St. Thomas More Oratory 45 Lovett Ave Newark, DE 19711 302 -368 -4728 Fall Mass Schedule Saturdays 5 pm Sundays 9: 30 & 11: 30 am Blue Hen Student Mass 6: 30 pm Monday thru Friday 12: 30 pm Confession Tuesday 11: 45 am-12: 15 pm & 5: 30 -6: 30 pm www. udcatholic. org Rosary Monday, 7 pm Bingo Tuesdays, 6: 30 pm Bible Study Thursdays, 7 -8: 30 pm Emmaus House Ongoing Graduate/ Young Adult Group Ongoing
The Oratory is the home of Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Delaware. It is the Catholic center for students, faculty, and staff. Masses are held in the main chapel Mon – Fri & on the weekends. The Oratory also provides study space and lots of home cooked food. The staff includes fr. Ambrose Eckinger, O. P. , fr. Brendan Murphy, O. P. & Kim Zitzner. Keeping watch over the building is Flower, the Oratory cat. Feel free to stop by anytime to take a few moments for prayer or just to chat. The building opens daily at 8 am. Emmaus House The Emmaus House is a transitional home in Newark. Many students volunteer their time babysitting, tutoring, working in the yard, and performing simple household chores. Come share your time with those who are less fortunate! Graduate & Young Adult Group Stress of grad school got you down? Come and join this lively bunch of graduate students and young alumni. The group meets for talks, dinners, trips, and more. Welcome Brunch – Aug. 25 th Welcome Class of 2017! Join us after the 11: 30 Mass for a pancake brunch downstairs in the Social hall Dinner & UD Creamery Night Sept. 6 th, 6 pm Come and join other students kicking off the start of a new school year! Free Food, Games, Fun Social Nights Aug 30: Dinner & Game Night, 6 pm Sept. 2: Labor Day BBQ, begins @ 3 pm Sept. 6: Dinner & UD Creamery Night, 6 pm Sept. 13: Dinner & Cosmic Bowling, 6 pm Sept. 27: Dinner & Skating @ 6 pm Oct. 18: Oct 25: Dinner & All Hallows Eve Party @ 6 pm Dec 6: Tree Trimming & Christmas Party Bingo! The Jeanne Jugan Home is a retirement home run by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Come join other students & spend some time playing Bingo with the residents. We leave from the Oratory every Tuesday @ 6: 30 and return by 8: 15. Pancake Brunch Join us for the most popular event at the Oratory! Featuring chocolate chip pancakes & much More. Bring your friends, meet new ones. Following the 11: 30 am Masses on 9/22, 10/13, 11/10, & 12/8. Bible Study Come join the group for a lively discussion of the Bible! Bibles are not needed, but your presence is: Thursdays @ 7 pm at the Oratory! Contact: Kelsi (kskeens@udel. edu) Rosary Hayride & Bonfire Take a break from your studies and join us. Rosaries provided Mondays @ 7 pm Student Leadership Board Have ideas for programming and activities or just want to get involved on another level? ? Come and join in at the leadership meetings. Meetings at 8: 30 pm on 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12 & 11/19 St. Thomas More Oratory 45 Lovett Ave Newark, DE 19711 302 -368 -4728 www. udcatholic. org Contact: Kim (kimztmo@udel. edu) @UDCatholic