LECTURE 09. Сhaucer_practice.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 7
СРЕДНЕАНГЛИЙСКИЙ ПЕРИОД Chaucer J. Canterbury Tales (late 14 th c. )
PROLOGUE Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote [xwan þat aprile wiþ his ∫ures so: te] The drought of March hath percèd to the root [þe druxt of mart∫ haþ persed to: þe ro: te] And bathèd every veyne in swich licuor [and ba: ðed evri vein in swit∫ li’ku: r] Of which verte engendered is the flour [of xwit∫ vertju: endʒedred is þe flu: r]
MODERN ENGLISH TRANSLATION When April with his sweet showers The draught of March has pierced to the root, And bathed every vein in such liquor, Of which (whose) virtue (power) engendered is the flower
MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Whan that Þæt Aprille With His Shoures Soote The Droghte Of March Hath perced Roote And Bathed – conj. , OE hwænne, pron inter. – pron. , conj. – n. , prop. , OFr. avrill, Lat. avrilus - prep. OE wiþ - pron. pos. , OE his, pron. pers. M. Gen. (or Poss) - n. , Comm, c. pl. OE scūr M. -a, F. -ō - adj, pl. OE swōte/swēte - def. art. OE sē, sēo, þæt dem. pron. - n, Comm, c, sg OE drūʒoþ - prep. OE of - n. prop. OFr mars. dial. march, Lat. Mars - Pres. Perf. Of percen, 3 rd p. sg, OE habban, OFr percier - n. Comm. c. sg. OSc rot - conj. OE and - Pres. Perf (hath bathed) of bathen v. , w. II OE baðian v, w. II
Veyne - n, Comm, c. sg OFr veine Swich - pron indef. OE swilc (Md. E such) Licour - n, Comm, c. sg. OFr licur, Lat. liqour Vertu - n, Comm. c. sg OFr vertu (Md. E virtue = force) Flour - n, Comm. c. sg. OFr flour (Md. E flower = blossoming)
PHONETIC AND GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS That Shoures (shour) Bathed (bathen) Sonne Foweles (fowel) þæt [æ] [þ] scur [sk’] > that > [a] > [æ] > [þ] > [ð] > shour > shower >[∫ ] > [u: r] > [au] u replaced by ou/ow sc replaced by sh baðode > bathed [a] > [a: ] > [ei] [ode] > [ede] > [d] ð replaced by th sunne > sunne/sonne [u] > [u] u replaced by o or retained fuʒol > fowel/foul [uý] > [u: ] u replaced by ow/ou > sun > [_ ] > fowl > [au]
Nyght neaht/niht > nyght/night > night [ea] > [ix’] > [i: ] > [ai] h replaced by gh y replaced by i/y Nature - > [a: ] > [ei] - > [tj] > [t Seken
LECTURE 09. Сhaucer_practice.pptx