Скачать презентацию Spreading the essentials around our office throughout the Скачать презентацию Spreading the essentials around our office throughout the


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Spreading the essentials around our office, throughout the web and across the world Social Spreading the essentials around our office, throughout the web and across the world Social Marketing To Go Katya Andresen Conversations on Social Marketing 11/05/07 Photo by: Swell Dame, flickr

Phnom Penh, December 1996 Rich Garella, Flickr 2 www. networkforgood/npo Phnom Penh, December 1996 Rich Garella, Flickr 2 www. networkforgood/npo

3 www. networkforgood/npo 3 www. networkforgood/npo

Jim Daniel, Flickr 4 www. networkforgood/npo Jim Daniel, Flickr 4 www. networkforgood/npo

H. Neu, Flickr 5 www. networkforgood/npo H. Neu, Flickr 5 www. networkforgood/npo

Denver, October 2001 6 www. networkforgood/npo Denver, October 2001 6 www. networkforgood/npo

GM got it. The do-gooders didn’t. 7 www. networkforgood/npo GM got it. The do-gooders didn’t. 7 www. networkforgood/npo

The essentials are good but unknown 8 www. networkforgood/npo The essentials are good but unknown 8 www. networkforgood/npo

1. Knowing mission statements aren’t enough www. networkforgood/npo 9 1. Knowing mission statements aren’t enough www. networkforgood/npo 9

2. Looking at the world from the point of view of our audience rather 2. Looking at the world from the point of view of our audience rather than our own

3. Learning information is not enough. 11 www. networkforgood/npo 3. Learning information is not enough. 11 www. networkforgood/npo

We need a new delivery area We need a new delivery area

Where “social marketing” thinking belongs • • • Where it already is (outreach + Where “social marketing” thinking belongs • • • Where it already is (outreach + program) Media relations Training the trainer Fundraising Online, in Web 2. 0 13 www. networkforgood/npo

What I put in the “to go” box • A message – Why me? What I put in the “to go” box • A message – Why me? – What for? – Why now? – Who says? – THEN…Make it EASY TO ACT 14 www. networkforgood/npo

Why me? 15 www. networkforgood/npo Why me? 15 www. networkforgood/npo

Why me: speak to THEIR values CONNECT TO: • To their existing values • Why me: speak to THEIR values CONNECT TO: • To their existing values • To their existing feelings • To their existing desires 16 www. networkforgood/npo

What Are Their Values? • • • • • Rest/sleep Convenience Comfort Health and What Are Their Values? • • • • • Rest/sleep Convenience Comfort Health and well-being Time Safety Security Predictability Control Pleasure Fun Excitement/thrills Love Sexual fulfillment Friendship Emotional support Participation • • • • • Self-improvement Beauty/physical appeal Pride of ownership Independence Privacy Conformity Achievement Style Social status Admiration Approval Attention Profit Savings Power Hope Happiness 17 www. networkforgood/npo

The Cold Hard Truth about Values • They may change, but we can’t change The Cold Hard Truth about Values • They may change, but we can’t change them • So don’t bother trying • Identify and appeal to what’s already there • Group audiences (for example, donors) by their values in order to get the best chance of connecting (“segmenting”) 18 www. networkforgood/npo

What are the values of… Teenage girls? 19 www. networkforgood/npo What are the values of… Teenage girls? 19 www. networkforgood/npo

20 www. networkforgood/npo 20 www. networkforgood/npo

What are the values of… The fundraisers in this room? 21 www. networkforgood/npo What are the values of… The fundraisers in this room? 21 www. networkforgood/npo

23 www. networkforgood/npo 23 www. networkforgood/npo

What are the values of… Potential CARE donors? 24 www. networkforgood/npo What are the values of… Potential CARE donors? 24 www. networkforgood/npo

25 www. networkforgood/npo 25 www. networkforgood/npo

26 www. networkforgood/npo 26 www. networkforgood/npo

27 www. networkforgood/npo 27 www. networkforgood/npo

28 www. networkforgood/npo 28 www. networkforgood/npo

What for? 29 www. networkforgood/npo What for? 29 www. networkforgood/npo

What for? • What’s in it FOR THEM personally? • What good will come What for? • What’s in it FOR THEM personally? • What good will come about BECAUSE OF THEM? 30 www. networkforgood/npo

It’s not about our organization. It’s about what we do for our audience. 31 It’s not about our organization. It’s about what we do for our audience. 31 www. networkforgood/npo

What’s in it for them? A reward that is: • • • Immediate Personal What’s in it for them? A reward that is: • • • Immediate Personal (not collective) Reflective of audience values Better than competing benefits (messages) Credible Not necessarily highly relevant to our cause 32 www. networkforgood/npo

What’s the impact? • What will happen if they give? • What good will What’s the impact? • What will happen if they give? • What good will result because they acted? 33 www. networkforgood/npo

Donors • What for… supporting an entrepreneur half a world away? 34 www. networkforgood/npo Donors • What for… supporting an entrepreneur half a world away? 34 www. networkforgood/npo

What for… through the donor’s eyes 35 www. networkforgood/npo What for… through the donor’s eyes 35 www. networkforgood/npo

Moms • What for… leading a girl scout troop? 36 www. networkforgood/npo Moms • What for… leading a girl scout troop? 36 www. networkforgood/npo

37 www. networkforgood/npo 37 www. networkforgood/npo

Ukrainian Twentysomethings • What for… voting? 38 www. networkforgood/npo Ukrainian Twentysomethings • What for… voting? 38 www. networkforgood/npo

The Faraway Future vs. Instant Gratification 39 www. networkforgood/npo The Faraway Future vs. Instant Gratification 39 www. networkforgood/npo

40 www. networkforgood/npo 40 www. networkforgood/npo

What for? Kyle Paxman canceled her wedding six weeks before it was to take What for? Kyle Paxman canceled her wedding six weeks before it was to take place, but decided to turn the planned party into a fundraising event for charity, reports The New York Times. Ms. Paxman invited her guests to write checks to CARE, the international aid group, and to the Vermont Children’s Aid Society. She selected CARE after seeing an ad for the charity that showed women striding across a desert, and four of them saying to the camera, “I am powerful. ” The idea of supporting strong women, she says, was particularly appealing to her, she says, as she was declaring her independence from the man she planned to marry. 41 www. networkforgood/npo

Why now? 42 www. networkforgood/npo Why now? 42 www. networkforgood/npo

Why now? • • It’s an emergency There’s a deadline Something important is at Why now? • • It’s an emergency There’s a deadline Something important is at stake This is new and different 43 www. networkforgood/npo

Thanks to J. Colie, Mercy Corps Crisis in Lebanon Help Us Respond $69, 614 Thanks to J. Colie, Mercy Corps Crisis in Lebanon Help Us Respond $69, 614 6/25/2006 44 www. networkforgood/npo

Helping Youth Solve Unemployment $1, 115 2/1/2006 45 www. networkforgood/npo Helping Youth Solve Unemployment $1, 115 2/1/2006 45 www. networkforgood/npo

Contests are good! “We put the information on our website…constantly updating them [donors] as Contests are good! “We put the information on our website…constantly updating them [donors] as to how we were doing…our volunteers were really eager to try to get the matching grant, but they also reached out about our mission. ” -Kristy, Bubel-Aiken Foundation 46 www. networkforgood/npo

Special is good! Kisluvkis, flickr www. networkforgood/npo 47 Special is good! Kisluvkis, flickr www. networkforgood/npo 47

48 www. networkforgood/npo 48 www. networkforgood/npo

49 www. networkforgood/npo 49 www. networkforgood/npo

blank Who Says? 50 www. networkforgood/npo blank Who Says? 50 www. networkforgood/npo

Who says: hopefully not just us 51 www. networkforgood/npo Who says: hopefully not just us 51 www. networkforgood/npo

Who says? • 76% of givers are motivated by friends and family, says Cone; Who says? • 76% of givers are motivated by friends and family, says Cone; same holds true for consumers in general • Uber-activists may be better messengers than us • We need to give them the FREEDOM to do that for us • They belong in the spotlight 52 www. networkforgood/npo

The Wired Fundariser http: //www. cnn. com/2007/LIVING/10/09/bacon. heroes/index. html#cnn. STCVideo 53 www. networkforgood/npo The Wired Fundariser http: //www. cnn. com/2007/LIVING/10/09/bacon. heroes/index. html#cnn. STCVideo 53 www. networkforgood/npo

Embrace the wired fundraiser. 54 www. networkforgood/npo Embrace the wired fundraiser. 54 www. networkforgood/npo

blank Make it easy! 55 www. networkforgood/npo blank Make it easy! 55 www. networkforgood/npo

What did he ask us to do? 56 www. networkforgood/npo What did he ask us to do? 56 www. networkforgood/npo

Your call to action must pass 4 tests: Is it… • Specific • Feasible Your call to action must pass 4 tests: Is it… • Specific • Feasible • Filmable • First Priority 57 www. networkforgood/npo

58 www. networkforgood/npo 58 www. networkforgood/npo

59 www. networkforgood/npo 59 www. networkforgood/npo

Emphasize easy. 60 www. networkforgood/npo Emphasize easy. 60 www. networkforgood/npo

Taking it web 2. 0 61 www. networkforgood/npo Taking it web 2. 0 61 www. networkforgood/npo

On the web: millions of passionate constituencies 62 www. networkforgood/npo On the web: millions of passionate constituencies 62 www. networkforgood/npo

63 www. networkforgood/npo 63 www. networkforgood/npo

We need to find our constituencies • • technorati. com google. com/alerts facebook. com We need to find our constituencies • • technorati. com google. com/alerts facebook. com myspace. com 64 www. networkforgood/npo

65 www. networkforgood/npo 65 www. networkforgood/npo

We need to give them tools. 66 www. networkforgood/npo We need to give them tools. 66 www. networkforgood/npo

What happens when it comes together 67 www. networkforgood/npo What happens when it comes together 67 www. networkforgood/npo

68 www. networkforgood/npo 68 www. networkforgood/npo

69 www. networkforgood/npo 69 www. networkforgood/npo

70 www. networkforgood/npo 70 www. networkforgood/npo

Online donations 71 www. networkforgood/npo Online donations 71 www. networkforgood/npo

To go • • Where it already is (outreach + program) Media relations Fundraising To go • • Where it already is (outreach + program) Media relations Fundraising Online, in Web 2. 0 72 www. networkforgood/npo

Resources • • Robin Hood Marketing www. nonprofitmarketingblog. com www. networkforgood. org Me: robinhood@networkforgood. Resources • • Robin Hood Marketing www. nonprofitmarketingblog. com www. networkforgood. org Me: robinhood@networkforgood. org 73 www. networkforgood/npo