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Steering Committee Meeting SPM Slides (dmiitrii. mironov@dwd. de) 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
10. Overview of current status of WGs, PPs, PTs (70 min) • • WG 1, KENDA-O WG 2, CDIC, CELO WG 3 a, T 2(RC)2, Con. SAT 4 WG 3 b, CALMO-MAX, TERRA Nova, AEVUS, SAINT WG 4 current activities WG 5, INSPECT WG 6, CEL-ACCEL, POMPA (extension) WG 7, SPRED, CIAO Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
WG 1, KENDA-O Christoph Schraff Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Status Report for KENDA-O • Task 1: further development of LETKF scheme (conventional obs) MCH: 2 -year position on additive covariance inflation / regional B matrix: Claire Merker, visit at DWD in Jan. COMET: KENDA slightly worse than COMET-LETKF, continued investigation tests (at 2. 2 km at COMET, ARPAE; parallel suite with additive infl. at MCH, …) etc. understanding discrepancies betw. DWD and Meteo. Swiss KENDA results (most critical issue, see next slides) • Task 2: extended use of observations Mode-S operational at DWD (since 4 Oct. 2017) work on other obs types ongoing • Task 3: lower boundary: soil moisture analysis using satellite soil moisture data assimilation tests in parallel suite • Task 4: adaptation to ICON-LAM (re. C 2 I) schedule set up, main milestones: 12/18: consolidated ICON-LAM LETKF; 03/19: 3 DVAR + regional B-matrix + En. Var technically available; 07/19: parallel suite at DWD; risk: A. Rhodin will leave DWD end 03/18) KENDA-O status report COSMO STC Meeting, Offenbach, 1 – 2 March 2018 christoph. schraff@dwd. de 4
Critical issue in KENDA-O: discrepancies between Meteo. Swiss & DWD KENDA verif. results Meteo. Swiss analysis verification DWD verification Winter 2016 + 0 h COSMO-1 nudging COSMO-E KENDA COSMO-7 nudging KENDA analysis worse KENDA analysis not worse (without additive inflation) run experiment at DWD : comparison KENDA vs. Nudging for Dec. 2016 (winter, extended low stratus periods) DWD setup (KENDA, ICON-LBC, obs (no Mode-S)), but on Swiss COSMO-E domain ü DWD - standard verification: similar results as with COSMO-DE, but … KENDA-O status report COSMO STC Meeting, Offenbach, 1 – 2 March 2018 christoph. schraff@dwd. de 5
Investigation of discrepancies between Meteo. Swiss & DWD KENDA temperature RMSE DWD std. verif: MEC based on DWD ekf files with LETKF first guess check KENDA forecast slightly better 1 – 27 Dec 2016 MCH-style verif: MEC based on (Swiss) cdfin files no LETKF first guess check 1 – 26 Dec 2016 RMSE Reason for differences betw. the 2 plots: LETKF f. g. check rejects too many obs near strong inversions 1. (not optimal for data assimilation) 2. if MEC is applied to ekf files written by LETKF, these obs are not used in the verification tends to be blind (to differences betw. Nudging and LETKF) near strong inversions an underestimates errors particularly analyses KENDA forecast slightly better above 850 h. Pa, slightly worse near surface KENDA analysis much worse than nudging and than in DWD std verif at low levels KENDA-O status report COSMO STC Meeting, Offenbach, 1 – 2 March 2018 christoph. schraff@dwd. de 6
Investigation of discrepancies between Meteo. Swiss & DWD KENDA 6 – 24 h forecasts: radiosonde verification T RH wind speed wind dir. MEC based on Swiss cdfin files no LETKF first guess check 1 – 27 Dec 2016 MEC based on DWD cdfin files no LETKF first guess check KENDA vs. nudging 1 – 31 Dec 2016 MEC based on DWD ekf files with LETKF first guess check 1 – 27 Dec 2016 the way that MEC is applied, i. e. that verification is done, has rather little effect on forecast scores KENDA-O status report COSMO STC Meeting, Offenbach, 1 – 2 March 2018 christoph. schraff@dwd. de 7
Investigation of discrepancies between Meteo. Swiss & DWD KENDA ü performance differences between KENDA and nudging similar on Swiss domain as on COSMO-DE domain (e. g. low stratus, surface verif, standard radiosonde verif) ü COSMO (cdfin-based MEC) first guess check rejects almost no data ü LETKF first guess check rejects about 5% for T, RH and about 2. 5% for wind, particularly near inversions (and in stratosphere) too many good obs are rejected discrepancies in upper-air analysis scores at MCH and DWD are (apparently) mainly due to different quality control in verification, not due to difference in analysis and forecast performance of KENDA as a result of different model domains, ensemble LBC’s, data input, etc. the problem, i. e. the differences between the verification results, are understood solution: improve model, eliminate systematic model errors (long term, WG 3) refine first guess check in LETKF analysis (first implementation and test already done) KENDA-O status report COSMO STC Meeting, Offenbach, 1 – 2 March 2018 christoph. schraff@dwd. de 8
WG 2, CDIC, CELO Michale Baldauf Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
PP CELO Work done: • Migration with EULAG dynamical core (compressible) to the most recent version of COSMO 5. 4 h • Tuning of physical parameterizations of the CE model based on deliverables from the CALMO project • Preliminary work on implementation of tailored restart subroutine in the CE for Task 1: “implementation/coupling of ICON physics … … advice from SMC about the physics package required. ” SMC recommendation: from the experiences at DWD, we cannot recommend the new common COSMO-ICON-package! M. Baldauf (DWD) 10
PP EX-CELO Zbigniew Piotrowski delivered an updated version of the project plan (newest version from 15 Feb. 2018) for approval by STC Dmitrii poses the following questions: 1. how non-vanishing wind at the surface is reconciled with the non-slip condition for the velocity non-slip condition is replaced by the transfer scheme 2. what is meant by "explicitly solve fluxes at the 0 m level“ 3. what "adaptation of ICON physics to fully exploit 0 m level" specifically involves. These items had been discussed during the last SMC meeting. M. Baldauf (DWD) 11
PP CDIC Task 1: Idealized tests some tracer advection tests performed on COSMO side (see ‚New Bott scheme‘) These tracer advection tests will be accessible (via src_artifdata. f 90) in the next COSMO version. However, these tests still must be transferred to the ICON-LAM side. Task 5: Suitability of ICON dynamical core for other applications than NWP … First feedback from CLM community received. Larger recognised problem: open model top; instead relaxation analogous to COSMO might be required M. Baldauf (DWD) 12
The new Bott (2010) tracer advection scheme W. Schneider, A. Bott (Univ. Bonn) M. Baldauf (DWD) A closer inspection of the code delivered by Univ. Bonn (W. Schneider) shows two issues that should be solved: • a lot of field copying is used in an interface program (looks inefficient) also this code version is written in a rather ‚non COSMO like‘ style decision to rewrite the code completely • a more serious issue: the code does not parallelize correctly for CFL>1! This is not just a lack of exchange statements but a design problem in the advection scheme (as described in Bott (2010))! 3 proc. s: 1 proc. : 1 GP with CFL>1 Bott (2010) proposal: o oooooo o ? oooo ? not correctly parallelized M. Baldauf (DWD) 13
Summary: • To avoid these problems and beyond this to increase efficiency, MB developed a local time-stepping method for the Bott (2010) scheme • The reinvented/reimplemented new Bott scheme (i. e. Bott (2010) + local time-stepping) passes all idealised advection tests; in particular mass conservation violation looks ‚least pathological‘ • Verification of a hindcast run during summer: quite neutral scores in comparison with the current scheme (no numerical stability problems visible) • Efficiency gain with the new local time splitting method: the pure advection scheme is ~30% faster than the current one a whole COSMO-D 2 run is ~5. 5% faster! • Code ready for COSMO 5. 6 (good chance to go operational with CD 2) M. Baldauf (DWD) 14
Higher order scheme A. Will, J. Ogaja (Univ. Cottbus) (no progress on DWD side …) Next steps: • Transfer the code from version 5. 0 to 5. 5 ( M. Baldauf) • Run this new version on NUMEX ( M. Baldauf) • Deliver documentation (COSMO Sci. Doc. part I, possibly also a COSMO-TR (? )) ( A. Will) • expected availability for the official code version: ~June 2017 ~June 2018 (will not likely go operational within CD 2) M. Baldauf (DWD) 15
WG 3 a, T 2(RC)2, Con. SAT 4 Matthias Raschendorfer Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
PP T 2(RC)2 Highlights (Harel Muskatel, 23. 02. 2108) • Intensive running on ECMWF computers: tuning the new radiation scheme parameters (CALMO); runs are finished; analyzis is ongoing (some results will be presented by P. Khain at ICCARUS 2018). • Monte-Carlo spectral integration: finished and tested (talk by H. Muskatel at ICCARUS 2018). • Ice and water droplets new optical properties implemented are into ICONRRTM (same was done for COSMO); parametrizations were calculated by U. Blahak and H. Muskatel; implementation is performed by S. Gruber; testing is needed but it depends on the progress with ICON-LAM in IMS (Russia), not enough (CPU) power in Israel to run global tests. • ICON-ART aerosols are implemented into COSMO radiation scheme (almost finished); most of the coding work is finished (by D. Rieger and H. Muskatel). • Verifications is performed Chubarova et al. (talk at ICCARUS 2018). Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Along the aim of COSMO-SP to consider missing interactions: Increased set of diagnostic or prognostic variables: Mass fraction and number concentration of cloud constituents, precipitation and modified by SGS passive tracers processes (aerosols) feed-back with SGSprocesses Local parameterizations: Optical properties: optical thickness, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor and delta-transmission function PP T 2(RC)2 Cloud. Radiation microphysi transport cs Parameterizations of source terms integrated in GS parameterizations: Separatio n Parameterizations of SGS processes Turbulenc e interactio n Circulatio Surface and processes ns Soil- STI C PT Con. SAT
Testing & Tuning of Revised Cloud Radiation Coupling T 2(RC)2 PP: Status & Highlights since CGM in Israel Project leader: Harel Muskatel (IMS) Pavel Khain (IMS), Alon Shtivelman (IMS), Oliver Fuhrer (MCH), Xavier Lapillonne (MCH), Gdaly Rivin (RHM), Natalia Chubarova (RHM), Marina Shatunova (RHM), Alexey Poliukov (RHM), Alexander Krisanov (RHM) Ulrich Blahak (DWD), Daniel Rieger (DWD), Matthias Raschendorfer (DWD), Simon Gruber(KIT)
§ The highlights/news are: 1. Phase II accepted! 2. Intensive running on ECMWF computers (ongoing): o tuning the 30 new radiation scheme parameters (CALMO). o Fist set of runs is finished needs now to be analyzed. 1. Implementation of Monte-Carlo spectral integration into COSMO-radiation: o finished and sanity-tested 1. New optical properties for ice- and water-droplets implemented in ICON-RRTM: o same as what we did in COSMO. o The parametrizations were calculated by Uli. B and Harel M. o Implementation done by Simon Gruber 5. ICON-ART aerosols: o Implemented in COSMO radiation o Adaptation of INT 2 LM code for interpolation of ICON-ART fields
6. Implementation of CAMS aerosols into COSMO radiation scheme: o Optical properties adapted from ECMWF to COSMO 8 -band radiation o INT 2 LM and COSMO prepared to use mixing ratios of 5 different aerosolspecies taken from MACC o Coding, test-runs and documentation ready o Comparisons with different aerosol-data concluded (showed at CGM) o Inter-comparison with accurate measurements in cloudy conditions -> phase 2 7. Implementation of CAMS prognostic aerosols into COSMO microphysics: o Introducing the Segal&Khain-method to define cloud number concentration -> to be continued in Phase II o o Implementation into ice-nucleation scheme -> starting in Phase II Case studies, Inter-comparison and documentation -> Phase II
§ Further tasks for Phase II: 8. Standard-Verification with new cloud-radiation coupling including different aerosol input 9. Updating official COSMO version with the recent T 2(RC 2)-development 10. New combined scheme for SGS clouds o Investigation, whether components of the shallow convection parameterization by Boeing can be used for cloud-cover parameterization o New development of shallow convection, if necessary o Implementation of a proper combination with turbulent saturationadjustment (“statistical” cloud scheme) o Verification of revised combined scheme for SGC clouds against groundbase and satellite data
General and common WG 3 -Task “Consolidation of the Surface-to-Atmosphere (Con. SAT): according to a dynamically adapted list of actions being the base of past and (maybe) future PTs Current topic: Reformulation of surface-processes with respect to roughness-effects and numerical stability in TERRA and TURBTRAN Current contributors: Matthias Raschendorfer (DWD) Günther Zängl (DWD), (Jan-Peter S. , Jürgen H. ) COSMO Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Main lessen from previous Con. SAT tasks: ‒ Background-diffusion (BD), introduced, e. g. , by minimal diff. -coeff. , is a substitute of missing STIC terms (acting due to non-turbulent heterogeneity). ‒ If BD is applied in the BL even above a homogeneous surface, it partly destroys the stability reduction of SAT-velocity. ‒ Modifications in the description of the turbulent Prandtl-layer can hardly correct the main sources of current model-errors of the diurnal cycle of near surface variables! ‒ The process description of surface processes provides by far the largest potential for improvement!! COSMO Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
Case study: 23. 06. 2016 COSMO-DE with lateral boundaries from ICON-EU ü only for rather smooth surfaces; applied filter ü almost saturated soil due to long standing rain period before ü almost no clouds due to high pressure situation; + applied filter TD_2 m T_2 m still much too moist in the afternoon still much too cold during day-time nocturnal warm bias removed but perhaps a new nocturnal dry bias direct analysis of T_2 m and TD_2 m operational configuration Matthias Raschendorfer revised TURBDIFF imported from ICON Geneve 2017
Case study: 23. 06. 2016 COSMO-DE with lateral boundaries from ICON-EU ü only for rather smooth surfaces; applied filter ü almost saturated soil due to long standing rain period before ü almost no clouds due to high pressure situation; + applied filter TD_2 m T_2 m amplitude slightly overestimated removed cold bias in the afternoon! almost perfect double wave! still some problems during heating of the cover (stable stratification within the roughness layer) revised TURBDIFF direct analysis of T_2 m and TD_2 m imported from ICON revised TURBDIFF imported from ICON + new decoupled surface cover: Matthias Raschendorfer Geneve 2017
§ Another lessen from previous Con. SAT tasks: ‒ Direct process-parameterization can be substituted by empirical (statistical) hyper-parameterizations, trying to derive missing relations by diagnostics and sensitivity-experiments (trial&error). o What Günther has rather successfully done in ICON, e. g. , related to • Background-diffusion: to be substituted by STIC-terms • Roughness-effects for the snow-cover: to be substituted in the framework of a full R-layer description COSMO Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Illustration of a realistic surface concept: : indicator of the lowermost full atm. level may carry liquid or frozen interception water : area and indicator of total surface : area and indicator of the cover-surface (surface of all R-elements) : indicator of the snow-cover surface R-layer snow-cover : area and indicator of the bare-soil surface : indicator of the uppermost full soil level : indicator of the snow-cover surface : indicator of all snow-free surfaces ‒ Critical properties: o R-elements are substantial, semi-transparent and thermally loosely coupled to B. Ø Their Temperature T_c may be different from T_b, which is distinctive from T_b 1. Ø They may contain liquid and frozen interception water. Ø They can shade B from radiation. o Snow-free parts of S are mainly parts of C. Ø R-elements vanish within an increasing snow-cover. Ø Distribution of snow cover alters aerodynamic R-length (z 0) and short-wave albedo. o Coexistence of liquid water and ice possible. Ø Smooth transition due to variance of T_sf or T_sn. Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Illustration of the current idealized surface concept: increasing with snowwater level : indicator of the lowermost full atm. level only liquid interception water : area and indicator of total surface : area and indicator of the cover-surface (surface of all R-elements) : indicator of the snow-cover surface R-layer : area and indicator of the bare-soil surface : indicator of the uppermost full soil level : indicator of the snow-cover surface ‒ Current implementation: : indicator of all snow-free surfaces o Total land-use surface is a topographic enlargement of the horiz. ground by the factor SAI Ø thermally coupled with the soil like the bare-soil surface Ø with fractions of distinctive sf-evaporation: B, (wetted , transpirating or sealed) C o Only one sf surface-temperature T_sf=T_c=T_b 1. o R-elements carry only liquid interception water. o Mass (heat-capacity) of R-elements is neglected. o R-elements do not cover (shade) the bare-soil surface B, as they are rather a part of it. o R-layer is treated like a pure additional transport-resistance for sensible and latent heat. o Snow and rime are treated together and are concentrated in a single cover. o Snow follows surface-structure (no additional effect on z 0). Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Current state in operational ICON-TERRA: ‒ “dirty” fixes related to snow at a rough surface implemented by Günther Z. : o Melting snow: f_sf represents mainly the surface C of sf R-elements: Ø Snow is artificially “pushed together”. Ø f_sn<1, although snow may totally cover the soil-surface B. Ø Mean surface temperature T_s may become > 0°C, what was missing before! Ø But: Artificial bare-soil evaporation with T_sf>0°C at the fraction f_sn*B needs to be restricted by potential snow-evaporation! Ø Dynamic sn and sf sub-tiles prevent from a too fast melting of snow. o Frosty snow: sf R-elements can’t be treated similarly: Ø T_sf would become too warm as C is thermally not yet decoupled from B. Ø Calculating a reduced albedo of “dirty” snow dependent on snow-age and z 0. Ø f_sn may be as large as 1, although the surface C is sf. Ø “Dirty” snow (polluted by sf R-elements) gets only a bit warmer than pure snow. Ø But: Snow-evaporation is too strong and needs to be artificially restricted! o Rime: No longer treated as a contribution to snow: Ø Frozen R-elements can evaporate potentially even without a snow-cover Ø But: Enthalpy by freezing or melting of interception water not yet considered and interception of fresh snow not yet included! Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
o Plant-evaporation: reduction during late afternoon: Ø Introduction of a evaporation hysteresis due to restricted water supply through the stems v New implementation needs to reduce these fixes as far as possible but not more than still required!! § Our beleave: ‒ Most of these indirect “tricks” can be substituted via the full R-layer implementation!! COSMO Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Main aims with respect to an improved process-description: ‒ Better representation of effects caused by surface roughness also in combination with snow and interception-water o Semi-transparent and loosely coupled roughness cover: Ø Shading of the soil-surface B by the R-cover C (e. g. plants). Ø Different surface temperatures for pure soil (T_b) and R-elements (T_c). Ø Better adapted soil-evaporation and plant-transpiration. Ø Stronger thermal decoupling of C from B. Ø Improved diurnal cycle of near-surface variables. o Realistic treatment of snow and rime at a rough surface: Ø Allowing a sf roughness cover C above the snow-cover at B. Ø Allowing interception also of snow- or rime at C. Ø Modification of short-wave albedo dependent on snow-distribution. Ø Modification of roughness-structure by snow-cover. Ø Realization of a mean T_s > 0°C for a totally snow-covered soil Ø Revision of dynamic sn and sf sub-tiles. Ø Proper consideration of conversion-enthalpy of freezing or thawing of interception water. Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Main aims with respect to numerical represenatation: ‒ Improvement of numerical stability o Removal of T_s-oscillation and artificial flux-limiter: Ø Implicit treatment of T_sf and T_sn in near-surface heat-budgets. Ø Linear combination of heat-budgets of soil-layers, the roughness cover skin and the snow-cover. Ø Considering the implicit dependency of transfer-velocity for heat on T_s. Ø Implicit and positive-definite formulation of water-levels with respect to evaporation (of snow and interception water). Ø Removal of various artificial limitations. Ø Avoiding of artificial numerical sources due to implicit treatment. Ø Implicit formulation of freezing and melting of snow-water and soil-water. Ø Towards a smooth transition between water-phases. Ø Implicit and instantaneous integration of all sources of interception water Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
§ Current state of new implementation: ‒ Revised TERRA and TURBDIFF in ICON-branch: o Including all measures (green aims) with respect to implicit treatment of T_s o Contains also a separate equation for implicit T_sf o Various adaptions related to: Ø Calculation of snow-cover fraction f_sn Ø Formation of dynamic sub-tiles Ø Redistribution of variables for dynamic sub-tiles o A couple of consistency-checks performed: Ø Removal of various bugs mainly related to incomplete or inconsistent subtile redistribution Ø Now only slight differences to previous solution Ø Günther’s incomplete treatment frozen interc. -water so far deactivated! Ø Degree of vectorizations can be improved. o Shows already a lot from a previous test-implementation in the non-blocked COSMO-version of TERRA with has the following properties: • semi-transparent, loosely coupled and substantial R-cover treatment • but: without all snow- and interc. -water related conceptual and numerical adaptations. Ø Introduction of the missing extension towards the full R-cover treatment into the current ICON-branch with the revised treatment. Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
Ad I: Resulting matrix of the extended linear system: § All 2 + k_soil budgets are always present (even for f_sn=0 or f_sn=1) § They are linearly coupled in the temperatures: sn sf b 1 b 2 b 3 altere d creat ed … isc fes ifb § Can easily be tri-diagonalized by matrix-operations and solved by the standard solver § Partly reducible by parameters: isc: fes: ifb: degree of corrected implicit coupling of T_sn to the soil- and atm. temperatures degree of considered flux-equilibrium in diagnostics of T_sf degree of implicitness for effective surface fluxes used in the heat budgets Default for test: isc=1; fes=1; ifb=1 (full implicit solution active) - modified for diagnostic points
Ad I: § § § Test-grid-point Kenia (+33. 71_+7. 89) : After-noon situation; tropical hot with strong radiation forcing 3 hour ICON-global test-run (R 2 B 6) with defaults of the new SAT/TERRA-scheme (dt=6 min) Non-default settings only for the special grid-point: T_sf LHF_sf old-sx-cpl + Ifb=1 + itv=1 § Oscillations almost completely eliminated by ifb=1 + itv=1 § Similar result but a bit larger daily amplitudes ifb=1 + itv=1 + fes=1 (not shown) itv=1: full consideration of implicit T_sx-dependency in atmospheric transfer velocity fes=1: full consideration of flux-equilibrium at the sf surface
§ Most recent work going to be implemented soon into the ICON-branch: ‒ Introducing an implicit treatment of the amount of interception water (WI) o Instantaneous integration of Ø liquid/frozen precipitation (Prc) Ø mdew/rime-fall or evaporation (± Evp) Ø echanical drip-off (Drp) quadratic equation for WI: ü positive-definite ü capacity-limited o So far decoupled from implicit temperature equations ‒ Introducing a mixed liquid/frozen phase of WI o Controlled by a T_sf-dependent liquid water fraction f_liq with a Ø smooth transition between liquid and frozen within a T_sf-range o Included into implicit treatment of T_sf: Ø linearization of saturation humidity and f_liq as a function of T_sf Ø consideration of f_liq-dependent implicit latent heat from • freezing/melting of WI or Prc • ±Evp o Calculation of atmospheric correction-heat-fluxes compensating Ø discrepancies between hydrologic mass conversions of pater water-phases and implicit latent heat release, which are due to • linearization errors • missing implicit coupling between T_sf and WI Ø Not yet considered T-sf-dependent flux-corrections in radiation scheme Matthias Raschendorfer Offenbach 2018
WG 3 b, CALMO-MAX, TERRA Nova, AEVUS, SAINT Jean-Marie Bettems Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie Meteo. Schweiz COSMO WG 3 b Status Jean-Marie Bettems / Meteo. Swiss Offenbach, COSMO St. C, March 2018
WG 3 b highlights Summary of WG 3 b activities and links to related documents http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/tasks/work. Groups/wg 3 b/default. htm © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 41
PP CALMO-MAX • Calibration of unconfined model parameters • • • Antigoni Voudouri / HNMS, 06. 2017 – 09. 2019 Consolidate results of PP CALMO, provide community tool Strong interest of Prof C. Schaer / ETHZ group • • This method is used at ETHZ to periodically calibrate COSMO-CLM Similar method used by Chineese group with WRF • Up to 30% improvements of precipitation scores for moonsoon case over Beijing • Paper available in BAMS / May 2017 © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 42
PP CALMO-MAX • Two and a half days workshop at Athens beginning of January • • Very useful discussions, minutes have been distributed • • Omar / ETHZ (original development), Yoav / IMS, Edoardo / CIRA, Euripides, Antigoni, Flora, DImitra / HNMS, Jean-Marie / MCH Good example of COSMO collaboration and knowledge transfer Task 2. 1 on track (COSMO-1 calibration on Daint / CSCS) • Calibrating 6 parameters of production configuration of COSMO-1 • With improvement of meta-model and performance function • In depth verification should definitely show the usefulness of the method for improving the forecast quality © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 43
PP CALMO-MAX • Meta-model • • Common development between IMS and ETHZ • • On COSMO web and on Git. Hub in public repository Octave version coming ( ECMWF) Extension of meta-model and performance function (TBE) • Consider model internal variability to filter noise • Use 6 h instead of 24 h accumulated precipitation (daily cycle) • Add precipitation FSS to constraint precipitation spatial structures • Add 2 m humidity constraint (to avoid over fitting 2 m temperature) • Add sunshine duration constraint © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 44
PP CALMO-MAX • Computing cost of the method • Running calibration in hindcast mode significantly reduces the cost of the method (and simplify the experimental setting). • It is possible to fit the MM with the minimum number of simulations, namely 2*N + N*(N-1)/2 + 1 for N parameters. • If the soil memory is not an issue, sampling a full year with representative days will considerably reduce the cost of the method; otherwise a full year is most probably required. • Impact of calibrating with a reduced domain size will be evaluated. • Case study: C 1 calibration for 6 parameters: Use one year hindcast with 0. 5 time domain extension: calibration requires about 8 years operational configuration equivalent Is it much? … similar to MOS or EPS calibration requirements… Less than 2 weeks time on a machine with 1000 GPU’s © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 45
PP CALMO-MAX • Suggestion for documentation of model tuning parameters • Table on COSMO web, ideally filled up during development phase • Including parameters implemented as hard coded values! • With short description, default, minimum and maximum values • Including information about model sensitivity (summer/winter, different target areas) • Preliminary steps done in CALMO / CALMO-MAX and in WG 7 • Coordination workshop planned in Athens in Spring 2018 • Should become a permanent task of COSMO • All unconfined model parameters should be documented in namelist • But these namelists should be only visible to experts © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 46
PT TERRA Nova / MSc Verena / Ph. D Daniel • PT TERRA Nova, 09. 2016 – 06. 2018, Y. Ziv / IMS Ms. C Verena, 12. 2017 – 05. 2018, Prof. Seneviratne / ETHZ • document TERRA performance, compare with CLM performance • compare v 5. 0 / v 5. 05 conservative / v 5. 05 aggresive / CLM • Simulations with TERRA v 5. 0 (EU, RU @ 7 km) and CLM (EU @ 7 km) performed and being analyzed (MCH tool for standard verification, additional verification). • Additional simulations with latest TERRA and on Eastern Mediteranean domain are planned, but only @ 7 km. • Ph. D Daniel Regenass, 01. 2018 – 12. 2020, Prof. Schär / ETHZ • first step is to test Linda Schlemmer developments in NWP mode (topo dependent water table strong positive effect on climate simulations) • next tasks still open, but goal is to address MCH specific shortcomings • common meeting with all stake holders took place at ETHZ on Jan. 16 • use TERRA Nova test bed © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 47
PT AEVUS • Urban parameterization for operational NWP • Paola Mercogliano / CIRA, 09. 2017 – 12. 2018 • based on Hendrik Wouters bulk model • Code base is COSMO 5. 04 g, plus the latest URB development by Hendrik (TERRA-URB v 2. 3), including all known bug fixes developed for the climate version • Code base is ready (thanks to Uli S) • Sanity check of this new release is beeing perfomed by the PT team • AEVUS meeting ICCARUS / Wednesday February 28 th (chair Paola Mercogliano) © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 48
PT SAINT • Validate and update the multi-layer snow model to make it production ready • Sascha Bellaire / SLF, 07. 2017 – 06. 2019 • full support of SLF (Prof. Michael Lehning) • Code base is COSMO 5. 04 g, plus the latest SAT development by Matthias (in particular the implicit formulation of the near surface heat budget) • Code base is ready (thanks to Uli S. ), code has been analysed by Sascha who is now evaluating different options ( discussion with DWD colleagues) • Martin Koehler will prepare an environment at ECMWF for tests with global ICON (but not before autumn 2018) • SAINT meeting ICCARUS / Thursday March 1 st (chair Sasha Bellaire) With participation of Matthias, Ekaterina … © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 49
SNOWE and snow analysis • SNOWE defined as COSMO software by St. C • • developed and maintained at RHM • code and documentation available on COSMO site http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/support/software/default. htm • • full featured snow analysis package, incl. snow density used for production at RHM Snow analysis for COSMO – Status & plan ICCARUS / Thursday March 1 st (chair Juergen Helmert) © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 50
EXTPAR • In its March 2017 meeting the COSMO St. C has nominated Katie Osterried, working at ETHZ for C 2 SM, as Source Code Administrator • The official source code is available in a private repository in the C 2 SM organization on Git. Hub : https: //github. com/C 2 SM-RCM/extpar (latest release is v 4. 0) • Automatic testing using DWD and MCH configurations is implemented at CSCS (using Jenkins tool, all raw data available at CSCS) • Currently different versions of the code exist at DWD and at MPI • Currently GRIB output is not working correctly (but Net. CDF is ok) © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 51
TERRA Standalone • Standalone TERRA module, based on COSMO v 5. 03 • Maintained by IMS (best effort) • Code and documentation available on COSMO site http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/support/software/default. htm • Used to provide balanced initial conditions of the soil (cheap multi-years simulations are feasible) • Update to latest COSMO release required for NWP test suite (asap) and for CALMO-MAX (early 2019) • New block structure • IMS could provide resources in 2018 Q 3, but not before • Possible resources from MCH (to be discussed internally) © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 52
And other topics … • Mire parameterization • • • experiments in ICON showed neutral impact the SMC has approved the implementation of MIRE in COSMO v 5. 06 Phenology • • using the phenology model instead of the current LAI climatology has a significant impact on surface fluxes (15 Wm-2 / LAI) and T 2 m (0. 5 K / LAI) • • phenology model by Stöckli et al. (2011) provides daily LAI maps (using history of relevant NWP model parameters) … but currently no resources to follow-up on this work SRNWP data pool • Data base beeing updated for a couple of stations (LIN, PAY, CAB) • … very low usage … action dying (? ) © Offenbach, 03. 2018 JM Bettems 53
WG 4 current activities Anastasia Bundel Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
WG 4 current activities • Final report on PP CORSO-A: to be delivered in April 2018 (Guidelines forecasters on the use of products of small scale LAM NWP based on Sochi experience). Possible PT to generalize the experience gained for Sochi and winter conditions to other regions and seasons. • WG 4 Users Survey draft prepared: https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/1 ivs. An. Vu. UCa. Dyf. Lu-Yu 1 bk_n. NXb. Kdx. Lsb 8 pa. Cr. Iyw 6 M/edit to be distributed among a wide circle of COSMO-ICON NWP users. • WG 4 in the C 2 I PP (see C 2 I): forecastes’ feedback • New terms of reference, WG 4 work plan, new PPs/PTs: to be discussed at the WG 4 meeting during ICCARUS
WG 5, INSPECT Flora Gofa
WG 5: STATUS of activities PPINSPECT
Common Plot Reports 2017 -2018 Guidelines prepared and sent in Oct (wg 5 web repository) Ø Keep the coarser resolution comparison (~5 -7 km) for one year (trend since 2011) Ø Add high res model comparison on two “semi-common” areas: different climatology Ø Keep 12 UTC run despite for coarser resolution comparisons Ø Extremal dependence scores – EDI for 6 h and 24 h precipitation Ø Add LCC on top of TCC, also categorical scores with thresholds Ø Add wind gust categorical scores (Problem with VERSUS) Ø Add wind performance rose diagrams for selected graphs
Common Area 1: coarse resolution DWD (ICON-EU) RHM IMGW DWD (ICON-EU) COMET MCH NMA HNMS
Common Area 2 Scenario 2 model resolution COSMO-IT 2 0. 02 COSMO-1 0. 01 COSMO-DE 0. 025 COSMO-ME 5 0. 045 COSMO-GR 4 0. 04 COSMO-PL 0. 025
Common Area 3 Scenario 5 model resolution COSMO-IMS 0. 025 COSMO-ME 5 0. 045 COSMO-GR 4 0. 04 IMS is participating to the CP area 3, verification is performed by HNMS
Common Plot Activity – Status and Future • Seasonal summary graphics available on COSMO web • Annual report prepared by D. Boucouvala available on COSMO web - Presentation during GM • Remains as an activity to encourage all services to contribute to the minimum necessary verification practices to monitor COSMO model performance (trend since 2011) over same domain and periods • Common Verification Software (CSV) is currently VERSUS but depending on the feedback introducing MEC/Rfdbk for NWP Test suite, this could change • Transition period (2018 -2019) for CP activity NOT based on CVS but with same guidelines to be followed. Introduction of FSS scores over common domains
Common Verification Software Ø Maintenance phase for VERSUS Ø VERSUS installation on ecgate is used as part of the NWP test suite (currently tested against Rfdbk) Ø Slow process in bug correction (wind gust verif error - pending) Ø No additional small developments (Score extraction for Daily Cycle, EPS score calculation improvement) Ø Rfdbk currently used only from DWD Ø NMA/WG 5 C to be trained to use MEC/Rfdbk readymade scripts on ecgate for NWP Test suite (meeting during ICCARUS) Ø Depending on the feedback, a discussion needs to done in WG 5 for initiating an effort to expand its use for CP Ø Several obstacles for FF preparation (BUFR 2 NETCDF, MEC) Ø PP C 2 I promotes the use of Rfdbk (Jan 2019). Verification Guidelines on verification practices to be provided by WG 5 Ø Necessity to introduce a PT with the participation of all services (GM 2018) for switch of CVS
PP INSPECT Spatial methods Filtering methods Many√ • Neighborhood √ √ √ Displacement methods • (Ebert, 2008) • Scale Decomposition • DIST method Features-based √ √ √ üContiguous Rain Area (CRA) (Ebert and Mc. Bride, 2000) üMethod for Object-based Diagnostic Evaluation (MODE) (Davis et al. , 2006) ü SAL technique (Wernli et al. , 2008) • Field deformation The main benefit of INSPECT is achieved: “wide range of spatial verification methods available became commonly used within the COSMO community”
INSPECT: Main outcomes - final report to be submitted soon - main outcomes report was distributed to the SPM) • Reruns of high-res deterministic and ensemble COSMO forecast systems for international Meso. VICT project (ARPAESIMC, MCH, RHM) • Software for most widely used spatial methods based on free R Spatial. Vx package (HNMS, IMGW-PIB, RHM) • Compact visualization of scores from neighborhood, CRA and SAL methods (DWD, MCH, RHM) • Recommendations as to using different options (smoothing, cut-off small objects, different matching criteria, etc. ) in object-based methods (HNMS, RHM, IMGW-PIB, ARPAESIMC) Moreover, PP INSPECT supported the efforts to increase COSMO visibility through the active participation of COSMO members in the international project Meso. VICT and its activities as well as to WMO-JWGFVR workshops
What was not completely fulfilled and needs development, 1 • Explicitly introducing orography factor • Application to ensembles • Introducing observation uncertainty • Further study on wind and other variables besides precipitation Hence, a possibility of new PPs INTERP -> INSPECT follow-on? (in cooperation with WG 4 and WG 7)
WG 6, CEL-ACCEL, POMPA (extension) Massimo Milelli
CEL-ACCEL Since GM 17, the actions of CEL-ACCEL focused on the following areas: Following the discussion at GM, the development of COSMO-EULAG dynamical core is now proceeding towards the form of library with minimum COSMO interface. Efforts on COSMO-EULAG Fortran CPU port focused on further component abstraction, computational optimization and reintegration into the COSMO-EULAG NWP suite. As a result, the three significant components of EULAG: MPDATA advection, preconditioned Krylov solver and diffusion are now able to live independently in the form of mini-applications (dwarfs). Furthermore, the dwarfs form libraries that can be linked to the common bolierplate code (e. g. MPI layer, grid definitions). COSMOEULAG at this point delegates all prognostic stencil operations (advection, Krylov solver and diffusion) to the external libraries. This will be further exploited for the purpose of transition to the new COSMO version.
Grid. Tools port Due to new versions of Grid. Tools software, the Grid. Tools port of EULAG is delayed. However, we have set up a reasonable coding environment which includes very detailed (bit to bit) examination of agreement between Fortran and C++ port. At this moment, the MPDATA advection is available in Grid. Tools version and the optimization for GPU performance by Meteo. Swiss has started and feedback has been given to the IMGW team.
POMPA (extension) Massimo Milelli and Xavier Laillonne ? ? ?
WG 7, SPRED, CIAO Chiara Marsigli ? ? ?
11. NWP test suite (10 min) Flor Gofa et al. ? ? ? Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
12. New/potential PPs and PTs (30 min) • • • WG 2 – EX-CELO (final approval) WG 5 – INSPECT follow up plans WG 6 – HPS WG 6 – C 2 I WG 7 - APSU Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
WG 2 – EX-CELO (final approval) Zbigniew Piotrowski • The PP was conditionally accepted by the STC at the meeting in Jerusalem in September 2017, and further SMC considerations and recommendations were requested. • The project proposal was comprehensively discussed by the SMC, comments and suggestions were made, and the proposal was modified accordingly by the PP leader. • The SMC asks the STC to finally approve the PP EXCELO. Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
WG 5 – INSPECT follow up plans Flora Gofa and Anastasia Bundel Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
WG 5: Possible PP/PT for next COSMO year 1. PP or PP on CVS transition from VERSUS to MEC/Rfdbk Main obstacles: a. Installation of MEC/production for FF production b. observations would have to be provided on a continuous basis for common area Ø DWD to be able to provide support to local installations of MEC (Improved manual) Ø Observations for the preparation of FF have to be provided on a regular basis and for a large domain in the appropriate format (netcdf) Ø Each member will have to produce FFs locally, and only common observations to be centrally prepared. Ø Visualization: Ideally, common area statistics for all COSMO models can be set up on COSMO web server (already possible for NWP Test suite) Ø Complex issue that requires that services are interested to adopt this verification framework
2. Project followup/extention of INSPECT: Extreme events or High Impact weather verification (with collaboration with WG 4 & WG 7) Basic Idea: Understanding the forecast quality is critical in high impact weather. Important is also to verify such weather in a meaningful way to the end users (forecasters, emergency management, public). Weather parameters of interest in extreme ranges: precipitation, wind (+gusts), min -max temperature Forecasts: NWP products of few hours, nowcasting products, ensemble systems (account forecast uncertainty). In general, models may not capture the intensity of high impact events due to: Sub grid scale processes, coarse resolution, difficulty Representing processes Observations: Hard to obtain for some parameters in useful temporal and spatial scales, importance of observation uncertainty (time, location, magnitude) Impact/prediction relation: it can be a mismatch between what models can provide and what information warnings need to be made for (lightning, hail, wind gusts, fog, …)
Priority Project Idea: Extreme events or High Impact weather verification Verification methods: Usually same statistical approaches as those for everyday forecasts are used, but not always suitable. • Traditional contingency table scores (identify the time limit that forecast is more wrong than right, guidance on when to switch from deterministic forecasts to probabilistic ones) • Categorical extreme dependency scores (independent of the base rate) for coarser forecasts • Probabilistic forecast verification (not suitable for single case studies, often hard to interpret from non trained users, CRPS, GDS ) • Spatial verification approaches for high resolution forecasts (tolerant to observation uncertainty, some are good also for aggregating performance, e. g. MODE provides much more information about performance than traditional scores) • Scores that are directly connected to model climatology over a location or period (SEEPS) • New scores that are more relevant to the decision makers? Forecast/Impact relation?
WG 6 – C 2 I Daniel Rieger Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Motivation The COSMO science plan calls for a harmonization of the COSMOmodel and ICON in the time horizon of 2020 At DWD, further development of the COSMO-model will be reduced to the level needed for operational production In first tests, ICON-LAM outperforms COSMO in terms of quality of the results and computational efficiency Preliminary discussions indicate COSMO members’ interest in ICONLAM as the future operational model The overall goal is to ensure a smooth transition from the COSMO-model to ICON-LAM Daniel Rieger 80
Participants The national meteorological services that are members of COSMO: MCH (Switzerland), Re. Met (Italy), HNMS (Greece), IMGW (Poland), NMA (Romania), RHM (Russia), IMS (Israel) Regional services within the member states: ARPAE (Italy), ARPA Piemonte (Italy) Academic communities directly associated to COSMO: CLM Community, ART Community National meteorological services that are COSMO licensees: INMET, SIMEPAR (Brazil) Daniel Rieger 81
PP C 2 I Timeline Phase 1 - Phase 2 ICON Training 2018 Installation Setup First applications - Daily forecasts - Verification - Forecasters’ feedback Q 2 2018 – Q 4 2018 Q 1 2019 – Q 2 2020 Phase 3 - Daily forecasts Data assimilation Verification Forecasters’ feedback Q 3 2020 – Q 1 2022 Daniel Rieger 82
PP C 2 I Tasks Task Description Phases Total FTE 6. 1 ICON Training 2018 1 0. 3 (preparation by DWD) 0. 18 (participation) 6. 2 Installation of ICON 1 0. 5 6. 3 Definition of the forecast setup 1 1 6. 4 Computational aspects 2, 3 0. 34 6. 5 Verification 2, 3 4. 04 6. 6 Forecasters‘ feedback 2, 3 1. 15 6. 7 Data assimilation 3 depends on DA methods 6. 8 Technical framework 1, 2, 3 1. 04 (NMA) 0. 63 (DWD) Total: ca. 9 FTE (without DA) Please note that the FTE numbers are only a estimate Daniel Rieger 83
Finally… … each COSMO member and participating partner has an ICON-LAM forecasting system … we have commonly acquired several years of experience with all aspects of ICON-LAM forecasts … we are ready to use ICON-LAM for future challenges Daniel Rieger 84
WG 6 – HPC Xavier Lapillonne Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
New HPC Priority project for COSMO consortium • End of POMPA project in 2018 • New HPC project to be submitted before COSMO GM 2018, main focus will be ICON, but there will be also some COSMO related tasks: Port ICON to GPU (first with Open. ACC only) Investigate-Optimize ICON for x 86, GPU, (and more architectures TBD, ex: ARM, new intel accelerator. . . ) Investigate Task parallelism to achieve better strong scaling CLAW Domain Specific Language (DSL) : Fortran DSL for the physics which express the code as single column, the horizontal loops and directives are generated automatically Definition of a new High Level Intermediate Representation language (this is targeting the dynamics, and should be easier to program than Grid. Tools -STELLA ) Integration with Eulag – Grid. Tools port priority task Evaluation on members HPC system : run first COSMO with the C++ dycore on CPU (and GPU if available). Later comparison with ICON-LAM. MCH could also provide support for tuning on GPU system (e. g. communication between GPUs).
ICON on GPU (… from correspondence between Andrzej and Xavier) Currently work on GPU version is only addressed through the 3 rd party funded ENIAC project. The project focus on climate application (i. e. climate physics) and work has started in the climate vdiff turbulence scheme. In addition part of the dycore is ported to Open. ACC (previous work from Will Sawyer CSCS). The port of the dynamics to Grid. Tools C++ Library has not started yet. Considering the NWP physics package some may be reused from COSMO, however this will require work to adapt to ICON since the "common physics" is not quite working and the file are kept separate between ICON and COSMO for the moment and may diverge. I still have too little experience with ICON to make accurate estimate (we just started a few month ago). The current plan is to have a reduce set for Climate simulation (project ENIAC with ETH) by 2019, for NWP (that is nwp physics + assimilation) it would probably be than more 2021, for sure a dedicated HPC project would help moving on. Note that we plan to switch from COSMO to ICON at MCH in the 2022 time frame.
WG 7 - APSU • Chiara Marsigli • The PP proposal was drafted by Chiara Marsigli (PP leader) • The proposal was comprehensively discussed by the SMC, many comments and suggestions were made, and the proposal was modified accordingly • PP APSU was sent to the STC for consideration, the SMC recommend that PP be approved • ? ? ? (Chiara, please add a few slides, cf. C 2 I) Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
13. FTE information (10 min) See COSMO web page here ( http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/tasks/priority. Projects/task. Summary. priv. htm? pp=all&year=2018 ) ? ? ? Please update the tables you are in charge for. I will then add a few words summarizing the FTE situation (very brief summary) right here. Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
14. COSMO software and related issues (45 min, J. -M. Bettems, M. Milelli, SPM) • • • FIELDEXTRA, EXTPAR SNOWE, TERRA Standalone CALMO meta-model Lib grib-api-cosmo, eccodes library Rfdbk Git. HUB COSMO model documentation COSMO web site updates Presentation of METEOGRAMS @ web site (approval required) Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie Meteo. Schweiz COSMO software WG 3 b & WG 4 domain Jean-Marie Bettems / Meteo. Swiss Offenbach, COSMO St. C, March 2018
Fieldextra SCA Jean-Marie Bettems / MCH, WG 4 domain Recent releases • v 12. 4. 0 (02. 12. 2016 – Common COSMO GRIB API environment) • v 12. 5. 0 (21. 02. 2017) • v 12. 6. 0 (25. 07. 2017) • v 12. 7. 0 (02. 2018 – Frames, vertical slices, tracer interpolation, Open. MP perf, center Roma, COSMO-D 2, ART …) Availability • Git. Hub (source code in Meteo. Swiss-APN organization) • COSMO web (source code and libraries) • ECMWF (full installation on cca) • CSCS (full installation, regression suite) Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 92
Fieldextra SCA Jean-Marie Bettems / MCH, WG 4 domain Next milestone v 12. 8. 0 05. 2018 • Add Net. CDF import • Provide more commented examples Next milestone v 13. 0. 0 Q 3/Q 4 2018 • Improve regression tests & automatic build • Examine software life cycle & further planning R&D licence • From St. C Jerusalem meeting (11 -12. 09. 2017) “The STC supports a ‘trial’ R&D licence with one university to better judge the necessary support effort. If successful, the STC could decide to generally allow R&D licences for Fieldextra. ” • This point is still open, a test user has to be found (please forward any demand to SCA) Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 93
EXTPAR SCA Katherine Osterried / C 2 SM, WG 3 b domain Recent releases • v 4. 0 (29. 09. 2016 – MACv 2 aerosol, raw data set for AHF and ISA fields, subgrid-scale slope parameters, bug correction ) Availability • Git. Hub (source code in C 2 SM-RCM organization) • Web. PEP (generation of ext. parameters, maintained by CLM community) • CSCS (full installation incl. raw data, regression suite) Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 94
EXTPAR SCA Katherine Osterried / C 2 SM, WG 3 b domain Next milestone Spring 2018 • Code synchronization with DWD and CLM community, unified version on Git. Hub. • Improve documentation on the web, incl. documenting differences between COSMO and ICON. • Review support of GRIB output (remove GRIB 1 support? correct or remove GRIB 2 support? ). • Once unified version is available, start integrating ICON developments. Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 95
SNOWE SCA Inna Rozinkina / RHM, WG 3 b domain Recent releases • v 1. 0 (08. 2016) • v 2. 0 (10. 2017) Availability • COSMO web (source code and documentation) Next milestone • Session on snow analysis at ICCARUS to evaluate COSMO strategy Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 96
Other Common Software In WG 3 b domain • TERRA standalone TERRA module, based on COSMO v 5. 03 maintained by IMS (best effort) code and documentation available on COSMO site update required, but IMS resources in 2018 Q 3 at the earliest • CALMO meta-model Mat. Lab software to fit and apply the meta-model further developments in PP CALMO-MAX code and documentation available on COSMO site & on Git. Hub • libgrib-api-cosmo-resources common COSMO definition files for GRIB API maintained by DWD code and documentation available on Git. Hub update required for migration to eccode poor Open. MP performances of GRIB API 1. 20. 0 (and eccode? ) Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 97
Sharing COSMO development with Git. Hub • Positive experience by COSMO software SCA and developers (COSMO, fieldextra): Git. Hub has proven to be very useful by providing built-in tools for documentation, issue tracking, code review, and automatic testing of new code features. • New Git. Hub organization has been created https: //github. com/COSMO-ORG with unlimited free private repositories and users (acdemic licence) • Discussion within TAG : after satisfactory testing with Int 2 lm and COSMO, all the official codes of the Consortium could be hosted in this Github organization for the active developers to easily contribute to. Offenbach, March 2018 Jean-Marie Bettems 30. 08. 2013 98 98
COSMO Model Documentation SMP et al. ? ? ? I will fill this slide with relevant information following our discussion at the SMC meeting. Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
COSMO Web Site Updates Massimo Milelli and Theodore Andreadis • Info on ICCARUS is provided (see below), will be updated as needed • WGs maillist clean-up (see e. g. http: //www. cosmomodel. org/content/tasks/work. Groups/wg 1/people. htm) • Clean-up of broken links • Some work with pop-up windows (see the "? " in http: //www. cosmomodel. org/content/tasks/leps/boxgrams/default. htm or "legend" in http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/model/releases. htm and http: //www. cosmomodel. org/content/model/releases/developments. htm or "photos" in www. cosmomodel. org/content/consortium/general. Meetings/general 2000/agenda 2000. htm). This can be applied wherever needed. Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
COSMO Web Site Updates (cont’d) Massimo Milelli and Theodore Andreadis • Drag-and-drop file remove: now there is a void-symbol near the "upload" button. Dragging and dropping there a file does the trick (see e. g. http: //www. cosmomodel. org/view/repository/smc/Offenbach-01 -2018) • Felix Fundel has shell-access to the web host and has installed several of his applications, see them at www. cosmomodel. org/shiny/users/fdbk/ • FTEs are updated (ongoing work) ? ? ? Anything else, Massimo? Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Presentation of METEOGRAMS @ web site (approval required) Andrea Montani, Massimo Milelli & Theodore Andreadis • The presentation of meteograms at the COSMO web will be extended by including a number of European cities (first of all, capitals) that are within the domain of COSMO-LEPS • Unfortunately no meteogram for St. Petersburg • Some Croatian cities should also be included following recent request from Croatia (we increase visibility!) • But are the any obstacles (e. g. legal issues)? SMC request approval by STC. ? ? ? Anything else? Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
15. Source code management (45 min, U. Schättler) Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
16. Miscellaneous (20 min) • COSMO Newsletter – ideas for increase science dissemination • ICCARUS web site Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
COSMO Newsletter – ideas for increase science dissemination SMC recommendations • M. Milellei sent a message to @cosmo-all asking people to submit short summaries of their talks at ICCARSU (possible also at COSMO GMs) as contributions to COSMO Newsletters • COSMO Newsletters and Technical Reports should have DOIs Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
ICCARUS web site Following the SMC recommendations T. Andreadis modified the pages at the COSMO web site to provide information about ICON Training Course ( http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/support/courses/default. htm _ and ICCARUS ( http: //www. cosmo-model. org/content/consortium/meetings. htm ). Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Thank you for your attention! Acknowledgements: great thanks are to the SMC members for their contributions.
Old Stuff Steering Committee Meeting | 11 -12 September 2017, Jerusalem, Israel
PT CIAO (WG 7) Title: implementation of the Bechtold convection scheme in COSMO model: deterministic and ensemble-mode tests Leader: Andrea Montani Aim: assessment of the sensitivity of COSMO forecast skill to the use of the recently implemented (into COSMO) ECMWF IFS (Bechtold) convection scheme, particularly in the ensemble mode Duration (start and end dates): 01. 04. 2017 – 31. 08. 2018 FTEs: 0. 95 Participants: ARPAE-SIMC, ARPA-Piemonte, CIRA, HNMS, Comet Status: work started, kick-off web meeting held 29 May 2017, PT meeting during COSMO GM 2017 NB: in the spirit of the common COSMO-ICON physics, beneficial for ensemble forecasts 19 th COSMO General Meeting | 11 -15 September 2017, Jerusalem, Israel
SMC Suggestions Steering Committee Meeting | 11 -12 September 2017, Jerusalem, Israel
… Steering Committee Meeting | 1 -2 March 2018, Offenbach am Main, Germany