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Staff Assessment Studies Problems faced in examination of Hospital Studies 30. 11. 2004
Need for study • No post can be created or upgraded without work study • Posts under plan scheme can be created if these are included in the Plan scheme and budget provision exists • Posts under non plan can be created by surrendering some existing posts to get matching saving.
Channel for submission of proposals • Proposals should be sent through the administrative Secretary • Proposals should be sent in the main file dealing with the subject as “Single File System” is adopted in these cases • Proposals should contain full details and justification for the new project and posts demanded • Piecemeal proposals should not be sent • Compact proposal for the Hospital as a whole should be sent • In the case of teaching institutions the proposal should at least be for the particular department as a whole
Data required • • • All proposal must be supported by the following basic information: Organizational chart - Existing and Proposed Write up on the working of the organization Achievements during last 3 years supported by data Write up of plan scheme Existing sanctioned and working strength in Form I Existing deployment of staff in Form II branch/Unit wise
Data required • Detailed proposal for creation of new posts and full justification for each post demanded • The workload being handled by the existing staff in relevant forms sent for the purpose in Form III to VII or in specially devised forms • List of posts found to be surplus/redundant A liaison officer should be nominated for coordination work who should be able to get the information/data
Form I • It gives vital details without which study can not proceed further such as: • Number of posts already sanctioned, their nomenclature, pay scale - post wise • Sanction letter No and date • Working strength • No of vacancies in each category and since when • Additional requirement
Form II • • Gives details of deployment of staff in various units/branches/departments etc such as: Nomenclature of post No posts sanctioned/allocated to the unit No of functionaries actually in position Source from which additional hands provided Date of occurrence of vacancy Additional posts required and Justification for the demanded post. Separate form should be filled up for each unit/branches/department
Form III It gives the brief gist of duty list attached to each post and helps in knowing the nature of work devolving upon each functionary.
Form IV to VI These basically deal with the workload data in respect of ministerial/clerical functions • Form IV relates to annual number of receipts and dispatches made • Form V relates to workload concerning maintenance of various types of registers • Form VI relates to submission of reports and returns
Form VII It is a pro-forma which reflects upon the nature of work devolving upon each functionary and the work load handled or likely to be handled by them in one year. It seeks information such as name of work handled • Annual frequency i. e. number of times this work is being done or expected to be done • Average time taken in disposal of one unit of work at various levels • Total man hours required for handling one year’s workload/ job Most important Pro-forma. One must try to justify his work and work load through this form. It may be filled up for each individual or for each section/branch at least.
Other forms • • Specific forms are devised for different type of jobs/activities/studies which should be filled up by the department and submitted along with the data to justify the demand e. g. Form for sweeping areas Forms for deployment of security guards Forms for gardening Forms for laboratory work load etc.
Ensure Complete information • All forms should be legibly filled up and complete information be given • Piecemeal information may lead to returning the proposal time and again and result in disposal of study.
Observations • Inter disciplinary problems get referred to AR without sorting them out internally in the hospitals • Posts sanctioned for one discipline get utilized elsewhere and new proposals being referred to AR for creation of posts from where the staff has already been shifted else where • No records are shared within hospital amongst the various departments and factual position is not reflected to AR • No in house exercise is done to reutilize the existing staff by re-allocation of work/posts • No exercise is being done to identify redundant posts.
Observations • Many services- disciplines are got created but not made operational/remain underutilized • Inspite of under- utilized bed capacity new posts being demanded for increasing bed capacity • New disciplines asked for creation without proper justification/expected work load • Staff sanctioned for 24 hours but services are operational for 1 -2 shifts; cases referred to other hospitals
Observations • Sufficient capacity in near by hospitals still posts are being asked for in new hospitals while services at both the places are underutilized • Rejected proposals get re-referred after a lapse of time without linking previous files which amounts to suppression of facts • Proposals being sent for creation of new posts while the existing posts in large number are lying vacant • Posts demanded for Indian System of Medicine without examining the need for that system in new localities and its impact elsewhere.
Observations • Posts are being demanded keeping in view not the requirement but other aspects • Posts created for a purpose are re referred for down gradation/up gradation, changing discipline etc which indicates that the earlier proposal had either no justification or were based on other considerations • No feed back is given to AR department about creation of new posts based on its recommendations.
What needs to be done for post creation • Please do an in house exercise before sending the file to AR to identify the redundant posts/ activities or where the staff is under worked • Supply complete information in one go • Give us complete picture of the hospital through organizational chart and Form I & Form II • Keep in view the availability of similar facilities nearby
To be done immediately • Collect and compile all sanction orders for creation/abolition/up gradation of posts so far • Prepare a statement about distribution/ allocation of staff amongst various units/ branches/ disciplines as on 1 st. December, 2004 • Submit these details (about all posts created/ abolished/upgraded so far) in computerized pro -forma
• Staff will be trained on how to make entries in computer system next week • Exercise to be completed by 15 th December, 2004 • Simultaneously reconcile the sanctioned and working strength with the PAO No proposal will be entertained from a hospital which fails to provide complete information.