- Количество слайдов: 11
Sponsoring a Workshop Susan Hamburger, Ph. D. Penn State University Libraries April 21, 2006 1
So You Want to Host a Workshop n Planning n Funding n Logistics n Advance activities n Onsite duties n Post-workshop responsibilities 2
Planning n What workshops do you want to host? n n Who will participate? n n Beginner, intermediate, advanced, topical When should they be offered? n n Local, regional, national folks In what order should you schedule them? n n General, specialized, technical Conflicts with other events, conferences, weather, travel needs Publicity n Letters to repositories, listservs, press releases, Web site 3
Co-Sponsorship of SAA Workshops n SAA will provide: n n n Instructor(s) with travel and expenses paid. Instructional materials, including handouts and readings, nametags, registration of participants, and Continuing Education Certificates for registered participants. One complimentary registration if refreshments and appropriate classroom space and AV equipment is provided at no cost to SAA (requirements vary per workshop). 4
Funding n Costs n Direct costs n Breaks/lunch n n SAA n n n One-day: member rate $145 -185; nonmember rate $215 -235 Two-day: member rate $225 -285; nonmember rate $295 -365 Indirect costs n n n Get recommendations about quality, sample menus, price quotes Meeting room “rental” Sponsor’s time Sources of funding n n In-house Grants n Local, state, national 5
Logistics n n n n n Set up account with finance office to collect money and pay bills Sign the contracts with SAA and funding agency Find a meeting space Arrange for AV needs of each instructor Provide tables/chairs/laptop ports SAA arranges for housing discount Arrange for parking Set up group dinner(s) Arrange for tours of library/archives/depts. Child care 6
Advance Activities n n n Contact attendees to see if they want tour(s) and/or group dinners Contact depts. to get a tour guide Pick up brochures of town/area Collect maps to area/campus/restaurants Buy food and drink for breaks 7
Onsite Duties n n n n Room set-up Food Introduction and housekeeping Troubleshooting equipment, lights, heat, microphone batteries Evaluations Certificates Clean-up 8
Post-Workshop n n n Submit evaluations to SAA Write sponsor evaluation Pay final bill(s) for food Write grant final report Self-assessment Prepare for the next workshop 9
Lessons Learned n n n Schedule workshops late in grant cycle Check and re-check equipment Consider out-of-town guests needs n n n Tours of Special Collections, Preservation Group dinners for socializing Child care 10
Best Advice n n n No matter how much you plan, be prepared for surprises Be flexible Be resourceful Know who to ask for help Do as much pre-planning as possible to minimize panic and anxiety Thank everyone who helped 11