Скачать презентацию Speedwell Weather System Integrating SWS Vs 6 5 Скачать презентацию Speedwell Weather System Integrating SWS Vs 6 5


  • Количество слайдов: 7

Speedwell Weather System Integrating SWS Vs 6. 5 The Open Weather Derivative and Risk Speedwell Weather System Integrating SWS Vs 6. 5 The Open Weather Derivative and Risk Management System

Introduction Weather derivatives can be complex and cross-linked with other products. This is why Introduction Weather derivatives can be complex and cross-linked with other products. This is why SWS contains more functions than any other weather software and is why it is an open system. As an enterprise system, SWS comprises millions of lines of code arranged in a large library of components. These components can be called from external systems including those written C#, VB. NET and VBA. This means that SWS is extensible and easy to integrate in external systems 2

Integrating SWS into other applications Those components can be very easily queried from any Integrating SWS into other applications Those components can be very easily queried from any application Excel Internet Explorer Existing Software SWS Desktop SWS Engine Database 3

Integrating SWS by function Your middle office SWS Front office SWS Engine SWS Middle Integrating SWS by function Your middle office SWS Front office SWS Engine SWS Middle office Your back office SWS Back office Database 4

Integrating SWS by Desks Energy Desk Weather Desk Emissions Desk Structuring Desk SWS Engine Integrating SWS by Desks Energy Desk Weather Desk Emissions Desk Structuring Desk SWS Engine Database Multiple providers of forecasts and data 5

Invoking SWS Functions Externally Example VBA code reading in discount rates for weather derivative Invoking SWS Functions Externally Example VBA code reading in discount rates for weather derivative pricing Invoking SWS functions library in VBA 6

Contact Us Regarding software, weather risk placement and consultancy services please see www. speedwellweather. Contact Us Regarding software, weather risk placement and consultancy services please see www. speedwellweather. com or contact: Stephen Doherty Dr Michael Moreno David Whitehead (U. S) Telephone: UK office: US office: stephen. doherty@Speedwell. Weather. com michael. moreno@Speedwell. Weather. com david. whitehead@Speedwell. Weather. com Address UK: Address USA: Mardall House, Vaughan Rd, Harpenden, Herts, AL 5 4 HU 101 N Columbus Street, Second Floor, Alexandria VA 22314 USA +44 (0) 1582 465 569 +1 (0) 703 868 6083 Regarding world-wide weather data and forecast matters please see www. speedwellweather. com or contact: Phil Hayes David Whitehead (U. S) Telephone: UK office: US office: phil. hayes@Speedwell. Weather. com david. whitehead@Speedwell. Weather. com +44 (0) 1582 465 551 +1 (0) 703 535 8800 Speedwell Weather Derivatives Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Registered Offices Mardall House, 9 -11 Vaughan Road, Harpenden, Herts AL 5 4 HU, UK. Company No 3790989. 7