Скачать презентацию SPANNING TREE Research INTRODUCTION Aims Скачать презентацию SPANNING TREE Research INTRODUCTION Aims


  • Количество слайдов: 9


INTRODUCTION • Aims: • learn how to use the method of Kruskal or Prima INTRODUCTION • Aims: • learn how to use the method of Kruskal or Prima • Solve task by using Python • Goals: • Compute the Spanning Tree using Prim or Kruskal algorithms, if the criteria for optimization is by: • Bandwith • Latency • Both • Create Model of Data Distribution in given Network using UPPAAL / SNOOPY tool •

METHOD & MATERIALS • In my research, I used program “python”. • And I METHOD & MATERIALS • In my research, I used program “python”. • And I used Kraskal’s method

RESEARCH • We have 8 points. And they connected with edges. • B-C(ITU V RESEARCH • We have 8 points. And they connected with edges. • B-C(ITU V 34)=33, 6 KB/S • A-E( ITU V. 22)=300 B/S • B-H(N-ISDN)= 64 KB/S • A-B(ITU V 22)=1, 2 KB/S • H-G(GPRS)= 114 KB/S • A-D(ITU V 22. bis)=2, 4 KB/S • C-G(EDGE)= 384 KB/S • E-F(ITU V 29)=9, 6 KB/S • F-G(Star. LAN)= 1 MB/S • D-C(ITU V 32. bis)=14, 4 KB/S • D-F(ITU V 90)= 56 KB/S

ANALYSES • We need find the most latency way, which way will through all ANALYSES • We need find the most latency way, which way will through all points Points Edge A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H A-E 300 B/S (A, E)B, C, D, F, G, H A-B 1, 2 KB/S • Sum of all latency (A, B, E)C, D, F, G, H A-D 2, 4 KB/S • L=141, 9 kb/s (A, B, D, E)C, F, G, H E-F 9, 6 KB/S (A, B, D, E, F)C, G, H D-C 14, 4 KB/S (A, B, C, D, E, F)G, H H-G 114 KB/S • How we can see, we used all • Points. And our result will equal Latency

ANALYSE • Now we need to find way, which will have the biggest speed. ANALYSE • Now we need to find way, which will have the biggest speed. • If we sum all weight of speed • We will have that S=1, 63 Mb/s Point Edge Speed A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H F-G 1 MB/S (F, G)A, B, C, D, E, H C-G 384 KB/S (C, F, G)A, B, D, E, H H-G 114 KB/S (C, F, G, H)A, B, D, E B-H 64 KB/S (B, C, F, G, H)A, D, E D-F 56 KB/S (B, C, D, F, G, H)A, E E-F 9, 6 KB/S (B, C, D, E, F, G, H) A-D 2, 4 KB/S

ANALYSE In this picture we can see way of latency In this picture we ANALYSE In this picture we can see way of latency In this picture we can see way of max speed


CONCLUSION • Doing this work , we used the Kraskal’s method. Conducted analytic and CONCLUSION • Doing this work , we used the Kraskal’s method. Conducted analytic and computing version of the analysis ( using Python). We notice that the approach of man and machine use different speed steps.