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Status of the NSLS II Storage Ring Magnets Prepared by John Skaritka for the NSLS-II magnet team Report to the Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee October 15 th, 2010 ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Magnet Systems Team Acknowledgements J. Bengtsson , E. Cheswick, J. Cintorino, T. Dilgen, L. Doom, J. Escallier. R. Faussete, G. Ganetis, W. Guo, A. Guadagni, P. He, A. Jain, J. Jackson, P. Joshi, P. Kovach, N. Li , S. Krinsky, M. Loftus, M. Lucas, S. Ozaki, A. Sauerwald, K. Sinram, S. Sharma, C. Spataro, D. Sullivan, F. Willeke, G. Woods And many others at BNL, our Industrial Contractors, Collaborating Institutions that have contributed to the magnet systems. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Storage Ring Magnet Status Talk Outline • • Introduction and international magnet procurement Progress Since The Last Status Review International Procurements of Magnets Milestone Chart and Progress with Magnet Production The NSLSII Magnet Design Validation Reviews The Magnet Production Readiness Reviews. Problems and Solutions and Current Status – – – Danfysik Everson Tesla Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) Buckley Systems Ltd. (BSL) Summary ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Magnet Types in a Typical Cell Correctors Regular Quadrupoles &Sextupoles Wide Quadrupoles & Sextupoles to accommodate X-ray transport. Dipoles ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Magnet Production • Required quantities and apertures of magnets for the Storage Ring Lattice magnets: – 300 Quadrupoles (240 each standard 66 mm, 60 each 90 mm) – 270 Sextupoles (240 each standard 68 mm, 30 each 76 mm) – 60 Dipoles (54 each 35 mm and 6 each 90 mm) – 180 Correctors (120 each 100 mm and 60 each 156 mm) – 90 Fast Corrector coil assemblies – 70 Transport Line Magnets (Dipoles, Quadrupoles, and Correctors) • • All Storage Ring production contracts were placed by the end of October, 2009. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 5 Fast corrector coil orders were placed in May, 2010 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress Since the Last Status Review • Two Contracts for all (60)Dipoles and Large Aperture (30 sextupole, 60 Quadrupole) magnets were places with the Buckley Systems Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand • The Standard Quadrupole Contract was split between two Contractors, – 120 Quadrupoles, 2 variants , Everson Tesla Co. Storrington, Sussex UK – 120 Quadrupoles, 4 variants, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia • The Standard Sextupole Contract was split between two Contractors. – 167 Sextupoles, The Danfysik Co. Jylllinge, Denmark – 75 Sextupoles, The Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China • • One contract for 192 Correctors, 2 variants, Everson Tesla Co. Nazareth, PA One contract for 360 fast field corrector coils, Sag Harbor Industries, Sag Harbor, NY • Magnet design details and processes used by the contractors have been rigorously evaluated by a Design Validation Review process and all contractors were given authorization to proceed with first article magnet production. • Thus far authorization to proceed with full production has been given to two contractors having successfully the NSLS II Project, October 14 Readiness Reviews (PRR) ASAC Review of completed Production - 15, 2010 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
International Contractor Oversight Nanyang Li LBL Klaus Sinram DESY IHEP , Buckley, Everson Dipoles Quadrupoles Tesla, Danfysik. BINP Sextupoles Correctors Transport Line ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
NSLS II Storage Ring Lattice Magnet Schedule 2008 CD 2 Magnet R&D prototype Fab+Test 2009 CD 3 Reference Design PDR Alignment R&D 2010 2011 2012 L a s t 2013 2014 P e n t a n t Preparation of 902 Prototyping RFP Reference Design IDR Prototyping magnet Fab. + Test CDR, Production Readiness Review B O D Production RFP and Award Magnet Production Contracts First Article. Magnet Batch test Magnet Production Complete Girder Integration and Alignment We Are Here ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Problems and Solutions • All the Contractors have had problems during start up and first article production some issues were as follows: – – – – – Late deliveries of material. Coil winding and vacuum impregnation Coil curing molds Braze joints Iron, the stamping tools and stamped lamination geometry Laminated yoke stacking and curing Not taking the Specification or Statement of Work Seriously Changing the design after the DVR Changing the manufacturing processes that was approved at the DVR Not using the correct materials Magnet measurement systems Mishandling of the yokes and magnet assemblies. Simply ignoring what was committed to at the DVR. Crating and shipping problems Lack of documentation or travelers at the contractors Lack of end package documentation Not meeting field quality specifications Making changes in an effort to save cost and not informing BNL ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Problems and Solutions Cont. • BNL staff and consultants worked closely with the contractors to resolve problems as soon as they were discovered during first article production. – – – – Problems with coil winding and vacuum impregnation have been resolved at all the Contractors. Coil curing mold issues have been resolved Braze joint designs were modified and improved. Lamination issues resolved or corrected by altering the magnet design and /or manufacturing process. Lamination and yoke curing processes successfully modified. Immediate corrective actions with contractor management to take the Spec and SOW seriously. Corrective actions taken to return the design to what was approved at the DVR. Corrective actions taken to return the manufacturing processes to what was approved at the DVR Magnets have been rejected to show contractors the use of substandard materials will not be tolerated. Contractor magnetic measurements groups to bring them up to BNL standards. Contractor procedures reviewed and modified to prevent magnet mishandling. Magnets have been rejected due to the contractor not using the processes approved at the DVR. Contractor feedback to improve shipping and magnet handling Supporting contractors in reviewing vendor documents and providing support in preparing travelers Manufacturing methods have been refined and improved Implemented a program of monthly contractor visits to assure compliance and communication. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Solutions and Contractor Support. • • • BNL Staff and Consultants have made over 50 trips to the vendors since the contracts were awarded. BNL has either a teleconference or video conference with each contractor at least once per week There is ample evidence that onsite contractor surveillance is the only way to assure that BNL is fully aware of what is happening at the contractors There is ample evidence that show that onsite visits encourage the contractor to perform to a higher level of expectation. Given the issues that have recently been uncovered at certain contractors the decision was made to visit each contractor at least once per month. Current planning has BNL making over 100 additional Contractor visits over the magnet production period. Eight BNL staff along with our consultants will be visiting the contractors. Additional visits will occur should an emergency happen. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress at Danfysik • • • Danfysik works with the help of their subcontractors Scanditronix and Rottger Danfysik overcame early problems with Coil potting, lamination stamping, and yoke assembly and produced a Sextupole that meets all field quality specifications Danfysik was the first contractor to successfully completed their PRR in July and has now started full production. Danfysik magnet under test at BNL Production sextupoles being assembled and tested for delivery the end of this month. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress at Everson Tesla (Correctors) • • Everson/Tesla in Pennsylvania obtains magnetic analysis and measurements support and the laminations from a subcontractor to Tesla Engineering in the UK. Everson overcame coil molding problems and produced 5 first article correctors. All the correctors meet specification or are acceptable for use in the NSLS II. Everson Tesla successfully completed it’s PRR and has commenced full production First Article Type D corrector with skew quad coil and a 156 mm aperture Type A corrector Two First Article 100 mm type C correctors at BNL. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress At Tesla Engineering • Although Everson Tesla in Pennsylvania is the official contractor Tesla Engineering in the UK is producing 120 quadrupoles for the NSLS II project. • Tesla has overcome coil impregnation problems, yoke machining and magnetic measurements issues to successfully manufacture their first article quadrupole. They are still refining their coil potting process but will complete all first article magnet coils this month. • Tesla has produced all the yokes required for first article production. and plane to ship the first magnets to BNL until the end this month. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress at BINP • • • BINP is under contract to build 120 quadrupole of 4 different types. BINP has overcome issues with its magnetic measurements system, lamination stamping, yoke and coil assemble. They have now successfully tested and shimmed their first, first article that meets specification. They have 3 other first articles being assembled and tested and plan to ship their first magnet to BNL by the end of this month. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress at BINP (cont. ) BINP achieves yoke stabilization and good field quality using a precision cut brass bar pressed between the two upper and two lower poles The 9807 Type C’ “Kinked”Quadrupole, The circular slot on the side is to extract synchrotron radiation Measurements indicate acceptable performance over the Tuning range ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress At IHEP • • • IHEP was the first contractor to deliver all their first article magnets to BNL but field quality issues have caused a delay in holding their PRR. Over a series of prototypes and first articles IHEP is finally perfecting it’s manufacturing methods. The first article magnets nearly meet spec and physics studies indicate the first article performance can be accepted. Additional first articles are being built at IHEP’s risk that incorporates all lessons learned that is expected to be completed by the end of this month. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress At IHEP (cont. ) • • • IHEP now has the capability to perform precision measurements of the entire pole profile using a new CMM. Prior to this IHEP had no reliable means in house to accurately measure the entire pole profile and optimize the operational parameters of their EDM machine. They are now integrating these measurements with their EDM machine so they now have the tools to achieve to an accurate and symmetric pole profile. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress at Buckley (Dipoles) • • • Buckley Systems is producing 60 dipoles of tow types, 35 mm and 90 mm aperture. Since the contract has been placed at Buckley their work load has grown 300 -400% placing extreme demands on staff as well as available equipment. Forcing much of the work to be sent out to subcontractors. Communication, work load and process issues are a challenge that Buckley is now attempting to work out. First 90 mm dipole yoke built by Buckley Systems First, First article 35 mm Dipole Magnet under test Buckley did build a successful Dipole prototype two years ago. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Progress at Buckley (Quadrupole and Sextupole) • • Buckley Systems is under contract to build sixty 90 mm aperture Quadrupoles and thirty 76 mm sextupoles. All of these first article magnets were constructed but testing showed that there were problems with the yoke manufacturing process. All three Quads and a sextupole had to be rejected. Buckley has improved its process and refining it magnet design to meet specification. 76 mm Sextupole Prototype 90 mm Quad New Quadrupole yokes with improved design and processing Buckley did build Quadrupole prototype that did meet specification two years ago ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
The Start of Multipole Girder Vacuum system components such as the chamber Assy. , chamber supports, pumps , BPMs, Magnets and magnet power distribution, cooling, diagnostic and safety systems. Water manifold and interconnections First production Magnet from IHEP mounted to the production Girder ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
Summary of Magnet Status • As of today First article magnets are being assembled at all the Contractors • • Two Magnet Contractors have been turned on for full production. • Magnets of all types needed for the storage ring are now being tested and most are delivering acceptable performance. • All the Contractors have had challenges but with the help of the BNL magnet team each are solving their specific problem one challenge at a time. • The program did meet it’s goal to begin full production during the in Summer 2010. • All contractors still commit to complete magnet production by December 2011 • Monthly vendor visits are being implemented to assure compliance and ASAC communication. Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 Three additional PRRs are scheduled to take place prior to the upcoming DOE review with the Goal of all contractors in full production by January 2011 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE
International Procurements of Magnets • The quantities of high quality production magnets exceeded the capability of any single synchrotron magnet manufacturer. • Schedule pressure and risk reduction strategies caused the contracts to be split up between a number of contractors. • The proposal evaluation committee ranked magnet suppliers and found that use of multiple foreign vendors were the only viable means to meet the magnet quality and delivery requirements. • Logistic challenges had been overcome during the earlier prototype magnet program in FY 08 -09 and it was decided to use the same model with additional help from consultants with international synchrotron magnet production experience. ASAC Review of the NSLS II Project, October 14 - 15, 2010 23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE