- Количество слайдов: 28
STATUS ANKA Outline: General Insertion NANO ………. . CAT-ACT …………CLIC Control-System-upgrade Short bunches: EOS …………………Flute UAB
General Extensions of Building nearly finished Dipole Vacuum chamber exchanged to increase flux for CD 12 -beamline Prepare installation of Insertion for Image-beamline Increased failure-rate of hardware (Power-supplies) after 12 y of operation 4 failures / y Exchange-program started
Building Extension Beamlines In operation: 17 In constr. : 1 Approved: 1 North West (2012) Image-Beamline: Hutches installed, Frontend 2012 West CATACT Dipole vacuum chamber exchanged EOS installed Vacuum chamber for Image installed SCU 14 out South West (2009) NANO-Beamline++ South-East (2011) LABS
SCU 14 is gone Design parameter: Period: 14 mm No Periods: 100 Magnetic gap: 16/12/8/(5) mm Current: 1000 A Field: 0. 6 T Reduced current due to quench 350 A Taper entered beam path after warming up (yearly maintenance) Corrugated cold vacuum chamber, gap effective < 5 mm Current 350 A Field: 0. 2 T k: 0. 03
Daresbury Wiggler in Gap: Period: Length: Field: k: 45 mm 20 cm 1 m 1. 08 T 20 Gap limited to 45 mm Due to limitation of the NANO-beamline-frontend More flux for NANO-beamline (except first harmonic) Loan from Daresbury for 2 y To be replaced by SCU 18?
CAT-ACT-Beamline Catalysis and Actinide Research X-ray absorption / fluorescent 3 -60 ke. V 2 experimental station, one for radioactive samples (106 above limit)
Installation At least it fits! Valve to be moved. One additional vacuum chamber plus scraper. One or two valves? Additional bellows?
CAT-ACT-Wiggler (BINP) Period-length Number of Main Poles 36 Pole scheme ¼ - ¾ 1 -1 …¾ -¼ Magnetic Field 2. 5 T Ramp-Time <5 min k 11. 2 < 15 P @ 200 m. A 4. 3 < 5 k. W Magnetic gap Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics 48 mm 20 mm Vacuum stay clear 15 mm
Coils Pole scheme: ½ -1 1 …- ½: radiation off centre ¼ - ¾ 1 -1 … 1 - ¾ - ¼ : radiation centered sextupole component zero Outer coil: Smaller Field (4. 8 T) Higher Current (760 A) Inner coil: Higher field (6. 3 T) Smaller Current (380 A) 2 Power supplies ¼ coils plus main outer plus main inner coils ¾ coils plus main outer coils Adjusting both PS against each other allows compensation of 1 st Integral (kick)
Beta-Function full ring CAT-ACT off 4 fold symmetry RF Injection NANO/2 Image CAT-ACT SUL CAT-ACT on Wiggler does vertical focusing Tune shift Global tune adjustment 1 fold symmetry around CAT-ACT RF WERA
Compensation of BETA Beat CAT-ACT on Local tune adjustment Need: Additional Power Supplies For neighboring Q 4/Q 5 Current reduced by ~1%
ANKA-CERN-Cooperation Develop Wiggler for CLIC (BINP) TEST Wiggler at ANKA (Comparable Energy 2. 8 Ge. V) for Heat load and Vacuum chamber (NEG coating) Use Wiggler as Insertion (for ANKA)
ANKA-CERN-Cooperation Heat load on vacuum chamber from up stream wiggler in the vertical: 50 / 5 W @ 200 m. A Emittance minimal for: 3 T 56 cm
CLIC-Wiggler Specification Field: 3 T Period: 51 mm No Periods: 34 Vacuum gap: 13 mm Magnet gap: 18 mm Max heat-load (CLIC) 50 W Heat load (ANKA) 4 W Power@200 m. A 12 k. W k <16 Vacuum chamber exchangeable Magnet-cooling indirect by liquid He Vacuum chamber cooling (liquid N 2 / Cold-heads)
CLIC Wiggler Design Li He Transfer-line Magnet-pole Heat-link
Cold Diac In (Diamond) Invest effect of electron clouds and ions Heating of cold vacuum chamber by beam Thanks to DIAMOND offering the possibility to do this experiment, And the continuous support during installation and the investigation.
Electro Optical Sampling Cooperation: KIT, TH Dortmond, TH Berlin, SLS Ph. D Theses Nicole Hiller Measure short e-bunch-length B. Steffen, V. Schlott, F. Müller: DIPAC 09 fs laser pulse is stretched (gratings), polarized, passing through elec. opt. crystal, e-pulse is changing polarization, laser pulse is analyzed, gives bunchlength
EOS-Setup Linear transfer motorized, crystal For normal operation the crystal is withdrawn, shield put in to cover the hole Linear transfer pneumatic, shield
EOS-Setup Beam coming from laser (red) Polarizing beam splitter Beam going on grating (red) and out of grating (orange) Beam going in crystal (orange) and out of crystal (green)
Control-System-Renovation Present control system: Developed by COSYLAB: Operator Console (Clients, Java) Ethernet Server (C++), ACS Manager Lon. Works-Bus ADC / DAC / DIO / Serial interface Power-supplies PVSS PLC S 7 (Vacuum) Chosen to avoid expensive hardware (VME) But: Unique development for ANKA Prevents integration of development from EPICS/TANGO community Failure rate of hardware increases! Exchange of hardware (PS) needed! New hardware with serial link (Ethernet) internal DAC/ADC Time to change!
Control-System-Upgrade ANKA office 111 ANKA machine 121 ANKA machine 192 Console-Layer maintained by KIT 20 €/m maintained by KIT maintained by ANKA Operator consoles: CSS / JAVA Ethernet Server-Layer-virtualized: PVSS-Manager/ ACS Manager / EPICS / Soft IOC LON-Works-Bus / Ethernet Embedded Server BPMs MOXA Serial-Interface Device
Matlab-Middle-Layer-Tools Matlab-Middle-Layer-Accelerator-Toolbox: Measuring: Responds-Matrix Chromaticity Beam-Based Alignment First turns LOCO
Flute-Status Fern-Infrarot-Linac-Und-Test-Experiment Produce small bunches for THz Radiation In cooperation with PSI Will be built up in Cyclotron bunker LINAC /Modulator in kind contribution PSI Compressor chicane 45 MW Klystron S-bend-linac 21/2 Cell Photo-gun
Flute-Built-up 21/2 cell Photo-gun Power: 20 MW Pulse: 0. 1 -3 n. C Pulse-Rate: 10 Hz Frequency: 3 GHz Energy. 7 Me. V S-Bend-Linac Power: Number Cells: Length: Energy. 25 MW 156 5. 2 m 42 Me. V Ti-Sa-Laser: Pulse-Length: Pulse-Power: Wavelength: Compressor: Deflection: Field: Length. R 56 120 fs 2. 5 m. J 800 nm 266 nm y° 0. x T 0. z m 35 mm
Simulation Gun to compressor: ASTRA Compressor: CSR SR constant field SR edge radiation Transition radiation comparable flux
SESAME Energy-SR 2. 5 Ge. V Booster 0. 8 Ge. V 0. 022 Ge. V Current 0. 4 A Periods 8 DBA 133. 2 m Microtron Circumference Tune horiz. / vert. 7. 25 / 5. 19 Nat. Chroma. h / v -14 / -14 Emittance Mom. Comp. Radiation loss 25 nm 0. 008 0. 6 Me. V
BESSY I at SESAME Status: 22 Me. V Microtron is running: 2µs 8 m. A 800 Me. V Booster is being built up Storage-ring-magnets are being purchased by CERN 20 M$ contribution Iran, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, SESAME is in Jordan, close to Europe! SESAME was born in Europe! Cyprus (EU) is member of SESAME! Can SESAME be part of ESLS community?
Thanks for your attention and Support