- Количество слайдов: 31
st 1 October 1949: The People’s Republic of China is proclaimed, following the Communist victory in China’s civil war.
nd 2 October 1952: Britain becomes the world's third nuclear power by testing a bomb off Trimouille Island near Australia.
rd 3 October 1990: East and West Germany are reunited after 45 years. An all. Germany Reichstag sits in Berlin the next day.
th 4 October 1535: The first English translation of the entire bible is printed.
th 5 October 1936: The Jarrow March begins when 200 men from impoverished Tyneside march to lobby parliament for work.
th 6 October 1973: The Yom Kippur War begins as Egypt and Syria attack Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish year.
th 7 October 1944: Inmates of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz revolt, killing SS guards and destroying one crematorium
th 8 October 1973: Britain's first commercial radio station, LBC, goes on air, breaking the BBC's 50 -year radio monopoly
th 9 October 1967: Cuban revolutionary Ernesto 'Che' Guevara is shot by the Bolivian army a day after being captured.
th 10 October 1903: Emmeline Pankhurst forms the Women’s Social and Political Union to fight for women's rights in Britain.
th 11 October 1982: Henry VIII's flagship 'Mary Rose' is raised to the surface after 437 years at the bottom of the Solent.
th 12 October 1492: Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas and is credited as the first European to reach the Americas.
th 13 October 1988: The Turin Shroud, believed to have covered the body of Christ, is carbon dated to the Middle Ages.
th 15 October 1917: Dutch exotic dancer Mata Hari is executed by the French for passing military secrets to the Germans.
th 14 October 1066: William, Duke of Normandy, defeats and kills Harold II of England at the Battle of Hastings.
th 16 October 1793: Marie Antionette, Austrian princess and queen consort of Louis XVI of France, is guillotined in Paris.
th 17 October 1968: Two black US athletes make a raised-fist protest against racism on the podium at the Mexico Olympics.
th 18 1860: British troops occupy Beijing, effectively ending the Second Opium War and humiliating the Qing dynasty. October
th 19 October 202 BC: Roman general Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal of Carthage at Zama, ending the Second Punic War.
th 20 October 1827: Britain, France and Russia, in support of Greek independence, defeat the Ottoman fleet at Navarino.
st 21 October 1854: Florence Nightingale leaves England with 38 nurses, to tend to the British wounded from the Crimean War.
nd 22 October 1797: Frenchman Andre-Jacques Garnerin makes the first ever parachute jump, from a balloon above Paris.
rd 23 October 1642: Royalist forces defeat the Parliamentarians at Edgehill, the first major battle of the English Civil War.
th 24 October 1929: The Wall Street Crash begins in New York with Black Thursday. It causes a worldwide economic depression.
th 25 October 1944: In the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Japan uses 'kamikaze' pilots for the first time, sinking the USS 'St Lo'.
th 26 October 1951: Winston Churchill becomes prime minister for the second time, with a narrow victory over Labour.
th 27 October 1908: Parliament approves old age pensions by passing the Old Age Pension Act, championed by the Liberals.
th 28 October 312: Constantine becomes the sole ruler of the Roman empire in the west with victory at the Milvian Bridge
th 29 October 1618: English explorer Sir Walter Raleigh is executed for treason under a sentence passed 15 years earlier.
th 30 October 1905: Tsar Nicholas II grants Russia's first ever constitution and parliament after protests and revolution.
st 31 October 1922: Fascist leader Benito Mussolini is asked by the Italian king, Victor Emmanuel III, to form a government.