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Starting the Great Patriotic War Learner: Romanenko Misha 10 B 2015 Teacher: Borodulya Irina Starting the Great Patriotic War Learner: Romanenko Misha 10 B 2015 Teacher: Borodulya Irina Evgenievna

Preparing for war • In June 1941, many pointed to the fact that Germany Preparing for war • In June 1941, many pointed to the fact that Germany has launched preparations for war against the Soviet Union. By the boundary moved up German divisions. On the preparation of the war has learned from intelligence reports. In particular, the Soviet spy Richard Sorge said even the exact day of the invasion and the number of divisions of the enemy, who will be involved in the operation. • In these difficult conditions, the Soviet leadership sought to prevent the slightest reason for going to war. It even allowed the "archeology" of Germany to seek "the graves of soldiers who died during the First World War. " Under this pretext, the German officers openly studied the terrain, the intended route of the future invasion. • June 13, 1941 was published the famous official TASS statement. It refuted "rumors about the proximity of the war between the USSR and Germany. " Such rumors are spreading "warmongers" who want to embroil the two countries, the statement said. In fact Germany "as strictly as the Soviet Union, in compliance with nonaggression pact. " German press has bypassed this statement in complete silence. German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary: "TASS - a manifestation of fear. Stalin tremble before the coming events. " • It is interesting that Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to cross the Soviet border is on Sunday 22 June, 1941. Why not Saturday or Monday? The answer lies in the mystical underpinnings of many steps "possessed of Corporal. " June 22 - the day when the ancient Germans celebrated the feast of fiery sun. Summer solstice - one of the main sacred festivities. The Fuhrer was a mystic until his last day. He committed suicide on the night of May 1 Walpurgis Night, when the Valkyries carry the souls of heroes to Valhalla. . .

The first days of the war • At dawn on June 22, 1941 the The first days of the war • At dawn on June 22, 1941 the German army with all its strength fell on Soviet soil. Fired thousands of artillery pieces. Aircraft attacked airfields, military garrisons, communications centers, command centers of the Red Army, the largest industrial facilities in Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people, which lasted 1418 days and nights. • The country's leadership did not immediately realize what had happened. Still afraid of provocations on the part of the Germans, Stalin even in the face of the war did not want to believe what had happened. The new directive troops he ordered to "crush the enemy", but "not to cross the state border" with Germany. • In the afternoon of the first day of the war to appeal to the people by the First Deputy Chairman of People's Commissars, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vacheslav Molotov. Calling on the Soviet people to give a rebuff to the enemy, he expressed confidence that the country will defend their freedom and independence. His speech ended with the words, Molotov, who became a software installation on all the years of the war: "Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours. " • On the same day it was announced that a general mobilization of reservists, martial law in the western parts of the country were formed North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South fronts. To guide them on June 23 was created Command Headquarters (later - GHQ), composed of Stalin, Molotov, Timoshenko, Budyonny, KE Voroshilov, Shaposhnikov and Zhukov. Supreme Commander was appointed Stalin. • War demanded a number of non-democratic forms of governance prescribed by the Constitution in 1936 • June 30, all power was concentrated in the hands of the State Defense Committee (GKO), chaired by the Stalin. In this case, the activity of constitutional authorities continued.

The most important battle of the initial stage: Battle for Moscow • The stubborn The most important battle of the initial stage: Battle for Moscow • The stubborn resistance of the Red Army near Smolensk, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, in other parts of the front are not allowed the Germans to implement plans to capture Moscow in early autumn. Only after the environment of large forces (665 thousand. Pers. ) Southwestern Front and capture the enemy Kiev Germans began preparing to seize the Soviet capital. This operation is called "Typhoon". To implement it, the German command provided on the main axis significant superiority in manpower (3 -3. 5 times) and Technology: tanks - 5 -6 times, artillery - 4 -5 times. Was overwhelming and the rule of the German Air Force. • September 30, 1941 the Nazis began a general offensive on Moscow. They managed not only to break the defense stubbornly resisted Soviet troops, but also to surround four armies west of Vazma and two - south of Bryansk. These "pots" were taken prisoner 663 thousand. Man. However, surrounded by Soviet troops continued to hold down 20 enemy divisions. For Moscow in a critical situation. The fighting was in the 80 -100 km from the capital. In order to stop the advance of the Germans, are bracing themselves Mozhayskaya line of defense, moved up reserve troops. Urgently was recalled from Leningrad Zhukov, appointed commander of the Western Front. • Despite all these measures, by mid-October the enemy came close to the capital. In German binoculars perfectly visible Kremlin towers. By decision of the GKO the evacuation of Moscow government agencies, diplomatic corps, large industrial enterprises, population. In the event of a breakthrough of the Nazis all the major sites of the city were to be destroyed. October 20 in Moscow, it was a state of siege. • Enormous exertion, unparalleled courage and heroism of the defenders of the capital of the German offensive in early November was stopped. November 7, as before, on the Red Square military parade, whose members immediately went to the front line. • However, in mid-November fascist attack was resumed with renewed vigor. Only the stubborn resistance of the Soviet soldiers again saved the capital. Particularly distinguished 316 th Infantry Division under the command of General IVPanfilov, in the most difficult first day of the German offensive repulsed several tank attacks. Became legendary feat Panfilov group headed by political instructor VG Klochkova in a long time detained more than 30 enemy tanks. The whole country circled words Klochkova, addressed to the soldiers, "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat: behind - Moscow!" • By late November, the Western Front received considerable reinforcements from the eastern regions of the country, which allowed 5 -6 December 1941 to start a counter-offensive of the Soviet troops near Moscow. In the first days of the Battle of Moscow city were released Kalinin, Solnechnogorsk, Klin, Istra. In total, during the winter offensive, Soviet troops crushed the 38 German divisions. The enemy was driven from Moscow to 100 -250 km. It was the first major defeat of the German forces during the Second World War. • The victory at Moscow had enormous military and political significance. She dispelled the myth of the invincibility of Hitler's army and hopes to fascists "blitzkrieg". Japan and Turkey finally refused entry into the war on Germany's side. Was accelerated by the process of creating the anti-Hitler coalition.

Used material • • http: //img 1. liveinternet. ru/images/attach/c/3/75/459/75459663_3289184_16190_789_1_. jpg http: //www. otvoyna. ru/voina. Used material • • http: //img 1. liveinternet. ru/images/attach/c/3/75/459/75459663_3289184_16190_789_1_. jpg http: //www. otvoyna. ru/voina. htm http: //www. souz. co. il/clubs/1/bvistav 2. jpg http: //malditoinsolente. com/imagenes/foto/historia/i/invasion_rusia_015. jpg http: //content. foto. mail. ru/mail/grande 36/_answers/i-13666. jpg http: //www. yaklass. ru/materiali? mode=lsntheme&subid=60&themeid=166 http: //seliger-vladic. ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Rzhev. jpeg http: //vpc. panpredator. ru/news/img/2012_02/opg_07. jpg