- Количество слайдов: 26
Sponsored By The European Union Under European Programme For Reconstruction And Development Banking qualifications, e- learning and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Bankseta conference Samuel B A Isaacs Executive Officer South African Qualifications Authority 21 May 2003
Introduction “Building our new nation demands the establishment of an integrated education and training system which acknowledges the achievements of all learners equally and supports a learning nation. ” Prof. Kader Asmal, MP, Minister of Education
Why an NQF for South Africa? Globalisation • • • To promote the development of a nation that is committed to life-long learning To ensure quality education and training Intellectual capital for a competitive edge Rapid technological change Change, change and more change
Why an NQF for South Africa? Democratisation • Response to history of division, suppression and inequality • Transformation agenda • Vision of an entirely new education and training dispensation for workers, learners of all ages •
The SAQA Mandate To oversee the development and implementation of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in terms of the NQF objectives which are to: • • • Create an integrated national framework for learning achievement Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths Enhance the quality of education and training Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities and thereby, Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.
Vision and Mission A world class National Qualifications Framework for South Africa To ensure the development and implementation of a National Qualifications Framework which contributes to the full development of each learner and to the social and economic development of the nation at large
SAQA’s Role and Responsibilities SAQA ensures that our nation has: A standards setting system • A quality assurance system • A comprehensive information system – the National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) •
SAQA and its Sub-structures Standards Setting SAQA 12 NSBs Quality Assurance ETQAs Moderating bodies SGBs National Learners’ Records Database Providers Learners
SAQA’s Quality Cycle • Learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria • Moderation requirements Accredits ETQAs Evaluation • Learners accredited with achievements on the NLRD • Implementation feeds into review of registered standards and qualifications • Accredits providers • Accredits courses • Registers assessors Quality Assurance Standards Setting Registers standards and qualifications
26 Qualifications in Banking are registered on the NLRD: Title NQF Level Provider/SGB Banking Level 1 Interim SGB for Education, training, Development Diploma: Advanced Banking Level 5 RAU Doctor of Philosophy: Banking Level 8 and above UP Bachelor of Banking Level 6 UNISA Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Banking Level 7 UP
26 Qualifications in Banking are registered on the NLRD (continued): Title NQF Level Provider/SGB Bachelor of Commerce: Banking Level 6 University Oragne Free State Bachelor of Commerce: Banking Level 6 UP Bachelor of Technology: Level 7 Banking CTP Bachelors Degree: Central Banking Level 6 Institute of Bankers in SA Bachelors Degree: Treasury and International Banking Level 6 Institute of Bankers SA
26 Qualifications in Banking are registered on the NLRD (continued): Title NQF Level Provider/SGB Certficate: Banking Level 5 Institute of Bankers SA Certificate: Banking Level 5 Damelin Education Group Diploma: Banking Level 5 UNISA Diploma: Treasury – International Banking Level 5 Institute of bankers SA Doctor of Commerce: Banking Level 8 and above UP
26 Qualifications in Banking are registered on the NLRD (continued): Title NQF Level Provider/SGB Master of Commerce: Banking Level 8 and above UP Master of Laws: Banking and Stock Exchange Law Level 8 and above RAU National Certificate: Banking Level 5 CTP National Certificate: Security Practices: Banking and Financial Institutions Level 4 Security Officers Board National Diploma: Banking Level 6 CTP
26 Qualifications in Banking are registered on the NLRD (continued): Title NQF Level Provider/SGB National Higher Certificate: Banking Level 5 CTP Postgraduate Diploma: Finance Banking and Investment Management Level 7 University of Natal National Certificate: Banking Level 2 SGB Financial Services (NSB 03) National Certificate: Banking Level 3 SGB Financial Services (NSB 03) National Certificate: Banking Level 4 SGB Financial Services (NSB 03) National Certificate: Banking Level 5 SGB Financial Services (NSB 03)
Financial Services SGB submitted: • • 2 Qualifications in Micro- Finance Levels 3 and 4 15 Unit Standards These should be registered at next meeting of the SAQA Authority in June 2003.
SGB for Financial Services has registered the following Unit Standards: • • Banking Levels 2 – 5 International Banking Levels 4 & 5 Asset-based Finance Levels 2, 3, 4 & 5 Factoring and Discounting Level 4 Merchant Banking Levels 4 & 5 Mortgage Finance Levels 4 & 5 Reserve Bank Levels 3 & 4 12 17 13 13 9 10 TOTAL 198
The SGB for Financial Services covers both sectors and the following Insurance Qualifications and Standards have been registered: • • • National Certificate in Insurance Levels 2 & 3 National Certificate in Long Term Insurance Level 4 National Certificate in Short Term Insurance Level 4 National Certificate in Health Care Benefits: Claims Assessment Level 4 National Certificate in Unit Trust Investment Level 4
The SGB for Financial Services covers both sectors and the following Insurance Qualifications and Standards have been registered (continued): • • Unit Standards in Group Retirement Benefits Level 4 Unit Standards for Trustees of Retirement Funds Levels 1 & 3 (x 5) Unit Standards in Financial Literacy Levels 2 – 6 (x 28) Unit Standards in Communication for Financial Services Qualifications Level 4 (x 5)
Qualifications in the process of registration: • • National certificate in Financial Services: Wealth Management – Level 4 National Certificate in Risk Management – Level 4
Challenges to e-learning in the Banking sector 1. Building the critical mass of banking staff to be competent self-directed learners. 2. Ensuring quality e-learning provision. 3. Monitoring the learning effectiveness and efficiency in the Banking Sector.
NQF Challenges for the Bankseta 1. 2. 3. 4. Ensuring that all learning achievements of the Banking Sector learners are recorded on the NLRD. Ensuring that the full range of qualifications and standards required by the Banking Sector is registered on the NQF. Ensuring accessible, high quality learning to all learners in the banking Sector. MOU’s with CHE, Umalusi and other ETQAs.
Michael Barber and Vicki Phillips HIGH SUPPORT Slow, even progress complacency Rapid progress High performance LOW PRESSURE HIGH PRESSURE Stagnation Under-performance Conflict Demoralisation LOW SUPPORT
John Kotter : Leading Change The Relationship of Leadership, Management, Short-term Results and Successful Transformation ++ Transformation efforts can be All highly successful transformation efforts combine good leadership with good management. LEADERSHIP successful for a while but often fail after short-term results become erratic. + Transformation efforts go nowhere. Short-term results are possible, especially through cost cutting or mergers and acquisitions. But real transformation programs have trouble getting started and major, long-term change is rarely achieved. + MANAGEMENT ++
Results Based Management Balancing the 3 R’s REACH Partners/Society RESULTS Outputs/Outcomes Impact RESOURCES Physical/Material Organisational/Human
Risk Analysis Low risk Moderate risk Inputs Outputs Activities Decreasing management control Outcomes High risk Long-term Impact
We are making the NQF road by walking reflectively, accountably and boldly.