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Status of PANDA at FAIR Klaus Peters GSI Darmstadt/GU Frankfurt Oct 24, 2010 IHEP Beijing
QCD Bigbang 15 billion years 3 K Nuclei 1 billion years 20 K Creation of Elements Properties of Exotic Nuclei 300. 000 years 3. 000 K Cold Hadrons 3 minutes 1 millisec e tim Mass of the Proton Freeze-out Genesis of Quarks 2 109 K e r Binding 12 among Quarks and Gluons tu a er p m e 10 K Phase t. Diagramme of QCD Phase Transitions Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
3 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Foundation of FAIR, Oct. 4. 2010 Wiesbaden, Schloss Biebrich 4 Germany, Finland, France, India, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia and Sweden Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics. PANDA and FAIR Klaus Peters – at GSI at FAIR
FAIR foundation, cont‘d Nine countries are involved in one of the world’s largest research projects in Darmstadt In Wiesbaden, Germany, nine countries signed the international agreement on the construction of the accelerator facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which will be located at the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany. Signing the agreement for Germany were Helge Braun, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Education and Research, and Peter Ammon, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office. Also signing the agreement were science ministers and state secretaries from Finland, France, India, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia and Sweden. Hessian Premier Volker Bouffier and State Secretary Braun also signed an agreement governing the cooperation on FAIR between the German federal government and. . . More: Press release FAIR foundation Picture gallery October 4, 2010 5 Klaus Peters - Hadronphysics. PANDA and FAIR Klaus Peters – at GSI at FAIR
6 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Intro from the Physics Book Hadrons in matter Absorption Modifications QCD Bound States Charmonium Exotic States Hadron structure DVCS Formfaktors Non-pert. QCD Dynamics Strangeness and Charm Production Hypernuclei Molecules Exotic nuclei 7 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Intro from the Physics Book Hadron structure DVCS Formfaktors 9 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Intro from the Physics Book 10 9 8 # Protons 7 6 5 4 3 K+K Trigger 7 8 Secondary Target Ξ- 3 Ge. V/c 9 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Neutrons Ξ-(dss)p(uud) Λ(uds) Hypernuclei Molecules Exotic nuclei 10 Klaus Peters - Panda@FAIR Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Intro from the Physics Book Hadrons in matter Absorption Modifications QCD Bound States Charmonium Exotic States Hadron structure DVCS Formfaktors Non-pert. QCD Dynamics Strangeness and Charm Production Hypernuclei ar. Xiv: 0903. 3905 v 1 Molecules Exotic nuclei 11 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Strong coupling constant vs R Structure & Dynamics of Hadrons. . . in the transition regime of QCD 0 p Momentum [Ge. V/c] 2 light q 4 6 8 10 12 15 Hyp Y c D (*), Ds s(*) QCD perturbative Yc c strong ggg, gg qq c q n g, s g c g p. A elm. FF Spin s½=m [Ge. V/c 2] 1 2 3 4 5
The Fluxtube in a Meson [ bound state strong interaction strength Rotation Decay 0. 7 fm Lattice QCD calculations G. Bali, hep-lat/9409005 13 1. 35 fm 1. 0 fm Vibration Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Charmonium Spectroscopy ambiguous candidate a lot has been done radial excitations hyperfine structure other potentials hybrids CC high spins fine structure so far only J≤ 2 14 other constituents molecule - multiquarks ambiguous candidates Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Exotic Quantum Numbers of Hybrids 1 S ¯ 3 S 1 Gluon (qq)8 g + with ()8=colored L S 2 S=S 1+S 2 J=L+S P=(-1)L+1 C=(-1)L+S 15 4. 81 4. 70 Electric 2 -+ 1 -- 4. 52 4. 48 4. 47 4. 37 impossible for q JPC exotic Gluon S 1 2+1++ 1+- 0 Magnetic 1 S 0, 0–+ 1++ 1–– 0+1 -+ 3 S 1, 1–– 0+- 0–+ DD** 1+- 1–+ 2+- 2–+ 0 -+ 4. 14 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
X(3872) - PDG X(3872) Mass X(3872) Width 16 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
X(3872) some more details D 0 *0 (+c. c. ) 3871. 8± 0. 3 17 D+D*- (+c. c. ) 3879. 9± 0. 3 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
X(3872) at PANDA p J/ψ p lineshape determination π π X C. Hanhart et al. (2007) D 0 *0 D+D*- ψππ simulation at s½ = 3872 Me. V/c 2 ε = 32% σm = 8. 3 Me. V/c S/B = 2 D 0 D*0 2 peak cusp virtual state bound state 3. 83 18 3. 87 3. 91 Scan with simultaneous measurement of J/ψππ, D 0 D*0, D+D*- and ψ(’)γ is essential ! Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
HESR – Storage Ring for Antiprotons Parameters of HESR Injection of p at 3. 7 Ge. V Slow synchrotron (1. 5 -14. 5 Ge. V/c) Storage ring for internal target operation Luminosity up to L~ 2 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 Beam cooling (stochastic & electron) ECM Resonance scan Energy resolution ~50 ke. V Tune ECM to probe resonance Get precise mass and width EXP 19 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Resolution for various Δp/p @ various p p [Ge. V/c] √s Physics 3· 10 -4 3· 10 -5 [Ge. V/c 2] >1. 4 >2. 23 Λ 151 few 100 ke. V 51 ke. V 15 ke. V few 100 ke. V ~2 Light Quarks 3. 67 2. 97 ηc 336 ke. V 112 ke. V 100 34 6. 98 3. 87 X(3872) 504 ke. V 168 ke. V 8. 80 4. 29 Ds. Ds 0*(2317) 574 ke. V 100 58 192 ke. V 19 ke. V 15. 1 20 ~2. 4 5. 5 Charm Production <1 ke. V 755 Me. V 252 ke. V 25 ke. V 11 ke. V 30 -100 17 50 ke. V 77 ke. V Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
@ PANDA HESR 22 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
p cross sections Crystal Barrel Obelix 23 Jetset PS 185 ANDA E 760/E 835 CITATION: W. -M. Yao et al. , J. Phys. G 33, 1 (2006) http: //pdg. lbl. gov/2007/hadronic-xsections/hadronicrpp_page 11. pdf Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
p cross sections – exclusive final states 100 mb 1 mb Example X(3872) 100 μb 10 μb Glueballs 1 μb ηc 100 nb χc 2 X(3872) 10 nb ηcπ0 χc 0 Hybrids peak ~50 nb (E. Braaten) DDπ/ψππ ~10: 1 ψππ 250 pb (ee and μμ) DDπ 500 pb (multiple channels) includes eff. and BR L=2· 1031, duty ε=0. 5 ∫(L*ε) = 0. 86 pb-1/d 2 d/point peak (~400 ev. ψππ/~800 ev. DDπ) x 20 points 40 days 1 nb 24 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Panda Detector • Vertexing High Rates Total σ ~ 55 mb peak >2· 107 int/s ar. Xiv: 0810. 1216 v 1 Elm. Calorimetry (σp, KS, Λ, …) • Charged Particle ID ar. Xiv: 0907. 0169 (e±, μ±, π±, p, …) (γ, π0, η) Magnetic tracking Forward capabilities (leading particles) Sophisticated Trigger(s) 25 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Detector. . . What we need: 26 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
PANDA Detector (MVD, STT, TPC) p-target p-beam Micro Vertex Detector Central Tracker SST oder TPC 27 27 Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
PANDA Detector (GEM, PID) Forward GEM Trackers Cherenkov Detectors 28 28 Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
PANDA Detector (EMC) Electromagnetic Crystal Calorimeters 29 29 Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
PANDA Detector (Magnet, Target) Target Muon Filter Instrumented Yoke Solenoid Magnet 30 30 Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
PANDA Detector (Forward Detector) Dipole Magnet 31 31 Forward Spectrometer Klaus Peters - Extreme States with Charm Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
EMC Crystal Delivery 32 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Exotic Hadrons Multiquarks/Molecules: qq , qqqq , (q ), (qqq)(q ) • Loosely bound ➥ large width? • Narrow close to threshold? Glueballs: Hybrids: 33 gg, ggg (q )g • • Quarkless configuration Color blind decays Can have exotic spin Width unknown! Gluonic degrees of freedom Can have exotic spin Mass splitings predicted Full Pattern ➥ good signature Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Charmonium Hybrid Candidate ƞc 1 From LQCD calculations: Spin-exotic hybrid candidate ƞc 1 with m≈4. 3 Ge. V/c 2, JPC = 1 -+ Exclusive reconstruction in two favoured channels: Production X-section assumed similar to (33 pb) needs good calorimetry + good Particle ID 34 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
p → ƞc 1 ƞ→ χc 1π0π0ƞ Simulation @ 15 Ge. V/c 80 k Signals + 80 k each background, e. g. 9 C kinematic fit (mass constraints, 4 C energy momentum) Signal to Noise: 35 Well feasible for σB ≈< 10 σS ! Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
p → ƞc 1 ƞ→ D 0 0*ƞ Simulation @ 15 Ge. V/c 1 M Signals; Background e. g. 11 C kinematic fit (mass constraints, 4 C energy momentum) Signal to Noise: 36 Feasible for non-vanishing BR Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Width of Ds 0*(2317) Theoretical interpretations very sensitive for (Ds 0(2317)*) Formation reaction not possible: ➥ Energy-scan with recoil @ threshold: Threshold Ds+Ds 0*- 4278 4280 4282 4284 4286 4288 4290 4292 4294 4296 Lineshape @ threshold depends on (Ds 0(2317)*) 37 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Reconstruction of p → Ds+Ds 0*(2317)Simulation @ 8. 8 Ge. V/c 40 k Signals, 40 k each background, e. g. 10 M generic background events Inclusive reconstruction of Ds±, missing mass technique 38 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Energy scan simulation around threshold Simulation with =1 Me. V, S/N = 1/3, data taking 14 d Signal extraction for 12 energies at ± 2 Me. V around thresh. 39 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Result Each entry = Number of signal events at corresponding energy generated reconstructed 40 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Tensor Glueball Candidate ξ(2230) Glueball Candidat ξ(2230) observed by BES Reconstruct in dominant decay channel Energy-Scan in the corresponding region Need good particle identification to distinguish signal from background 41 Scan Jet. Set. Experiment Resonance Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Tensor Glueball Candidate ξ(2230) Simulation of 50 k Signal, 10 M generic Background Input: m = 2235 Me. V/c 2, = 15 Me. V/c 2 (() ε ≈ 16 – 25% ε ≈ 7 ¢ 10 -7 Angular dependent efficiency reasonably flat! 42 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Tensor Glueball Candidate ξ(2230) Fit for energy dependent cross section for σ = 10 nb Beamtime needed for 10σ signal significance 43 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
Summary and Outlook Hadron Physics at FAIR with PANDA high Discovery potential (more exotic systems? ) high Statistics [e. g. for Z+(4430)] high Precision [e. g. for X(3872), Ds. J*(2317)] versatile Detector very many final states arbitrary Beam-energy tune phasespace R&D for PANDA well under way edge technology radiation hardness speed – detectors and readout Goal for Physics Running: 2017 44 Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR
strong and international collaboration ~ 450 scientists more than 50 Institutions Thank You 45 45 http: //www. gsi. de/panda Klaus Peters – PANDA at FAIR