Скачать презентацию SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK National Association Networking for the Скачать презентацию SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK National Association Networking for the


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SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK National Association Networking for the Special Needs of the Individual TEL: SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK National Association Networking for the Special Needs of the Individual TEL: +264 61 224561 / FAX: +264 61 228255 email: autnam@iway. na 10 BROCK STR PO BOX 11606 WINDHOEK NAMIBIA DEVELOPMENT: DISABILITY SERVICES, RESOURCE CENTRE & NETWORK BENEFICIARIES: CHILDREN, YOUTH AND ADULTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AREA: NAMIBIA

Aims & Objectives n n n Network with parents and professionals; Function as support Aims & Objectives n n n Network with parents and professionals; Function as support organisation; Facilitate tailored intervention programmes; Assist in setting up relevant programmes; Training of parents and professionals in: disability, alternative communication and behaviour support;

Aims & Objectives – contd. n n n Function as resource for specific needs, Aims & Objectives – contd. n n n Function as resource for specific needs, ie: sibling support, alternative communication, etc; Set up services as needed in Namibia; Set up intervention and life skills centres; Raise awareness and lobby for rights of persons with a disability; Build and maintain a resource data base and share information.

PROJECTS n n n n n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PROJECTS n n n n n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Renovation of Old School House; Project development; Services through the life span; Adult services; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Alternative and Augmentative comm; Library & Resources, Networking; Training for families et al; Support for Disabilities & Organisations;

Renovation of Old School House n n This will be used as our main Renovation of Old School House n n This will be used as our main base and training centre. Project plan: n n Renovation Security fence Gardening project Funds required: N$500 000 = U$ 65 000

Service and Project Development: Co-ordination and fundraising n n Employment of development officer to Service and Project Development: Co-ordination and fundraising n n Employment of development officer to run and co-ordinate projects and volunteers. Project plan: n n Office equipment Salary for dev. officer Running costs Annual funds required: N$500 000 = U$ 65 000

Early intervention, school & transition adolescent services n n Home based intervention, class assistants, Early intervention, school & transition adolescent services n n Home based intervention, class assistants, school/college support. Project plan: n n n Social worker & assistants Class aides Itinerant educators Training of the above Annual funds required: N$750 000 = U$ 100 000

Adult services n n Adult services & job coaching. Project plan: n n Workshop Adult services n n Adult services & job coaching. Project plan: n n Workshop co-ordinator Workshop assistants Resources for woodwork, gardening, kitchen, leisure skills. Annual funds required: N$1 000 = U$ 125 000

Autism Spectrum Disorders n n Support groups for Asperger, Autism, parents and teachers. Project Autism Spectrum Disorders n n Support groups for Asperger, Autism, parents and teachers. Project plan: n n Training on ASD in schools & community Setting up resources in mainstream schools Class aide training & support. Annual funds required: N$420 000 = U$ 50 000

Alternative & Augmentative Communication n n Training for AAC – resources for non-verbal children. Alternative & Augmentative Communication n n Training for AAC – resources for non-verbal children. Project plan: n n n Training in AAC use Procurement of communication devices Procurement of relevant programmes Training & Support for users. Annual funds required: N$75 000 = U$ 10 000

Library & Resources n n Library, resources, newsletter & networking. Project plan: n n Library & Resources n n Library, resources, newsletter & networking. Project plan: n n n Online subscriptions Books Newsletter Support for parents & professionals. Annual funds required: N$15 000 = U$ 2 000

Training n n Training for families, school aides, teachers & professionals. Project plan: n Training n n Training for families, school aides, teachers & professionals. Project plan: n n n Info seminars and workshops On site visits and support Training from South Africa Training from abroad. Annual funds required: N$150 000 = U$ 20 000

Support n n Support for disabilities, organisations, schools, volunteers. Project plan: n n n Support n n Support for disabilities, organisations, schools, volunteers. Project plan: n n n Funding for volunteers Resources for spec schools Funding for class aides Support for outreach projects and training. Annual funds required: N$500 000 = U$ 65 000

Adult living options n n Living options for adults with special needs. Project plan: Adult living options n n Living options for adults with special needs. Project plan: n n n Purchase of farm Building of infrastructure Job procurement Training Individual development. Funds required: N$50 000 = U$ 6 250 000

SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK National Association Networking for the Special Needs of the Individual TEL: SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK National Association Networking for the Special Needs of the Individual TEL: +264 61 224561 / FAX: +264 61 228255 email: autnam@iway. na 10 BROCK STR PO BOX 11606 WINDHOEK NAMIBIA THANK YOU! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND DETAILS ON THESE PROJECTS OR OUR PLANNED ADULT LIVING OPTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS