EU Postal Policy 1. Establishing a regulatory framework. 2. A universal service for all EU citizens. 3. Implementing the internal postal market. Developement of Postal Policy: Ø Ø Ø 1997: 2002: 2006: 2007: 2009: Postal Directive 97/67/EC Postal Directive 2002/39/EC Legal monopoly will be reduce New Postal Directive Establishment of internal market in postal services 2
Postal Statistics in EU § Postal statistics were collected: Ø until 2003: EUROSTAT. Ø 2003 – 2005: not collected. Ø from 2005: Commission EU - EUROSTAT - CERP § New statistical system: Ø Covering all relevant activities. Ø Sufficiently harmonized among EU. Ø Suited to monitor the regulatory evolutions of the postal market. Ø Useful for all market players. 3
Objectives and components for statistical policy Neutral statistics Control & Audit OBJECTIVES & COMPONENTS Recognize distinctions Instrument for NRAs 4
Postal statistics in Republic of Slovenia SURS APEK EUROSTAT 5
Problems during collecting postal statistical data Ø Legal basis for collecting data Ø Question of confidentiality Ø Definition of postal products and services 6
Legal basis for collecting data Article 42 of Postal Services Act: “Everyone providing postal services shall be obliged to submit to the Agency, at its request, to the extent and/or including details, as it may require, data, information, financial and other reports which the Agency needs in order to fulfil its obligations and to report to international organisations in accordance with international acts valid in the Republic of Slovenia. ” 7
Question of confidentiality § Statistical Confidentiality is subject to national regulation. § How to avoide confidentiality issues: Ø Secure Servers Ø Tough access control Ø No data sending by email but need to use a secure channel Ø Eurostat not allowed to give confidential data to anybody, even the EU Commission Ø Neither Eurostat nor NRAs are allowed to publish confidential data 8
General scope of the statistical system GENERAL SCOPE OF THE STATISTICAL SYSTEM TELECOMMUNICATION MARKET Hybrid mail: SCOPE OF THE STATISTICAL SYSTEM Electronic transmission OTHER SERVICES Delivery from PO boxes to addressee’s Collection from the sender’s Post-office counter services postal service Document exchange services Single clearance, and/or sorting Mailbox rentals services Standard letter-post service Including registered mail, insured mail CEP and other core services - Courier services - Express services - Parcels services - Non standard services clearance + sorting + transport + delivery CORE MARKET postal items (addressed items) Letters and postcards Direct mail Other letter-post items Parcels Unaddressed items handled by providers of postal and related services Unaddressed items handled by non-postal operators ADVERTISING MARKET Mail preparation services Upper weight/size limits for parcels Single transport of postal items TRANSPORT MARKET 9
Postal industry 10
Thank You for Your Attention ! Contact person: igor. hacin@apek. si 11