Скачать презентацию St Valentine s day St Valentine s Day is Скачать презентацию St Valentine s day St Valentine s Day is


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St. Valentine`s day. St. Valentine`s day.

St. Valentine’s Day is a very sentimental unofficial holiday, which is celebrated on the St. Valentine’s Day is a very sentimental unofficial holiday, which is celebrated on the 14 th February by those who believe in love and friendship. Boys and girls, husbands and wives, just friends send nice cards to each other with warm greetings on the day.

Valentine’s Day has always been the day dedicated to lovers. There are many stories Valentine’s Day has always been the day dedicated to lovers. There are many stories as to how Valentine’s day started. Here a few of them

Valentine was…. . • A) a king • B) a priest • C) God Valentine was…. . • A) a king • B) a priest • C) God of Love

Valentine was a Christian priest. Valentine was a Christian priest.

St. Valentine`s Day is a holiday of… • A)lovers • B) teachers • C) St. Valentine`s Day is a holiday of… • A)lovers • B) teachers • C) soldiers

St. Valentine's Day is a holiday of lovers: wives and husbands, boys and girls, St. Valentine's Day is a holiday of lovers: wives and husbands, boys and girls, men and women.

Valentine`s cards have a shape of…. . • A) star • B) flower • Valentine`s cards have a shape of…. . • A) star • B) flower • C)heart

Valentine's cards have a shape of hearts or have hearts on it. Valentine's cards have a shape of hearts or have hearts on it.

The symbol of St. Valentine's day is…. • A) heart • B) red rose The symbol of St. Valentine's day is…. • A) heart • B) red rose • C) girl

 • The earliest symbol was Cupid, the Roman God of love. Now a • The earliest symbol was Cupid, the Roman God of love. Now a red rose is.

Valentine fell in love with the … • A) jailer's daughter • B) queen Valentine fell in love with the … • A) jailer's daughter • B) queen • C) nurse

Valentine was put into prison and there he fell in love with the jailer's Valentine was put into prison and there he fell in love with the jailer's daughter.

Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it… • A) to my sweetheart Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it… • A) to my sweetheart • B) from your Valentine • C) love

The night his execution on February 14 th he wrote his lover a farewell The night his execution on February 14 th he wrote his lover a farewell letter and signed it “From Your Valentine”

And now we’ll see how good you are at Literature and Art. You should And now we’ll see how good you are at Literature and Art. You should match the famous couples. • • • Adam Rat Buttler Ruslan Romeo Carmen Tristan Cleopatra Napoleon John Lennon Juliet Lyudmila Anthony Isolda Scarlet O’Hara Joko Josephine Eve Don Hose

Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there. Deer Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there. Deer Mary! I hope that Falentine’s Dai will bring you lots ou fun! I thinks you are veri nice. And so does everyone. Best wesh, John