- Количество слайдов: 12
Standards for safe interoperable and economic Geneva, 4 -5 March products 2009 Cyriacus Bleijs
The electric vehicle is at the cross roads of different industries. It is part of a system 2 Telecom ITU Fixed installations IEC 60364 EV electrical aspects (if not charging) ISO TS 22/SC 21 Charging interface IEC 61851 (TC 69) Data transfer JWG IEC/ISO V 2 G Connective Interfaces IEC 62196 (SC 23 h) Battery cells IEC SC 21 A Battery assembly ISO TC 22/SC 21 SAE does parallel work The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010
This in not today’s subject but is a good example There is still no real agreement on the plug The EU will probably force a European decision SAE plug Nice! But not for Europe Pity ! The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 Two main contenders 3
4 Standardizing : ØEV to Grid communication ØRoaming Independant work is also being done by SAE and no real agreement for coopperation is yet acheived (not to talk of China …. ) The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010
3 - Communication is of utmost importance Global consumption is acceptable but Local impact must be solved Estiomation of expected impact of VE/VHR 2015, 2020, 2025 2020 2015 The Fully Networked novembre 2009 Source: ERF R&D, Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 5
In the future we wish to orientate the client to chose the optimum charging time Please don’t charge here Charge here Mid winter example Cost The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 6
The battle of harware / protocol standards Some decisions are premature Cenelec A FSK Cenelec A G 3 Prime ……. DLMS COSEM SLM Smart energy Home plug AV Cenelec B FSK Zigbee Hg. n HD PLC ……. chanel to use Clearing house The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 Home plug GP Cenelec B FSK Maxim G 3 Hg. n HD PLC ……. GSM 3 G Wi. Fi Zigbee ……. ? Which 7 Billing Load control Diagnosics
Recommendation o Review : ISO IEC agreement o Establish : stand still with other SDO’s o Call for a joint governing body of ISO and OEC on the strategic level o ballanced membership with more active members: Utilities , OEM’s, consumers, gov, standardizers Today things work – but only because the experts do what they can to make it work but there are regional difficulties The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 8
New architecture o Balanced representation of stakeholders o Generalisation of WEB meetings o Discussion forums o International organizations meetings: SAE + ISO , etc +IP agreements o Joint TC ISO/IEC for all EV work IEC TC 69 + ISO TC 22 SC 21 + ISO TC 22 SC 3 The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 9
Thank you o Annex : some standardization activities Geneva, 4 -5 March 2009
Work of the joint IEC / ISO WG V 2 G C 1 Information exchange between the vehicle and charge spot The Fully Networked Car Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 11
12 Main activities Committee Standard Topic update SAE Hybrid Vehicle Task Force J 1772 Definition of charging connector Ready mid January 2010, applies only to US distribution system SAE Hybrid Vehicle Task Force J 2836 Communication protocol vehicle/grid ? IEC TC 69 61851 Charging systems Ready as FDIS by Feb 2010 consensus obtained IEC SC 23 H 62196 Physical connectors 3 options , ready as CD for 3[? ] months vote IEC TC 22/SC 21 a PT Li-P Lithium Ion cells CDV stage IEC TC 64 50364 -7760 Electrical installations Sent for approval as a NWIP Contradiction with TC 69 ? ISO TC 22/SC 21 2086 Lithium ion batteries Beginning ISO TC 22/SC 21 6469 Electric security on EV’s done ISO/IEC TC 22/SC 3 JWG V 2 G C 1 Communication protocol vehicle/grid On going no coherence with SAE The Fully Networked Car CONFIDENTIAL © 2009 Better Geneva, 3 -4 March 2010 Place 12