
  • Количество слайдов: 95


MISSION STATEMENT The St. Johns County School District will inspire in all students a MISSION STATEMENT The St. Johns County School District will inspire in all students a passion for lifelong learning, creating educated and caring contributors to the world.

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 2008 -2009 SCHOOL YEAR To continue the implementation of the District HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 2008 -2009 SCHOOL YEAR To continue the implementation of the District Strategic Plan


STUDENT LEARNING Each year our student performance reaches new heights of achievement, thanks to STUDENT LEARNING Each year our student performance reaches new heights of achievement, thanks to the continuing efforts of our teachers, students, parents and all of our stakeholders.

STATE RANKINGS Out of 67 School Districts v First in the state in total STATE RANKINGS Out of 67 School Districts v First in the state in total FCAT points v One of only ten districts to earn an “A” for eight consecutive years v 27 “A” schools, with all middle schools scoring an “A”

2008 DISTRICT FCAT SCORES FIRST IN THE STATE: 3 rd Grade Reading and Math 2008 DISTRICT FCAT SCORES FIRST IN THE STATE: 3 rd Grade Reading and Math 4 th Grade Reading and Math 5 th Grade Reading and Math 9 th Grade Reading 10 th Grade Reading and Writing 8 th Grade Science 2 nd in the state 5 th & 11 th Grade Science 3 rd in the state

AVID PROGRAM v Completed first year of AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) at Pedro AVID PROGRAM v Completed first year of AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) at Pedro Menendez High School for 9 th grade students v School received $50, 000 grant to train staff v 75 students participated

COLLEGE PREP AND GRADUATION Increase Graduation Rate and Decrease Drop-Out Rate v Increased Graduation COLLEGE PREP AND GRADUATION Increase Graduation Rate and Decrease Drop-Out Rate v Increased Graduation Rate to 89. 4% v Increase of 11. 2% from 2006 -2007 v Well above state average of 75. 4% v Third highest increase in the state v Decreased Drop-out Rate to 1. 3% v Decreased from 1. 8% in 2006 -2007 v Well below state average of 2. 6%

COLLEGE PREP v Readiness for College v v v SAT – District and state COLLEGE PREP v Readiness for College v v v SAT – District and state scores improved while national scores declined v v 75. 6% ready in St. Johns County versus 62. 9% in the state 2 nd highest in Florida Scored 94 points above state average and 60 points higher than national average Student participation third highest percentage in state 9 -year trend ACT - District scores second highest in state v v Scores well above state and national averages 18 -year trend

ADVANCED PLACEMENT EXAMS v 12. 4% increase in number of test takers v Pass ADVANCED PLACEMENT EXAMS v 12. 4% increase in number of test takers v Pass rate of 57. 2% higher than state average of 45. 4%

STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT WITH FOCUS ON SUBGROUPS v Increased graduation rate for African-American students from STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT WITH FOCUS ON SUBGROUPS v Increased graduation rate for African-American students from 59. 8% to 78. 4% (5 th highest gain in the state) v Increased graduation rate for Hispanic students from 74. 7% to 88. 6% (5 th highest increase in the state) v Increased standard diploma graduation rate for students with disabilities from 42% to 54% (above state average of 45%)

RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION Used a team approach to assist students having difficulties in academics, RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION Used a team approach to assist students having difficulties in academics, behavior and social skills v Continued Response to Intervention (Rt. I) in all elementary schools v Received $100, 000 grant from USF v Hired three Rt. I coaches v Trained all staff in Rt. I

CAREER EDUCATION PROGRAMS v Paws in Jobland offered to all elementary students v Utilized CAREER EDUCATION PROGRAMS v Paws in Jobland offered to all elementary students v Utilized CHOICES Explorer, a web-based career exploration software for all middle school students v 37 Major Areas of Interest available to high school students v Over 1, 800 students and 800 parents attended Middle School Blitz and High School Showcase v Over 3, 460 students applied for a program of study

CAREER ACADEMIES v 15 academies in operation v 52 academy students interned with area CAREER ACADEMIES v 15 academies in operation v 52 academy students interned with area businesses (Vystar, Stellar, Northrop Grumman, Airport Authority and others) v 50 academy students conducted clinicals at Flagler Hospital v Every academy to offer free college credits by 2010 v 3 teacher teams had externships in various businesses this summer

CAREER ACADEMIES v Obtained over $4 million in-kind, cash and grant donations for career CAREER ACADEMIES v Obtained over $4 million in-kind, cash and grant donations for career academies v SAHS Aerospace Academy conducted a site review using National Standards of Practice for Career Academies obtaining a rating of “At Standard”

SJCSD VIRTUAL ACADEMY Offered online technology options for all students v Renewed franchise contract SJCSD VIRTUAL ACADEMY Offered online technology options for all students v Renewed franchise contract with FLVS v Contracted with K-12 vendor to provide full-time virtual curriculum v Offered 57 courses for 6 -12 v Maintained staff of 21 teachers v v (2 full-time and 19 part-time) 891 successful completions in 2008 -2009

REMEDIATION OPPORTUNITIES v Implemented secondary credit recovery and remediation system in all middle and REMEDIATION OPPORTUNITIES v Implemented secondary credit recovery and remediation system in all middle and high schools v 768 Credits recovered v 546 high school and 222 middle school

ADVANCED PROGRAMS v Increased placement of students in upper level classes (AP, IB, AICE, ADVANCED PROGRAMS v Increased placement of students in upper level classes (AP, IB, AICE, DE, Level 3 and Honors) v 841 students received Bright Futures Scholarships, with the percentage of minority scholars increasing from 17% to 19% v Increased number of minority students enrolled in AP classes to 20%

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY v Tested all 8 th graders on computer literacy v Continued support INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY v Tested all 8 th graders on computer literacy v Continued support from Technology Coordinators and Technology Coaches v Provided Two-Minute Tech Tip video clips on District website v Developed and completed first online MOODLE course v Implemented instructional video conferencing

TRAINING AND MENTORING v Provided Character Counts! training v Provided training via New Teacher TRAINING AND MENTORING v Provided Character Counts! training v Provided training via New Teacher Induction in August and on-going sessions at Fullerwood Learning Center v Matched new teachers with mentors v Conducted Pursuing Victory with Honor learning sessions for new coaches and secondary administrators

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT v Provided Gifted Endorsement classes v Offered training opportunities for teachers to PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT v Provided Gifted Endorsement classes v Offered training opportunities for teachers to become Highly Qualified v Initiated “Schools by Design” by implementing the “Capturing Kids Hearts” model

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT v Developed training for Classroom Behavior Management Strategies v Coordinated implementation of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT v Developed training for Classroom Behavior Management Strategies v Coordinated implementation of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) at all middle schools v 7% decrease in classroom referrals v Held monthly meetings for PBS coaches to collaborate on successful strategies

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Enhanced Secretary/Bookkeeper Academy for New Staff (3 days) v v v v PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Enhanced Secretary/Bookkeeper Academy for New Staff (3 days) v v v v Oracle: Budget, Purchasing and Accounts Payable Payroll Property Internal Accounts: Heritage, Bank of America, Handbook and Chart of Accounts Extended Day: Quick Books, Chart of Accounts and Handbook P-Card Audits

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT v Conducted training for parents and teachers on Parent Assistant v Conducted PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT v Conducted training for parents and teachers on Parent Assistant v Conducted multiple training events for e. SIS Teacher Trainers

FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS Creekside High School Ponte Vedra High School Liberty Pines Academy FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS Creekside High School Ponte Vedra High School Liberty Pines Academy

FACILITIES PLANNING v Successfully implemented the School Concurrency system v v Updated the Five-Year FACILITIES PLANNING v Successfully implemented the School Concurrency system v v Updated the Five-Year District Facilities Work Plan v v Reviewed 15 applications to ensure available capacity Includes 2 new elementary schools, a K-8 school and 3 elementary school expansions Board approved Spot Survey to the Educational Plant Survey v Also approved architectural plans to accommodate Timberlin Creek and Wards Creek Elementary School expansions

FOOD SERVICE v Expanded the web site to include a nutritional analysis for major FOOD SERVICE v Expanded the web site to include a nutritional analysis for major menu items v Upgraded all schools to the online point of sale terminals providing improved reliability, flexibility and efficiency v Restructured and streamlined the menu to decrease labor costs and increase participation

FOOD SERVICE v Provided e. SIS training for all cafeteria managers v Access to FOOD SERVICE v Provided e. SIS training for all cafeteria managers v Access to student data has improved time management and productivity v Served 371, 426 breakfast meals v Served 1, 396, 563 lunch meals

MAINTENANCE v Continued Peer Review Committee meetings to inspect interior and exterior of facilities MAINTENANCE v Continued Peer Review Committee meetings to inspect interior and exterior of facilities v Schools placed on a rotating basis v 14 schools were visited and inspected v Replaced gym lighting at all middle schools and four high schools with more energy efficient fixtures v Installed control systems that permit individual operation of the fixtures

NEW CONSTRUCTION v Revised current change order execution and approval process v Change order NEW CONSTRUCTION v Revised current change order execution and approval process v Change order execution rates favorable v Completed all new schools, additions and remodeling projects on-time and within projected budgets v Awarded Professional Construction/Program Management Services contract to assist the District in the implementation of current capital outlay program and future needs

ENERGY CONSERVATION v Exceeded energy consumption savings goal of 20% cost avoidance 36% which ENERGY CONSERVATION v Exceeded energy consumption savings goal of 20% cost avoidance 36% which equates to $3, 540, 575 v Actual

TRANSPORTATION v Created a scan system to automate student data input v Remained in TRANSPORTATION v Created a scan system to automate student data input v Remained in the top five counties in Average Bus Occupancy (ABO) ranking v v v Current ABO at 98. 8 Developed and implemented a web-based Field Trip Request form Buses transported students over 4, 000 miles


COMMUNITY RELATIONS v Hosted 5 th Annual Media Day training to assist school staff COMMUNITY RELATIONS v Hosted 5 th Annual Media Day training to assist school staff in enhancing media coverage v Held more than 20 focus group meetings with various stakeholder groups v Developed civility/customer service training of all staff v Trainings held at the district office and high schools to meet the needs for all employees

COMMUNITY RELATIONS v Provided bi-annual updates of the District Strategic Plan and began review COMMUNITY RELATIONS v Provided bi-annual updates of the District Strategic Plan and began review of options for developing new plan v Held preliminary meetings with staff and sponsors in anticipation of fall launch of the “Be There” campaign encouraging parent involvement v Completed more than 150 Public Records requests

EDUCATION FOUNDATION v Held Second Annual Art Attack! to raise funds and awareness of EDUCATION FOUNDATION v Held Second Annual Art Attack! to raise funds and awareness of school arts programs v More than 2, 000 participants v Raised $9, 200 v Sponsored Tools for Schools drive over summer to collect school supplies v Changed venue for Teacher of the Year Celebration and established partnership with the PLAYERS Championship v Initiated a quarterly Foundation newsletter

EDUCATION FOUNDATION v Successfully applied again to be the only foundation in the state EDUCATION FOUNDATION v Successfully applied again to be the only foundation in the state to serve as a Supplemental Educational Services provider v 239 students completed the tutoring program, a 51% increase over last year v Increased number of students receiving Take Stock in Children scholarships by 20%

VOLUNTEER SERVICES v v v Nominated Outstanding Youth Volunteer of the Year for Region VOLUNTEER SERVICES v v v Nominated Outstanding Youth Volunteer of the Year for Region II, one of top five in the state Held 16 th Annual RSVP Chocolate Gala which raised $9, 000 – the highest grossing event ever Held second successful Volunteer Recognition Reception honoring school volunteer award winners and volunteer coordinators

VOLUNTEER SERVICES v Completed RSVP tri-annual grant assuring federal funding through June 2012 v VOLUNTEER SERVICES v Completed RSVP tri-annual grant assuring federal funding through June 2012 v Added all vendors to the Keep. NTrack system v Updated Volunteer Services website with handbook, forms and guidelines to better serve volunteer coordinators and parents

NETWORK AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT v Ordered, configured and installed all computer, software and network NETWORK AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT v Ordered, configured and installed all computer, software and network equipment for three new schools and one remodeled school v Developed Computer Refresh Plan RFP, evaluated responses, and contracted with HP for a 3 -year lease purchase for 2009 v Configured and installed a new email archival solution v Performed network install/de-installs for 110+ summer portables

NETWORK AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT v Configured and installed new IP phone network at all NETWORK AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT v Configured and installed new IP phone network at all new schools v Established a district-wide warranty tracking system for all servers and storage equipment (saving $100, 000 over 3 years) v Configured new software to back up district websites v Completed over 25, 000 IT work tickets this school year v Virtualized many servers to lower costs and improve efficiency

STUDENT AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS v Supported the implementation of the PEER (online IEP) system STUDENT AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS v Supported the implementation of the PEER (online IEP) system v Implemented a new K-2 report card and provided teachers with training v Developed ethnic reporting capabilities in Oracle to support new DOE requirements v Implemented an automatic system to update Alert Now from Oracle, e. SIS and Edulog data v Supported implementation of Smart. Find Express


FINANCIAL PLANNING v Absorbed new schools into Operating Budget v Planned for additional budget FINANCIAL PLANNING v Absorbed new schools into Operating Budget v Planned for additional budget cuts of 1%, 2% or 3% v Researched e. Procurement to determine feasibility, considering cost benefit analysis v Implemented the FICA Alternative Plan as a retirement plan for part-time, seasonal and temporary employees with savings of $256, 000

FINANCIAL PLANNING v Implemented Payment Collection Gateway for employees and vendors to make payments FINANCIAL PLANNING v Implemented Payment Collection Gateway for employees and vendors to make payments online v Implemented e. Payables solution with Bank of America allowing payment of vendors via credit cards v Earned v approximately $230, 000 Continued to increase electronic payments through the ACH Payment process


HUMAN RESOURCES v Continued to update and improve electronic processing of forms for transfers HUMAN RESOURCES v Continued to update and improve electronic processing of forms for transfers and hires v Aligned year-end process with Oracle data v Fully trained all users on process and procedures v Made eight major improvements to the Portal

HUMAN RESOURCES v Visited local public sector Human Resource departments to view operation for HUMAN RESOURCES v Visited local public sector Human Resource departments to view operation for ideas on improving current practices v Upgraded the fingerprinting process and improved the current service offered to vendors and new employees v Improved benefits communication and added additional newsletter or other communication process to offer information about benefits in addition to medical benefits

HUMAN RESOURCES v Improved participation in state level professional organization – Florida Educational Negotiators HUMAN RESOURCES v Improved participation in state level professional organization – Florida Educational Negotiators v Associate Superintendent attended many FEN sessions v Associate Superintendent elected to Board of Directors of FEN v Opened the first Health Center in the state for use by school district employees covered under the Self-Funded Medical Plan


FINANCIAL PLANNING v Investigated implementation of purchasing cards, Bank of America services and our FINANCIAL PLANNING v Investigated implementation of purchasing cards, Bank of America services and our general ledger considering a cost benefit analysis v Implemented, with the assistance of the uniform vendor, an online ordering system for uniforms

IT DEPARTMENT v Upgraded District firewalls and VPN (remote access) hardware v Expanded network IT DEPARTMENT v Upgraded District firewalls and VPN (remote access) hardware v Expanded network monitoring and logging v Provided teachers and staff with improved web filtering, allowing greater flexibility v Implemented weekly automated staff and student data audits


CORE VALUES We believe that………… Ø Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship are CORE VALUES We believe that………… Ø Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship are essential to the well being of individuals and society Ø All individuals have intrinsic value Ø Every individual can contribute something of worth to society Ø Individuals are responsible and accountable for their choices and decisions

CORE VALUES Ø In order to grow and thrive, individuals need caring relationships and CORE VALUES Ø In order to grow and thrive, individuals need caring relationships and a nurturing environment Ø Supportive family relationships are the foundation of the community Ø High expectations lead to higher performance which, in turn, empowers the individual and strengthens society Ø Continued learning is a lifelong process that is essential to a productive and enriched life Ø A safe and orderly environment is conducive to learning

STRATEGIC DELIMITERS We will not initiate any new program or service unless: Ø It STRATEGIC DELIMITERS We will not initiate any new program or service unless: Ø It is consistent with and contributes to our mission Ø It is accomplished by the training, staff development, and resources needed to assure its effectiveness

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM GOAL ONE Develop, implement, monitor and review enhancements to the delivery INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM GOAL ONE Develop, implement, monitor and review enhancements to the delivery system for all students.

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Establish a community education program throughout the district Ø Continue INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Establish a community education program throughout the district Ø Continue to research, enhance and expand online technology options for all students Ø Provide an instructional/literacy coach at each school

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Expand full day VPK at six Title I elementary schools INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Expand full day VPK at six Title I elementary schools Ø Continue to provide the progress monitoring tools: FAIR (reading), Think. Link (math and science), and Write. Score (writing) Ø Implement the Differentiated Accountability Plan at all schools with major focus on all subgroups making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Continue implementation and customization for new state standards in credit INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Continue implementation and customization for new state standards in credit recovery system and GED options Ø Expand implementation of Rt. I to secondary schools Ø Increase number of academy students taking the industry certification exams

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Continue developing curriculum maps based on the Next Generation Sunshine INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Continue developing curriculum maps based on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Ø Increase participation among students in extracurricular academic programs Ø Expand development of common semester and end-of-course exams

STUDENT LEARNING GOAL TWO Increase the percentage of students mastering the academic standards set STUDENT LEARNING GOAL TWO Increase the percentage of students mastering the academic standards set forth by the district, state and nation.

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Increase student achievement for all students with a focus on INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM Ø Increase student achievement for all students with a focus on subgroups Ø Continue to increase the district’s graduation rate Ø Continue to decrease the district’s dropout rate

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT GOAL THREE Provide professional development opportunities to improve the performance of TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT GOAL THREE Provide professional development opportunities to improve the performance of all employees.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ø Continue providing training for academy standards and industry certifications Ø TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ø Continue providing training for academy standards and industry certifications Ø Provide “Capturing Kids Hearts” training for teachers, school-based administrators, and district leaders which will integrate with Character Counts!, Positive Behavior Support, and Pursuing Victory with Honor Ø Provide Character Counts! and Pursuing Victory with Honor learning sessions for all new teachers and administrators

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ø Provide meaningful training opportunities during district-wide early release Wednesdays Ø TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ø Provide meaningful training opportunities during district-wide early release Wednesdays Ø Provide staff development for assistant principals, deans, and guidance counselors on Response to Intervention (Rt. I) Ø Develop an Rt. I manual

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ø Complete Customer Service (Civility Rule) training for appropriate staff and TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ø Complete Customer Service (Civility Rule) training for appropriate staff and follow-up to ensure timely response to inquiries Ø Host the Sixth Annual Media Day training to provide school staff with information for responding to media requests and enhancing media coverage

FACITLITIES AND OPERATION GOAL FOUR Implement current Facilities Program, Educational Plant Survey and Five-Year FACITLITIES AND OPERATION GOAL FOUR Implement current Facilities Program, Educational Plant Survey and Five-Year Work Program Provide on-going operational services to support SJCSD facilities.

SCHOOL OPERATIONS FACITILITIES AND NEW CONSTRUCTION Ø Design and construct energy-efficient and sustainable facilities SCHOOL OPERATIONS FACITILITIES AND NEW CONSTRUCTION Ø Design and construct energy-efficient and sustainable facilities Ø Review design, construction, and operations of prototypes for functionality and efficiency Ø Reduce energy consumption in all District facilities

SCHOOL OPERATIONS FACILITY PLANNING AND GROWTH MANANGEMENT Ø Administer School Concurrency Ø Develop 2010 SCHOOL OPERATIONS FACILITY PLANNING AND GROWTH MANANGEMENT Ø Administer School Concurrency Ø Develop 2010 -2015 Educational Plant Survey Ø Investigate land bank opportunities Ø Continue implementation of Five-Year Work Plan Ø Complete expansions to Wards Creek and Timberlin Creek, begin Mill Creek and South Woods

SCHOOL OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE Ø Create maintenance/custodial teams to prepare schools for opening Ø Contact SCHOOL OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE Ø Create maintenance/custodial teams to prepare schools for opening Ø Contact agencies to identify courses and webinars to improve maintenance and custodial services Ø Continue using high performing Maintenance Managers to establish programs for cleaning and maintenance

SCHOOL OPERATIONS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS AND ATHLETICS Ø Offer students an alternative method of instructional SCHOOL OPERATIONS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS AND ATHLETICS Ø Offer students an alternative method of instructional delivery through virtual education when deemed academically appropriate Ø Develop and implement a monitoring system for K-12 charter schools that centers on, but is not limited to, academic accountability

SCHOOL OPERATIONS STUDENT SERVICES Ø Continue to refine and improve the student placement and SCHOOL OPERATIONS STUDENT SERVICES Ø Continue to refine and improve the student placement and transfer process Ø Implement and expand a comprehensive school health plan to meet the needs of all students and the Basic School Health contract

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEM GOAL FIVE Create and implement a comprehensive communications program for COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEM GOAL FIVE Create and implement a comprehensive communications program for all stakeholders. Continue to expand performance and capability of network and information systems.

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Provide bi-annual updates of the District Strategic Plan and COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Provide bi-annual updates of the District Strategic Plan and prepare for a new Strategic Planning process in 2010 Ø Plan fall launch and implement “Be There” campaign to encourage parent involvement in their children’s education

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Implement the Strategic Communications Plan developed in conjunction with COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Implement the Strategic Communications Plan developed in conjunction with the Communications Audit Ø Increase focus group participation by conducting surveys regarding meeting date, time, location and membership Ø Enhance timely communications with stakeholders through website, Alert Now messages, podcasts, vodcasts and weblogs

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Ø Re-examine venue and format of annual recognition events COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Ø Re-examine venue and format of annual recognition events such as the American Youth Character Awards, Teachers of the Year Celebration, School-Related Employees of the Year, and Volunteers of the Year Begin planning process for 100 th anniversary of 40 Orange Street Building in 2010

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Improve and expand Network Infrastructure, Technology Integration and Technology COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Improve and expand Network Infrastructure, Technology Integration and Technology Support Ø Implement Phase 2 of the Refresh Plan to configure and distribute 2100+ new computers to schools Ø Reorganize existing technology staff to provide flexible support coverage at all schools Ø Increase WAN bandwidth to high need schools using fiber Ø Upgrade school servers/switching (where needed)

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Improve and expand Network Infrastructure, Technology Integration and Technology COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Improve and expand Network Infrastructure, Technology Integration and Technology Support Ø Develop and release a new District-wide Voice/Data RFP Ø Virtualize servers where practical to reduce cost and improve efficiency Ø Equip new expansion facilities with voice and data networks and classroom technology equipment

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ø Provide and expand technology training and standardization Ø Continue COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ø Provide and expand technology training and standardization Ø Continue to provide training for teachers on e. SIS Teacher Assistant Ø Continue to implement Parent Assistant online Ø Develop initial technology training content for new employees

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Improve and expand district-wide Information Systems Ø Implement e. COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ø Improve and expand district-wide Information Systems Ø Implement e. SIS Parent Assistant in 4 additional middle and 3 pilot elementary schools

COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Improve and expand district-wide Information Systems Ø Begin implementation of COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Improve and expand district-wide Information Systems Ø Begin implementation of new ERP (HR/Finance system/Payroll) System ØComplete the ERP system review and evaluation ØDevelop the ERP contract and Implementation Plan ØBegin implementation of Phase 1 and 2

FINANCIAL PLANNING GOAL SIX Continue to refine budgeting process to meet the needs of FINANCIAL PLANNING GOAL SIX Continue to refine budgeting process to meet the needs of schools and departments.

FINANCIAL PLANNING Ø Implement the budget, payroll, purchasing, fixed assets, accounts payable, accounting and FINANCIAL PLANNING Ø Implement the budget, payroll, purchasing, fixed assets, accounts payable, accounting and reporting modules of the new ERP program Ø Expand the opportunity for the public use of credit cards as payment for activities in schools and community education Ø Continue to monitor our budget and be prepared to respond quickly and appropriately if, and when, changes occur

FINANCIAL PLANNING Ø Expand Health Center for use by employees covered under the Self-Funded FINANCIAL PLANNING Ø Expand Health Center for use by employees covered under the Self-Funded Medical Plan Ø Work closely with the Bailey Group and Crown Group to open a Health Center between SR 206 and Flagler Hospital in the fall Ø Open a third Center in the SR 210 area in January of 2010

HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL SEVEN Recruit, employ, induct, and retain a highly qualified workforce to HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL SEVEN Recruit, employ, induct, and retain a highly qualified workforce to meet the on-going needs of the school district

HUMAN RESOURCES Ø Create staffing models to provide needed temporary staff Ø Work with HUMAN RESOURCES Ø Create staffing models to provide needed temporary staff Ø Work with the purchasing department to offer optional staffing models Ø Work with school leadership to promote the use of temporary staff Ø Formalize Exit Interview process to improve retention Ø Align job descriptions and appraisal instruments for all employees

HUMAN RESOURCES Ø Evaluate the current orientation meetings for new employees and restructure as HUMAN RESOURCES Ø Evaluate the current orientation meetings for new employees and restructure as needed Ø Investigate alternative salary schedules for all three employee groups Ø Work with schools and Professional Development department to encourage employees to achieve Highly Qualified status

INTERNAL CONTROLS GOAL EIGHT Continue to create and implement internal control systems for all INTERNAL CONTROLS GOAL EIGHT Continue to create and implement internal control systems for all facets of the organization.

INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Transfer LEAD (Local Education Agency Designee) responsibilities to Assistant Principals with INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Transfer LEAD (Local Education Agency Designee) responsibilities to Assistant Principals with appropriate training provided Ø Implement an internal academy progressmonitoring system and conduct national site reviews for four academies in order to achieve certification from the national career academy association

INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Continue to review and revise investment policies when appropriate Ø Insure INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Continue to review and revise investment policies when appropriate Ø Insure compliance with stimulus funds audit requirements Ø Implement quarterly meetings with Facilities to enhance budget and reporting requirements

INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Test and implement an improved method to capture and report Transportation INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Test and implement an improved method to capture and report Transportation FTE Ø Implement Ø Continue Ø Develop Ø Work the use of PEER (state IEP system) to refine FTE State Reporting processes FTE State Reporting Manual with IT and Finance to convert to new ERP (Oracle-like System)

INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Improve and expand Security Systems and Procedures Expand automated user account INTERNAL CONTROLS Ø Improve and expand Security Systems and Procedures Expand automated user account management Ø Install and configure new servers at NWRDC for improved disaster recovery capability Ø Continue to implement password reset self-service mechanisms for common district wide applications Ø Evaluate external network security and develop corrective measures (as needed) Ø

MISSION STATEMENT The St. Johns County School District will inspire in all students a MISSION STATEMENT The St. Johns County School District will inspire in all students a passion for lifelong learning, creating educated and caring contributors to the world.