- Количество слайдов: 18
Starter – watch the following video Write on your whiteboards How do you think the customer would rate the service? Beauchamps High School
GCSE Business Studies Customer Satisfatcion Beauchamps High School
Learning Objectives by the end of this lesson students…. Evaluation ~ GCSE Grade A* • Will be able to evaluate the role of customer satisfaction on repeat business Synthesis~ GCSE • Will be able to propose methods to improve customer satisfaction Analysis ~ GCSE • Will be able to analyse the importance of customer service Grade A Grade B Application ~ GCSE Grade C rog P row r s. A Comprehension ~ res • Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases • Will be able to explain repeat business GCSE Grade D Knowledge ~ GCSE Grade E • Will be able to recall key terms customer satisfaction and customer service
ry heo T es Not Customer Service Experience that a customer gets when dealing with a business and the extent to which that experience meets and exceeds customer needs and expectations Beauchamps High School
ry heo T es Not Customer Service §Way a customer is treated §Quality of products §Knowledge of staff §How a customer is greeted §How the business deals with customers after they have bought the product Beauchamps High School
ry heo T es Not Customer Satisfaction A measure of how much products meet customer’s expectations Beauchamps High School
ry heo T es Not Customer Satisfaction §Customers talk about how they are treated §Satisfied customers will buy again §Dissatisfied customers might not buy from the business again §Word of mouth – customers will talk about their experience Beauchamps High School
ry heo T es Not Repeat Business Orders or sales that occur from customers who have bought the product or service in the past Beauchamps High School
ry heo T es Not Repeat business § This can be done through a variety of ways some of which include: § Cheaper prices § Convenience § Fast deliveries § Promotions for existing customers § Good after-sales service Beauchamps High School
ry heo T es Not Benefits of customer service § Increased sales – more likely to try out other products/services too § Customer loyalty –more likely to be a source of repeat business and to recommend the business to friends and family § Enhanced public image – helps build a brand provides protection if there is a slipup in customer service § More effective workforce – satisfied r rog P row customers help create a positive working r s. A environment es Beauchamps High School
Against the Clock You have 5 minutes in groups (before the sand runs out!) to write on your whiteboards: • Benefits of customer service • How customer satisfaction links to repeat business Now Feedback to class
Task Beauchamps High School
Task § What do you know about Ryanair? § What are the views of the customer? § Do you think they provide good customer service? Beauchamps High School
Beauchamps High School
Task § In groups you need to come up with a plan on how Ryanair can improve its customer satisfaction § Why will it be important that Ryanair take this into account? Beauchamps High School
§ Watch the video § What can banks do to ensure satisfied customers? ess gr row Ar Pro Beauchamps High School § http: //news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/business/8600437. stm
Homework – Due tomorrow § Find two items you own, one you must love, the other must be something you are not keen on. § Describe your satisfaction levels with each item § Explain why you feel this way § 30 minute time limit Beauchamps High School
Learning Objectives by the end of this lesson students…. Evaluation ~ GCSE Grade A* • Will be able to evaluate the role of customer satisfaction on repeat business Synthesis~ GCSE • Will be able to propose methods to improve customer satisfaction Analysis ~ GCSE • Will be able to analyse the importance of customer service Grade A Grade B Application ~ GCSE Grade C rog P row r s. A Comprehension ~ res • Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases • Will be able to explain repeat business GCSE Grade D Knowledge ~ GCSE Grade E • Will be able to recall key terms customer satisfaction and customer service