventilation Assessment n Is existing ventilation working: — Bath fans exterior exhaust? Flow rates? — Kitchen fans exterior exhaust? Flow rates? — Dryer exterior exhaust? — Filter ratings n If tightening home, do we need added mechanical ventilation? 41

Health Related Work Practices n n n Venting dryers Installing bath fans Air sealing Health Related Work Practices n n n Venting dryers Installing bath fans Air sealing crawl spaces See Advanced Energy for resources www. advancedenergy. org 42