Скачать презентацию Spotlight on Literacy You have 5 minutes to Скачать презентацию Spotlight on Literacy You have 5 minutes to


  • Количество слайдов: 14

Spotlight on Literacy! You have 5 minutes to unscramble the keywords that have been Spotlight on Literacy! You have 5 minutes to unscramble the keywords that have been put on your table. As a team, provide a definition for each. Remember: you will need to incorporate these key terms in to your coursework.

QR Reader Task Instructions: 1) In teams of 3/4, you will need one mobile/smartphone QR Reader Task Instructions: 1) In teams of 3/4, you will need one mobile/smartphone device per group. 2) You will scan the barcodes around the room which will reveal a question. 3) As a team, you will need to respond to the questions and the first team with all correct answers will win! =5 mins

UNIT TITLE: LESSON TITLE: CRITERIA: Unit 2: Business Organisations Functional Areas in Business P UNIT TITLE: LESSON TITLE: CRITERIA: Unit 2: Business Organisations Functional Areas in Business P 4/P 5/M 2 COMPETENCY FOCUS: Communication (P 4): pupils will develop their skills in verbal communication by effectively communicating with colleagues in their own department and liaising with colleagues in other functional areas during the business simulation [Main Competency Development]. Teamwork (P 2): pupils will develop their teamwork skills by working with colleagues in their functional area to help bring the product to market during the business simulation [Supporting Competency Development]. Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, you should be able to… LO 1) LO 2) LO 3) Through working with colleagues in your functional area, describe the purpose of each functional area in a typical organisation (Gui - Reg) (P 4) Through effective verbal communication with colleagues in other functional areas during the business simulation, explain how each functional area interacts with each other to allow the organisation to meet their aims and objectives (Reg-Str) (P 5) Through effective written communication, compare the functional areas of two businesses and how they interact with each other to enable the organisation to meet its aims and objectives. (Adv – Aut) (M 2)

I am able to develop my communication skills by interacting with colleagues in my I am able to develop my communication skills by interacting with colleagues in my own functional area and also across functions. : Competence level Descriptor Autonomous I can delve deeper into the impact of the communication method used by others in different functional areas and evaluate my own methods of communication. I have the ability to use a range of communication methods effectively in a range of settings. I am better able to understand communication because of how I have applied this in a range of settings. I can confidently assess which is the most appropriate form of communication to use that is most appropriate to the situation or problem that I am faced with. I can confidently assess the advantages and disadvantages of my choice of communication and evaluate whether is was effective. I understand when and how to use the most suitable method of communication that is most appropriate to the situation or problem that I am faced with. I can begin to independently assess the advantages and disadvantages of my choice of communication. Advanced Strong Regular I know the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication and understand when it is appropriate to use each method. Guided I understand how to communicate verbally with other people.

Team Task Your Brief As a class, we will set up a new company, Team Task Your Brief As a class, we will set up a new company, all details for the new business venture as follows: Company Name: Chocolate 9 Limited Date of Start-up: Tuesday 16 th April 2012 Legal Status: Private (Private Sector) Product: Fusion Bar Price (per unit): To be agreed by Sales Company logo: To be agreed by Marketing

Team Task Instructions: 1) Reach under your chairs where you will find a job Team Task Instructions: 1) Reach under your chairs where you will find a job role and functional area 2) Move to your functional area and meet your new colleagues. Introduce yourself and your job role. 3) Read your role card and you will then perform the tasks on the card 4) You will need to communicate with colleagues in other functional areas, however, before you leave your seat, you will have to request a meeting using the online appointment booking system. 5) You will then each play a part in bringing this new product to market! =1 hr

Main Functional Areas The main functional areas that exist in organisations are: Purchasing Sales Main Functional Areas The main functional areas that exist in organisations are: Purchasing Sales Administration Distribution Main Functional Areas Production Research & Development (R&D) Marketing Finance ICT

FUNCTIONAL AREA PURPOSE Sales To sell products and services. Respond to customer enquiries. Prepare FUNCTIONAL AREA PURPOSE Sales To sell products and services. Respond to customer enquiries. Prepare quotes Negotiate discounts/financial terms. Keep CRM system up-to-date. Marketing To promote the products/services. To advertise the products/services. Carry out market research & analyse results Producing and distributing publicity materials Designing, maintaining, updating company website. ICT Recommending new software systems. Maintaining hardware Responding to problems Repairing computers Connecting new equipment to the system. Installing virus protection and security software. Purchasing Ordering raw materials from suppliers. Solving supply problems. Finding the cheapest and most reliable suppliers. Agreeing stock levels with stock controllers. Dealing with delivery issues. Maintaining good relationships with suppliers.

Administration Receiving/sending out post. Filing documents Organising meetings/preparing meeting agendas Answering telephone Making travel Administration Receiving/sending out post. Filing documents Organising meetings/preparing meeting agendas Answering telephone Making travel arrangements Meeting and greeting visitors Sending and receiving messages by fax, email, telephone Finance Preparing invoices, checking and chasing up payments Recording money received Checking and paying invoices Updating cash book Preparing payroll/staff wages Setting and evaluating budgets Producing cash flow forecasts, balance sheets and profit & loss accounts Preparing annual report/accounts and sending them to Companies House. Human Resources Advertising vacancies Receiving and shortlisting job applications, arranging interviews and informing candidates. Sending contract of employment to successful applicants Arranging staff training. Checking health & safety documents and recording accidents Production Storing/checking raw materials Planning production schedules Production of finished product Quality assurance of product Packing of finished product ready for shipping Carry out repairs to machinery.

Distribution Checking all goods are correctly packaged and labelled before dispatch. Checking vehicle loads Distribution Checking all goods are correctly packaged and labelled before dispatch. Checking vehicle loads are safe and secure. Ensuring goods are dispatched at the right time. Checking all deliveries match orders and notifying sales of any problems. Completion of delivery documents including dispatch documentation. Planning and scheduling delivery routes. Dealing with delivery issues E. g. lorry breaks down!

Coursework Task (P 4) ü Choose two organisations from the list ü Create a Coursework Task (P 4) ü Choose two organisations from the list ü Create a table ü For each organisation, describe what each functional area does including purpose and tasks performed.

P 4) Choice of Organisation You need to select two organisations from the list P 4) Choice of Organisation You need to select two organisations from the list below: ü Sony ü Thomson Holidays (TUI Group) ü Acorns Children’s Hospice ü Tesco Plc ü RSA Academy

Interaction of Functional Areas (P 5) Tasks: ü Choose one of your organisations from Interaction of Functional Areas (P 5) Tasks: ü Choose one of your organisations from P 4 ü Write 3 aims of that organisation ü For each aim, draw a diagram to visually communicate how the functional areas interact to achieve their aim.

Team Reflection In your teams, reflect on your progress this If you are given Team Reflection In your teams, reflect on your progress this If you are given a ‘green’ lesson: card, you will also need to complete your own self- WWW reflection and justify your responses fully! - EBI - Evidence of how your group have met the lesson competencies - Re-visit your post-it note!