- Количество слайдов: 117
Special Education for Administrators Module 1 - Setting Directions
Welcome Introductions – Who’s in the group? • Meet someone who you don’t know • Find out things about that person • One Professional • One Personal • His/Her personal goal in taking this course • You will introduce your partner 2
Outcomes ~ Module 1 Theoretical Foundations • Examine your philosophy and shared beliefs related to “All Children Can Learn” • Understand the Law – Special Education Focus • Explore change theory in the context of Special Education • Build your school/board vision inclusive of Special Education • Plan your practicum • Investigate current, relevant theory and research around the learner • Explore ethical dilemmas in Special Education • Introduction to Culturally Proficient Leadership 3
Norms of Operation Go slow to go fast Listen and speak with an open mind Take risks Respect others and ourselves Leave positions at the door What we say here stays here Begin, end, and transition on time 4
Agenda – Day 1 Welcome and Introductions Learning For All K-12 -Our Shared Belief & Personal Philosophy Growth Mindset – Our Belief Systems for Learning OLF - Setting your Goals for Learning in Special Education SEF The Law in Ontario Special Education Tribunal Treasure Hunt re: Special Education Legislation 5
Learning For All – Our Shared Beliefs Let’s examine our thinking and our own beliefs Growth Mindset-Carol Dweck Learning for All and All Children Can Learn Your personal philosophy of education, special education, equity and inclusive education and your school culture 6
Carol Dweck: The power of beleiving that you can improve 7
A GROWTH MINDSET MEANS THAT YOU BELIEVE…. . Intelligence can be developed You have a passion to learn which means you embrace challenge You learn from criticism You keep going when things get tough You are inspired by the greatness in others and You see effort as the path to mastery! 9
What Ought to Be… • “. . . , listening. . . requires not only open eyes and ears, but open hearts and minds. We do not really see through our eyes or hear through our ears, but through our beliefs. . . It is not easy, but it is the only way to learn what it might feel like to be someone else and the only way to start the dialogue. ” – Lisa Delpit 10
Role of the Principal Without a competent caring individual in the principal’s position, the task of school reform is very difficult. – Lou Gerstner, 1994 11
Leadership Framework Personal Learning Pathway Covey The 4 Disciplines of Execution Wildly Important Goals (WIGS) http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=LHHj 5 Q 7 ep 3 k As you watch reflect on your Wildly Important Goal (WIG) related to the Ontario Leadership Framework Theoretical Foundations and Setting Directions School Effectiveness Framework Component 3 – Student Engagement for students with special needs. 13
The Leadership Framework 1. 2. 3. Inspire a shared vision of leadership in schools and boards Promote a common language that fosters an understanding of what leadership and what it means to be a leader Identify the competencies and practices that describe effective leadership and guide professional learning 14
RESEARCH SAYS…. And you have heard this before… There are five Core Leadership Capacities that lead you to your best practices: ü Setting goals ü Aligning resources ü Promoting collaborative learning cultures ü Using data ü Engaging in courageous conversations 15
OLF with a Special Education lens… Review the OLF chart and keeping your SIP in mind regarding special education : Highlight in GREEN those areas you do ALWAYS Highlight in yellow the areas you do SOMETIMES Highlight in PINK those areas you do RARELY Your goal is to turn the SOMETIMES into ALWAYS 16
All of that along with “ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, RARELY” for… Personal Leadership Resources Cognitive: Problem-solving Knowledge about school and classroom conditions with direct effects on student learning Systems Thinking (NEW!) 18
As well as… Social Resources: including the ability to… Perceive emotions Manage emotions Act in emotionally appropriate ways Psychological Resources: Optimism Self-efficacy Resilience Pro-activity (NEW) 19
So now you have a Goal for Module 1 Focused, ongoing learning that is job embedded and “in context. ” 20
School Effectiveness Framework …Student Voice… a support for school improvement and student success! Goal Indicators Where we Where are now? do we want to be? What student work/ev idence will tell us we are there? What do Who we have to can help do us? differently? Who is monitoring? What? When? How? 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 22
Goal Setting for School Effectiveness Framework Complete the School Effectiveness Framework – Component 3: Student Engagement Open in Adobe Acrobat Reader to edit fields 23
Moral Purpose of Education All students can achieve high standards given significant time and support. All teachers can teach to high standards given the right conditions and assistance. High expectations and early intervention are essential. Teachers need to be able to articulate what they do and why they do it. Learning For All - 2013 24
Learning For All…Chapter One “…in the past four years, there has been an overall shift from an implied to an explicit and highly intentional focus on the learner as the focal point in Ontario’s schools. ” 25
Learning For All Chapter One – Focus Activity Small groups: discuss this quote in relation to your personal feelings about “all children can learn” Discussion will be targeted on the following statements: 26
Learning For All K - 12 Shared Beliefs and Guiding Principals K-12 document designed to provide further guidance to increase student achievement for all students 1. All students can succeed. 2. Each student has his or her own unique patterns of learning. 3. Successful instructional practices are founded on evidence-based research, tempered by experience. 4. Universal Design and DI are effective interconnected means of meeting the learning and productivity needs of any group of students. 5. Classroom teachers are the key educators for a student’s literacy and numeracy development. 6. Classroom teachers need the support of the larger community to create a learning environment that supports all students 7. Fairness is not sameness: For equitable outcomes some students require: “More or different support than others to work at a level appropriate to their abilities and needs. ” 27
Focus of Document Learning For All K-12 defines the Achievement Gap to be the difference between the achievement of a student’s actual achievement and his/her potential for achievement “This document is focused on the importance of helping every student reach his or her potential – and, as a consequence, on closing the ‘achievement gap’ between different groups of students” Learning For All 28
The 3 Ps Learning for All was created based on three core components: Personalization Precision Professional Learning “The glue that binds these 3 components is moral purpose: education for all that raises the bar as it closes the gap. ” - Fullan, Hill & Crevola, 2006 29
Personalization • Personalization is education that puts each and every child in the centre and provides an education that is tailored to the students’ learning and motivational needs. • It has to provide motivation to learn and employ pedagogical experiences that hit the mark particular for the individual. – Michael Fullan Breakthrough 30
Precision Progress is seen where there has been a sustained and deliberate focus on individual student’s strengths and needs, assessment for learning, and precision in instruction through evidence-based learning. ” q Precision: links assessment for learning to evidence-informed instruction on a daily basis. 31
Professional Learning What equity issues are the greatest challenges for you as an administrator that relate specifically to Special Education students/programs in your school? For your staff? For your parents? What do you feel are your greatest successes and barriers? How has your leadership been successful in your current school practices (TOP THREE) for building staff capacity around the concept of “all children can learn” and moving to a “GROWTH MINDSET” which incorporates the concept of universal design and differentiated instruction? 32
Instructional Approaches Instruction that both responds to the various needs of a diverse group and precisely tailored to individual needs is needed for student achievement for all students Three instructional approaches form the basis of this document Universal Design for Learning Differentiated Instruction The Tiered Approach 33
Group Collaboration 1. Within your groups, choose the instructional strategy that you would like to know more about. 2. Break down the section in the Learning For All document on that strategy and have each person from your group read about one of the instructional strategies. 3. After everyone has finished reading, discuss your understandings together to gain a better grasp of the three instructional strategies. 4. Write down your findings on the chart paper provided and be prepared to present what you have read using MI (see handout in binder). Present on Thursday AM – 5 minute limit per group. 34
Planning & Next Steps DOING KNOWING Please keep your recorded work as we will revisit this in the next module and you will be in the same group. Group discussion/sharing session: 1. In what ways do the current instructional practices incorporate the principles of Universal Design, differentiated instruction and the tiered approach? 2. What further steps can we take to ensure that they are implemented? What resources do we need? 3. If your school had a District Review what would your SO say about what you have in place for your students with special needs? 35
Support from the Larger Community • • • Principal/Vice Principal/Guidance Community Based Resource Teacher (CBRM) Other classroom teachers, Teaching Learning Coaches, Instructional leaders, Consultants, Coordinators Other professionals – Psychology, Social Work, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, ASD Team, Behaviour Team Family Community Agencies 36
Special Education: The Law Mask Movie Clip – School Registration http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=C 1 k. ZTf. Hldf. Y 37
Special Education: A Guide for Educators – October 2001 This guide provides comprehensive information about legislation, regulations, policies, program planning, and resources pertaining to the education of exceptional pupils in Ontario. 38
primacy The Ontario Human Rights Code has Primacy • • If other laws conflict with the Code, in most cases, you must comply with the Code first. OHRC Policy – Competing Rights www. ohrc. on. ca/en/policycompeting-human-rights 39
Ontario Human Rights Code compliance and primacy Boards must comply with the Code in: Policy Procedure Forms School-based implementation 40
Ontario Human Rights Code compliance and primacy Code informs: Interpretation of the Education Act, regulations, PPMs, Guidelines and other Ministry documents (including IEP forms) Equity Strategy, PPM 119 and Guidelines OESC templates 41
Protected classes • • • • race citizenship place of origin ethnic origin colour ancestry disability age creed sex / pregnancy sexual orientation family status marital status receipt of public assistance record of offence 42
Effect not Intent Must look to the effect or result of the demeaning words or actions 43
Duty to Accommodate Short of Undue Hardship a. Principles of Accommodation Respect for dignity n Individualization - IEP is accommodation plan n Integration and participation n Barrier-free design 44
b. Standard of Accommodation Undue Hardship: • Costs • Outside sources of funding • Health and safety requirements 45
Ontario Human Rights Tribunal www. hrto. ca This web site is your gateway to the HRTO application process. On these pages you will find How To File An Application or a Response using the online Smart. Forms. The Smart. Forms are easy to use. They assist in ensuring completed forms are filed with the HRTO which increase our processing efficiencies. You will also have access to our Rules of Procedure, Practice Directions, Policies, User Guides, Forms, Legislation and more. All the information you need to complete and submit an application or response is available here. 46
Ontario Human Rights Tribunal www. hrto. ca All case processing functions of the OSETs are now integrated with the HRTO. Collette Dowhaniuk serves as Associate Chair of CFSRB/CRB and Vice-chair of the French and English OSETs. Richard Hennessy is Registrar of HRTO and Secretary of the OSETs. The two OSETs (English and French) are independent adjudicative agencies that hear appeals from parents regarding the special education of students with exceptionalities in a school board. The OSETs operate under the Education Act, and receive appeals from all Public and Catholic school boards in Ontario. The OSETs are the last step in a dispute resolution process that includes an Identification and Placement Review Committee and a Special Education Appeal Board. 47
Human Rights Model at Work in Education • • Full inclusion Barriers to learning removed Equitable education opportunities Student needs are accommodated for success Copyright © November 2011 Toronto District School Board 48
OHRC Case Study The Special Education Tribunal and the Human Rights Tribunal: Competing Jurisdictions - 2010 What are the issues? What is the legislation that you need to know about? What action would you take? How do we transform requirements on paper into lived rights? 49
Reach Every Student 50
Realizing the Promise An equitable education system is one in which barriers to learning have been identified and removed, discrimination is rejected in all of its forms, and every student is provided with the necessary supports to bring about improvement in learning and achievement. Realizing the Promise of Diversity…Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy (2009) We appreciate that the promise of diversity can be realized only in a society that strives to be free of systemic biases and barriers. There is widespread support among education stakeholders to address these issues in our schools, and to meet the challenge of making ours a truly inclusive system that supports success for every student. 51
The Big Idea • On a fundamental level, the Equity Strategy and the Code have the same intentions … just worded differently – Equity & inclusive education – Substantive equality and integration • Alignment of the goals of the Ministry of Education, Inclusive Education Branch with those of the Ontario Human Rights Commission 52
Student Engagement Talk to me, principal, and I’ll listen for a little while Show me, and I’ll listen longer But come alive; Care; Laugh; See my point of view without abandoning your own standards; Be warm and real; Show me that you know me! And teacher, don’t ever give up on me. Then principal, then I am your pupil. 53
If your school had a District Review what would your Supervisory Officer say about what you have in place for your students with special needs? If given the voice, what would your students with special needs say that you have in place for them? Think, pair, share 54
It takes a whole village. . . • Every student is entitled to learn to the best of his or her ability. • Every student is entitled to a safe and caring learning environment. • Safety is a precondition for learning. • Safe schools are the responsibility of a community partnership among government ministries, administrators, teachers, trustees, support staff, students, parents, police and community partners. 55
What’s a Family? A useful tool: That’s A Family http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=ln. YWCt. X 3 Us 4 56
I. P. R. C. 57
I. P. R. C. n Identification: n Evidence to support designation of exceptionality n Placement: n Supports recommended n Review: n Progress reviewed at least annually n Committee: n Membership: 3 or more; 1 principal or supervisory officer 58
Highlights of Regulation 181/98 n n n An IPRC determines the Identification and Placement of exceptional pupils School Boards must establish one or more IPRC committees An administrator must be a member of an IPRC Parents’ Guide must be developed and be readily available IPRC process is governed by specific timelines that administrators need to follow 59
IPRC Structures IPRCs Principal - Chair Psychological Services Representative (as needed) Central IPRCs (where applicable) Special Education Supervising Principal Chair FOS Special Education Coordinator Chief of Psychological Services 60
IPRC: Identification Definitions of Exceptionalities Behaviour Communication Autism Deaf and Hard of Hearing Language Impairment Speech Impairment Learning Disability Intellectual Giftedness Mild Intellectual Disability Developmental Disability Physical Disability Blind and Low Vision Multiple Combination of learning or other disorders requiring services of one or more special education teachers for learning. 61
IPRC: Placement n No statutory definition of this term n Ranges from: q Regular classroom with monitoring to q Special education class and q All points in between Through Program q Level of instruction q School day q Timelines Through Service q In-school q Community q Central Through Physical modifications q Institution q Ramps q Tools q Technology q Assistive devices n n n 62
Annual IPRC Review An IPRC Review must be held once within each school year, unless the parent provides written notice to the principal dispensing with the Review (waives) Annual Reviews operate under the same procedures and timelines as the original IPRC process If a student has an original IPRC between January and June, a subsequent Review is not required in that school year Parents may request a Review at any time after a placement has been in effect for three months 63
IPRC Treasure Hunt!
Page #: D 4 Section Title: The IPRC The regulation requiring all boards to establish one or more IPRC is: Regulation 181/98 section 10, subsection 11 (1) (2) 65
Page #: D 4 Section Title: The Role of the IPRC Outline three key areas as they Pertain to the role of the IPRC: Identification Placement Review 66
Page#: D 4 Section Title: The IPRC Name one of three people the Board must appoint to the IPRC: A Principal A Superintendent or A contracted Supervisory Officer
Page#: D 4 Section Title: The Role of the IPRC When do parents have the right to request an IPRC? Once the child is enrolled 68
Page#: D 5 Title Section: Requesting an IPRC Meeting Within 15 days of receipt of the written request by the parent, the principal must provide the following: n n n Written acknowledgement of the parent’s request, Approximate meeting date Parent Guide 69
Page #: D 5 Section Title: Requesting an IPRC Meeting Parents must be informed about the IPRC process. Name four items they must have before the meeting. Parent or Principal’s letter of request Letter of invitation The Parent’s Guide All information received by the IPRC Chair 70
Page #: D 5 Title Section: Notice of the IPRC Meeting Before an IPRC meeting, how many days before the meeting must the chair give to the parent the written notification about the date, time and place of the meeting? 10 working days 71
Page#: D 7 Section Title: Attending the IPRC Other than the principal name four people who may attend the IPRC meeting: • Parent • Student (16) • Family Advocate • Board Staff • Teachers - classroom, special education • Educational Assistant, etc. 72
Page #: D 8 Title Section: Prior to the IPRC Meeting Two things a staff member must do at a pre-IPRC meeting: Answer any questions Share all reports and information to be used at the IPRC Discuss possible decisions the IPRC might make. 73
Page#: D 10 -11 Section Title: The IPRC Placement Decision Name four possible placement options that may be made by the IPRC. A regular classroom - More than 50% of instructional time is delivered in a regular class with indirect support with resource support A special education class - More than 50% of instructional time in delivered in a special education class with partial integration full time A regular classroom with no support, the committee does not identify the student as exceptional. 74
Page#: D 14 Section Title: Disagreement With the IPRC Decision Page #: D 19 Section Title: The IPRC Appeal If the parent disagrees with the IPRC decision he/she may: Within 30 days file a notice of appeal
IPRC: Appeals A parent/guardian’s options Request meeting with IPRC to discuss decision or have the IPRC reconvened Appeal identification/placement to: • Special Education Appeal Board (Local) • The appeal will hear the same case as the IPRC, in more depth. They may overrule the IPRC. • Should the SEAB make a recommendation, in conflict with the parents’ desires, or if the board refuses to accept the appeal board recommendation, the parent may choose to file for a Tribunal. The Tribunal’s decision is binding on the board. • Special Education Tribunal (Ministry) 76
Program & Services Recommendations • IPRC may discuss special education services and/or program; however, the IPRC shall discuss these at the request of the parent • May make recommendations re: services and programs, but shall not make decisions about them e. g. refer for discussion at the School Support Team • May document a parental request or information parents provide regarding agency involvement or future assessment 77
IPRC Statement of Decision Reasons for Deferring IPRC Decisions New professional report or diagnostic information pending Developmental or medical report pending Parent presents new information at IPRC and committee requires more time to review Committee requires more time to consider its decision Parental request 78
Ontario Special Education Tribunal • Parent may appeal to the Tribunal within 30 calendar days of receiving the board’s decision related to the SEAB recommendations. • The Ontario Special Education Tribunal is now part of the Social Justice Tribunals Ontario • A panel of three (3) Tribunal members will hear the appeal appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. One (1) member will be the Panel Chair. • A Tribunal hearing is more formal than IPRC and SEAB meetings. • The Tribunal’s decision is binding on the board and the parents. • J. K. & The Toronto District School Board, Ontario Special Education (English) Tribunal Date of Decision (y/m/d)2009 -03 -12 http: //www. osettedo. ca/eng/decisions. html 79
Agenda – Day 2 • • • Change Theory Culturally Proficient Leadership – Equity and Inclusive Education MI Presentations – Learning For All Four Corners Vision Creation Context and Relevant Theory and Research Around the Learner Group Assignment – Categories of Exceptionalities • Practicum • Post Assignments • Next modules: Dates and Location 80
Every Kid Needs A Champion https: //www. ted. com/talks/rita_pierson_every_kid_needs_a_champion? language=en 81
Changing Mindsets… A growth mindset allows students to… Embrace learning and growth Understand the role of effort in creating intelligence Maintain resilience in the face of setbacks ……. and it can be taught! 82
Growth Mindsets And Change Theory 83
Milling to Music Think of something in your school/board in regards to students with special needs that you would like to change. Each time the music stops find the nearest partner and share. 84
Growth Mindset “The growth mindset is based on the belief in change, and the most gratifying part of my work is watching people change. Nothing is better than seeing people find their way to things they value. Carol S. Dweck, Ph. D.
The Power of Belief 86
Growth Mindsets and Change Theory In groups of four use a graphic organizer to illustrate the key points about change from the following articles that you were to have read as part of your pre-assignment. Consider now: How do these support a growth mindset? 87
A growth mindset for Change https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=e. YYf-m. Um. Pq. I&feature=player_embedded 88
MI Presentation Learning For All Each group will have 5 minutes to present their findings from yesterday’s readings using an MI approach. 89
Welcome Back Focus Activity 90
Special Education (is) like… because… 91 91 91
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Recognize that teaching/LEADING is not a neutral act Personalize teaching and learning in order to better know students/STAFF and their realities Differentiate instruction, assessment, and evaluation to meet the interests, learning profile, and readiness of all learners Ensure the content studied and the resources used reflect students‘ lived experiences and social identities (race, gender, sexual-orientation, class, ability, etc. ) 92
Human Rights Policy (Individual & Collective Identities) The Boards recognize that certain groups in our society are treated inequitably because of individual and systemic biases related to: § Age § Ancestry § Citizenship/Nationality § Colour § Creed/Faith/Religion § Disability § Ethnicity/Culture/Linguistic Origin § Family Status § Gender/Sex § Gender Identity, Gender Expression § Marital Status § Place of Origin § Race § Sexual Orientation § Socio-Economic Status § Same-Sex Partnerships Status Similar biases have also impacted on Canada’s First Nation population. 93
Inclusive Leadership As you watch Leading the Inclusive School, Part 1: The Personal Journey consider: 1. Have you had the “courageous conversation” with yourself and your staff? 2. How does conversation include a “growth mindset”? Click here 94
Inclusive Leadership Module – Leading the Inclusive School, Part 2: Culturally Relevant and Responsive Leadership Click here What are the critical considerations and discussions needed to examine where culturally responsive schools intersect with special education. 95
Keys to Success ü Whole school approach… ü Every student is my student… ü Building relationships is essential… ü Safe, caring and inclusive schools are everyone’s responsibility 96
Building Your School House “People who collaborate learn from each other and create synergy. That is why learning organizations are made up of teams that share a common purpose. Organizations need togetherness to get things done and to encourage the exploration essential to improvement” – Handy 97
Building Your School House 1. Keeping your own school/board success plan in mind, candidates will work through a visioning activity. 2. Get into groups of 3 or 4. 3. Group completes the school house as outlined in the instructions – with a focus on special education. 4. Each group reports back to the large group to share the vision for their ideal school house. 98
Reporting Back Next Step: Candidates take this exercise back to their staff/work site and report back at the next module and may include some of the following points: 1. What do principals and vice-principals need to know in order to influence positive change for their school/board in the context of special education? 2. Identify two or three goals that you will target for your school/board as it pertains to your school (SIP)/board improvement plan (BIP) in the area of special education. 3. The need for learning in context. 99
The Learner • • Theory Research 100
Context and Relevant Theory and Research Around the Learner Assignment – Categories of Exceptionalities 101
Ministry Categories of Exceptionalities • Behaviour • Communications • Autism • Deaf and Hard of Hearing • Learning Disability • Intellectual • Giftedness • Mild Intellectual Disability • Developmental Disability • Physical Disability/Blind Low Vision • Deaf/Hearing Impaired • Please indicate on one of the post it notes your first three choices in order of preference. 102
Assignment Categories of Exceptionalities Research in a group of two an area of exceptionality as identified in the Education Act Include the following: Category of exceptionality including the Ministry criteria: e. g. , intellectual, deaf/hard of hearing Definition of the exceptionality: Ministry and Board Student learning: strengths and challenges Instructional, environmental and assessment/evaluation strategies for accommodation integration and inclusion Differentiation of instruction and learning Differentiation of assessment for, as and of learning. 103
Assignment Categories of Exceptionalities Candidates MAY use the following guiding questions to meet the expectations for this research assignment. Based on the exceptionality what are best practices? What would a demonstration classroom for this exceptionality look like, sound like, feel like? How as the principal or vice principal will you utilize change theory to move your school forward in terms of best practices for students with this exceptionality? What would be the best resources for students with this exceptionality? Include community, school, and web based. Discuss the manifestations of behaviour that may be seen with this exceptionality. How as a principal or vice principal would you mitigate discipline based on the exceptionality? Develop a case study and discuss how you would mitigate based on the case you develop. How will you engage students and parents? 104
Group Assignment Categories of Exceptionalities Candidates MUST include: Research on the intersection of race, socio-economic status (SES) and identification of a disability. A Walkthrough for classrooms for students with this exceptionality who are receiving instruction. This walkthrough should be based on the sample template from the Equity and Inclusive Education section of the OPC website. 105
Categories of Exceptionalities Presentation of Final Product MUST include: Group • • Experiential activity so that the audience knows what it feels like to have the exceptionality that you are presenting. (10 to 15 minutes) Multimedia presentation (or other format to be confirmed by the instructor) to staff, parent community with handouts. (10 to 15 minutes) A Walkthrough for classrooms with handouts for students with this exceptionality who are receiving instruction. This walkthrough should be based on the sample template from the Equity and Inclusive education section of the OPC website. (10 to 15 minutes) Research on the intersection of race, socio-economic status (SES) language, and identification of a disability. Individual • • • Each candidate will provide a personal reflection based on key concepts from this exercise including next steps for personal growth to be submitted to the instructor. Reflection and multimedia documents are to be submitted to the instructor electronically. Be prepared to share your research and information with the group during Modules 3 and 4. 106
Observations/Conversations as an Instructional Leadership Strategy Purpose • Gives principals a real time opportunity to gain insight into the staff focus on school goals and to use the information to engage the staff in conversations to improve the level of classroom and school success. Benefits • Monitoring commitment to school and Board goals (SIP/BIP) • Showing principal’s interest in classroom instructional strategies and student learning • Monitoring general conditions in the school (hallway behaviour, cleanliness, ventilation, currency of displays, representation of the students, etc. ) • Visibility to students, staff, volunteers, parents and community 107
Practicum Review This practicum is an opportunity for candidates to illustrate a high level of professional knowledge, skill, pedagogy, ethical practices and instructional leadership. It also includes reflections and analysis of your learning over time in the SEA AQ course. 108
The Question/The Inquiry… Asking the “question” that gets your practicum started is the greatest challenge! THINK ABOUT…. What issue related to special education in your school is causing you concern or keeping you up at night? What areas of learning in your school are not suitable for students with special education needs? What area of the SEF needs attention by you and your staff in order to remove the barriers to learning for students with special needs? What changes in practices would support a “growth mindset” for your staff? For your community? For yourself? 109
What to consider about data collection: Your inquiry question will determine form of data collection is best so… Determine if the data will be collected from student performance, teacher performance, or what others in your community are doing then… You want a variety of sources, triangulation of data. 110
Data Collection Interviews Questionnaire Interview the individuals carrying out the action (i. e. , " Fireside Chat”) Reflective Diary Ongoing account of the process Ensures nothing is missed in the process (e. g. , Capture an “aha” moment during the action) Questions geared directly to questions you need answers to Anonymous Focus Groups Gathering of information from a larger group of people at one time Determine how you will collect the information (i. e. , Digital Recorder) 111
Practicum…think about Expectations for the practicum include: 1. Clarify your key question (determining what you want to see – precise outcomes). 2. Articulate your key question in a summary statement (planning the best way to achieve or get to the outcomes). 3. Collect data to inform your practicum. 4. Implement ideas, action steps. 5. Reflect on the results, examining the data to see what it tells and decide how to act on it. Include communication with your critical friend and instructor. (minimum 500 words) See Practicum Outline in Binder. 112
Practicum Review Your instructor will review the Special Education For Administrators Practicum Components outline. The practicum is 20 hours of professional study completed outside of the face to face days. Select one of the four options for your practicum: 1. Design a professional learning opportunity for a specific group (e. g. , EAs, Special Education staff, ESL teachers, parent groups) which includes a variety of technologies and resources relevant to your key question. 2. Develop a digital story, presenting an issue related to your key question. 3. Create a portfolio of practical resources, artefacts, photographs, recording critical reflections for each components as it relates to your key question. 4. Engage in action research by reflecting and acting upon a specific inquiry into professional practice as it relates to your key question. 113
Post Assignments Option 1 Identify three key areas of learning from Module 1 and outline how you have implemented the content or strategies in your daily practice and how each demonstrates the connections to the personal goals you identified in the OLF and the component(s) reviewed in the SEF. 114
Web Board Assignment Distance Education/ Webcast: Exploring the Personal Leadership Resources and Connections to Effective Leadership Practices: Candidates are asked to click on the following link to view the webcast https: //www. principals. ca/stream/video/launch. Vid. aspx? vid. ID=110 Using the Special Education for Administrators OPC website/my folder, create 2 or 3 questions that would be used for candidates for the SEA course. Write one of the questions in the response box on the website as your reflection. Read postings from your peers and respond to comments of at least two course candidates. 115
When we meet again…. . Post Assignments Module 1 • School House Activity: Next Steps Take the “School House Activity” back to your school. Be prepared to present your findings/results in Module 2. Practicum Outline: • Complete the Practicum Assignment outline and submit to your instructor electronically before M 2. Assessment: • Complete the online assessment of Module One: OPC website/My Folder/Spec. ED Access 116
Video Shift Happens “The principal with the commitment and capacity to make a difference actually does so. ”– Fullan, Breakthrough click here 117