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Sport in my life.pptx

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Sport in my life Sport in my life

The aim of my presentation is to tell about sport in my life. 1. The aim of my presentation is to tell about sport in my life. 1. The importance of sports. 2. My keep fit program. 3. My favorite sport and my sport experience. 4. My coach. 5. My favorite sportsman to follow.

Let me start Importance of sport Sport is an integral part of every human Let me start Importance of sport Sport is an integral part of every human being. Physical exercises: - improve our health - participate in the formation of the person - develops competitive skills. My keep fit program I go in for sports. I don't smoke. I don't take alcohol. I sleep 7 hours a day. I take a contrast shower.

My favorite sport and my sport experience Volleyball is an Olympic sport. It is My favorite sport and my sport experience Volleyball is an Olympic sport. It is a very emotional sport. Russian men's team is an Olympic champion.

I am part of the volleyball team of Vikulovo district. I have played in I am part of the volleyball team of Vikulovo district. I have played in the team for 4 years. We play in the championship of the Tyumen region in the 1 league. We are the Chаmpions of provincial games in Uvat 2012. I have the 3 rd sport category. My team mates are reliable and strong willed guys.

My coach is Vladimir Nasonov. He works as a teacher at the Institute of My coach is Vladimir Nasonov. He works as a teacher at the Institute of Physical Culture. He is a master of his job. He is a line judge. He judges in the big league B in the Russian championship.

My favorite sportsman My favorite athlete is Sergey Tetyukhin. He is a player of My favorite sportsman My favorite athlete is Sergey Tetyukhin. He is a player of the Russian national team. He is an Olympic champion. He is a winner of four Olympic medals. He is an honored Master of Sports. He deserves every body’s respect.

Thank you for attention. Thank you for attention.