Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 SCORE 50 100 200 150 250 150 200 50 250 150 100 250 150 50 150 200 250 250 100 50 200 100 200 250 150 T H E E N D CLICK TO SPIN
100 Answer the following question. It’s half past two. What time is it?
50 What’s the opposite of “thin”? It’s “fat”. Answer the following question.
200 What’s his job? He is a butcher. Answer the following question.
150 Use the comparative of superiority. Mark is … than his younger brother. taller
250 Where did he go yesterday? He went to the beach. Answer the following question in a complete sentence.
150 What is Brian doing? He is eating spaghetti. Answer the following question Answer the following question in a complete sentence.
200 I mustn’t sleep. What mustn’t you do in the classroom? Answer the following question.
50 Richard likes … to the cinema. Read and complete the sentence. going
250 Read and complete the sentence. will fall You … if you aren’t careful.
150 Add a prefix to form the opposite. friendly ___friendly unfriendly
100 What is their nationality? They are French. Answer the following question Answer the following question in a complete sentence.
250 dollar, pound, euro Which currency does each sign represent? Answer the following question.
150 What is the opposite of “silent”? loud / noisy Answer the following question.
50 Which day comes after Tuesday? Wednesday Answer the following question.
150 Add a suffix to the word “success”. If you have a lot of success then your are … successful
200 What is the name of this flag? It’s Union Jack. Answer the following question.
250 raise/put up my hand. Read and complete the sentence. If I want to speak in class, I must …
250 Ask the question. How does she go to work? She goes to work by car.
100 I saw Michael at the beach yesterday. him Replace the underlined word with a personal object pronoun.
50 Which … is her favourite colour, red or green? Complete the following with a question word.
200 Read and complete the sentence. The American flag has … stars and … stripes. fifty (50) … thirteen (13)
100 Read and complete the sentence. This is my … Selma. She is my father’s sister. aunt
200 Read and complete the sentence. He has got a lot of … on his face. freckles
250 What is the PAST SIMPLE of these verbs? bought / spoke / took buy speak take
150 Put the words in the correct order. He has Math at a quarter past nine. quarter/Math/a/ /nine/he/at/ /past/has