- Количество слайдов: 41
Spring 2012 PROVIDER TRAINING April/May 2012
Training Objectives § § § § Credentialing and Recredentialing – required documentation, process, expectations Authorization Submissions Top Claim Denial codes and how to avoid these issues IVR self service functions – how to access answers to eligibility and claims faster Claims/authorizations using the Portal with attachments features Sealant Program Direct Deposit 3 3
CREDENTIALING DOCMENTATION § § § § All new providers enrolling into Medicaid/Smiles For Children program are required to complete several documents in order for the application to begin the process of credentialing The documents include the Smiles For Children Application, Participation Agreement, Denta. Quest Contract, w-9, Copy of Dental License and Copy of Liability Policy Read the application and complete all required fields. Those applications received with missing information or improperly filled out the provider will get three opportunities to send the correct information. Providers needing to make changes to his/her panel are required to submit the request on the Provider change form and letter of request (including a w-9) i. e. change of tax id, name change All providers adding a brand new location are required to submit a provider change form w-9 and contract for the new location The entire application and all required documents are available on the Provider Web Portal under Related Documents and can be downloaded including Provider change form 5 5
6 6
RECREDENTIALING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES § § § Recredentialing occurs every three years for Smiles For Children providers A letter along with a Pre-Populated Recredentialing Application will be mailed to providers requiring recredentialing. The Recredentialing applications must be completed and mailed back at least four weeks prior to term date of the application If the recredentialing application is not completed on time, the provider will be terminated and will have to reapply as a new provider Not completing the recredentialing application will result in claims not paying for Non-Par status 7 7
AUTHORIZATION DENIALS AND RESOLUTIONS § UM receiving OR authorization claim requests with D 9500 • This is not the correct code to be submitted for OR authorization. D 9999 should be submitted by the provider for OR cases. The authorization request should include the explanation for need of medical necessity and clinical criteria to treat in the OR. A blanket statement is not acceptable. • Must include tentative Date of Service and Place of Service § Submission received for OR cases not a medical reason to allow services in an hospital setting • Must submit request with OR Criteria. See Section 15. 00 of the ORM 9 9
§ UM receiving Prior Authorization requests with inadequate diagnostic quality x-rays • X-rays submitted with non-diagnostic quality x-rays will be denied • Must submit prior authorization requests with diagnostic quality x-rays and narrative explanation of the need of medical necessity when appropriate • When necessary submit photos to support the medical need (especially if this can not be determined solely from the x-ray) 10 10
§ Authorization release requests are being received without an ADA claim form or a determination letter • Must submit on an ADA claim form note in box 35 request to release auth and include authorization number. Due to our automated system the request must be on the ADA claim form. • It is acceptable to submit the original authorization claim noting in box 35 the auth # and request to release authorization. 11 11
§ Submissions for EPSDT are not being checked on box 1 of the ADA claim form • Be sure and check EPSDT in box 1 of the ADA claim form • EPSDT requires review that EPSDT be indicated on the prior authorization request • Include need of medical necessity • Must include the actual treatment ADA code 12 12
CLAIM DENIALS AND WAYS TO AVOID § § § Claims not being submitted with periapical x-ray • Codes that require periapical x-rays for payment must be of diagnostic quality (documentation required for pre-payment review) Claims are being submitted with no panorex or Full mouth series of xrays • Codes that require panorex or FMX x-rays for payment must be of diagnostic quality (documentation required for pre-payment review) Receiving numerous claims as duplicated previously paid • Prior to resubmitting the claim review the status in the Provider Web Portal 13 13
§ § Claims denying for narrative describing treatment and/or narrative regarding medical necessity • Codes that require narrative of medical necessity for payment must be submitted (documentation required for pre-payment review) Receiving claims with non-diagnostic or poor quality x-rays. The Dental Director can not make a determination with poor quality or non-diagnostic xrays. • Must submit with diagnostic quality x-rays to be reviewed for payment X-rays are non supportive for code submitted • Submit code that reflects the code appropriately. Include narrative supporting the code for more complex treatment Orthodontic claims denying for member terminated • Claim must be submitted with last date member was eligible for services with D 8999 including remaining balance. In remarks field include banding date and member in active treatment and authorization number. 14 14
§ § § Orthodontic Quarterly (8670) submission not being sent with an actual date of service • Providers must submit claims for 3 quarterly payments (D 8670) and the claims must be submitted with an actual date of service at least 91 days apart from the last actual date of service. Information sent shows no significant signs of infection or any other reason for tooth removal • Submit appropriate information to show your findings (i. e. x-rays, photos, treatment notes) Claims/x-rays and narrative not showing the necessary evidence of bone loss to support periodontal scaling and root planing • Submit with perio charting, treatment notes or photos if necessary to support the codes submitted Claims information for Nitrous Oxide are not indicating medically necessary • Must submit with adequate need for using Nitrous Oxide Claim received notes member covered by another carrier but the EOB not attached to claim • Resubmit claim with copy of the primary carrier’s EOB for payment consideration 15 15
CHANGES TO OFFICE REFERENCE MANUAL § § EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2012 Revised EXHIBIT A, D 0210 – INTRAORAL-COMPLETE SERIES (including bitewings): One of (D 0210, D 0330) per 60 Month (s) Per Provider and Location for children age six and older. Reimbursement per 36 months is no longer permissible. § Revised EXHIBIT A AND EXHIBIT B, D 0330 - PANORAMIC FILM: One of (D 0330, D 0210) per 60 month (s) Per Provider and Location for members age six and older. Reimbursement per 36 months is no longer permissible. § If a member requires a panoramic film or intraoral complete series, including bitewings more frequently than once every 60 months, the claim must be supported with a narrative of medical necessity. 16 16
§ Ability to verify benefits and eligibility and obtain a procedure history § Ability to have information faxed back to you § Once member information (such as membership number or date of birth) is entered, you will be able to jump between menus without reentering that information § Caller dials Provider Services incoming phone number (888 -9123456) § Caller is prompted for English vs Spanish § Caller enters NPI § Caller enters last 4 digits of TIN § IVR validates caller: • If provider is found – continues to enter member information • If provider is not found – continues to limited options 18 18
§ § § Caller enters member information • Member ID (12 digit number only) • DOB • (First 4 characters of last name if the ID is alpha numeric) IVR validates member information: • If member is found – continues to main menu • If member is not found – prompted to re-enter information Main Menu (when both provider and member are found in system) • Eligibility • Benefit Sub Menu • Benefit Summary • Benefit Detail • Procedure History • Claims • Authorizations • Web Support • All other inquiries 19 19
§ “Limited Menu” (for providers that are not in system) • Eligibility • Benefit Summary • Benefit Detail • All other inquiries 20 20
WHAT IS PREVENTISTRY? Denta. Quest’s Preventistry approach thoughtfully integrates benefits, programs and policies to promote prevention-focused oral healthcare in order to achieve our vision of a world free of dental disease. Our Preventistry benefit program empowers dentists and engages members to take a more active role in improving oral health by providing coverage and practical information about important preventive services.
WHY FOCUS ON PREVENTIVE CARE? Dental caries is the most common chronic childhood disease, five times more common than asthma and almost 100% preventable § § § Dental caries (decay) is a bacterial infection that can spread from tooth to tooth Decay most often occurs (about 90%) in the deep grooves on the biting surfaces of molars Preventing decay not only improves oral health but also reduces the cost of care 23 23
HOW CAN CARIES BE PREVENTED* The ADA recommends the use of sealants to reduce the occurrence of caries • Sealants are most effective when applied early • Caries reduction in children with sealants ranges from 86% at one year to 79% at two years • Private dental insurance and Medicaid databases show the use of sealants on 1 st and 2 nd molars is associated with reductions in the subsequent provision of restorative services *Information from the ADA Sealant Recommendations 24 24
RECOMMENDED SOLUTION Introduce the Denta. Quest “Preventistry. SM Sealant Program” § § § Encourage members to have sealants place on 1 st molars of children ages 6 and 7 Encourage members to have sealants place on 2 nd molars of children ages 12 and 13 Provide the members with the tools they need to be successful 25 25
Provider Web Portal Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Portal Menus – The Administration, Claims/Pre-Authorizations, Patient, and Tools menus are displayed along the left side of the Client portal. Welcome – This section contains the Denta. Quest welcome message. Health news – This section contains information and news articles of interest. You can access the news articles by clicking on their respective links. My Health Tools/Resources – This section contains links to various health resources. Contact – This section contains Denta. Quest’s contact information. Message Center – This section contains secure messages sent to you from Denta. Quest. NOTE: The Message Center only appears on your Home page if there are messages in your Inbox. FAQ – This link opens the View FAQ page where you can view frequently asked questions. Event Calendar – This link opens the Event Calendar. Related Documents – This link opens the Document List page. Examples. ORM, Web Portal Training Guide. 26 26
Provider Home Page 7 2 3 1 4 5 6 8 9 See Key on Next Slide 27 27
28 28
Claim/Prior Authorization Menu Status § Enter at least one § § § search Criteria: Member 12 digit Subscriber id number Member first name Member last name Member’s date of birth Select the dentist from the Servicing Treating Dentist drop-down list Claim/preauthorization number field 29 29
• Find the claim/pre-authorization status you want to view. In the Results section on the Claim/Pre-Authorization Status List page, click the Claim/Pre-Authorization Number link for the claim/preauthorization status you wish to view. The Claim/Pre. Authorization Status Detail page appears. 30 30
• Member Information – contains information about the patient • Servicing Dentist Information – contains information about the serving dentist • Claim/Pre-Authorization Information – contains information about the claim/pre-authorization • COB Information-contain information about Coordination of Benefits, if available • Service Line Informationcontains information for each procedure code submitted • Processing Policiescontains information on any applicable processing policies for the claim/preauthorization • File Attachments-lists any files that have been attached to the claim/pre-authorization 31 31
Dental Claim Entry § § Basic Information – enter the basic office information for the claim in this section. Member Eligibility – enter member information in this section Service Lines – enter the services related to the claim in this section File Attachments – attach any files you need for the claim in this section. Optional information – you can select the COB option, EPSDT option, Emergency option, enter optional accident information, and enter your NEA Attachment ID (if you are using the NEA to submit an attachment with this claim) in this section. A COB section only appears on the page if you select that option. 32 32
Add File to claim/Pre-Authorization § § Select the type of report you are attaching from the Report Type drop-down list Accepted File Types (attachments) • Word document (. doc) • Power. Point files (. ppt) • Excel files (. xls) Comma-separated values files (. csv) • Text file (. txt and. rtf) • Images (. gif, . jpg, . jpeg, . png, and. bmp) • Zipped files (. zip) • HTML files (. htm and. html) • PDF files (. pdf) • XML files • Orthocad files (. 3 dm) 33 33
Dental Claim Confirmation Report § § § Allows you to open view and all claims/auths for the day only The report must be run at the COB daily (you can save it or print it) Leave the type blank to view all the claims/auth or narrow your search using the drop down selection of your choice 34 34
WHY ENROLL IN DIRECT DEPOSIT? } Safer than checks, and helps eliminate forged, counterfeit, and altered checks. } Eliminates the risk of paper checks being lost or stolen in the mail. } Allows faster receipt of reimbursement. } Allows faster access to funds; many banks credit direct deposits faster than paper checks. } Payments are easy and convenient. } Valuable time savings for staff and avoidance of hassle associated with going to the bank to deposit your check. } Reduces the amount of paper in your office. 36 36
HOW TO ENROLL IN DIRECT DEPOSIT § To enroll providers must: Ø Complete, sign and return the authorization form Ø Include a voided check with the returned authorization form § Return your enrollment form: Ø Via Fax: 262. 241. 4077 or Ø Via Mail: 12121 North Corporate Parkway Mequon, WI 53092 ATTN: PEC Department § Allow up to six weeks for your Direct Deposit process to be implemented § You will receive a bank note one check cycle prior to your first Direct Deposit payment § Providers participating in Direct Deposit will no longer receive paper remittance statements. Access your remittance statements on line 37 37
Denta. Quest Provider Relations Team Bridget Hengle Provider Relations Representative Toll-Free: 866 -853 -0657 Fax: 804 -327 -6835 Email: bridget. hengle@dentaquest. com Waradah K. Eargle Providers Relation Representative Toll-Free: 866 -853 -0657 Fax: 540 -656 -2986 Email: waradah. eargle@dentaquest. com 38 38
Region Rep Name Assigned Counties Central Bridget Hengle Green Counties Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charles City, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Greensville, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, New Kent, Nottoway, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince George, Richmond, Surry, Sussex Eastern Bridget Hengle Red Counties Accomack, Chesapeake, Essex, Gloucester, Hampton, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Newport News, Northampton, Northumberland, Southampton, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Westmoreland, York Northern Waradah Eargle Pink Counties Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William Northwest Waradah Eargle Purple Counties Albemarle, Augusta, Bath, Caroline, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Fluvanna, Frederick, Greene, Highland, King George, Louisa, Madison, Nelson, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Warren Southwest Bridget Hengle Blue Counties Alleghany, Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Buchanan, Campbell, Carroll, Craig, Danville, Dickenson, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Grayson, Henry, Lee, Montgomery, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Pulaski, Roanoke, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, Wythe Lee 2012 VA Provider Relations Representative County Assignments Frederick Clarke Loudoun Warren Fauquier Shenandoah Rockingham Page Arlington Fairfax Prince Rappahannock William Culpeper Stafford Madison King Highland Greene George Orange Spotsylvania Westmoreland Augusta Bath Albemarle Caroline Louisa Richmond Northumberland Essex Fluvanna Hanover Nelson Accomack Alleghany Rockbridge King and Queen Lancaster Goochland King William Middlesex Cumberland Amherst Henrico Buckingham Powhatan New Kent Mathews Botetourt Gloucester Craig Chesterfield Charles Northampton Appomattox James City Amelia Bedford Roanoke Giles Prince Buchanan York George Campbell Edward Nottoway Surry Newport Montgomery Dickenson News Hampton Tazewell Bland Dinwiddie Charlotte Pulaski Wise Franklin Isle of Lunenburg Russell Sussex Wythe Floyd Wight Virginia Beach Smyth Pittsylvania Brunswick Southampton Chesapeake Mecklenburg Carroll Halifax Scott Washington Grayson Suffolk Patrick Henry Greensville 39 39
DMAS Smiles For Children Staff § Daniel Plain: Dental Program Manager Direct Line: (804) 786 -1567 Fax: (804) 786 -5799 Email: daniel. plain@dmas. virginia. gov § Lisa Bilik: Dental Contract Monitor Direct Line: (804) 786 -7956 Fax: (804) 786 -5799 Email: lisa. bilik@dmas. virginia. gov § Dr. Marjorie Chema: Dental Consultant Direct Line: (804) 786 -6635 Fax: (804) 786 -5799 Email: marjorie. chema@dmas. virginia. gov 40 40