Скачать презентацию Sri Lanka Inventors Commission Proposed Strategic Plan 2012 Скачать презентацию Sri Lanka Inventors Commission Proposed Strategic Plan 2012


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Sri Lanka Inventors Commission Proposed Strategic Plan 2012 -2014 Sri Lanka Inventors Commission Proposed Strategic Plan 2012 -2014

National Vision “ the people of our country are now awaiting the victory in National Vision “ the people of our country are now awaiting the victory in the ‘economic war’ in a manner similar to our victory in the war against terrorism” “over the next six years, I will dedicate myself to increase our per capita income to well above US $ 4, 000, thereby placing our country in the ranks of middle income nations” 2 Mahinda Chintana- Vision for the Future SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

 “Innovative entrepreneurs, with their new products, new processes, new markets, and novel approaches “Innovative entrepreneurs, with their new products, new processes, new markets, and novel approaches to putting inventions to effective use, are key to an economy's long-term growth”. 3 WILLIAM J. BAUMOL, PH. D. Senior Advisor, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; Harold Price Professor of Entrepreneurship and Academic Director, Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, New York University; Senior Economist and Professor Emeritus, Princeton University SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Vision To be the hub of harnessing and promoting innovative skills of Sri Lankans Vision To be the hub of harnessing and promoting innovative skills of Sri Lankans in providing impetus for socio economic development and nation building through inventions and innovations.

Vision simplified Prosperity through Inventions and Innovations Nava nipeum thanana deyak, yasa isurin prunu Vision simplified Prosperity through Inventions and Innovations Nava nipeum thanana deyak, yasa isurin prunu hetak kj ksmeh. Qï ; kk oehla hi biqßka msre. KQ fygl. A

Mission 6 Be the leading catalyst in bringing out innovative capability of the nation Mission 6 Be the leading catalyst in bringing out innovative capability of the nation Be a forerunner of the facilitation process in converting ideas in to practical applications SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Our values 7 Inventors will perceive us to be proactive , supportive Government- as Our values 7 Inventors will perceive us to be proactive , supportive Government- as the resource provider will see us as result oriented well managed institution. Public- will see us as a useful people friendly government institution Staff- we will be a team committed to the cause of promoting inventiveness in the society SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

Preamble Superior inventions and innovations supported by stronger branding can demand a premium in Preamble Superior inventions and innovations supported by stronger branding can demand a premium in the market place. Nations with such products/brands enjoy higher economic benefits. In order to increase the probability of developing winning products and solutions the total number of experimentation must be increased. Therefore the efforts of SLIC should stimulate increasing the number of experiments thus increasing the chance of coming up with successful products. Inventions are done by individuals who have the capability to observe a problem or an opportunity and come up with a technical solution for that. This is a process with many steps as given in the following diagramme.

The Process of Innovation to Commercialization TECHNOLOGY INTERVENTION Observation Conceptualiza tion Of problem or The Process of Innovation to Commercialization TECHNOLOGY INTERVENTION Observation Conceptualiza tion Of problem or need OBSERVATION Conceptualize solution Technical Definition Experimentati on Prototype Perfection

The Key Three Steps of Innovation to Commercialization The activities of SLIC therefore has The Key Three Steps of Innovation to Commercialization The activities of SLIC therefore has to increase the incidence at all these stages. 10 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Opportunities Post War Sri Lanka is poised to take great Strides in the economic Opportunities Post War Sri Lanka is poised to take great Strides in the economic fronts. This will Provide opportunities for inventors to find markets For their inventions and possible investors Strengths SLIC has a established frame work for operation There is a team of experienced and committed Staff who are familiar with the processes, challenges, and opportunities 11 Threats Increasing globalisation and regional trade agreements will challenge the viability of non competitive products and services made locally Weaknesses Absence of a full time CEO for the organisation Key positioned not being filled yet Inadequate private sector partnership The organisation functions as a commission SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Organizational Structure/Human Resources Board of the Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Treasury Representative (02) (01) 12 Organizational Structure/Human Resources Board of the Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Treasury Representative (02) (01) 12 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Executive Summary Key strategies: 1. Re position presiden development goals 2. “Sahasak Nimevum” month Executive Summary Key strategies: 1. Re position presiden development goals 2. “Sahasak Nimevum” month to widespread in 3. Revitalize school lev of electronic media 4. Facilitate greater acc inventors. 5. Empower inventors t access to expertise 6. Web strategy as a ke 7. International recogni 8. Update the act to ref 9. Capability developm 10. Strong governance §Incorporated by Sri Lanka Inventors Incentives Act, No 75 of 1979 Sri Lanka Inventors Commission is expected to encourage the making or creation of inventions by citizens of Sri Lanka and to give technical financial and legal assistance to inventors among its main objectives. The net outcome of these is to increase the number of inventions that are commercialized thus contributing to the national economy. Having studied the process leading to these outcomes this strategic plan is developed basing the three areas of Observation, Technology intervention and Promotion as its cornerstones. Every strategy will be linked to one or more of these strategic thrust areas*. The functions of the commission according to the Act can be linked to these thrust areas. The commission expects as a result of these integrated activities the number of patent applications to increase by 25% and the number of commercialized patents to increase by 5%over the plan period. There are seven key strategies directly linked to the key outcomes while three are linked to the organisational effectiveness. * Relevant thrust area is given along each strategy by using O, T. P year Recurrent Rs in Mn. Capital Rs Mn Total Rs Mn 2011 20 40 60 2012 33 199 232 2013 50 219 269 2014 70 243 313 13 year No of patent applications (Resident) Issued patents (Resident) 2011 -up to August 133 43 2012 250 10 2013 325 250 15 - 20 2014 450 400 30 - 50 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 Commercializa tion

Executive Summary (Cont. . ) Observation Technology Intervention Promotion Strategy O T P Ref Executive Summary (Cont. . ) Observation Technology Intervention Promotion Strategy O T P Ref to functions of the act Reposition presidential awards aligning them to national development goals √ √ √ 11 f “Sahasak Nimevum” national exhibition and innovations month to widespread innovative culture √ √ √ 11 h Revitalize school programmes leveraging the power of electronic media √ √ 11 l Facilitate greater access to funds and to private sector to inventors √ 11 b, 11 d, 11 e Empower inventors through provision of knowledge and access to expertise √ 11 a, 11 c, 11 g, 11 j Web strategy as a key enabler √ √ √ 11 i International recognition for our inventors √ √ √ 11 k

“Innovation itself is not enough…It is wasted money unless it solves consumer problems” sanjay “Innovation itself is not enough…It is wasted money unless it solves consumer problems” sanjay jha Motorola 15 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Strategies and Broad Action Plans The reference number given against key areas are the Strategies and Broad Action Plans The reference number given against key areas are the corresponding numbers given in the act as objects of the commission 16 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Key Performance Indicators Ref Description Measure 2012 2013 Rs. in Mn 2014 11 a Key Performance Indicators Ref Description Measure 2012 2013 Rs. in Mn 2014 11 a Give tech assistance and help prepare patent applications Number of patent applications supported 5 6 7 20+100 25+100 30 + 100 12 15 20 33. 5 37 42 1 2 3 11 c Render legal assistance in filing patent applications 11 b Granting financial assistance Number of grants and amounts 11 d Recommend to lending institutions Number of such recommendations and amounts 11 e Help market inventions Number and volumes 11 f Presidential Awards Number of winners 11 h Promote inventiveness and creativity Number of events organized and the number of products developed 11 g Establishment of inventions laboratory Availability of a facility (*Inventors Fund) 17 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Key Performance Indicators- ctd Ref Description Measure 2012 2013 Rs. in Mn 2014 11 Key Performance Indicators- ctd Ref Description Measure 2012 2013 Rs. in Mn 2014 11 -i Publish and disseminate information about inventions and researches and science Number of such publications / events 3 4 5 11 j Hold regular monthly sessions Number of such events and number participated 5 6 7 11 K Join international competitions Number participated Awards won 8 10 12 11 l Organize creative societies in schools Number of such societies Outcomes from those 10 12 14 Staff development activities Number of training programmes conducted/participated 1. 5 2 3 199 219 243 Total * A separate budget proposal will be submitted to convert Inventors Fund in to a Venture Capital Fund. The money will be requested only up to the year 2014 from the Treasury to raise the fund 18 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Strategy 1. (O T P) Reposition Presidential Awards aligning them to the national development Strategy 1. (O T P) Reposition Presidential Awards aligning them to the national development goals and important strategic sectors 19 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 F Presidential Awards Introduce a two tier selection process and seek change act 11 F Presidential Awards Introduce a two tier selection process and seek change act to broadbase the number of judges Change the definitions given in the act which are discipline oriented to impact or target consumer benefit focused. Reflecting the emerging trends in technology integration. Public and Private sector organizations that can demonstrate more than 25% of growth in profitability or turnover as a result of any innovation undertaken or by commercialization of an invention such organizations to be recognized at the presidential awards. Recognize electronic and print media who have significantly promoted the cause of innovation and inventions. Announce information about focus areas at the preceding years awards ceremony 20 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Focus Areas for Presidential Awards Solutions to make Disabled Persons Independent- Persons who are Focus Areas for Presidential Awards Solutions to make Disabled Persons Independent- Persons who are limited to function as expected due to various difficulties resulting from Aging, War, Accidents, Diseases and Congenital situations need to be provided with solutions to be independent to improve their quality of life. Inventions to enhance teaching of science maths and technology. There may be many teachers who use inventions to help improve learning experience of students. This is important to encourage more cost effective ways to teach these subjects and enhance the application capability of students. ( This may be a category to consider without patents ? ) Inventions that provide solutions to health problems. There is great potential in developing herbal solutions for various health issues 21 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

Focus Areas for presidential awards Import substitutions- any invention that has proven or has Focus Areas for presidential awards Import substitutions- any invention that has proven or has potential to substitute imports must be recognized. Here the importance should be given to solutions of comparable quality and effectiveness. Solutions to improve productivity at home- family unit is the primary economic entity. Any solution to reduce expenses, improve productivity, offer ways to enhance income of households or quality of life Move Up the value Chain- solutions to move any produce up the value chain, more than pure value adding should be recognized Agriculture- solutions to improve productivity of agriculture and farming thus improving the profitability, productivity of those activities 22 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

Strategy 2 (O T P) “Sahasak Nimevum” national exhibition and inventions month to widespread Strategy 2 (O T P) “Sahasak Nimevum” national exhibition and inventions month to widespread innovative culture. 23 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 h Promote inventiveness and creativity Sahasak Nimevum – Thousand Creations national exhibition. Conduct 11 h Promote inventiveness and creativity Sahasak Nimevum – Thousand Creations national exhibition. Conduct an annual exhibition of inventions and innovations under the following categories Patented inventions and innovations Inventions with utility value Creative inventions 24 School level Junior- Senior University level Technical Colleges Organisational level Independent inventors Ideas – where simulations of futuristic products and services can be displayed SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 h -11 L to promote inventiveness + school level activities Declare a month 11 h -11 L to promote inventiveness + school level activities Declare a month as the “ National Inventors Month” and consolidate activities such as the National Exhibition, Presidential Awards, Forum for Inventors and inventor investor meetings during this month so that the impact from the money spent can be maximized. The National Exhibition to be named “ sahasak nimevum” ( iyil. A ksuejqï ) Thousand inventions Seek institutional sponsorships for various segments of the event thus reducing the burden on SLIC The best 100 selected by a panel and the visitors to be recognized Explore the possibility of taking those to regions to conduct regional exhibitions- or conduct regional exhibitions to select best for the national 25 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

Strategy 3 ( O T ) Revitalize school level programmes leveraging the power of Strategy 3 ( O T ) Revitalize school level programmes leveraging the power of electronic media, and leverage the reach of school level inventors clubs to identify grass root inventions and innovations. 26 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 h -11 L to promote inventiveness + school level activities Revitalize the school 11 h -11 L to promote inventiveness + school level activities Revitalize the school level programme by establishing “ Prathibha” the inventors club using TV medium. This way the limited resources of the commission can be leveraged better. One school club can be shown in this TV programme every week. Provide a manual for schools to be down loaded from the SLIC web site on how to organize an inventors club. Encourage schools to have inter house competitions for inventions. Propose the UGC to give recognition to the winners of national level awards for inventions when they seek university admissions. Promote the concepts at the private schools as well. Leverage the web and social media to feature school level creations. 27 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

11 h -11 L to promote inventiveness + school level activities Recognize Gras root 11 h -11 L to promote inventiveness + school level activities Recognize Gras root Inventions: Through the school level clubs, vidatha centres, media correspondents identify rural level inventions, document them and where appropriate help them commercialize otherwise popularise them Teach Creativity- propose education authorities to introduce creativity as a skill, explore the possibility of making Edward De Borno’s work translated in to Sinhala and Tamil. 28 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

Strategy 4 ( P) Facilitate greater access to funds and to private sector for Strategy 4 ( P) Facilitate greater access to funds and to private sector for inventors. 29 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 b Granting Financial Assistance. 11 d Recommend Lending Institutions Set up a robust 11 b Granting Financial Assistance. 11 d Recommend Lending Institutions Set up a robust internal process to select potential candidates to receive such financial grants and have in place a suitable legal agreement framework that protects the interests of the commission Establish incubators with selected universities that demonstrate a strong track record for developing innovations and provide financial assistance through the incubator system. Partner with Post Graduate Institutes where MBA students can be linked with inventors who need business management skills in developing project reports etc to go for funding options either from lending institutions or from potential investors. Explore the possibility of private sector partnership model to make the Sri Lanka Inventors Fund a true venture capital fund. 30 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

11 b Granting financial Assistance. Seek LKR 100 Million seed capital to set up 11 b Granting financial Assistance. Seek LKR 100 Million seed capital to set up the Inventors Fund. The fund should be able to take an Equity Stake in the eventual business and then sell out at the right time with a capital gain. Explore the possibility of private sector organisations to sponsor inventors as a part of their CSR initiatives. 31 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 3/16/2018

Strategy 5 (P) Empower inventors through provision of knowledge and access to expertise 32 Strategy 5 (P) Empower inventors through provision of knowledge and access to expertise 32 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11, a- 11 c- Support in patents. The commission should while developing internal capability 11, a- 11 c- Support in patents. The commission should while developing internal capability take leadership in broad basing patent writing consultancy capability across the country in partnership with the Sri Lanka Patent Office Develop a guide book as an e book in E/S/T that can be easily downloadable from the SLIC web site Conduct programmes to impart knowledge on how to write patents and encourage professionals with technical background to learn this. During the annual inventor forums educate them on the subject.

11 e help market inventions Educate inventors on how to recognize opportunities with market 11 e help market inventions Educate inventors on how to recognize opportunities with market potentials when embarking on projects with a commercial objective by providing such information in the web site and during annual investor symposium. ( sometimes inventions happen and subsequently become marketable products such as Post it Pads. But this is the exception than the norm) Establish regular communication links with the Chambers of Commerce to introduce inventors Provide a base through the SLIC web site whereby the organisations with problems can contact inventors who can give solutions thus help them market their core competency. MBA partnering programme Provide a model legal agreement and guide lines as to how the inventors can protect their IP when negotiating with potential investors 34 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 G Inventors laboratory Instead of setting up a separate laboratory it is proposed 11 G Inventors laboratory Instead of setting up a separate laboratory it is proposed that SLIC signs MOUs with the different research labs available within the government agencies to provide such facilities to the inventors recommended by the commission on pre agreed cost reimbursement basis. Develop a suitable agreement that binds the research lab to protect the IP of the inventor and for the inventor to reimburse such costs once the project commercialized

11 -j Monthly sessions ( since this is not viable annual sessions and web 11 -j Monthly sessions ( since this is not viable annual sessions and web based blogging and such social media will be used) Annual National Inventors' Convention Target Audience – Potential and existing inventors Topics to be covered: 36 The road from an idea to commercially viable proposition The pitfalls to avoid How to protect IP Commercialization options- do it self or sell the idea How to look after the commercial interest How to negotiate Success stories and learnings from entrepreneurs 3/16/2018

Strategy 6 (O T P) . Web strategy as a key enabler while leveraging Strategy 6 (O T P) . Web strategy as a key enabler while leveraging other media as well to promote inventions and innovations

11 -i dissemination – WEB STRATEGY The web site to include the following in 11 -i dissemination – WEB STRATEGY The web site to include the following in addition to the regular information 38 Video clips of inventions A forum for inventors to blog Buyer Seller mart where companies host their problems seeking solutions from inventors and inventors to showcase their capabilities Information about thrust areas Down loadable instructions on IP applications, school clubs Information and links to international inventors organisations Links to tech web sites that give latest news in the areas Reverse auction for transparent tender procedure SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

11 -i dissemination Request every TV station to feature local inventors on a regular 11 -i dissemination Request every TV station to feature local inventors on a regular basis and to consider showing new inventions from around the world Request the print media organisations to feature prominently the local inventors and their stories and to show case international case studies Hold an annual national inventors convention

11 -i dissemination – web strategy The SLIC web site to be developed using 11 -i dissemination – web strategy The SLIC web site to be developed using open source technology the preferred tech platform by ICT Develop internal capability to manage the web site Web site to be bench marked against international web sites In addition to the standard features to include forums for discussions, ability to upload through You Tube Social media linkage so that the ideas can be spread fast Provide links to selected sites such as TED. COM Have an e mail data base of local inventors ( The commission has already secured a domain address )

Strategy 7 ( O T P) . International recognition for our inventors Strategy 7 ( O T P) . International recognition for our inventors

International Competitions 11 k Research to find out what the available international competitions are International Competitions 11 k Research to find out what the available international competitions are and the requirements for participations Give publicity to such opportunities through the web site, e mails and through mass media where appropriate Develop a transparent and robust selection process if SLIC to support financially Introduce a structured experience sharing system by the participants on their return from overseas competitions, by way of publishing their stories through media and web site as well Link up with international organisations for best practice transfer 42 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

2014 international inventors event (OTP) Plan to organize an international inventors event in Sri 2014 international inventors event (OTP) Plan to organize an international inventors event in Sri Lanka. 43 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Strategy 8 ( O P ) Update the act to reflect the needs of Strategy 8 ( O P ) Update the act to reflect the needs of the day 44 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

 Review the legal form of the commission to evaluate whether this needs to Review the legal form of the commission to evaluate whether this needs to be converted to an authority for greater effectiveness Propose the needed amendments to the act to reflect the needs of the times such as the award categories, functions, selection of judges for the presidential awards. Structure of the commission by facilitating greater interaction with leading trade chambers. 45 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Strategy 9 Capability development of the staff 46 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014 Strategy 9 Capability development of the staff 46 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Staff There a number of key vacancies that need to be filled immediately for Staff There a number of key vacancies that need to be filled immediately for the commission to function. Since most of the activities of the commission are of project nature, a matrix organisation is ideally suited. An attempt will be made to leverage the commitment and capability of the existing staff to deliver the objectives using this approach where one person to lead the project and a number of others to support. ( The first workshop for the staff was already conducted. This was sponsored by AVIVANDB Insurance PLC ) The staff will be educated on the topic of invention by encouraging them to seek latest news via internet

Staff- capability development Encourage them to develop language Skills in English and Tamil Improve Staff- capability development Encourage them to develop language Skills in English and Tamil Improve presentation skills Personal development plans

Strategy 10 Establish a strong and robust governance frame work Strategy 10 Establish a strong and robust governance frame work

Governance The Secretary of the commission to be clearly identified as the CEO of Governance The Secretary of the commission to be clearly identified as the CEO of the organisation. The Strategic plan approved by the Hon Minister to be implemented through the organsation by the CEO and the Staff. The commission to monitor progress and provide direction. Monthly meetings of the commission to review progress of the implementation of the strategic plan and the compliance with applicable regulations. 50 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Internal Processes Prepare written procedures for internal work processes using flow charts and specifying Internal Processes Prepare written procedures for internal work processes using flow charts and specifying standards where applicable. Introduce 5 S system to make the office efficient and be in a more organized manner prior moving in to the new office. Ensure effective utilization of physical assets of the commission 51 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

Expected outcome. Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Number of applications for competitions - Expected outcome. Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Number of applications for competitions - 150 500 750 1000 Number of participants at competitions - 150 500 750 1000 Number participants at exhibitions - 2000 3000 4000 Number of participants at International competitions and number of awards - 10 10 15 15 20 20 10 15 -20 30 -50 Number of School Inventors 1000(acti 1500 Clubs ve) 2000 3000 Number of assignments to inventors by companies 50 100 No of commercializations 52 20 SLIC Corporate Plan 2012 -2014

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