Презентация Турбина.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
STEAM TURBINE Student: Oparin Alexandr Group: 5 B 1 V
Content Introduction Turbine Application Steam turbine The basic structure Principle of operation Result Conclusion References 2
Turbine - engine with a rotational movement of the working body (rotor), which converts the potential energy, kinetic energy, the internal energy of the working fluid, steam, gas, water, into mechanical work. 3
Application Used as the engines on the sea, land air transportation. The most powerful in the world of power in South America, on the Parana River. Its 18 turbines generate 12, 600 million watts/hour of electricity. 4
Steam turbine - a heat engine continuous action, blading which the potential energy of the compressed and heated water vapor is converted into kinetic energy, which in turn performs mechanical work on the shaft. 5
The basic structure of steam turbines The steam turbine consists of two main parts. Rotor blades the moving part of the turbine. Stator nozzle - the fixed part. 1) Nozzle 2) Paddles 3) Disk 4) Shaft 6
The principle of operation of the heat engine in a cyclic heat engine can not be converted into mechanical work all the quantity of heat Q 1, obtained from the heater. A certain amount of heat is given Q 2 refrigerator, so the work done by the engine per cycle can not be more Ap = Q 1 - Q 2 The heater Q 1 Working body Q 2 A=Q 1 -Q 2 Refrigerator Environment 7
Given the resulting equation Given the resulting equation, the expression for the efficiency can be written as Since all motors certain amount of heat transferred to the cooler, then η <1 8
Conclusion Despite the variety of turbines, the most commonly used are steam turbines, in this regard, every self-respecting professional should know about it. 9
References Information http: //ppt 4 web. ru/fizika/parovajaturbina-kpd-teplovogo-dvigatelja. html 10
Thank you for your attention Maybe you have any questions? 11
Презентация Турбина.pptx