INTRODUCTION • Aims: • learn how to use the method of Kruskal or Prima • Solve task by using Python • Goals: • Compute the Spanning Tree using Prim or Kruskal algorithms, if the criteria for optimization is by: • Bandwith • Latency • Both • Create Model of Data Distribution in given Network using UPPAAL / SNOOPY tool •
METHOD & MATERIALS • In my research, I used program “python”. • And I used Kraskal’s method
RESEARCH • We have 8 points. And they connected with edges. • B-C(ITU V 34)=33, 6 KB/S • A-E( ITU V. 22)=300 B/S • B-H(N-ISDN)= 64 KB/S • A-B(ITU V 22)=1, 2 KB/S • H-G(GPRS)= 114 KB/S • A-D(ITU V 22. bis)=2, 4 KB/S • C-G(EDGE)= 384 KB/S • E-F(ITU V 29)=9, 6 KB/S • F-G(Star. LAN)= 1 MB/S • D-C(ITU V 32. bis)=14, 4 KB/S • D-F(ITU V 90)= 56 KB/S
ANALYSES • We need find the most latency way, which way will through all points Points Edge A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H A-E 300 B/S (A, E)B, C, D, F, G, H A-B 1, 2 KB/S • Sum of all latency (A, B, E)C, D, F, G, H A-D 2, 4 KB/S • L=141, 9 kb/s (A, B, D, E)C, F, G, H E-F 9, 6 KB/S (A, B, D, E, F)C, G, H D-C 14, 4 KB/S (A, B, C, D, E, F)G, H H-G 114 KB/S • How we can see, we used all • Points. And our result will equal Latency
ANALYSE • Now we need to find way, which will have the biggest speed. • If we sum all weight of speed • We will have that S=1, 63 Mb/s Point Edge Speed A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H F-G 1 MB/S (F, G)A, B, C, D, E, H C-G 384 KB/S (C, F, G)A, B, D, E, H H-G 114 KB/S (C, F, G, H)A, B, D, E B-H 64 KB/S (B, C, F, G, H)A, D, E D-F 56 KB/S (B, C, D, F, G, H)A, E E-F 9, 6 KB/S (B, C, D, E, F, G, H) A-D 2, 4 KB/S
ANALYSE In this picture we can see way of latency In this picture we can see way of max speed
CONCLUSION • Doing this work , we used the Kraskal’s method. Conducted analytic and computing version of the analysis ( using Python). We notice that the approach of man and machine use different speed steps.