- Количество слайдов: 21
State of Scientific data in Africa First African Data Curation Conference 12 – 13 February 2008 Achuo Enow a. enow@icsu-africa. org
ICSU: Historical Perspective 1899 -1914: International Association of Academies (IAA) 1919 -1931: International Research Council (IRC) 1931 -1998: International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) 1998: International Council for Science (ICSU) 2002– 2005: Review of Strategy Strategic Plan: 2006 2011 2
Strategic Plan: 2006 - 2011 Ensure integration of scientific knowledge into policy International Research Collaboration Science and Policy Universality of Science Monitoring developments in emerging scientific areas Equitable practice of science without discrimination 3
ICSU Mission: Strengthening International Science for the Benefit of Society 1. Identify and address major issues of importance to science and society, 2. Facilitate interaction amongst scientists across all disciplines and from all countries, 3. Promote the participation of all scientists, without any segregation, in the international scientific endeavour, 4. Provide independent, authoritative advice to stimulate constructive dialogue between the scientific community and governments, civil society and the private sector. 4
ICSU: Vision ● Science is used for the benefit of all (global society) └►Universal and Equitable access to high quality scientific data and information └►All countries contribute to generating new knowledge necessary to establish their sustainable development pathways ● Excellence in science is valued and scientific knowledge is effectively linked to policy and decision-making 5
ICSU Regional Offices Aim: To ensure that the voice of developing countries influences the international agenda and that scientists from the South are fully involved in international research guided by regional priorities • Africa (South Africa) inaugurated 1 September 2005 • Asia and the Pacific (Malaysia) inaugurated 19 September 2006 • Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazil) inaugurated in December 2006 • Arab Region (Host to be identified) 6
ICSU ROA: Priorities for sub-Saharan Africa 1. Sustainable Energy 2. Health and Human Well-being 3. Natural and Human-induced Hazards & Disasters 4. Global Change 7
ICSU ROA Science plans 1. Review of Current situation 2. Identification of gaps and challenges 3. R&D Projects to address the challenges 4. Delivery of project outputs to benefit society 5. Policy dialogues for informed decisionmaking 8
ICSU ROA Science Plans: General concerns. 1. Data • Not available • Inconsistent • Unreliable 2. Research and service delivery Infrastructure • Inadequate • Dilapidated or obsolete 3. Human Resources • limited numbers of skilled personnel 4. Science – Policy linkage • Lack of evidence-based decision support tools 9
Scientific Data in Africa: Challenges 1. Quantity of data and information collected § Restricted funding for research - Limited scale of data collection § Limited research personnel § Availability of data collection tools § Protected knowledge and information (IKS) 10
Global Gross Expenditure on R&D (2000) World Population World Researchers World GDP World GERD Developing Countries 79% 28% 42% 20% Developed Countries 21% 72% 58% 80% 11
Researchers per million inhabitants (2000) 12
Scientific Data in Africa: Challenges 2. Quality of data and information collected § Discontinuity in data sets (interrupted recording § Inaccuracy in measurements (obsolete equipment) § Estimation vs. measurement § Information distortion (language barriers, public image issues) – survey data 13
Scientific Data in Africa: Challenges 3. Data Processing § Data analytical tools (statistical methods and tools) § Personnel for data processing / interpretation (numbers and skill levels) 14
Scientific Data in Africa: Challenges 4. Data storage § Availability of mass storage devices § Life span of storage devices § Safety of storage devices § Hard vs. soft storage – reliability vs. ease of retrieval 15
Scientific Data in Africa: Challenges 5. Public Access to data and information § Low levels of publication (shelved research data) § Data ownership and protection – IPR issues § Confidentiality – industrial secrets, IKS 16
Research Products: International Publications 17
Scientific Data in Africa: Challenges 6. Use of available data § Information re-packaging – “improve digestibility” § Outreach and awareness-raising § Reliability 18
Scientific Data in Africa: The Way Forward • Enhanced Human Capacity for Research: • Brain gain and brain circulation (Diaspora project) • Empowerment of young scientists (WAYS) • Encourage and promote women in science (TWOWS) • Institutional Capacity Enhancement • Policy dialogues and advocacy for increased investment in research infrastructure • Promote and strengthen specialised centres of excellence 19
Scientific Data in Africa: The Way Forward • Promote data and information sharing • Inter-institutional collaboration • Networking (intra- and inter- regional) • IPR legislation on IKS • Science for policy • Provide evidence-based decision-making tools 20
ICSU News and Events For more information and up-dates, visit ICSU global website: www. icsu. org ICSU ROA website: www. icsu-africa. org 21