State Symbols Flag – Emblem - Anthem
Flag – Emblem – Anthem are the symbols of the State that do reflect the essence of the national history, the decisive and sometimes the crucial moments that have taken place and gone through the entire history. So, the Flag, combination of colors and other items that can embody and personify that actual history and the background of the country. It is no wonder that people are sensitive towards the state symbols as the vehicles of patriotism and consolidation of statehood. When the National flag is being erected and the Anthem played some special civil and military rituals are put into effect. It is needless to say that the requirements to the symbols and the performance related to them are exceptional and the treatment should be extraordinary. The flag should look great and the anthem played properly. The status and occasions of the actual use are fixed in the strong pieces of documentation and in some countries in the Constitution. The attitude of the average citizen to the symbols is so serious as it is associated with the tender and divine notions like motherland. In some countries the abusing attitude to the symbols is a criminal crime.
People do respect the symbols of the country and as a rule they know the history of their creation. Many Americans and Guests of the US visit the Museum of the “Stars and Stripes” in Philadelphia where they can see a lady in the process of knitting the Flag of the United States. All the ceremonies connected with the Flag and Anthem are very gala events no matter where and how often they take place. “I Pledge elegance to the Flag of the United States and the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all” – This is the ceremony that take place at the American Schools every day. The attitude to the symbols is different in different countries. In some you can have different versions of the Flag – big and small (USA). In the Soviet Union it were only the authorized officials who could touch the flag. The ceremonies related to the Symbols are quite official and responsible. Only some specially selected orchestras can play the National Anthem. The audience listens to the performance standing and military men with the respective rituals. The Flag should in the right form and shape with the fixed size and the authorized coloring combined and tuned up to the origin. When it is lifted up it should be lighted and never left in the shade.
In diplomacy all the strict regulations with regard to the State Symbols are followed as they are closely connected with the image and prestige of the sovereign state. On the eve of the top ranking visits the diplomats dealing with the Protocol issues double-check the details of the Flag and the tuning of the Anthem. The performance of the Orchestra is examined at the Rehearsal. The Flag of the foreign state is placed on the right-hand side. The Vienna Convention comes up with the description of the significance and the occasions of use. It tells that the original Flag can be placed at the diplomatic mission, residential zone of the ambassador and the means of transportation on some special events. The diplomatic pieces of documentation acquire some exclusive significance when they contain flag, emblem or original seal. If the flags of more than one country are put up they all should be of the same size and other authorized details. They should also be placed at the same height and in the strict alphabetic order according to the Latin script or the alphabetic order of the language of the hosting state. Multilateral diplomacy provides for the dogmatic use of the National symbols as the sign of equality. All the flags are equally treated and placed respective in accordance with the alphabetic order.