- Количество слайдов: 151
Star*Team Inner Circle Accountability Group & 1 st Step Training Introduction / Overview Session 1 (v-0911)
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 INTRODUCTIONS Please tell us: § Your background § Your WHY § Your initial goals § Long-range goals NOTE: Your WHY and initial goals will change as you better understand the program
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 The Purpose of the Class § Why Star*Team. § Why Inner Circle First Step Training § What to expect. § You choose your speed (Have Realistic Expectations)… – Standard. TRACK (very part time) – Fast. TRACK (part to medium time) – Turbo. TRACK (medium to full time)
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 Three Segments of Support § Shaklee § Star*Team Sites and Business Material § § § My Shaklee (Back Office) Your Product Website (PWS) Shaklee University First Step Resource Guide Future Site and Vendors Sites and System § § § Create My § § Star*Team Website --Training and Calendar Online Webcast Facilities Inner Circle Class and 30 Days of Health. § § § Create My Future Website Net. Mark Leads Radio Co-op
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 How To’s of Building Your Business § My. Shaklee – Sponsor Someone – Shopping / Auto. Ship § Your Product Website (PWS) – Join Now (Sponsor Someone) – Shop
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 Shaklee All The Time § Friends and Family – The most “fickle advisors” § People you don’t know. . . yet. § Create My Future or “Cold Leads”
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 Training For Your Business – The Long Haul § Do Training as you Work § Pace Yourself § Depend on upline team. You run, we run with you, etc. § Stay plugged in.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 Income Producing Activities (IPA’s) § Definition – What they are not § Daily Calendar of Events § Detours from the daily activities § Detours from our business model
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 Finally --- Keep in Mind § Remember why you are here § Review your goals often § Use affirmations and visual reminders § Have fun building your team and business
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 Questions? ? § Homework for next week…
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-1 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do § Homework will open here… or if you have Pop-Ups blocked you may need to open it on the Star*Team Training Page D (right below the link to register into the class) §Do After Session 1
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Our Strategy
Session 2 Our Strategy
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGY § Need Builders AND Consumers § Learn effective Cold & Warm techniques § Realistic Expectations based on activity § Company Report – required to attend EVERY week § Complete 30 -days Product Training § Set Up 100 PV Auto. Ship § 80/20 rule applies to this class Duplicate & Enroll your new team members into future IC classes!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 Weekly Report Company Report to submit and report on each session: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event (Monday or Thursday) § Invited / Attended Other Events (may be your own) § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGY § Sr. Director in 4 -6 months – 1000 PGV (Associate) in 1 -2 month – (2000 PGV (Director) in 1 -3 months – Sr. Director in 4 -6 months § Listen/Watch Mentoring (OJT) Calls § Do ½ the Activities = 4 x the time Duplicate & Enroll your new team members into future IC classes!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 Prospecting and Recruiting § Expose to Overview – CMF – DVD’s – Other tools § Involve in Learning More Details – Strategy Event – Pre-Launch SPONSOR as GOLD (upgrade) § Train to Duplicate Process / Inner Circle! Duplicate & Enroll your new team members into future IC classes!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 Roadmap to Director and Beyond Need 2, 000 PGV Points to promote to Director – Target is 1 -3 months (100 minimum PV personal) PV = Personal Purchase Volume (You) PGV = Personal Group Volume (Your complete Group, including you) Target is 5, 000 PGV Points in 3 -6 months. 2 -3 k should be from Business Builders in your group. Need to BE a Director with 2, 000 PGV Points a month minimum and promote another person to Director to be a Senior Director. –Target is 4 -6 months
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 Roadmap to Director / Fast. TRACK Fast TRACK is an OPTION, not a requirement. Only for those who are willing to put in the time and effort to grow quickly. Need 2, 000 PGV Points to promote to Director within 1 -3 months You get 3 full Calendar Months from Sponsor date to promote on Fast TRACK (eg: Sponsor in Jan = Your 3 rd Fast TRACK month is April) You Do This: You Get This: Hold 3 months @ 2, 000 PGV+ Global Conference Registration for 2 + 12 months Free PWS + DVDs ($500 value)
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 Roadmap to Sr. Director / Fast. TRACK BE a Director and promote another person to Director to be a Senior Director. Example: Your PGV = 5, 000 2, 000 of that is within the group of one of your Downline You promote that Downline to Director = You are a Senior Director Promote to Senior Director within 6 full months from START month You get 6 full Calendar Months (eg: Sponsor in Jan = F, M, A, M, J, July) You Do This: You Get This: You & Director hold 3 months $1, 000 Fast TRACK Bonus + DVD’s (Also earn Simple Points for incentive trips and Team. Up Gifts) Please remember that on Turbo. Track, all of this could happen in your FIRST MONTH
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 Weekly Report Company Report to submit and report on each session: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-2 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do § § Watch the Dani Johnson video. Report on at least one tip/idea you learned that you will implement. Schedule time to watch/listen to mentoring calls with Star*Team Business Leaders. (OJT) Continue/complete 30 Days of Health Submit Company Report online before next week’s IC Team Meeting. §Do After Session 2
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Recruiting
Session 3 Recruiting
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 PROSPECTING & RECRUITING TECHNIQUES IT’S ABOUT FREQUENCY & QUANTITY Success formula ACTIVITY done CONSISTENTLY over TIME = RESULTS If you know you would make $5 for every dial…. . …… how many dials would you make?
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 PROSPECTING & RECRUITING TECHNIQUES Cold Market vs. Warm Market • Cold Market = CMF, Strategy Events, DVDs for Business Partners • Warm Market = Open House Events, DVDs for Consumer/Members Tools to Share: Advanced Resource Site (Session 6) Product: Your PWS, 30 Days of Health, DVDs, Other Events Business: Your CMF site, Star. Team Strategy Events Mon & Thurs, DVDs Tools Never Have a Bad Day
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 The 3 P’s PEOPLE POSTURING PERSISTENCE It IS a numbers business You have the cookie Don’t assume the no really means no
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 The 4 th P Positioning • Healthy Home Consultant / Green Home Consultant • Safe Home Consultant • Healthy Child Consultant / Human Energy Consultant • Home Business Consultant • Anti-Aging Specialist
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 Power Bonuses… Don’t Wait to Start! Through your first THREE Full Months (and 3 additional months each time you reach a new Position, Director and above) • Each GOLD Ambassador ($299) you sponsor = 5 Simple Points • Super. GOLD ($750) or GOLDPlus ($500) = 10 Simple Points • Each Distributor ($39. 95 – Dist Welcome Kit) with 100 PV within 60 days = 2 Simple Points • Each Member ($19. 95 – New Member Kit) with 50 PV within 60 days = 1 Simple Point • Each 15 Simple Points = $150 Power of Ten Bonus Check! • All PV must be completed within your first 3 full months. Example: Start Jan – End April • These same Simple Points can also qualify you for Incentive Trips, Team Up Gifts
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-3 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 3
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: How to Invite
Session 4 How to Invite
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 Inoculation / Video Review § Rhythm of the Business / Everyone wants to work one hour and make the income of working 50. But how many will work 50 to make the income of 1? That’s how you start! § Belief Chart – start at 10! § We can start at 10 with Skill also by using TOOLS! From the Advanced Training DVD: Pat Hintze: Belief & the Importance of WHY
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 How to Invite § Cold: Follow the Star*Team Scripts – Plug into OJT (Learn from the experts) § Warm: Profile Planning helps you select the names you will begin with. – Write down your approach – Script it! – Practice out loud / Expect a “YES” § Events: – Business: Strategy Event (online) – Grand Opening (or Open House) § Reality: 20 -30 invites will yield 6 to local event. – Schedule 3 to 4 dates for backup Everyone wants what we offer. Not everyone will take advantage of it. Your job is simply to INVITE, NOT CONVINCE!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 How to Invite § Profile Planning Model: – – – Affirm their value (Thinking about you) Specific Need (You HEARD by listening to them) Story of results by others or you Friendly Disclaimer (comfort phrase) Request permission Everyone wants what we offer. Not everyone will take advantage of it. Your job is simply to INVITE, NOT CONVINCE!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 How to Invite § FORM Approach – – F O R M Family Occupation Recreation Money Everyone wants what we offer. Not everyone will take advantage of it. Your job is simply to INVITE, NOT CONVINCE!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 How to Invite § Seven Question Approach – – – What do you do? How long have you been doing it? What do you like about it? Are there things you don’t like about it? What would you like to be doing 5 to 10 years from now? What are you doing to make it happen? Everyone wants what we offer. Not everyone will take advantage of it. Your job is simply to INVITE, NOT CONVINCE!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 How to Invite § ASK a question… – Are you Open to new Opportunities? – Are you looking for ways to create additional streams of income? § Use 3 rd Party Material for follow-up: – CMF, DVD’s, Documents § DO NOT INVITE IF THEY ARE NOT LOOKING! Everyone wants what we offer. Not everyone will take advantage of it. Your job is simply to INVITE, NOT CONVINCE!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-4 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 4
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Drilling Down
Session 5 Drilling Down
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-5 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-5 Belief & Why: Inviting people Let’s say you are starting a restaurant: § 10 people came in and didn’t like what you were serving? They never came back. Would you quit? § 2 people came and said, “I really like this…I’m coming back” and they never did. Would you quit? § No one showed up for 2 weeks. Do you quit? If you don’t get the results you’re looking for are you going to quit? Or are you going to do what it takes to figure out how to get the results you want?
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-5 Working both Warm & Cold Market You go into a store and the salesperson asks you, “Can I help you? ” What do you usually say? The minute you are perceived as a salesperson, you’ve lost the game. Don’t jump off the shelf. DO NOT answer unasked questions!!!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-5 Drilling Down RULE: Before you give ANY solution, ask 5 questions Do not ASSUME the best/worst Do not ASSUME ANYTHING! RULE: You cannot say the word “Shaklee” (or offer a solution) until you’ve asked at least 5 questions.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-5 Drilling Down § Two-Minute Story § Handling Questions and Objections… – Great Question… – Feel, Felt, and Found… – Start by trying the Products and Challenging the Guarantee… RULE: You cannot say the word “Shaklee” (or offer a solution) until you’ve asked at least 5 questions.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-5 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 5
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Closing/Tools
Session 6 Closing/Tools
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 2 Minute Story Group Sharing….
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 Closing Non-Threatening questions: Does this look like something you think you could do? OR What do you see as your next step? Vs. Do you want to sign up now? Product focus close: If there was something that could help you with your ____, would you want to know about it? RULE: You cannot say the word “Shaklee” (or offer a solution) until you’ve asked at least 5 questions.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 Closing with Credibility Product Credibility: Why not buy from Health Food Store? Good, Better, Best? Doctor doesn’t give you good, better, best options. MONEY OBJECTION on Products: If it doesn’t work, are you really saving money? Do you care more about cost or results? You can’t beat FREE!! (Member referral program = Open House Event, 30 -days) It’s either the Best or NOT… There is no other choice.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 Closing with Credibility Business Path: 1. EXPOSE: Evaluation (CMF presentation) / DVD’s 2. INVOLVE: Star*Team Business Strategy Event – see others doing this 3. UPGRADE: Sponsor / Auto-ship 4. Retain (UPGRADE SOME MORE): • Client: 30 Days of Health (Earn Free Products), Open House, DVD’s • Biz: Training Check List, 30 Days of Health, NDO, Inner Circle Expose, Involve & Upgrade
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 Follow Up Customers/Members: • DVDs • PWS websites / Advanced Resource Website • 30 Days of Health • Follow-up (1, 7, 14, 25 day) – Shaklee Auto-Ship offers for discounts • Webcast room (Live team events) / Open House Events • Member Orientation: Show them how they can get their products for free every month. “You have other benefits to your membership besides the discount. You’re not obligated to use any/all of them, but I’m obligated to let you know about them. ” (Gym analogy). Tools never have a bad day!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 On-line Events § Team Strategy Event § § Invite Opportunity Prospects who are not ready to start. Have Guests Arrive early. You may send Private Messages to your guests. Chose their name from Attendee list and click on Send Private Message Proper etiquette. . . Don’t type you are leaving, non-biz messages, weather, etc. unless PRIVATE! § Open House Event (Schedule with your Upline) § Invite Product Prospects AND Biz Prospects who want to learn more about the Products and Philosophy. Team Events are Scheduled Regularly. All you need to do is INVITE
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 Using Tools Advanced Resource Site Piece of the Action Flyer, PPT, pdf Great tool for creating volume! And we get paid for VOLUME!! Changing Brands Presentation & Flyer Tools never have a bad day!
A Major International Corporation IS Willing to Give You A PIECE OF THE ACTION… To Start Getting Yours. . . SIMPLY CHANGE BRANDS
R WHAT PRODUCTS DO YOU USE? _____Dishwasher Detergent _____Laundry Detergent _____Fabric Softener _____Spot Remover _____Scouring Cleaner _____Dishwashing Liquid _____Window Cleaner _____Floor Cleaner _____Industrial Cleaner _____Germicide _____Ceramic Tile Cleaner _____Household Cleaners _____Oven Cleaner _____Heavy Duty Cleaner _____Car Wash _____Toothpaste _____Soap (Liquid & Bar) _____Moisturizers _____Shampoo & Conditioner _____Hair Spray _____Face Cleansers _____Beauty Masque _____Hand & Body Lotion _____Anti-Aging Skin Products _____Natural Cosmetics _____Deodorant _____Baby Oil _____Baby Shampoo _____Suntan Lotion _____Children’s Vitamins __________Meal Replacement _____Snacks _____Weight Loss Products _____Body Building Products _____Cholesterol Reducer _____Sleeping Aid _____Laxatives _____Dietary Fiber _____Digestive Aid _____Joint & Pain Products _____Stress Formula _____Fish Oil _____Immune Support _____Antioxidant Products _____Sports Drink _____Purified Water _____Air Purification
u How many families do you know that use these types of products? _________
u v How many families do you know that use these types of products? _________ How much of these types of products do you think the average family purchases per month? $_____
u v w How many families do you know that use these types of products? _________ How much of these types of products do you think the average family purchases per month? $_____ Everyone, no matter how bad the economy is, will use these everyday items on a constant basis…
u v w How many families do you know that use these types of products? _________ How much of these types of products do you think the average family purchases per month? $_____ Everyone, no matter how bad the economy is, will use these everyday items on a constant basis… They will get them somewhere.
u v w How many families do you know that use these types of products? _________ How much of these types of products do you think the average family purchases per month? $_____ Everyone, no matter how bad the economy is, will use these everyday items on a constant basis… They will get them somewhere. The SHAKLEE CORPORATION manufactures environmentally correct and natural versions of these types of products and markets them in a unique way --Let’s take a look at why you might consider changing brands and the earnings potential available.
Consumer Expenditures & Income - Bureau of Labor Statistics 17%-20. 8% IF YOUR WEEKLY GROCERY BILL IS YOUR WEEKLY CLEANING PRODUCTS BILL IS* YOUR MONTHLY CLEANING PRODUCTS BILL IS YOUR YEARLY CLEANING PRODUCTS BILL IS* $30. 00 $6. 00 $26. 00 $312. 00 60. 00 12. 00 52. 00 624. 00 100. 00 20. 00 87. 00 1, 040. 00 160. 00 32. 00 139. 00 1, 664. 00 200. 00 40. 00 173. 00 2, 080. 00
HERE’S HOW SIMPLE IT CAN BE. . . u THE CONCEPT You and your family Change Brands (to Shaklee Health & Wellness Products).
HERE’S HOW SIMPLE IT CAN BE. . . THE CONCEPT u You and your family Change Brands (to Shaklee Health & Wellness Products). v Redirect your purchases from local stores (products you were buying anyway).
HERE’S HOW SIMPLE IT CAN BE. . . THE CONCEPT u You and your family Change Brands (to Shaklee Health & Wellness Products). v Redirect your purchases from local stores (products you were buying anyway). w Find six other people who also want to: Care for their health and the environment and/or Receive $150 per month (get their products free) or Earn an extra $14, 000 a year part-time or Earn $36, 000 a year part-time (or more)
EARNINGS POTENTIAL Approximate NET Earnings Per Month Start (1 consumer) You sponsor and change brands to Shaklee $0
EARNINGS POTENTIAL Approximate NET Earnings Per Month Start (1 consumer) Phase 1 (7 consumers) You sponsor and change brands to Shaklee $0 You refer six People ($150 usage/month) $150+ (earn products free)
EARNINGS POTENTIAL Approximate NET Earnings Per Month Start (1 consumer) You sponsor and change brands to Shaklee $0 Phase 1 (7 consumers) You refer six People ($150 usage/month) $150+ (earn products free) Phase 2 (43 consumers) They each refer six People $1200/month ($14 k+/yr)
EARNINGS POTENTIAL Approximate NET Earnings Per Month Start (1 consumer) You sponsor and change brands to Shaklee $0 Phase 1 (7 consumers) You refer six People ($150 usage/month) $150+ (earn products free) Phase 2 (43 consumers) They each refer six People $1200/month ($14 k+/yr) Phase 3 If they each refer six People $3000/month Net approx. $36, 000/yr These earnings do not reflect any of the other benefits listed. Results may vary.
SHAKLEE WORKS BECAUSE: R R R R R 50+ years of proven results People sharing something good Financially sound company Everyday products at discount prices Growth industry Fantastic benefits Gives people hope A major International Corporation Best opportunity in America! If you like what you see, it’s easy to evaluate the Products and the Opportunity. Change Brands and use the products with a Money Back Guarantee. When you have everything to gain if successful and nothing to lose if you fail, then by all means give it a try! - W. Clement Stone (billionaire)
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-6 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 6
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Vision Casting
Session 7 Vision Casting
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 Vision Casting & Goals Vision: • Creates enthusiasm • Generates activity • Inspires consistent effort. (You build with inspired people, not programs) Vision produces passion. Passion produces personal discipline (which produces action. ) It drives you to do Whatever It Takes (WIT) vs. “We’ll see how it goes. ” Your biggest challenge? Having the discipline of saying NO to the things that divert you off track. Stick to a schedule! “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision is just passing time. Vision with action can change the world!” ~Joel A. Barker
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 Vision Casting & Goals 1. What problem is my vision designed to solve? 2. Offer a solution. When you connect a problem with a compelling solution, you can have a person’s attention. Example: “I want 30 women my team making 30 K a year. Do you think that is something you’d like to learn more about? “ ALWAYS END WITH A QUESTION! Vision casting eliminates your fear because it is not about YOU. It draws people TO YOU because it isn’t about YOU…it’s about THEM and THEIR needs. If a vision is about you, it won’t work well. You want a vision that’s about THEM.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 Sponsoring § Find out What Your Prospect is Thinking § Give Your Prospect a Choice – – Create financial future? Car? Paid Travel? Supplemental income? Becoming healthier, losing weight, reducing toxins? Give them what THEY want, not what YOU want them to have.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 Sponsoring § 5 Choices – Start at the TOP – – Super GOLD Pak (Best Value - Products: Cost) GOLD Plus Pak (Best ratio – PV: Cost) GOLD Pak (Best Low $ Option – Products: Cost&PV) Distributor Welcome Kit (DWK - $39. 95) – Best Starter for consumers who will order over 100 PV/ Rebates – Yes Coupon, No Fast TRACK / No GOLD Bonuses Paid – New Member Kit ($19. 95) – Least value (No Coupon, No Rebates) Give them what THEY want, not what YOU want them to have.
3 WAYS TO GET STARTED + 2 $750 Super. GOLD PAK • 15% Discount off retail price on products • New Distributor Welcome Kit (Product Samples, DVD’s, Product and Opportunity Literature) • GOLD Ambassador Status ($199 Value) • Free product with this order* (Up to $100 SRP) • 6 Months of Personal Web Site (a $120 Value!) 250+ $1 Value GETS sor im 0 “S 1 ” ts Poin le p Spon • 1 Month of Create My Future Web System ($30 value) • 500 PV (Personal Volume Points) / Qualifies for $40 Rebate Check! Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø This Mission PAK (#80043) Contains: Shaklee Vitalizer™ w/o Iron (1 box) Vivix® (1 box of 30 single servings) Choose a bottle of Vivix (FREE)* Nutriferon® (60 count) Cinch® Vanilla Packets (14 packets) Cinch® Vanilla Canister (30 day supply) Cinch® Chocolate Packets (14 packets) 3 -in-1 boost (42 count) Cinch® Snack Bars (Assortment) Daily journals (2) Cinch Program Guide Cinch Logo Shaker Cup Cinch Pedometer Cinch Tape Measure Cinch® Energy Tea Basic H 2® 16. oz (2 bottles) Hydrating Cleansing Lotion Hydrating Moisturizer Ø Time Repair AM Ø Hydrating Toner Ø C&E Repair PM Ø Eye Treatment Ø Refining Polisher Ø Two Dispensing Pumps Ø Lip Treatment Ø Get Clean® Spray Bottles (2 bottles) Ø Get Clean® Liquid Dish Wash Ø Get Clean® Dish Wash (powder) Ø Get Clean® Fresh Laundry (liquid) Ø Get Clean® Nature Bright Ø Get Clean® Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets Ø Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes, 35 Wipes Ø Dish Wash Dispenser (empty) (1) Ø Nature Bright® Dispenser (empty) (1) Ø Organizer Caddy (1) Ø Spray Bottles (3), Dropper Pipette (1), 1/4 oz. Dispenser Pump (1), Laundry Measuring cup (1), Dual Measuring Spoon (1), Super Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Super Microfiber Window Cloth, Super Microfiber Dish Sponge, Miracle Scrubber Pad
3 WAYS TO GET STARTED + 2 $599 GOLDPlus PAK • 15% Discount off retail price on products • New Distributor Welcome Kit (Product Samples, DVD’s, Product and Opportunity Literature) • GOLD Ambassador Status ($199 Value) • Free product with next order (Up to $100 SRP) • 6 Months of Personal Web Site (a $120 Value!) 000+ $1 Value GETS sor im 0 “S 1 ” ts Poin le p Spon • 1 Month of Create My Future Web System ($30 value) • 500 PV (Personal Volume Points) / Qualifies for $40 Rebate Check! This Mission PAK (#89208) Contains: Ø Ø Ø Shaklee Vitalizer™ w/o Iron (1 box) Vivix® (1 bottle) Nutriferon® (60 count) Cinch® Vanilla Canister (30 day supply) Cinch® Chocolate Packets (14 packets) Cinch® Snack Bars (Assortment) Ø Cinch® Energy Tea Ø Basic H 2® 16. oz (1 bottle) Ø Hydrating Cleansing Lotion Ø Hydrating Moisturizer Ø C&E Repair PM Ø Get Clean® Spray Bottles (2 bottles) Ø Ø Ø Get Clean® Liquid Dish Wash Get Clean® Dish Wash (powder) Get Clean® Fresh Laundry (liquid) Get Clean® Nature Bright Get Clean® Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets Get Clean® Germ Off Disinfectant Wipes
3 WAYS TO GET STARTED + 2 $299 GOLD PAK • 15% Discount off retail price on products • New Distributor Welcome Kit (Product Samples, DVD’s, Product and Opportunity Literature) • GOLD Ambassador Status ($199 Value) • Free product with next order (Up to $100 SRP) • 3 Months of Personal Web Site (a $60 Value!) 500+ $ Value o pons S r Simp 5“ ETS G • 1 Month of Create My Future Web System ($30 value) • 250 PV (Personal Volume Points) / Qualifies for $10 Rebate Check! This Mission PAK (#59714) Contains: Ø Ø Ø Shaklee Vitalizer™ w/o Iron (1 box) Vivix® (1 box of 30 single servings) Nutriferon® (60 count) Cinch® Vanilla Packets (14 packets) Basic H 2® 16. oz (1 bottle) Get Clean® Spray Bottles (2 bottles) 3 GOLDS+2 Ways. pdf v 060611 ” ts Poin le
3 WAYS TO GET STARTED + 2 $39. 95 Distributor Welcome Kit • 15% Discount off retail price on products • New Distributor Welcome Kit (Product Samples, DVD’s, Product and Opportunity Literature) • Free product with next order (Up to $100 SRP) • NO Personal Web Site. Must purchase for $29. 95 first month and $14. 95 for further months. • 1 Month of Create My Future Web System ($30 value) NO PRODUCTS! 3 GOLDS+2 Ways. pdf v 060611 Up to $85 Value ” oints ple P ered im 2 “S ucts ord TS r GE V Prod PV o pons 100 P ver 50 S o er IF ov Or 1 if
3 WAYS TO GET STARTED + 2 1/2 $19. 95 New Member Kit • 15% Discount off retail price on products NO PRODUCTS! $0 alue V NOTE: A Basic Membership WITHOUT this Info Pack is FREE with Vitalizer if you choose that option online. This Vitalizer comes in a special box with a “Welcome To Shaklee brochure” 3 GOLDS+2 Ways. pdf v 060611 ” oints ple P ered im 2 “S ucts ord TS r GE V Prod PV o t poin pons 100 P ver 50 S 1 ver r 1 if o er earns ered) IF o iz O d Vital ts are or h e wit roduc Fre The other p ( if no
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 Sponsoring / Follow Up § Day 1… Schedule NDO or NMO § Day 7… Received Products? § Day 14… How are you taking the products? § Day 25… How are you feeling? § Once a Month… Offer reminders, new products Give them what THEY want, not what YOU want them to have.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-7 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 7
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: “Reading” your Prospects
Session 8 “Reading” your Prospects
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-8 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-8 INTRODUCTIONS Roger Barnett: “People work their whole lives to get guaranteed poverty. ” § Individual is limited § Organization is unlimited § Teach others to teach others § Reality Planning / Do this and you’ll get that! Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-8 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 8
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Goal Setting
Session 9 Goal Setting
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-9 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-9 Vision Casting & Goals Dreams form our vision… Debt free, residual income, financial/time freedom Vision drives our goals…. Key, Master Goals direct our steps… Plan – Action - Steps Clear goals do 4 things: 1. Define what’s important to you 2. Give you direction 3. Create Excitement 4. Help you focus Reaching goals is not the difficult part. Determining what you want (and how serious you are about it) is the most difficult part.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-9 Vision Casting & Goals What do you WANT? 3 Things you want to check: 1. Right people? 2. Right things? 3. Doing those things right? What is holding you back? Excitement only goes so far/so long. Clear vision and goals that matter to YOU will you get you thru roadblocks.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-9 Vision Casting & Goals I WILL, not It would be nice THINK it, SEE it, FEEL it Chart your progress (You can’t control what you don’t measure) Goal Boards / 90 -day plan / Tracking Spreadsheet / Daily Goals / WIT-team “What you think, you look. What you think, you do. What you think, you are. ” ~ Dr. Forest C. Shaklee
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-9 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 9
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Dream Plan 1
Session 10 Dream Plan 1
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 3 Business Tracks (3 speeds) 1. Standard. TRACK a) A very part-time business NOW and in FUTURE. b) Slow but steady income growth. 2. Fast TRACK a) A serious medium-time business NOW and part-time in FUTURE. b) Faster growth upfront resulting in higher income initially. 3. Turbo. TRACK a) A full-time business NOW and part-time in FUTURE. b) Extremely quick start to create substantial income initially.
9 Income Streams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GOLD Bonus Power Bonuses Price Differential Personal Group Bonuses Fast. Track Bonuses Incentives Car Bonuses Leadership Bonuses Infinity Bonuses INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 1. GOLD Bonuses** § For each SUPER GOLD PAK or GOLD PLUS PAK you personally sell, you earn a $100 GOLD Bonus. § For each GOLD PAK you personally sell, you earn a $50 GOLD Bonus. § To earn these bonuses, you must be a GOLD yourself (have purchased any GOLD PAK. § Paid every week if you are on Direct Deposit PAK stands for Product Action Pack
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 Why sponsor Golds? § Shaklee research has shown that Gold Ambassadors: § Are more business minded § Use 5 X more product each month § Are 2 X more likely to reorder § Sponsor 10 X more people § Are 200 X more likely to become a Director
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 2. Power Bonuses § During the month you join Shaklee AND the following 3 months (and 3 more months every time you move up in Business Leader positions). § Get $150 for every 15 Power Bonus points accrued. § How you earn Power Bonus Points: – – – 10 for each new GOLD Plus or Super GOLD PAK 5 for each new GOLD PAK 2 for each Dist Welcome Kit ($39. 95) plus 100 PV or more 1 for each Member Kit ($19. 95) or DWK plus 50 PV or more All additional PV within 60 days can upgrade the points during your Power Bonus period (EX: If a Member has 30 PV on first order, then 20 on next order within 60 days, you then get 1 Power Bonus point. § Power Bonus points are earned for people you personally sponsor only.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 Cover Your Starter Kit! § Personally Sponsor 3 with GOLD PAKs § GOLD Bonuses = $150 (3 x $50) § Power Bonuses + $150 (15 Power Bonus Points) » $300 § Personally Sponsor 3 with Super GOLD or GOLD Plus PAKs § GOLD Bonsues = $300 (3 x $100) § Power Bonsues + $300 (30 Power Bonus Points) » $600
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 3. Price Differential § Each Shaklee product has three prices – Suggested Retail Price (SRP) – Member Price (MP) – Distributor Price (DP) – Difference between prices is called Price Differential § Difference between MP and DP is about 16 -17% § Price Differential is paid at 500 PGV (Personal Group Volume – includes your personal volume)
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 4. Personal Group Bonuses § Each Shaklee product has PV § Personal Group Volume (PGV) includes your PV and the PV of all your personal team.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 4. Personal Group Bonuses § Distributor – Up to 4% for 250 Personal Group Volume – Up to 8% for 500 Personal Group Volume (+ Price Diff. ) § Associate – Up to 12% for 1000 Personal Group Volume (+ Price Diff. ) – Up to 14% for 1500 Personal Group Volume (+ Price Diff. ) § Director – Up to 20% for 2000 Personal Group Volume (+ Price Diff. ) § Must always have at least 100 PV personally to earn Bonuses and Price Differential.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 Get to Director § Get to Director with 2000 Personal Group Volume (PGV) in month ONE!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 Get to Director on Turbo. TRACK § Get to Director with 2000 Personal Group Volume (PGV) in month ONE! $300 Commissions $300 Power Bonuses $600 $599 Gold Pack 500 PV +$280 residual $880 Total 2, 000 PV in one month Director
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 Growth Strategy: Develop Leaders § Position yourself for Fast TRACK, Leadership and Infinity bonuses: – – – Work to get to Director in three months or less. Target the rank of Executive Coordinator in 12 to 15 months or less Visualize Master Coordinator
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 Roadmap to Master Coordinator Always have 3 to 5 Business-Building Legs at a time… to replace New Directors ctor Dire New
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 PGV Depreciation / A Reality Picture 1000 500 Your Main Activity Must Continue to be Prospecting and Recruiting
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 10
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Dream Plan 2
Star*Team Inner Circle Accountability Group & 1 st Step Training Dream Plan 2 Session 11
BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Incentive trip(s)… And Team. Up Gifts. . . Here we come!
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 INTRODUCTIONS Company Report: § New products used this week § Incentive Points for Trips and Team Up § # of Warm/Lukewarm Market Contacts this week § # of Referrals Obtained § # of Lead Dials, # of Prospect (HP/VHP) Dials § # Total Dials § Invited / Attended Strategy Event § Invited / Attended Other Events § Number Sponsored & Total in Organization § PV/PGV last month § PV/PGV so far THIS MONTH Have realistic expectations based on your activity.
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 Review 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GOLD Bonus Power Bonuses Price Differential Personal Group Bonuses Fast. Track Bonuses Incentives Car Bonuses Leadership Bonuses Infinity Bonuses
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 5. Fast. Track Bonuses What You Do You Earn Promote to Director within your first three full months in Shaklee and maintain 2 more months Registration for Global Conference ($500 value) + 25 DVDs and one additional year of PWS Promote to Senior Director in your first six months in Shaklee (Sr. Director means being a Director and promoting a Director) and maintain 2 more months $1000 + 25 DVDs Promote to Coordinator in your first nine months in Shaklee and hold 2 more months $3000 + Dream Trip for 2 (all inclusive including air) + Rolling Briefcase
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 5. Fast. Track Bonuses What You Do You Earn Promote to Senior Coordinator in your first 12 months in Shaklee and hold 2 more months $5, 000 (Sr. Coordinator means you are a Director, you have 2 first Generation Directors and all volume to infinite levels is 10, 000 a month or more) Promote to Executive Coordinator in Your first 15 months in Shaklee and hold 2 more months (Exec Coordinator means you are a Director, you have 3 first Generation Directors and all volume to infinite levels is 20, 000 a month or more) $25, 000 + Top Achiever Club trip for 2 + Future Masters Retreat Trip for 2 @ Home Office
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 5. Fast. Track Bonuses Every time someone you sponsor earns a Fast. TRACK Bonus, you earn a ½ matching bonus… For Example: They get a check for $25, 000 / YOU GET a check for $12, 500 You can do this unlimited times. The first 15 months of the Fast TRACK program can be done within 3 months using the Turbo. TRACK business model. There are two additional Fast TRACK Bonuses that do not generate matching bonuses for the upline: Key Coordinator within 24 months Master Coordinator within 36 months = $25, 000
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 6. Incentives (Travel and Gifts) § New Directors Conference – Accumulate 18, 000 CV in any 6 months within your first year as a Director. – CV is your PGV (Personal Group Volume PLUS up to 2 k of the volume of any First Generation Directors – Example 1: You have 3 k PGV a month for 6 months = 18 CV – Example 2: You are a Director (2 k PGV/month) and you promote a Director (2 k PGV/month) = 4 k CV month for 5 months = 20 k CV
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 6. Incentives (Travel and Gifts) § Simple Points Program – Earn Points while building your business: • For Sponsoring People (same as Power Bonus Points) • Points double when new person has 3 months of 100 PV Autoship • For Increasing Position (Reach New Ranks) • For Developing Business Leaders in your group
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 6. Incentives (Travel and Gifts) § Simple Points Program – Earn Quarterly Prizes with Team Up • Individual & Team Prizes / Up to 2 every quarter! – Examples: I-PADs, Tiffany, Luggage, GPS units. – Earn Dream Trip for up to 4 people / Examples: Cruise, Bahamas, Mayan Riviera, Hawaii – Earn Top Achiever Trip for 2 / Example: Bora
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 7. Car Bonuses § Earn Car Payments Monthly – Have 5, 000 CV with at least one First Generation Director • Example: You maintain 3 k PGV, your Director does 2 k PGV – (Up to 2 k PGV of each First Generation Director counts towards your CV total. ) – Car Bonus is paid each month you qualify for 3 years starting in month 4. – Earn 3 more years each time you reach next level – Reach Presidential Master and get $100 k Mercedes as a gift
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 8. Leadership Bonuses § Get Monthly Bonuses based on the PGV of your Downline Directors up to 6 Generations
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 9. Infinity Bonuses § Get Monthly Bonuses based on the PGV of your Downline Directors to INFINITE Generations
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-11 Master Coordinator / Think BIG! Your Personal Group (10, 000 PGV @ 20%) = $2, 000. 00 Price Diff. (10, 000 PGV @ 17%) = $1, 700. 00 Less Commissions earned in group = -1, 200. 00 Net Personal Group = $2, 500. 00 6 Leaders (3, 000 PGV each) @ 6%+4%= $1, 800. 00 9 Leaders (3, 000 PGV each) @ 6%+4%= $2, 700. 00 27 Leaders (3, 000 PGV each) @ 4%+4%= $6, 480. 00 ? ? ? Leaders 5 th and 6 th Generation = ? ? ? ? TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME = $19, 960. 00 YEARLY INCOME = $239, 520. 00 Plus GOLD Bonuses, Cars, Trips, Fast TRACK
INNER CIRCLE Session FS-10 This week’s homework Successful people do…… …what unsuccessful people are not willing to do §Do After Session 11
! You are the Star*Team 2%’rs Inner Circle First Step Training “The best way to predict the future is to create it. ” —DR. FORREST C. SHAKLEE Next Week: Passing the Torch