- Количество слайдов: 19
St. Mark’s First Entry to Egypt
Facts about St. Mark n n Who brought Christianity to Egypt? St Mark is the founder of our Coptic Orthodox Church. He spread the Word in Egypt. He is the first of the unbroken chain of 117 patriarchs. He was of Jewish parents.
St. Mark’s Birth n n He was born in a city called Pentapolis on the Northern African coast, west of Egypt. His family moved to Jerusalem where he met our Lord Jesus Christ.
Facts about St. Mark n n n His family was very religious. He was chosen as one of the seventy disciples that Jesus sent to preach His Gospel. He wrote one of the four gospels. It was in his house in the upper room that our Lord Jesus Christ had the Last Supper.
St. Mark’s Preaching After Jesus’ ascension, St. Mark started preaching the Gospel with St. Peter in Jerusalem and Judea…
St. Mark’s Preaching
His Entry to Egypt n n n After he left Rome he went to Egypt in 61 AD. He entered the city of Alexandria. He began wandering in the streets and roads of Alexandria; he kept walking all day until the straps of his sandals were torn. He went to a shoemaker called Ananias to mend them for him. After greeting him, he gave him his shoes and the shoemaker worked on them while St. Mark waited.
n n n Suddenly the awl pricked the shoemaker’s hand he screamed in pain calling the “One God”. At this moment, inspired by the Holy Spirit, St. Mark felt that God had caused this incident to happen, in order to pave his way in the land of the Pharaohs. St. Mark spat on the ground and made a piece of mud and rubbed Ananias’ hand with it saying “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ this hand would return whole”. At once the wound healed as if nothing happened.
n n Ananias was surprised at what happened and St. Mark interrupted his surprise and asked him: St. Mark: “What do you know about the One God Whom you mentioned? ” Ananias: “I only hear about Him, but I don’t know Him. ” St. Mark began to talk to him about the Lord Jesus, His birth of Virgin Mary in Bethlehem about thirty years ago, His life, service, teachings, and miracles.
n n As Ananias finished mending the sandals and St. Mark was ready to go. Ananias invited him to visit his house so that he might give his family his blessings. St. Mark accepted the invitation, and on entering the house he talked to them all about the Lord Jesus Christ and their need to believe in Him for the sake of their own salvation. He also cured their sick by the power of Jesus Christ.
n n Ananias and all his family believed in Christ, and St. Mark baptized them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus the family of the simple shoemaker was the first in Egypt to join the Christian faith.
n n St. Mark made Ananias’ house a center for preaching the word of salvation. Many people gathered to hear his teachings, and many people Egyptians and Greekbelieved in Jesus Christ.
St. Mark continued wandering and walking throughout the city of Alexandria preaching the good news defying all the difficulties and obstacles he faced.
n n The number of believers increased and their spiritual reputation spread everywhere. In 62 AD, St. Mark ordained Ananias bishop of Alexandria.
n n St. Mark is considered the first Pope of the church of Alexandria. After his martyrdom, Ananias succeeded him as Pope.
Questions n n n In which city of Egypt did St. Mark start to preach? How did St. Mark meet Ananias? What words did Ananias say that encouraged St. Mark to preach to him? How did St. Mark heal Ananias’ hand? Who ordained Ananias a bishop? Who is the first Pope of the Church of Alexandria?
Who is the current Pope of the Church of Alexandria?
Conclusion n n The Word of God is the source of faith. The more we hear or read the Word the better we know God. Let us feed our faith on the promises of God and it will grow day by day.
Verse n “There will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt” (Isaiah 19: 19)