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Speaking & Presentation Skills HK Speaking & Presentation Skills HK

Introduction • Everyone in business sells an idea, knowledge, product, service, … • Persuasion Introduction • Everyone in business sells an idea, knowledge, product, service, … • Persuasion is done in person. • Effective public speaking is # 1 predictor of success • Five areas: 1. preparation, 2. organization, 3. audience rapport, 4. visual aids, and 5. delivery.

Learning Objectives • 1. Apply two important first steps in preparing effective oral presentations. Learning Objectives • 1. Apply two important first steps in preparing effective oral presentations. 2. Explain the major elements in organizing the content of a presentation, including the introduction, body, and conclusion. 3. Identify techniques for gaining audience rapport, including using effective imagery, providing verbal signposts, and sending appropriate nonverbal messages. 4. Use visual aids, including Power. Point or Prezi slides, handouts, and speaker’s notes. • 5. Explain how to design an impressive Power. Point or Prezi presentation, including adapting text and colour schemes, and organizing, composing, and editing your slides show. 6. Use effective delivery techniques for use before, during, and after a presentation including use of voice and eye contact, rehearsal, and keeping audiences engaged.

Preparing Effective Oral Presentation (LO 1 - Discuss 2 important 1 st steps in Preparing Effective Oral Presentation (LO 1 - Discuss 2 important 1 st steps in effective oral presentations: Identify Purpose + Know Your Audience) • Identify Your Purpose. • Decide what you want your audience to • believe, • remember, or • do • Aim all parts of your talk toward your purpose. • Example of Purpose: “To inform potential entrepreneurs about three important factors that loan officers consider before granting start-up loans to small businesses”.

Preparing Effective Oral Presentation • Know Your Audience. • Analyze them, anticipate their reactions, Preparing Effective Oral Presentation • Know Your Audience. • Analyze them, anticipate their reactions, and make adaptations. • Audience analysis issues include • size, • age, • gender, • experience, • attitude, and • expectations.

Preparing Effective Oral Presentation • Know Your Audience. • Analyze the following questions: • Preparing Effective Oral Presentation • Know Your Audience. • Analyze the following questions: • How will this topic appeal to this audience? • How can I relate this information to my listeners' needs? • How can I earn respect so that they accept my message? • What would be most effective in making my point? • Facts? Statistics? Personal experiences? • Expert opinion? Humor? Cartoons? Graphic illustrations? Demonstrations? Case histories? Analogies? • What measures must I take to ensure that this audience remembers my main points?

Organizing the Content for a Powerful Impact (LO 2: Explain the major elements in Organizing the Content for a Powerful Impact (LO 2: Explain the major elements in organizing the content of a presentation, introduction, body, and conclusion) • Many speech experts recommend the following: • Step 1: Tell them what you’re going to say. • Step 2: Say it. • Step 3: Tell them what you’ve just said.

Organizing the Content for a Powerful Impact • Capturing Attention in the Introduction • Organizing the Content for a Powerful Impact • Capturing Attention in the Introduction • Capture listeners’ attention and get them involved. • open with a promise, story, startling fact, question, quotation… • Identify yourself and establish your credibility. • your position, expertise, knowledge, or qualifications. • Preview your main points.

Organizing Effective Oral Presentation • Organize the body. • Develop 2 to 4 main Organizing Effective Oral Presentation • Organize the body. • Develop 2 to 4 main points for short presentation (20 or fewer minutes) • Streamline your topic and summarize its principal parts. • Arrange the points logically: chronologically, from most important to least important, by comparison and contrast, ….

Organizing Effective Oral Presentation Organize the Body • • • Chronology Geography/space Topic/function/conventional grouping Organizing Effective Oral Presentation Organize the Body • • • Chronology Geography/space Topic/function/conventional grouping Comparison/contrast (pro/con) Journalism pattern Value/size Importance Problem/solution Simple/complex Best case/worst case

Organizing Effective Oral Presentation • Organize the body. • Prepare transitions. • Use “bridge” Organizing Effective Oral Presentation • Organize the body. • Prepare transitions. • Use “bridge” statements between major parts (I’ve just discussed three reasons for X; now I want to move to Y). • Use verbal signposts (however, for example, etc. ). • Have extra material ready. • Be prepared with more information and visuals if needed.

Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention 1. A Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention 1. A promise By the end of this presentation, you will be able to. . 2. Drama Tell a moving story; describe a serious problem. 3. Eye contact Command attention at the beginning by making eye contact with as many people as possible.

Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention 4. Movement Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention 4. Movement Leave the lectern area. Move toward the audience. 5. Questions Ask for a show of hands. Use rhetorical questions. 6. Demonstrations Include a member of the audience.

Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention 7. Samples/gimmicks Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention 7. Samples/gimmicks Award prizes to volunteer participants; pass out samples. 8. Visuals Use a variety of visuals. 9. Self-interest Audience wants to know “What’s in it for me? ”

Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Summarize in the Conclusion • Review your main points. • Delivering Effective Oral Presentation Summarize in the Conclusion • Review your main points. • (Today, we’ve attempted to show you. . . ). • Provide a final focus. Tell your listeners how they can use this information, why you have spoken, or what you want them to do. • Plan a graceful exit. • (“Thanks, ladies and gentlemen, for your time and attention. If you have any other questions. . . ).

Building Audience Rapport Like a Pro (LO 3 -Identify techniques for gaining audience rapport) Building Audience Rapport Like a Pro (LO 3 -Identify techniques for gaining audience rapport) Effective Imagery • Analogies (Product development is similar to having a baby) • Metaphors (My desk is a garbage dump. ) • Similes (She's as happy as someone who just won the lottery. ) • Personal anecdotes (Growing up without positive role models. ) • Personalized statistics Look around the room. Only three out of five graduates will find a job immediately after graduation. • Worst-and best-case scenarios • Examples

Building Audience Rapport Like a Pro Verbal Signposts • Previewing • The next segment Building Audience Rapport Like a Pro Verbal Signposts • Previewing • The next segment of my talk presents three reasons for. . • Let's now consider the causes of. . • Switching directions • So far we’ve talked about… Now let’s move to … • I have argued that. . . and , but an alternate view holds that. . • Use expressions such as first, second, next, then, therefore, moreover, on the other hand, on the contrary, and in conclusion. • Summarizing • Let me review with you the major problems I have just discussed.

Building Audience Rapport Like a Pro Nonverbal Messages • Look professional. • Animate your Building Audience Rapport Like a Pro Nonverbal Messages • Look professional. • Animate your body. • Punctuate your words (use pauses, be dynamic). • Speak extemporaneously. (Do not read from notes or a manuscript but speak freely. ) • Get out from behind the podium. (Movement makes you look natural and comfortable. ) • Vary your facial expression.

Planning Visual Aids and Multimedia Presentations (LO 4 -Discuss designing visual aids, handouts, and Planning Visual Aids and Multimedia Presentations (LO 4 -Discuss designing visual aids, handouts, and multimedia presentation materials competently. ) “Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand. ” “We acquire 85 percent of all our knowledge visually. ” • «Research shows that of the information relayed to the brain in visual presentations, 83% comes via the eyes, 11% via the ears, and 6% through the other senses. » (Peace& Peace 2004: 189) • The Wharton study found that the retention of verbal presentations was only 10%. • By comparison, the retention rate of combined verbal and visual presentations is 50%. • Visual aids clarify points, improve comprehension, and aid retention.

Planning Visual Aids and Multimedia Presentations Planning Visual Aids and Multimedia Presentations

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Preparing a Visually Appealing Slide Presentation • Analyze the Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Preparing a Visually Appealing Slide Presentation • Analyze the situation and purpose. • Anticipate your audience. • Adapt text and colour selections.

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Preparing a Visually Appealing Slide Presentation • Organize your Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Preparing a Visually Appealing Slide Presentation • Organize your slides. • Compose your slide show. • Revise, proofread, and evaluate your slide show.

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation • Create a slide only if the slide accomplishes Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation • Create a slide only if the slide accomplishes at least one of the following purposes: • Generates interest in what you are saying • Helps the audience follow your ideas • Highlights points you want them to remember • Introduces or reviews your key points • Provides a transition from one major point to the next • Illustrates and simplifies complex ideas

Revising and Enhancing Slides for Greater Impact • Revise for consistency and proofread for Revising and Enhancing Slides for Greater Impact • Revise for consistency and proofread for errors. • Check for parallel structure among points. Copyright © 2016 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Designing More Effective Slides Designing More Effective Slides

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Practicing and Preparing • Test all equipment beforehand. • Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Practicing and Preparing • Test all equipment beforehand. • Confirm that the places you plan to stand are not in the line of the projected image. • Check all Web links. • Always bring backups (save to USB, send e-mail files to yourself).

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Keeping Your Audience Engaged • Know your material (eye Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Keeping Your Audience Engaged • Know your material (eye contact). • Paraphrase and elaborate on your slides. • Leave the lights on so audience can see your face and eyes.

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Keeping Your Audience Engaged • If available, use a Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Keeping Your Audience Engaged • If available, use a radio remote. • Consider using a laser pointer to highlight main points. • Don’t leave a slide on the screen when you are no longer discussing it.

Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Giving Powerful Slide Presentations in Eight Steps • • Designing an Impressive Slide Presentation Giving Powerful Slide Presentations in Eight Steps • • 1. Start with the text (prepare content). 2. Select background and fonts. 3. Choose images that help communicate your message 4. Create graphics. 5. Add special effects. 6. Create hyperlinks to the Web-browsing experience. 7. Engage your audience by asking for interaction. 8. Move your presentation to the Internet.

Polishing Your Delivery & Following Up (LO 5: Specify delivery techniques for use before, Polishing Your Delivery & Following Up (LO 5: Specify delivery techniques for use before, during, and after a presentation) Delivery Method • Memorize main points (not entire script). • Give the audience a moment to study a visual before discussing it. • Paraphrase its verbal message; don’t read it. • Because reading suggests that you don't know your topic very well, the audience loses confidence in your expertise. • Reading also prevents you from maintaining eye contact. • If you give a talk without PP, you may use note cards. • Stage fright is both natural and controllable.

Overcoming Stage Fright Symptoms of Stage Fright 1. Stomach butterflies 2. Pounding heart 3. Overcoming Stage Fright Symptoms of Stage Fright 1. Stomach butterflies 2. Pounding heart 3. Shortage of breath 4. Sweaty palms 5. Dry throat 6. Unsteady voice 7. Trembling hands 8. Wobbly knees 9. Tied tongue

Overcoming Stage Fright 1. Select a familiar, relevant topic. 2. Prepare 150 percent. 3. Overcoming Stage Fright 1. Select a familiar, relevant topic. 2. Prepare 150 percent. 3. Use positive self-talk. 4. Convert your fear into anticipation and enthusiasm. 5. Shift the focus from yourself to your visuals. 6. Give yourself permission to make an occasional mistake. 7. Ignore stumbles; keep going. 8. Don’t apologize. 9. Make the listeners your partners. Get them involved. 10. Just before you speak, practice deep breathing.

Overcoming Stage Fright Ways to Overcome Stage Fright • Give yourself permission to make Overcoming Stage Fright Ways to Overcome Stage Fright • Give yourself permission to make an occasional mistake. • Ignore stumbles; keep going. Don’t apologize. • Make the listeners your partners. Get them involved. • Just before you speak, practice deep breathing.

Polishing Your Delivery and Following Up • Before Your Presentation: • • Prepare thoroughly. Polishing Your Delivery and Following Up • Before Your Presentation: • • Prepare thoroughly. Rehearse repeatedly. Time yourself. Request a lectern. Check the room. Greet your audience. Practice stress reduction.

Polishing Your Delivery and Following Up • During Your Presentation • Begin with a Polishing Your Delivery and Following Up • During Your Presentation • Begin with a pause. • Present your first few sentences from memory. • Maintain eye contact. • Control your voice and vocabulary. • Put the brakes on. • Move naturally.

Polishing Your Delivery and Following Up • After Your Presentation • • Distribute handouts. Polishing Your Delivery and Following Up • After Your Presentation • • Distribute handouts. Encourage questions. Repeat questions. Reinforce your main points. Keep control. Avoid “Yes, but” answers. End with a summary and appreciation.

Adapting Presentations to International & Cross-Cultural Audiences LO 6: Explain effective techniques for adapting Adapting Presentations to International & Cross-Cultural Audiences LO 6: Explain effective techniques for adapting oral presentations to cross-cultural audiences • For his presentation in Tokyo, Jon Georges spoke slowly, chose simple English, avoided jargon and clichés, used short sentences, and paused frequently. • Addressing cross-cultural audiences requires a speaker to • consider audience expectations • and cultural conventions. • Many people (notably those in Japanese, Latin American, and Arabic cultures) consider directness (getting to the point quickly) is to be inappropriate. • Consider breaking your presentation into short, discrete segments.

Adapting Presentations to International & Cross-Cultural Audiences • Match your presentation and your nonverbal Adapting Presentations to International & Cross-Cultural Audiences • Match your presentation and your nonverbal messages to the expectations of your audience. • Constant smiling is not as valued in Europe as it is in North America. • Many Europeans distrust a speaker who is cracking jokes, smiling, or laughing in a business presentation. • Their expectation is of a rational—that is, "serious"—fact-based delivery. • American-style enthusiasm is often interpreted abroad as hyperbolic exaggeration or, worse, as dishonesty. • Instead of first names, use only honorifics (Mr. or Ms. ) and last names, as well as academic or business titles—such as Doctor or Director. • most nonnative speakers of English understand written text much better than they comprehend spoken English. • In the United States presenters may spend 90 seconds on a slide, whereas in other countries they may need to slow down to two minutes per slide

Effective Telephone Calls LO 7: List techniques for improving telephone and voice mail skills Effective Telephone Calls LO 7: List techniques for improving telephone and voice mail skills to project a positive image • Making Calls • Plan a mini agenda. • Use a three-point introduction: 1. Name the person you are calling 2. Your name and affiliation 3. A brief explanation of why you are calling. • Be cheerful and accurate. • Don't eat food or chew gum while on the phone. • “Hang on a second; I will be right back” rarely is true. It is better to say, It may take me two or three minutes to get that information. Would you prefer to hold or have me call you

Effective Telephone Calls • Making Calls • Bring it to a close. • The Effective Telephone Calls • Making Calls • Bring it to a close. • The responsibility for ending a call lies with the caller. • Thanks for your help. • Avoid telephone tag. • If you call someone who is not in, ask when it would be best for you to call again. • State that you will call at a specific time—and do it. • If you ask a person to call you, give a time when you can be reached • Leave complete voice-mail messages. • Speak slowly when giving your telephone number or spelling your name. • Be sure to provide a complete message, including your name, telephone number, and the time and date of your call. • Explain your purpose so that the receiver can be ready with the required information when returning your call.

Effective Telephone Calls • Receiving Calls • Identify yourself immediately. • Larry Lopez, Proteus Effective Telephone Calls • Receiving Calls • Identify yourself immediately. • Larry Lopez, Proteus Software. How may I help you? • Be responsive and helpful. • Instead of I don't know, try That's a good question; let me investigate. • Be cautious when answering calls for others. • Take messages carefully. • Explain when transferring calls.

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