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Spring 2014 we help people who do a great job do it better Qualifications in adult social care
Introduction – qualifications § Developed by Skills for Care in partnership with employers and awarding organisations § To meet the needs of people who use care and support services § Flexible ‘mix and match' approach § Wide range of units § Reflects what workers should 'know' and 'do'
Types of qualifications § Entry into health and social care § Occupational competence § Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Size of qualifications
Qualifications to support entry to the sector § L 1 Award in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care § L 1 Award and Certificate in Introduction to Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Settings § L 2 and L 3 Certificates in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
Qualifications for occupational competence § Level 2 & 3 Diplomas in Health and Social Care § Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services § Level 3, 5 & 7 Diplomas in Commissioning, Procurement and Contracting for Care Services
Structure – Level 2/3 HSC Diploma Level 2 HSC Diploma: § Group A = 24 credits § Groups B and C = at least 22 credits § Total credits = 46 credits or more Group A Mandatory Units + Group B Knowledge units: Generic Pathway Learning Disabilities Pathway Dementia Pathway + Group C Optional Competence Units Level 3 HSC Diploma: § Group A = 28 credits § Groups B and C = at least 30 credits § Total credits = 58 credits or more
L 2 & 3 HSC Diploma mandatory units 9 mandatory units covering: § § § § § Personal Development Communication Equality and Inclusion Duty of Care Role of Health and Social Care Worker Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Person-Centred Support Health and Safety Handling Information
Qualification options – profiles L 2 Diploma HSC: § Adult Residential Care § Dementia – Adult Residential § End of Life Care: L 3 Diploma HSC: § Autism § End of Life Care – Domiciliary § Personal Assistant § Adult Residential § Mental Health Services § Domiciliary § Sensory Services § Supported Housing – § Brokerage Support Specialist Services Service § Apprentice – Domiciliary § Support Broker Care § Carers support worker
Level 5 Diploma in Leadership in Health and Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Services § Why a level 5? § One qualification 6 pathways § Opportunities for progression without repetition
Structure - Level 5 Diploma Shared Core & Mandatory (A) Adult Pathways Adults’ Residential Management (F) (E) Children and Young People’s Pathways Adults’ Advanced Practice (G) Children and Young People’s Residential Management (B) Optional Management Units (H) Optional Units – Knowledge (I) Optional Units (J) Children and Young People’s Management (C) Children and Young People’s Advanced Practice (D)
Qualification options – Profiles L 5 dip § Adult management – Domiciliary care services – Day and outreach services (Higher Apprenticeship) § Adult residential management – Dementia Care – End of Life Care – Physical disability and learning disability (HA) § Adult advanced practice – Advocacy – Person centred support planner (HA)
Sample unit Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria The learner will The learner can 1. Understand the implications of duty of care 1. 1 Define the term ‘duty of care’ 1. 2 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role 2. Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care 2. 1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights 2. 2 Explain where to get additional support and advice about how to resolve such dilemmas 3. Know how to respond to complaints 3. 1 Describe how to respond to complaints 3. 2 Identify the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints
Another example Learning outcomes Assessment criteria The learner will The learner can: 3. Be able to reduce barriers to Communication 3. 1 Identify barriers to communication 3. 2 Demonstrate how to reduce barriers to communication in different ways 3. 3 Demonstrate ways to check that communication has been understood 3. 4 Identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication
Flexibilities of the new qualifications Many units can be used in 3 different ways – as optional units within the HSC Diplomas – within smaller specialist qualifications for CPD – individual units to develop learning in bite sized chunks and reflect business need
Continuing Professional Development qualifications § Activities § Assisting and Moving § Awareness of the Mental Capacity Act § Dementia § Diabetes § End of Life Care § Food Safety & Nutrition § Learning Disability § Promoting Employment in Social Care § Seated Physical Activities § Stroke
Mental health Qualifications for CPD and occupational competence: § Level 2 and 3 Certificates in Community § Mental Health (knowledge) § Level 2 Award in Understanding Working with People with Mental Health Issues (knowledge)
Additional units added to diplomas – September 2012 Range of units added to optional banks in HSC diplomas at level 2, 3 and 5 § End of Life § Stroke care § Further LD development § Keeping safe § Infection Prevention and Control § Level 5 units around business management
Qualifications in development • L 4 Diploma in adult Social Carethis will form part of a new Higher Apprenticeship Framework • Autism units – to be added to the Diplomas • Delivery – late 2014 / early 2015
Skill Selector Walk through video
§ completely free to use § catalogue of learning resources… § training, videos, e-learning, smartphone apps courses § http: //www. learnfromlearning. co. uk
Learn from learning Employers: § Use the catalogue to develop a blended approach to learning § Import learner records into their organisational system Learning providers: § Populate the catalogue with resources § Advertise through your ‘shop front’
Mobile Knowledge and Learning Solutions (MKLS) To support the wider use and development of sector specific learning resources and services designed for delivery on mobile devices Skills for Care is keen to work with employers to: § co-produce and pilot m-learning resources § develop the capability to produce and make § effective use of new technologies in workforce development
MKLS project has already delivered: § § § Fifteen podcast and video resources; “Getting Started with Mobile” on App Store Getting Started with Mobile Health & Safety for Social Service Workers - An Induction Guide by Scottish Social Services Council § Understanding Dementia (e-publications)
Potential new mobile learning solution… Products identified to develop in to mobile learning solutions including: § § Self-Care Training Pack Choosing Workforce Learning Skill Selector App Blended learning e-books Work currently to identify appropriate mobile solution for these products including dialogue with internal colleagues and external technology specialists
How to find out more Visit our website: www. skillsforcare. org. uk § § § § Adult social care qualifications Advice on meeting CQC regulations Apprenticeships Choosing learning provision Learning materials Skill Selector Learning technologies For regular updates sign up to our enews: marketing@skillsforcare. org. uk
www. skillsforcare. org. uk