Spring Event Certificate in International Media 5: 30 -6: 30 PM Dinner 6: 35 -7: 00 PM Advising 7: 00 -9: 00 PM Lecture / Q & A "Of Streets, Beats, and Tweets: The Role of Social Media, Satellite Television and Popular Culture in Fomenting Revolution in the Middle East. “ Adel Iskandar teaches at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and the Communication, Culture, and Technology Program at Georgetown University Sponsored by International Affairs and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
International Media Certificate Tips and “Best Practices”
1. Find Courses that Count Twice: -Check your major’s core and elective requirements; use IM Certificate courses to fulfill these when possible -JOUR Majors can use List A courses to meet upper division A&S hours req -IAFS Majors: JOUR 4201 & 4341 and all List A courses may be counted towards upper division major requirements
2. Take the 3 required courses in Boulder: IAFS Majors -IAFS 1000 Global Issues & Int’l Affairs (4) -JOUR 4201 Media, Culture and Globalization (3) (Previously called Int’l Mass Comm) -JOUR 4341 Int’l Media & Global Crises (3) Spring only (Previously called Global Media) JOUR Majors -IAFS 1000 / PSCI 2012 / PSCI 2223 / GEOG 2002 -JOUR 4201 -JOUR 4341
3. Consult the IM Cert website: www. colorado. edu/Journalism/globalmedia/imc Use during registration Check recent updates to List B courses
4. Course Substitutions: -To suggest a relevant upper-division elective to substitute for a List A course, e-mail course info & request to Certificate co-director Robert Mc. Nown (robert. mcnown@colorado. edu). -To suggest a List B substitution, e-mail course info / request to co-director Bella Mody (bella. mody@colorado. edu)
5. Study Abroad Info: -Get approval in advance to count courses you will take abroad toward the IM Certificate -For courses related to international issues: robert. mcnown@colorado. edu -For courses related to journalism: bella. mody@colorado. edu
6. JOUR ONLY: Independent Study -JOUR majors can apply a max of 3 credit hours toward IM Certificate -Follow same procedure for getting approval in advance: bella. mody@colorado. edu
7. Attend each semester’s event: -Keep on track to graduate on time -Opportunity to meet each other, faculty, and visiting scholars
8. Check In with Any Questions: -For help checking your progress and planning ahead, feel free to email Justin Maki (makij@colorado. edu) or Katherine Rousseau (katherine. rousseau@colorado. edu). -Especially important during last three semesters
9. Certificate Check-Out Appointment: Schedule check-out appointment during last semester: -IAFS Majors: robert. mcnown@colorado. edu -JOUR Majors: makij@colorado. edu
10. Keep in Touch! -Let us know where you end up after graduation -How was the IM Certificate program helpful to you? How might it be improved?