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State of Israel Ministry of Education Graduation in The Israeli Education System Moshe Decalo State of Israel Ministry of Education Graduation in The Israeli Education System Moshe Decalo (Ph. D. ) Director of Senior Division of Assessment and Examinations March 2016

National Certificates Twelve Years Certificate Technological Certificate Final Certificate For work in the industry National Certificates Twelve Years Certificate Technological Certificate Final Certificate For work in the industry Low level For accreditation of professional technology jobs For work in services and industry Mid level Matriculation Certificate For further education and academic studies

Overview of the Israeli Educational System • • • Six years of primary education Overview of the Israeli Educational System • • • Six years of primary education is followed by three years of lower and three years of upper secondary (High School) schooling. The teaching language is Hebrew or Arabic. There is some specialization in the final two years for High school students for Technology Education and other Elected Subjects. Although seven is the minimum number of subjects taken in the Bagrut examination, very good students achieving up to thirteen subjects. A reform, announced in 1985 and was implemented over twenty years, will limit the number of subjects to nine, of which six will be examined internally by the school. Pupils can take a subject at one of five levels, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 point/unit level. An aggregate of 21 points/units from six subjects is the minimum requirement (together with the appropriate cumulative grade, as above) for the award of the Matriculation Certificate based on the Bagrut examinations. The New reform, from 2017 graduate's, That Israel is launching into the high schools is to limit the number of elected subjects up to three, and only two levels of learning and examination. This with increasing the value of teachers evaluation

SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN LOWER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 7 -8 -9) IN HEBREW EDUCATION SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN LOWER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 7 -8 -9) IN HEBREW EDUCATION (hours per week) STATE EDUCATION STATE-RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Hebrew literature, Language and Expression 12 11 English 11 11 Arabic / French 9 9 Mathematics 14 14 Natural Sciences/Technology 18 15 Bible and Judaic Studies 14 24 -26 History, geography, Humanities and Social Studies 16 12 Arts 4 3 Education and Civics 7 7 Physical Education 6 3 -5 111 Field/subject Total ** Yeshiva (boys) and Ulpana (girls) track: Advanced Oral Law as part of elective programs: 12 additional hours per week

SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN THE LOWER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 7 -8 -9) IN ARAB SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN THE LOWER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 7 -8 -9) IN ARAB AND DRUZE EDUCATION (hours per week) Field Hours per week Arabic 15 English 12 Hebrew 12 Mathematics 14 Natural Sciences and/or Technology 18 Arab culture OR Islam OR Christianity OR Druze Heritage 7 History, Geography, Humanities 16 Arts 4 Education and Civics (individual and society) 7 Physical Education 6 TOTAL 111

SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN UPPER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 10 -11 -12) IN HEBREW EDUCATION SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN UPPER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 10 -11 -12) IN HEBREW EDUCATION (hours per week) Field Number of hours per pupil State education State-religious education Hebrew literature, language and expression 12 11 9 -11 Arabic 3 3 Mathematics 9 9 Natural Sciences/Technology 8 8 Bible and Judaic Studies 9 9 History, geography, humanities and social studies 8 8 Elective subject 6 6 Education and Civics 7 7 Essay – writing workshop 2 2 Physical education 6 6 English Basket of hours for intensive and expanded study 26 -28 TOTAL 107 TRACK General 32 -34 113 Technology 16 -24 113 General 24 -32 121 Technology

SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN THE UPPER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 10 -11 -12) IN ARAB SCHEDULE OF HOURS IN THE UPPER SECONDRAY SCHOOL (GRADES 10 -11 -12) IN ARAB AND DRUZE EDUCATION (hours per week Field hours per pupil Arabic 12 English 9 -11 Hebrew 9 Mathematics 9 Natural sciences/technology 8 Arab culture or Islam or Christianity or Druze heritage 3 -4 History, geography, humanities and social studies 8 Elective subject 6 Education and civics 7 Essay – writing workshop 2 Physical education 6 Basket of hours for intensive and expanded study 26 -28 TOTAL 107 TRACK General 31 -34 113 Tchnology

Compulsory Core Subjects and the Minimal Requirements for Receiving The Matriculation Certificate The Bagrut Compulsory Core Subjects and the Minimal Requirements for Receiving The Matriculation Certificate The Bagrut Certificate Hebrews Bible studies Literature History Civics Mathematics English 2 learning units 2 learning units 3 learning units Bible studies (2 learning units) refer to regular schools, it is compulsory to take Bible studies at a higher learning level in religious schools. In Christian. Arab or Druze schools, the students are tested on the following compulsory subjects instead of Bible: the Christian religion. The Islam religion. Or the Druze heritage.

The Cluster of Academic Subjects Additional Foreign Language (French, Arabic) Agriculture Art Biology Chemistry The Cluster of Academic Subjects Additional Foreign Language (French, Arabic) Agriculture Art Biology Chemistry Computer Sciences Economics Geography History of the Land of Israel Jewish Thought Life and Agricultural Sciences Music Philosophy Political Science Social Sciences Sociology Talmud The Oral Law Theater

The Cluster of Technological Subjects Accounting Agricultural Mechanization Applied Optics Architecture Civil Engineering Design The Cluster of Technological Subjects Accounting Agricultural Mechanization Applied Optics Architecture Civil Engineering Design Developmental Psychology Electrical Systems Electronics and Computers Machine Control Management and Economics Marine Navigation Marketing and Sales Promotion Mechanical Engineering Microbiology Practical Art System Analysis Technical Thermodynamics Technological Chemistry Tourism Welfare Studies

Learning And assessment Levels The learning and assessment levels in the education system are Learning And assessment Levels The learning and assessment levels in the education system are defined by “learning units”. These units indicate the level at which the subject was studied, the difficulty and the depth of the examination. This indicates the number of learning hours (The contact time) allocated to the subject. The number of learning units for the various subjects ranges from One to Five. In general, the number of classroom hours constituting one learning unit is approximately 90. Thus. At least 450 classroom hours are devoted to subjects studied at a level of five learning units.

The Subjects Compulsory Core Subjects This group of subjects constitute the nucleus of compulsory The Subjects Compulsory Core Subjects This group of subjects constitute the nucleus of compulsory studies; it is mandatory for pupils To be tested on these subjects Compulsory Elective Subject This is a group of 40 subjects divided into two clusters: 20 academic subjects and 20 technological subjects. Every pupil has to study at least one subject from this group and be tested on it. Additional Elective Subjects This is a group of over 100 specialized subject External matriculations are held in these subjects. Pupils choose subjects that interest them from this list of standard subjects, and are permitted to take their exam in any area of their choice.

School Subjects These subjects are unique to each high school. Pupils are tested in School Subjects These subjects are unique to each high school. Pupils are tested in internal school examinations on these subjects, and their school is responsible for assessing their achievements, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. These subjects are listed on the left side of the matriculation certificate.

Bagrut/Matriculation Scale of Scoring 1 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fail below Bagrut/Matriculation Scale of Scoring 1 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fail below average above average good very good excellent Successful candidates must pass all seven compulsory Ministry of Education subjects and two or more internal school subjects, up to 27 learning units, based on 21 external exams and 6 internal scores. These seven subjects are the minimum requirement for school candidates (six for external Learners). One mark of one subject is tolerated (compensation) provided it is not in Hebrew or Arabic.

Access to Higher Education The Matriculation Certificate is the basic requirement for admission to Access to Higher Education The Matriculation Certificate is the basic requirement for admission to Higher Education in Israel, but in practice considerably more than the minimum points are needed for university entry. In addition, university applicants must pass the nationallyadministered Psychometric Entrance Examination (a multiple-choice aptitude test), have proficiency in Hebrew, English and mathematics and in some cases candidates attend for interview. The Bachelor degree (B. A. ) normally lasts three years but is longer for professional specialization. Matriculation Average Psychometric Exam Best and final Score For required faculty

Hello! It is only about Examinations…. . what’s new? ……. New Technologies Hello! It is only about Examinations…. . what’s new? ……. New Technologies

ROBOTIC SCANNERS Automatic scanning system of “batches” of 50 workbooks in each batch ►The ROBOTIC SCANNERS Automatic scanning system of “batches” of 50 workbooks in each batch ►The workbooks are scanned and signed digitally enabling the creation of identical copies of the original workbooks. ►The workbooks are passed to the first and second examiner simultaneously, shortening the procedure by weeks. ►The process negates the need of the examiner's physical presence at the center. ►At the end of each examination term a data base of scanned digital workbooks is received, enabling research of educational purposes. 18 ►Allows the ability to view, control and monitor the quality of the evaluators

► Each year about 2, 000 workbooks are received for checking at the Bagrut ► Each year about 2, 000 workbooks are received for checking at the Bagrut examinations center. ► Robotics system is applied for scanning the Bagrut workbooks before examination, without the need to dismantle the workbooks and ensuring their completeness. ► The scanning system is combined with the computerized examinations system, building a data base of digital examinations which is accrued for all Bagrut examination questionnaires.

Exams on tablets 20 Exams on tablets 20

Exams on the tablet Advantages: Main points Sending the questionnaire to students examined on Exams on the tablet Advantages: Main points Sending the questionnaire to students examined on tablet Answering a questionnaire on the tablet Sending the questionnaire directly to the "MARVAD" computers thru “The Cloud”, at the end of the exam. Monitoring exam location through GPS

controlling the proccess controlling the proccess

Smartphone Assessment Portable Accessible Quick Exact Fair Smartphone Assessment Portable Accessible Quick Exact Fair

Smartphone Assessment All project, laboratories, oral exams, Alternative assessment and variation of exams that Smartphone Assessment All project, laboratories, oral exams, Alternative assessment and variation of exams that are not written, will be scored by examiners. They will meet the students and give notes, remarks and scores according to the achievement standards, for each subject. Regulations, assessment standards, instructions, contracts and even payments will be via the smartphone

Thanks for your attention!!! Moshe Decalo Ph. D. Thanks for your attention!!! Moshe Decalo Ph. D.

Final Assessment: Matriculation Professional development (pre- & inservice) Curriculum (+ standards & Learning materials) Final Assessment: Matriculation Professional development (pre- & inservice) Curriculum (+ standards & Learning materials)