Sports in my life
Many people like sport and participate in it as amateurs. Most often, amateur sportsmen go in for dancing, gym training, tennis, swimming.
Outdoor and indoor games Sport games can played either indoors or outdoors. Outdoor games are usually very active, for example, football, hockey, baseball, tennis, cricket, rugby. Some examples of indoor games are table tennis, billiards, chess, badminton, squash.
Electronic sports Recently a very unusual type of sports appeared – video games, or so called e. Sports. There are games that require high skill and a lot of training, and there are serious championships held in different countries. While some people argue that video games cannot be considered a sport, others spend years practicing in e. Sports and win valuable prizes.
As for me, I like sport very much. I have never been into professional sport, but I am an active fitness- goer. I engage in dancing, gym trainings. I also like riding a bicycle and swimming.
I like volleyball very much! It is my favourite sport game. In summer I prefer to play beach volleyball, in other time I usually play in a gym. I go in for sports not professionally, but I hope that some day our team will participate in some volleyball championship.
History of volleyball The inventor of volleyball, William J. considered. Morgan, a teacher of Physical Education College. Morgan called the new game "mintonet". A year later Professor Alfred T. Halsted game got a new name "Volleyball"