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Staff Induction to Information and Learning Technology at
Log on screen • User name: firstname. surname ddmmyyyy • Password: use your date of birth (you can change this later) • Interactive whiteboards: Same log in as desktop machines • Student Machines: if you log on to a student machine you need to precede your user name with admin_domain
Passwords • You will be forced to change your Password every 30 days. • Beware if you have a college laptop make sure you log it on to the network regularly to keep the password up to date Passwords can be reset from home via http: //www. northamptoncollege. ac. uk/password Or from the moodle from page (college links) You must register for this first and answer the security questions
Data Protection • Do not keep data about students or staff on memory sticks or laptops • Use complex passwords including numbers • Keep passwords safe, don’t tell anyone your password and don’t write it down • Always lock your computer when leaving your desk For further details read: (available on the document library) Data Protection and Privacy Policy ICT Security Policy
Acceptable Use Policy You must agree to abide by the ICT Acceptable Use Policy. You need to sign it before you are given an admin account. A copy of this document is available on the document library There is also an acceptable use policy for students which again is available on the document library
Computer facilities for staff • There is a laptop loan scheme for staff. Talk to your curriculum manager if you feel you need a laptop for your work. • You can loan a range of ILT facilities such as video cameras and i. Pads – contact Lea Thomson or Nick Budden by e mail • Wireless access is available across the whole college giving internet access for both student and staff mobile devices. • Smartboards in all classrooms • There a huge range of training opportunities available
Printing Follow Me Printing • Allows you to print from any computer to any photocopier. Simply select Follow. Me. Printer from the print menu in word, powerpoint or any other application available Remote Printing Then go to any photocopier, put your ID card against the log in screen and you will be able to print your files (Limit £ 30 per month, 1000 copies on photocopier less on a desktop printer) • For large numbers of prints use remote printing accessed from the intranet home page, automatically sends files to the print room
Printing II Everyone Print System - Web • • Print from the web, your phone or ipad to a ‘followme’ printer. On the web go to: eprint. northamptoncollege. ac. uk Log in with your normal username and password Choose your file to print, click ‘next’ and when your file has been processed pick up your printing from the followme printer.
Printing III Everyone Print System – Apple Air. Print • For i. Pads and i. Phones select ‘Air. Print College. Printers’. • Install the app and select settings, then click ‘discover’. • You will be prompted for your log in details (this may take 30 s-60 s to appear). • Once logged in your print job will be sent to the followme printer. • The app can be downloaded for Apple, Android and Windows phones in each app store, search for ‘Everyone. Print’. • Install the app and select settings, then click ‘discover’. • Click on the account tab and log in using your college account. • Once logged in your print job will be sent to the followme printer.
The ICT Service Help Desk – 4216 or 01604 734216 from outside college For any IT related problems, faults or queries contact the ITC service helpdesk In term time Mon – Thurs 8. 30 am to 6. 00 pm Fri 8. 30 – 4. 30 During the holidays Mon – Thurs 8. 30 – 5. 00 Fri 8. 30 – 4. 00
The college electronic register system
Registering students The college has an electronic, paper free register system Students and staff can register themselves by swiping their ID cards across the face of the card readers in each room
How to access your register • Firstly log into Moodle • Then select “My 5 Day Timetable” from the hotbuttons section 13
Input Marks allows you to enter or change the marks for each student on that register. Amend Marks allows you to enter or change the marks for each student on that register from the previous day. View register gives you all the attendances on that register so far this year. This area displays all of your registers for the week. This should be checked for accuracy and any inaccuracies reported using the EMAIL SDSREG link 14
The View Registers Button This shows the whole year attendance for that register
The Input Marks Button All students can be set as “All Present” , All Study Leave, All Holiday Each individual student attendance can be set/changed If a new student’s card does not a swipe, or a student’s name does not appear on the list then you can add then via this text box. Add each student number individually and pressing send after each one. 16
The Amend Marks Button The Amend Marks button allows you to complete or modify your previous day’s registers. All students can be set as “All Present” , All Study Leave, All Holiday, Course Complete Or student attendance can be set individually Use the Mark Accepted button to confirm these marks are now correct If a teaching register is not completed on the day or if attendance on that register is less than 15% then you will receive an e mail the next day informing you that you have a register which is possibly incomplete.
Covering someone else’s lesson Click on the “Cover timetables” link
Type the name of the person you are covering and click search. Once you select their name you will be able to input marks into the appropriate register, just as you would one of your own.
Facilities available via the Intranet link
Intranet Homepage The intranet is the default internet homepage for all staff. It has quick access buttons to many of the electronic facilities available in the college
The e. ILP (electronic Individual Learner Profile) • Accessible from the front page of Moodle once you have logged in • Easy access to student personal details • College on-line student profiling and reporting system • Used by both academic and business support staff
File Storage • You can store files in your My Documents which is a network folder and so can be accessed by logging in to any machine on the college network • You also have access to cross-college and curriculum area folders on the V drive which can be accessed from My Computer
File Storage • If you have a college laptop you can work at home, save work in My Documents and this will be synchronised with your network My Documents the next time you connect the laptop on the college network
Moodle is the college’s Virtual Learning Environment It will support learning • In college • At home • At the local library • Anywhere in the world with Internet access
To Access Moodle • Go to the Moodle link from the intranet homepage • OR type http: //moodle. northamptoncollege. ac. uk in the internet explorer address bar. This can be done either from inside or outside college
• Classroom IT management system that allows you to monitor and control student use of both laptops and desktops
Click. View is the college’s video server Click the desktop icon to access the video library Contact the Library staff to get TV programmes or existing video uploaded onto clickview
Further Training Courses for new staff are available on the following topics Register System Moodle Smartboard e. ILP If you need to attend one or more of these courses please email Lea Thomson to arrange a time Impero Alternatively, there are lots of training materials on the Teachers’ Toolkit, which may be accessed from the intranet page. These include videos and guides on all the above tasks, along with ideas for lesson plans, embedding Maths and English and fun resources to try with students. If you “Follow” the Toolkit with your email address, you will get updates emailed to you automatically.
Staff Induction to Information and Learning Technology at