SOW Oralkan A.pptx
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State medical university of Semey Chair of Public Health. SOW Subject: Legislative framework for the protection of the population from radiation in Kazakhstan Prepared by: Oralkan Aset 349 GMF Checked by: Bazarbek ZH. B. k. m. n. , professor Semey 2013 LOGO
Introduction v. The legal protection of the population against radiation risk is given today in the Republic of Kazakhstan considerable attention. They are classified as strategic, and that's why this issue is regulated by normative legal acts of the various sectors.
The most basic provisions such protection laid down in the Constitution, which defines in Art. 31 environment conducive to human life and health, as one of the main goals of the state.
v Within the framework of these objectives was adopted Kazakhstan Development Strategy, approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On further measures to implement the Strategy of Development of Kazakhstan till 2030", according to which the activities to improve the environment - when you consider what a profound influence on the environmental health factors that should be put forward as a priority.
v. Significant place these issues is given in the framework of international cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For example, the Agreement "On the interaction of the defense ministries of the CIS member states in the field of control of radiation, chemical and biological conditions" approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 14. 11. 2008 № 1065, the Government of the CIS member-states.
v. All agreements on cooperation in the field of environmental protection, also contain thematic standards.
For example, the Agreement of December 22, 2004 (Moscow, December 22, 2004 ) between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation , between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Mongolia (Almaty, March 12, 1998 ) between the Ministry of Environment Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of environment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13. 12. 2003 , № 1264 ) ,
The Agreement between the Ministry of Natural resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania on cooperation in the field of environmental protection ( Vilnius, April 4, 2001 ) and several other. And a number of other questions stipulate cooperation in areas such as environmental protection from radiation exposure, control and prevention of radiation pollution, protect the environment from radioactive contamination.
v. Not paid attention to this issue and international customs laws. The Memorandum of the Customs Committee of the Ministry of State Revenues of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic following the meeting on cross-border issues working group ( Urumqi, January 24, 2002 ) , it was noted that, in accordance with international practice to return the goods and vehicles exceeding the allowed norms background radiation Parties shall assist each other, and support for the early return of such goods and vehicles.
As for Kazakhstan, it has demonstrated its fundamental attitude to the problem in 1990, taking May 22 Decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR "On termination of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site in the area and protect public health and the environment of the region. "
In June 1998, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was amended, under which environmental safety, the need to prevent contamination of steel are considered in the context of national security.
v. The need for the skillful use of the scientific basis of nuclear technology center in Kurchatov was stated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 04. 2003, in his annual message of the President.
v Social-security legislation of Kazakhstan regulating the whole complex of social security for persons living in ecology unreliable areas, such as areas of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Classification of areas and their influence on the background radiation mounted volume compensation and benefits to persons in need of additional rehabilitation measures, such as legislation on benefits and guarantees of social protection and health of citizens exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters.
v. With regard to the Kazakh legislation, it allows you to select and other problem areas in the legal regulation of this issue: v • not an adequate level of legal regulation baseforming legislation on radiation safety;
v concretization of the law relating to the functioning of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan , and other specific objects that are sources of nuclear danger in the territories of other States; v • social protection of persons residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan , affected by the Chernobyl accident and other accidents ( situations) manmade ; v • improvement of the legislation of production and technical direction ; v • other areas.
v. Fundamental legal acts regulating these issues are laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Use of Atomic Energy" and "On Radiation Safety". They lay the foundations for an integrated approach to the use of atomic energy, reduce hazards impacts of nuclear, radiation potential
Conclusion Radiation safety, entered the rank of global problems of humanity today require serious legal revision taking into account features of the geopolitical, economic and social situation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
literature v. Constitution of RK vhttp: //territoriaprava. ru vhttp: //translate. google. com
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