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Среднее общеобразовательное учреждение № 10 ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-ТВОРЧЕСКИЙ ПРОЕКТ по английскому языку тема: «Празднование Нового года в разных странах» Уч-ка 5 «б» класса Зайцева Алексея Научный руководитель: Сальникова С. В. Рыбинск 2015 г.
Новый год - поистине интернациональный праздник, но в разных странах его празднуют по-своему. Цель проекта: Узнать об особенностях празднования Нового года в разных странах Европы, Азии, Америки. Задачи: Повысить интеллектуальный уровень, научиться поиску информации, её анализу, расширить кругозор. Научиться представлять результаты исследования в электронном виде (презентация) Вопросы: • Как празднуют Новый год в разных странах? • Какие существуют традиции встречи Нового года в разных странах? Оборудование: компьютер, ресурс – интернет. Актуальность проекта заключается в том, что он помогает изучить традиции и символы празднования Нового года в разных странах.
New Year around the World
People all over the world mark the coming of a new year. They celebrate the New Year on different dates, and in different ways.
In France Father Christmas is called Père Noël. He visits houses during the New Year’s Eve and leaves presents in children’s boots.
CUBA The New Year’s celebration for children in Cuba is called the Day of Kings. The three Kings that bring presents to children are also referred to as Magi. Their names are Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar. Children describe their dreams and wishes to the Kings writing them letters on the New Year’s Eve.
Panama. The loudest New Year’s celebration At midnight on the New Year’s Eve in Panama all bells are tolling, sirens are beeping, car’s are signaling. At the same time the people of Panama, both young and old, are screaming on top of their voice and making any loud noise they can. All that noise serves only one purpose – to attract the year that is coming.
In Iceland parents don’t have any problems with their children at all in December. The reason is that all children know that Father Christmas can unexpectedly visit them any day from December 1 st, to December 24 th. And if he sees the child misbehaving than that child can find a potato instead of a present inside the boot.
The statuettes of white pigeons are always seen decorating a Christmas tree in the USA. They symbolize purity, kindness and a bright future. In the USA people pay more attention to the wrapping of a present than to the present itself. All those colorful boxes, covers, cases… During the Boxing Day family and friends get a lot of joy unwrapping presents, the more layers the better.
A rake is an indispensable attribute of the New Year’s celebration in some countries in the East of Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, and Mongolia. They are used to row the happiness. Also there are Christmas fairs there, where you can buy everything from clothes, products, jewelry to dreams, hopes, and happiness.
Children in Japan celebrate the New Year wearing new clothes. It is said to bring health and luck in the upcoming year. All cities in northern regions of Japan are decorated with ice palaces and castles, huge snow sculptures of fairytales characters.
In Rybinsk (Russia)a Father Christmas (also referred to as Ded Moroz) parade is held each year. More than 15 hundred Father Christmases parade to the main square of the city following the head Father Christmas, who comes from Velikiy Ustug. In 2014 some special guests joint the parade: the Lord of the Cold from Yakutia, the White Elder from Buryatia, and Snegurochka from Kostroma.
That is how people celebrate the New Year in different countries. Zaitsev Aleksey 5 «B» school № 10