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Status of Science & Technology in Myanmar Dr. Thida Lecturer Department of Technical and Status of Science & Technology in Myanmar Dr. Thida Lecturer Department of Technical and Vocational Education Ministry of Science and Technology Myanmar

Contents - About Myanmar - Organization Structure of Ministry of Science and Technology - Contents - About Myanmar - Organization Structure of Ministry of Science and Technology - Developing Human Resources Sector - Research and Development Sector - Expenditure in R&D for MOST -

Introduction Location : Southeast Asia Total land: 676, 577 square Kilometers Immediate neighbors: China, Introduction Location : Southeast Asia Total land: 676, 577 square Kilometers Immediate neighbors: China, India, Laos, Thailand Bangladesh Capital city : Yangon Ethic groups: 135

Welcome to Myanmar ( The Golden Land) There are four religions in Myanmar. Major Welcome to Myanmar ( The Golden Land) There are four religions in Myanmar. Major religion is Buddhism. Others are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.

The Population in Myanmar races are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin , Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine The Population in Myanmar races are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin , Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan Population : 54 million

Climate in Myanmar has three distinct seasons: • Summer : March to April • Climate in Myanmar has three distinct seasons: • Summer : March to April • Rainy season : May to October • Cold season : November to February

Objectives of MOST • To carry out Research & Development works for national economic Objectives of MOST • To carry out Research & Development works for national economic development • To strengthen the national economy utilizing the national resources • To enhance production in agricultural and industrial sectors through technology transfer and distribution of knowledge gained from research and development works • To plan and carry out human resources development programs so as to obtain specialist and professional in Science and Technology • To carry out tasks such as laboratory analysis, quality control and standardization of industrial raw material, and finished products • To conduct applied research on the utilization of atomic energy

Organization Structure of Ministry of Science & Technology • Myanmar Scientific and Technological Research Organization Structure of Ministry of Science & Technology • Myanmar Scientific and Technological Research Department (MSTRD) • Department of Advanced Science and Technology (DAST) • Department of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE) • Department of Technology Promotion and Coordination (DTPC) • Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) • Material Science and Materials Engineering Research Department (MSMERD) (approved to be established)

Activities of Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) Extending and upgrading Technological Universities, Colleges Activities of Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) Extending and upgrading Technological Universities, Colleges and Institutes and Computer Universities and Colleges - - Offering special courses and new specializations - Providing advanced teaching aids, laboratory equipment up-to-date reference materials - Providing engineers, architects, scientists and computer technologists who have the same expertise as those in neighboring Southeast Asian countries.

Function of MSTRD is composed of eight research departments conducting research in various scientific Function of MSTRD is composed of eight research departments conducting research in various scientific disciplines and Six technical Support departments giving assistance to the technical departments under the Ministry as well as to other governmental organizations, business enterprises at eighteen industrial zones. Currently the department is analyzing and doing research on 2500 varieties of specimens. Moreover, by supporting & supervising thesis of postgraduates and Ph. D. candidates.

Function of DAST - To study sufficiently produces engineers, architects and computer technologists for Function of DAST - To study sufficiently produces engineers, architects and computer technologists for a modern development nation. - To encourage and supervise advanced technologists and technicians to do research, thereby inventing mechanical appliances according to the plans for the development of Science and Technology so as to built up an agriculture-based industrialized nation.

Technological Universities, Computer Universities & Colleges Yangon Technological University (YTU) Mandalay Technological University (MTU) Technological Universities, Computer Universities & Colleges Yangon Technological University (YTU) Mandalay Technological University (MTU) Pyay Technological University (PTU) Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University (MAEU) University of Computer studies (Yangon) University of Computer studies (Mandalay) 24 Government Computer Colleges

The Diploma/Degree/Certificate offered at YTU/ MTU/ PTU /MAEU/ Diploma/Degree/ Certificate Diploma (in Engineering) B. The Diploma/Degree/Certificate offered at YTU/ MTU/ PTU /MAEU/ Diploma/Degree/ Certificate Diploma (in Engineering) B. E/ B. Arch (in Engineering) M. E/M. Arch (in Engineering) Ph. D (in Engineering) Diploma (in Applied Science) Master (in Applied Science) Ph. D (in Applied Science) Dip. C. S/ Dip. C. M/ A. Dip. C. S/ A, Dip. C. M B. C. S. C/ B. C. Tech. (in Computer) M. C. Sc/M. C. Tech. /M. I. Sc. /M. A. Sc Ph. D (Information Technology) Duration 2 -years 5 -years 6 -months 2 -years 3 to 5 years 1 -years 3 -years 4 -years 3 -years

Function of DTVE • Nurturing and training Middle-Rung Technicians and Performance-Base Well trained Engineering Function of DTVE • Nurturing and training Middle-Rung Technicians and Performance-Base Well trained Engineering Technicians and engineers who are well educated and efficient in practical works as ell. • Bridging the gap between Divisions and States, between urban and rural areas by affording the equal opportunity to have technical education and fostering human resources.

The Certificates/Degrees offered at GTCs/GTIs are: Certificates/Degrees Duration - BSTC (Module 1&2) - Associateship The Certificates/Degrees offered at GTCs/GTIs are: Certificates/Degrees Duration - BSTC (Module 1&2) - Associateship Government 1 -years 2 -years Technical Institutes (A. G. T. I) - Basic Technician (B. Tech) - Bachelor of Engineering (B. E) 2 -years 1 -years

Function of DTPC - Upgrading the local technological potentials in the construction of machineries. Function of DTPC - Upgrading the local technological potentials in the construction of machineries. - Collaborating with international for promotion of Technology. Function of DAE is carrying out research, development and training in the field of atomic energy and tasks concerning safely of radiation sources and production from nuclear radiation hazards.

Developing Human Resources Sector Extending Universities, Colleges, and Institutes Extending New Courses and Special Developing Human Resources Sector Extending Universities, Colleges, and Institutes Extending New Courses and Special Courses International Collaborations

Research and Development Sector Research works on Rural Development Research works on industrial Development Research and Development Sector Research works on Rural Development Research works on industrial Development Researches for Master’s and Doctoral Programs Regular research works being done by Research Departments

Current and Future Development & Leading Research and Innovation on S&T Food Science and Current and Future Development & Leading Research and Innovation on S&T Food Science and Technology Biotechnology Meteorology and Geophysics Materials Science and Technology Information Technology Non- Conventional Energy Research Marine Science and Technology Space Technology

Expenditure in R&D for MOST Year Currency 2002 Kyats (K) 2001 units millions Fiscal Expenditure in R&D for MOST Year Currency 2002 Kyats (K) 2001 units millions Fiscal Year 56 2534. 756 2001 -2002 (1 st April) Kyats (K) 26 2885. 472 2000 -2001 (1 st April) 2000 Kyats (K) 4 964. 452 1999 -2000 (1 st April) 1999 Kyats (K) 4 549. 357 1998 -1999 (1 st April) 1998 Kyats (K) 4 669. 293 1997 -1998 (1 st April) 1997 Kyats (K) 2 308. 466 1996 -1997 (1 st April)

Funds From abroad The order of magnitude of the multilateral development assistance for 2001 Funds From abroad The order of magnitude of the multilateral development assistance for 2001 was close to US$ 40 million; bilateral assistance (grants and loans) was close to US$ 90 million, without counting china who is and important source of aid. NGOs have brought close to US$ 9 million. This approximates a total US$ 150 million. The two major multilateral partners for Myanmar in the area of education are UNDP and UNICEF, UNDP financed US$ 13 million between 1994 and 2002 in the three phases of the HDI education project implemented by UNESCO.

Conclusion MOST is implementing the tasks of nurturing required technicians scientists by means of Conclusion MOST is implementing the tasks of nurturing required technicians scientists by means of short-term and long-term plans outstrips the target goals and successfully carrying out in drawing plan and doing state-level research works for rural development, industrial development, and Technological development. The present status of Myanmar still have gaps compared with the developed countries. Therefore, we are still striving continuously for all round development of Science & Technology.