Скачать презентацию STEP-NC a new language for CNC machining and Скачать презентацию STEP-NC a new language for CNC machining and


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STEP-NC a new language for CNC machining and measurement Martin Hardwick STEP Tools, Inc. STEP-NC a new language for CNC machining and measurement Martin Hardwick STEP Tools, Inc. hardwick@steptools. com 518 687 -2848 x 306

Why STEP-NC • New information to make machining faster and more accurate – Supply Why STEP-NC • New information to make machining faster and more accurate – Supply chain interoperability – On machine feed-speed/tool-wear optimization – On machine simulation and collision detection – Closed loop machining and measurement CAD Design STEP CAPP CAM Plan STEP-NC CNC Machine

The STEP-NC Concept • New programming concepts – Workingsteps define operations – CAD tolerances The STEP-NC Concept • New programming concepts – Workingsteps define operations – CAD tolerances define quality – CAM tool paths define control STEP-NC AP-238 AB Tool Tilt BC Table Tilt

The STEP-NC Model geometry tolerance property workpiece as workpiece, stock, fixture, or tool shape The STEP-NC Model geometry tolerance property workpiece as workpiece, stock, fixture, or tool shape executable workplan, if/then, parallel, … S[0: ? ] geometry machining_feature pocket, plane, hole, region, machining_workingstep S[0: ? ] probe machining_operation plane milling, side milling, drilling, path geometry cross section feed override L[0: ? ] toolpath cutter location trajectory, cutter contact trajectory technology machine functions strategy tool ISO 13399 tool database

How to implement? • Add STEP export to your CAD systems. • Purchase tools How to implement? • Add STEP export to your CAD systems. • Purchase tools to build STEP-NC data – Convert APT or MCD (Machine Code Data) data – Integrate with CAD data – Verify machining processes • Purchase tools to make CNC operation more efficient – Automated feed-speed optimization – Automated measurement – Automated tool path correction

STEP-NC Explorer CAD CNC STEP-NC Machine CAM Explorer PDM “The STEP-NC Machine (Explorer ) STEP-NC Explorer CAD CNC STEP-NC Machine CAM Explorer PDM “The STEP-NC Machine (Explorer ) is a prototype system for creating, managing and optimizing STEP –NC data” • Integrate data from multiple data sources • Optimize machining on the control

Impeller Roughing Impeller Roughing

Impeller - Finishing Impeller - Finishing

Impeller Inspection Impeller Inspection

Tolerance Evaluation Tolerance Evaluation

Simulation Simulation

Cutting tools Cutting tools

Control Machining Control Machining

Business Benefits • • 15% faster machining TBD (To Be Done) % fewer mistakes Business Benefits • • 15% faster machining TBD (To Be Done) % fewer mistakes TBD% more data reuse TBD% more accurate machining