Status of Norwegian Sea Borders SBE Core team

Status of Norwegian Sea Borders SBE Core team meeting 13-14 November 2008 Brede Gundersen [email protected]

Geodesy Staff Internal services Director General Anne C. Frøstrup Land Mapping Hydrography Cadastre Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority Land Registry Primar Intern. Centre for property rights And development 12 Regional Offices

The Artic Challenge 25 % of the world’s oil and gas reserves might be in Arctic Zone Increased traffic in air and on water crossing the poles Increased need for environmental inspection etc.

Large areas of interest Large distances Arctic Islands Large EEZ Fishery, oil and gas Large in shipping Challenges for Norway: Geography and economic activities

Sea Border - Responsibility Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Government, negotiate and make agreements upon the borders to neighbouring countries Statens kartverk through Geodetic Institute survey and calculate the base lines and other points/lines derived Data is uploaded into the database Statens kartverk is the owner of the border data coordinates and attributes

Norway-status of sea borders Existing Sea Borders Norwegian mainland Spitsbergen Jan Mayen Bouvet Island (54˚ South) Delimitation lines: agreed with Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, UK Under negotiation with Russia Norway has claimed extension of Continental Shelf and EEZ according to UNCLOS article 76 Scientific proof to Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf no later than 13th May 2009

Norwegian EEZ Contiguous Zone Territorial Sea Internal Waters Territorial Water Grense for

Field Work in 1970 and 1980’s

Sea Area statistics per Nov. 2007 Including Norwegian mainland, Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen Internal Waters 125,313 km2 Territorial Sea 114,701 km2 Territorial water 240,014 km2 EEZ 1,878,961 km2 Continental Shelf 2,127,192 km2 The statistics are based on: 1. Norway’s claim to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf 2. the calculated “equal distance line” between Norway and Russia; the delimitation line is under negotiation Baseline

Norwegian Sea Borders-determination Borders between Denmark/Greenland and Norway (Jan Mayen and Svalbard) Each country calculated the “equal distance line” by use of specialised SW Commercial (e.g. CARIS) Norway-special developed SW Small differences=agreed sea borders

Norwegian Sea Borders-comments Unsolved towards Russia Principle for “delimitation line” equal distance line sector line Borders agreed before ETRS89/EUREF existed towards Sweden, Denmark and UK : Protocol/treaties shows coordinates in ED50 Transformation to ETRS89 is not formalised/agreed

Other requests for borders Norwegian Customs has asked for 250nm borders: tax for emission of nitrogen Norwegian requirements only?

Access to Sea Borders dataset Base line available for everyone official web-pages Sea Borders Norway Digital partners Downloading from web Other users Through state-distributor (NE) As SOSI- and shape-files charged Prepare downloading from our geoPortal later this year – 2008? Free of charge (?)

Users Requests for sea borders from: Fishery Shipping Coast guard The Military Map Service Customs etc

Overall Data model for Norway Specification Management and Updating procedures Prepared for land borders between Norway and Sweden Border Spec. Man.

Norwegian Sea Borders data model Version 1 in 2007 Sea Border Database is populated Coordinates mostly, few attributes Data model to be updated Municipal boundaries Connecting points (data model)? Crossing of pipelines (Petroleum Industry is using ED50)

The earth is moving Norway is moving north-east. Northern part of Norway has moved approx. 30 cm since 1989 (Euref89).

Thanks for your attention

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