State Tretyakov Gallery
Pavel Tretyakov 1832-1898
Nikolay Shilder, “Temptation” The first painting bought by Pavel Tretyakov
Vasiliy Khudyakov “A Brawl with Finnish Contrabandists”
The front of the main gallery building , 1900
The first gallery council (Alexandra Botkina, Valentin Serov, Ilya Ostroukhov). 1900s
Igor Grabar 1871-1960 The gallery curator since 1913
Alexey Shchusev 1873-1949 The next gallery director
“The kolkhoz exhibition”, 1930
“The Marxian exposure”, 1931-1932
The Soviet art hall 1945
Yuri Korolyov 1929-1992
Erecting of the engineer building 1984
The Vrubel hall