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STATUS OF FOOD IRRADIATION IN PAKISTAN By Dr. Kauser Abdulla Malik Member Biosciences Pakaistan Atomic Energy Commission 19 March 2018 1
] One third of the world’s food harvest is lost on its way to the consumer from spoilage and disinfections. Beside this, each year, thousand of lives are lost worldwide due to food-borne diseases Losses are especially high in developing countries where transport and storage systems are comparatively older or inadequate, surrounding 19 March 2018 2 temperature and humidity are high
PRESERVATION METHODS EVOVLED n n n n ü Sun Drying Salting Cooking Smoking Canning Freezing Chemical Preservation Irradiation 19 March 2018 3
The use of food irradiation to reduce food loses has been quite successesful and has been investigated since 1964 by FAO/IAEA Although relatively new commercial process of food irradiation has been studied more thoroughly than any other food preservation technology 19 March 2018 4
IRRADIATION IS A CRITICAL CONTROL MEASUR WHICH FULFILS THE CONDITIONS Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø It eliminates or reduce pathogenic bacteria Decontamination of spices and herbs. Disinfestations of grains and grain products Extension of shelf Life Inhibition of Sprouting Free of Chemical additives Keeps the food as close as to its natural condition as far as possible Critical limits are well established for this processing technique Compliance with critical limits can be accurately monitored through dosimetry There are no adverse effects from the consumption of irradiated food 19 March 2018 5
STATUS AND TRENDS IN FOOD IRRADIATION n 1964 JECFI evaluated available data n 1974 JEC recognized food irradiation as a physical process for food preservation n 1980 1983 It is concluded that the irradiation of any commodity upto 10 k. Gy present no toxicological hazard International standard for food irradiation is safe for general application upto 10 kgy & recommended Code of Practice for the operation of food irradiation facilities Today 60 health and safety authorities in 42 countries have approved irradiation of over 60 different foods & over 170 facilities are present in 35 countries. 19 March 2018 6
Status of National Clearances Country Fruit Spices Veg Cereal Meat Seafood Argentina Bangladesh Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Cuba Czechoslovakia Denmark Finland France Hungry India Indonesia Iran 19 March 2018 7
Country Israel Fruit Spices Veg Cereal Meat Italy Japan Seafood S. Korea Mexico Netherlands Norway Poland Philippines S. Africa Spain Syria Thailand UK Uruguay USA Vietnam 19 March Yugoslavia 2018 8
STATUS OF PAKISTAN n Pakistan installed its First Commercial Gamma Irradiator facility for Sterilization of Single Use Medical Products at Lahore PAKISTAN RADIATION STERILIZATION SERVICES (PARAS) n In 1996 as a result of research carried out at NIFA Peshawar Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission applied for license to Irradiate Food Products n Government of Pakistan passed an ordinance on March 7, 1996. allowing seven types of items 19 March 2018 9
TREATMENT OF FOOD BY IONIZING RADIATION SRO 166(1)/96, Gazette Notification 3712/96, March 7, 1996 Item Purpose Max. Dose (k. Gy) Bulbs, Roots & Tubers To inhibit sprouting during storage 0. 2 Fresh fruits & vegetables Improve quality, delaying ripening, control insect infestation, satisfy quarrtine requirements 0. 1 Cereal, pulses, vegetables, nuts Control infestation 1. 0 Raw fish, seafood & products Prolong shelf life, control Hygienic quality 3. 0 -5. 0 Raw poultry, meat & products Prolong shelf life-control of hygienic quality 3. 0 -5. 0 Dried herbs, spices & condiments Insect infestation, hygienic quality 1. 0 -10. 0 19 food of Dried March 2018 animals Control of infestation 10 1. 0
Country Status Pakistan Regulations on Food Irradiation n Pakistan has already adopted/approved Food Regulation in March, 1996. n (IAEA Food & Environmental Protection Section) Authorized Applications of Food Irradiation n The seven categories of food have been recommended by this food regulation (according to recommendation of ICGFI). n. Bulbs Roots & Tubers n. Fresh Fruits and vegetables n. Cereal/pulses vegetables and fruits n. Raw fish, Seafood and their products. n. Raw poultry & meat (fresh & frozen). n. Dried herbs, spices, condiments. n. Dried food animal origin. 19 March 2018 11
Authorization of Food Irradiation Facilitie o · · Research Food Irradiation Facility is available at Nuclear Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Peshawar since 1983. Utilizes Co-60 source presently have a strength of about 1000 Ci. Facility is utilized for irradiation of all types of food on experimental purpose. We are interested to enhance the source strength by replenishment or by adding source to twelve empty tubes. There is no commercial food irradiation facility. PARAS P. O. Box 5014, Lahore, Pakistan (Fax 092 -42 -7510944) 19 March 2018 12
SAFETY OF IRRADIATED FOOD n n n n Irradiated Food Does the irradiation process make food radioactive? Can irradiated food become toxic? Can eating irradiated food develop abnormal chromosomes ? Results of human feeding studies of irradiated food Are Chemical changes or products formed are harmful? Do free radicals produced affect the safety of food? Are food with microorganisms are suitable for irradiation? 19 March 2018 13
Food Irradiation Cost n n n Low dose application Rs 600/ton High Dose application Rs 6000/ton Economy of nations depends on trade Pests, Diseases and food safety are the barriers in food imports & Exports Food irradiation technology is gaining more and more attention around the world making food trade possible About 32, 000 tons of spices & dried vegetable seasoning are irradiated each year 19 March 2018 16
Market Trials n For marketing and acceptability, irradiated potatoes and onions were evaluated, which revealed that 35% of consumers showed interest in consuming irradiated foods. Since then the acceptability has certainly increased due to the awareness campaign upto 45%. Trials n In-country shipment trial of potatoes and onions (over 1500 -2000 km by road) indicated better performance of irradiated root vegetable than untreated controls with regard to their texture and general appearance. n Techno-economic studies on potatoes, onions, cereals, dried fruits, vegetable etc. revealed this technology to be quite economical than conventional cold storage’s and was found feasible under Pakistani conditions. 19 March 2018 18
PAEC’S ROLE IN DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE & AWARENESS n n n Experts Arranging National Seminar On Food Irradiation IAEA/FAO/PAEC Resource Persons/Experts Financial support for boarding/lodging of national /international guest speakers PAEC n Secretariat support n Provision of local services/utilities n Coordination between various national/international agencies n Mobilization of local human resources n Dissemination of information through electronic and print media 19 March 2018 19
PAEC’S ROLE n n n General To help in installation of commercial food irradiator in public sector. To extend training to operate the irradiator for industry and public sector. Monitoring of irradiator for safety/protection. To provide education about irradiation Technology to masses. To advise to the Govt to include Irradiation Processing Technology Courses in the syllabus at undergraduate/ graduate level in all technical institutions in the country. 19 March 2018 20
COMMERCIALIZATION OF IRRADIATION TECHNOLOGY Extension of Shelf Life and Disinfestations of Food Items 19 March 2018 21
PAEC’S INITIATIVE n n n PAEC examined the feasibility of setting up food irradiation plants in Pakistan and find out that It is economical to operate such plants in Pakistan because of local as well as foreign market The first food irradiation plant (60, 000 tons )/year should be set up as an extension of PARAS since infrastructure & manpower exists. It will be operative within a year. The cost to build a commercial food irradiation plant is in the range of US $3 million to $5 million, depending on its size, processing capacity, and other factors PAEC will fabricate most of the equipment in its own workshops, reducing capital costs substantially. Plant will be managed by PAEC. Capital cost will be 74 million only, will be able to payback in 3 19 March 2018 22 years
n n Second plant (60 Kt) at Karachi and 15 Kt each at Multan, Peshawar and Quetta and other major export points in the country within 3 years time The total capacity of these plants will be 225 kilotons/year less than a tenth of the spoilage of fruit. 19 March 2018 23