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Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia National Health Accounts Belgrade May 13, 2014 Group for Satellite Accounts
INTRODUCTION v National Health Accounts v Survey v Pilot Survey v Joint Health Accounts Questionnaire www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DEFINITION National Health Accounts (NHA) is a set of tables that show the flow of funds in the health sistem, and shows the costs and financing of the health system of a country www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
AIM OF NATIONAL HEALTH ACCOUNTS COMPILATION • Review of the sources, use and flows of resources within the health care system HEALTH CARE SYSTEM SOURCES FLOWS USES www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
CRITERIA FOR NHA COMPILATION 1. Coverage 2. Consistency 3. International Comparability 4. Timeliness and accuracy 5. Flexibility www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PURPOSE OF NHA COMPILATION v Where does the money come from? (source of funding) v Where does the money go to? (provider of health care services and goods) v What kind of (functionally-defined) services are performed and what types of goods are purchased? www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PURPOSE OF NHA COMPILATION (con’t) v Analysis of the consumption for health care v Recording of expenditures in the health care sector v Monitoring of the movements in the health care consumption v Health care system reform v International comparability of the data www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DATA SOURCES v • • • Statistical surveys Complex annual survey on budgetary users Annual financial statements Annual report on investments in fixed assets Household budget survey Household final consumption www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DATA SOURCES (con’t) DATA SOURCES v Administrative sources • The Ministry of Health • The Ministry of Finance • The Business Registers Agency • Republic Health Insurance Fund • Institute of public health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanovic – Batut” www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PURPOSE OF THE SURVEY • The main purpose of the NHA is to collect reliable, systematized and internationally comparable data on the impact of the health on overall economic activity • Monitoring of the movements in the health care consumption (public and private sector) www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
AIM OF THE SURVEY v Data collection on: • Income and expenditure of the health care institutions and entrepreneurs • Income of pharmacies and legal entities which sale medical and technical aids • Households expenditure for health care www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
COVERAGE v Public Sector (hospitals, day hospital, dental offices, pharmacies, technical aids sellers) v Private Sectors (hospitals, specialised health care/medical stations, dental offices, pharmacies, technical aids sellers) v Households (one - person or multi – person households) www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
SURVEY ACTIVITIES v v v Development of the methodology Questionnaires design Units of observation selection Selection and training of the staff Management of the activities Results publishing www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DATA COLLECTION TOOLS v Register v Questionnaires v Methodological manual v Organisational manual v Auxilary tools www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION v Reporting method v Interview www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
SURVEY PARTICIPANTS v Institution responsible for survey conduction v Project leaders v Supervisors v Controllers v Interviewers www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERVISORS v Study of the methodological and organisational manuals v Selection of controllers and interviewers v Organisation of interviewers training v Delivery of the material to the controllers and interviewers v Day to day monitoring of the controllers and interviewers work v Spot on problem solving v Reception and delivery of the material from the field to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia v Other activities www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTROLLERS v Study of the methodological and organisational manuals v Participation on the training v Day to day monitoring of the interviewers work v Checking of the survey forms v Problems solution as necessary v Delivery of the material to the interviewers v Delivery of the properly filled in questionnaires to the supervisors v Other activities www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INTERVIEWERS v Study of the methodological and organisational manuals v Participation on the training v Carrying out the interview following the provided households list as well as legal entities list v Permanent communication with the controller v Professional and on time conduction of the interviews v Delivery of the properly filled in questionnaires to the controllers v Obligation to respect the principle of confidentiality www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PILOT SURVEY v Based on the international methodology for health care accounts (A System of Health Accounts 2011 - OECD, ЕUROSTAT and World Health Organization) v Carried out from 16 -20 December 2013 www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PILOT SURVEY (con’t) PILOT SURVEY 1. Survey on the operational income of the health care institutions 2. Survey on households expenditure for health care www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
AIM OF PILOT SURVEY v Testing of the survey methodology v Testing of the survey organization v Combination of the above approaches www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PILOT SURVEY ACTIVITIES v Development of the methodology v Questionnaires design v Units of observation selection v Selection and training of the staff v Management of the activities www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
PILOT SURVEY TOOLS v Register v Questionnaires v Organizational – methodological manual v Authorization for interviewers/ controllers v Note of interviewers arrival v Note (hospitals, day hospitals, dental offices, specialized medical stations, pharmacies, technical aids sellers) www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
QUESTIONNAIRES v List of household members, Form ZDR 1 v Health care expenditures, Form ZDR 2 v Income structure for pharmacies, Form ZDR 3 v Income structure for private pharmacies, Form ZDR 4 www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
QUESTIONNAIRES (con’t) QUESTIONNAIRES v Income from sales of medical and technical aids, Form ZDR 5 v Income structure for medical institutions, Form ZDR 6 v Income structure for private medical institutions and unincorporated enterprises, Form ZDR 7 www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
Joint Health Accounts Questionnaire v Health care total expenditures classified according to the System of Health Accounts methodology (SHA) v ОЕCD, WHO, Еurostat v 2007 -2011 data www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contact: Phone number 011 241 29 22, ext. 237 ivana. lalic@stat. gov. rs www. stat. gov. rs / stat@stat. gov. rs